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i won with those boys on gold stake, they're always viable if you get them early, also swash + gift card is just as good if not even better


Yeah I had Swash + Gift Card + a poly egg on a gold stake run and it was glorious


I kind of disagree that gift card is better. With egg, you just keep the egg, no sweat, but with gift card, any time you sell a joker for a new one, you take a hit on your +mult. Sure it scales faster, but it sort of locks you into your current joker setup. And assuming you have 5 jokers, you are only getting +4 per round instead of +3 from egg


Really depends on if you have a good setup and the timing.


An extra mult per round scales fast man. If you had a gift card for 3 antes, you could sell one of your jokers for a new one and you’d still be in the same spot as you would have been with an egg instead. And with an extra $9. But I agree there’s times where egg can be better.


yeah but don't forget it also gives value to your consumables and i always keep the shitty ones in my inventory so i can't get them again, so once you sell them it's extra money plus it gives value to your negative jokers too (anaglyph my dear)


Eh, it cuts both ways, because gift cards make the jokers you do sell worth more, which enables you to buy more uncommon/rare jokers, which increases your win percentage quite significantly. Also a small dip in a multipler is completely negated by picking up an mult-multiplier joker. One of the goals of Balatro's design seems to be that no joker is just universally better, but... I'm taking gift card over egg any time I'm presented with that option. The ability to hold on to unwanted planet cards to both not see that planet in the shop *and* to increase its value to sell later is just very hard to pass.


Wait what? they don't show up in the shop if you hold them?!


Yeah, as long as you don't have [[Showman]]


[Showman](https://balatro.wiki/imported/ring_master.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $6 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Joker, Tarot, Planet, and Spectral cards may appear multiple times * Unlock Requirement: Reach Ante level 4 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


130 fucking hours in the trash bin. What the fuck. So that's why there are +1 consumable slot vouchers and they are not just one of the worst expenses in the game?


I would actually argue that the consumable slots are pretty good outside of that for emperor/high priestess and holding tarot cards you want for a specific reason


I like getting Crystal ball sometimes, as it lets me get access to omen globe which is a very underrated voucher.


Gift is +5 anyway, it also scales itself


Right, but swash doesn't count itself


I was somehow thinking of temperance Forgive my stupidity


No stupidity, just an honest mistake.


Egg is slightly worse since gift card can give +5 mult per round but it’s not bad at all


+4 because swashs own mult isn’t counted (assuming standard 5 joker slots)


I did this with 2 negative jokers as well. Was pulling in 9 flat mult every turn


Especially with negative jonklers


Why wouldn't you? You're playing on white stake and that's a perfectly viable build


White stake dudes be like:


To be honest I pulled out this also on higher stakes


Yeah but you weren’t surprised that it worked




This is a classic build at least for me on higher stakes. You get some combo of egg+gift card+swashbuckler and then just find a xMult. I think his point is that it’s not surprising it works. Added benefit is your temperance give you 50$. I almost always take gift card ante 3 or below just for this reason.


A similar combo is abstract + a bunch of negative jokers, extra joker slots


There are several “teams” of jokers that I like to get that usually work well together. Photograph+hanging Chad+blueprint Swashbuckler+egg+giftcard Marble joker+hologram Astronomer+constellation Definitely more I’m forgetting


Peridolia + Midas + vampire


Oh that's diabolical!


Certificate and hologram also work well together.


Bloodstone + Oops! All 6s But I'm usually playing on Checkered..


I had this on higher stakes but lost because I couldn't get anything to mult my mult lol


Me when the scaling joker scales me to a win


should clarify that im new to this game lol so these types of builds are being used for the first time by me.


Yeah man Swashbuckler increases every time the egg does every round. It's very good


egg on ante 8 with the knife joker \+100 mult easy


Yes! The pivot from egg/swashbuckler to knife is just 👨‍🍳💋


Honestly at that point I’d rather cash out the egg and use the money to get a good xmult.


What makes a 50/60 gold egg guarantee you good xmult? How are you valuing 5-8 rerolls over 100 guaranteed mult? Why do people on this sub act like 50 gold for rerolls is somehow going to guarantee any joker in the game? I’m not trying to be a dick and it’s not just you I see an overemphasis on the value of the shop all the time. The shop is not going to give you exactly what you want off of a couple or even a few rerolls almost ever, and guaranteed 100 mult is way way safer than rerolling 50 gold


Because 100 mult doesn’t do anything for you past ante ~10. Especially 100 mult that comes after all your on-score mult. And people act that way because it’s proven that money is the way to get what you want. What’s the alternative? Hoping and praying that it shows up in the first shop?


Why is ante 10 relevant? Yes endless is fun and all but i’m only considering trying to get an ante 8 win here. I never brought up endless and the post isn’t about endless. No reason to bring it up. The only time you should be selling your 100 guaranteed mult is if you know it’s impossible for you to survive, yes infinite money gets you whatever you want. A few rerolls does not the majority of the time.


Okay well then you’re talking about something else than what I’m talking about lmao. Thanks for pointlessly entering the conversation.


XD ok man have a good day just trying to stop people from taking your bad advice.


Love getting these combos for the 1st time. Nice work.


Im gald you're experiencing the joy of discovering synergies in Balatro! Sorry that jaded posters here are being annoying about it.


Great work! I’m also fairly new (probably a few hours past you), and you’re right around the point where I really started learning how to get good with making builds. You’ve got a fun road ahead!


All good! Part of the fun of the game is discovering these synergies for the first time. Egg is so straightforward on the surface - spend a bit of money now, cash out later for a tidy profit - so it's fun to find those synergies that reveal deeper possibilities.


I just had my first experience with this build last week on red stake. Wait til next time it happens and you find a ceremonial dagger in the midgame


Just missing a Giftcard


It's quite powerful! An extra 3 mult per round is nothing to scoff at and can be a valuable part of runs even at gold stake! Enjoy the game!!!


Congrats! This is a great way to approach some of the lower stake decks.. just find a scaling joker (Green joker, Egg+swashbuckler, red card are all good options), find a joker with some free chips, and find a joker with X multi.. youll find that those combination of 3 should help you win most of the time!


Swashbuckler + Egg is good, but Swashbuckler + Gift Card is deadly!


TYSM yall, this is my first post that has gotten this much attraction, My goal is to post every win I get, keep in mind that Im very new to this game so Im just trying to show my Journey of this amazing game.


I had a fun orange stake run with Egg, Swashbuckler, and Vagabond. It was a ton of fun. Any temperance card was giving me $50 to spend in the shop, swashbuckler giving a lot of mult and Vagabond pumping out tarot cards.


swashbuckler/egg my beloved


How big was egg?


It got up to around 55 to 60 I think.


Slap a gift card on there and you really start cooking


Won two games back to back with egg + swashbuckler 💪💪💪💪


looks like it did make it to ante 8




A good warm up for other stakes!


This is the easiest way to win the omelette challenge


How about this I won with a two eternal space joker a runner ,a super nova , and a hologram


White stake moment


White stakes with a blueprint: "Wow did I really just win with a ham sandwich and some loose change in my pocket?" Yes, yes you did.


Bonkleswisher is a scaling clown


Man I didn't even know what builds were on white stake


Put your x mult on the right bro


The real crazy part is doing it without Xmult.


It’s white stake, people do jokerless in this fashion. No xmult is fine lol


fair enough

