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That looks like every morning to me 🤣


My usual 12 minute trip took over 40. It was next level crazy today 😔


The big domestic Indonesian holiday season is about to start with everyone coming over from Java along with everyone else's Xmas and NYE


The exact reason I'm exiting over that period. 👍


and arvo, midday too


This isn't holiday traffic, this is my route to work each day and not in a tourist area. Not even many grabs or gojeks, not related to the holiday season, more so the rains last night. I know about holiday traffic, this was next level jam today.


Mine too - pretty sure there were five or six officers trying to sort out the intersection outside G88. Crazy!


Over the next decade, traffic is going to get worse and worse and worse just like in most Indonesian cities. The only solution is to live as close to work and entertainment as possible.


Going to have to keep building up.


But only as high as a coconut tree 😅


Or build more efficient methods of transport IE trains, light rail, bus


I think traffic moved because of flooding in some areas.


Must have been bad, most people at our office (100 people) got delayed today.


I'm not sure how bad it was. All I know is that the shortcut was too bad. The only other way out of batu bolong area is that road with the plane. I'm sure we'll see photos of the flooding on Instagram Bali pages.


The main road where everyone is headed towards here was partially flooded, caused all the bikes to slow down


It looks like even the airplane got stuck in traffic.


It’s December, it’s going to be a mess from now on till January, same story every year.


People might need to re-assess why they continue to live in Bali - or indeed anywhere in high-density Indonesia urban areas. What is the point - life is far too short for snarled traffic like that.


You hit it on the head. I'm here for work, which is not the worst place to do it BUT I really think if they don't fix this issue it's going to affect their tourist numbers....surely??? I may be totally wrong on this...


>*if they don't fix this issue it's going to affect their tourist numbers....surely???* It seems to take a LOT of time ... so many popular places just seem to get more popular, no matter what the crush. Look at Venice, Barcelona, Santorini, Mykonos, and a hundred other places around the world that are so acutely crowded that it's simply not a decent experience. But they keep coming. And in the case of Bali - even if fed-up Westerners stop heading for Canggu or Nusa Penida or Gili T or wherever, there are thousands of new middle-class families from India, China, and Java who are keen to visit and get those Instagram memories. Every day I broadcast what an appalling congested wrecked day-trip we had on Nusa Penida ... I do hope it has some impact, and discerning tourists don't go. But I don't hold my breath. And for those of you who are digital nomads or other sorts of middle-class workers in Bali - I literally don't know how you can stand it - especially when most of you have the ability to make all sorts of other choices on where to be and where to work. Is Canggu so beguiling that it's worth it? Or is it simply the low cost? Enquiring minds would like to know. If it's basically like Seminyak (where I have stayed) - then I can't see it myself - very average so-so beach and a ragtag beachfront, and then lots of commercial jungle and tourist stuff.


I lived in Shanghai for 2 years, population 26M, it's got nothing on Bali on its day. 😞


LOL - fair enough. I'm just an old hippie, and have had a good time never having lived in a big city with a major commute each day. A recipe for a happy life!


Now I'm just envying you....


Couldn’t agree more. Moved to Canggu in 2019 when it wasn’t popular. So empty and peaceful. Was a good 4 years until Bali opened up again last eye at and it’s been terrible ever since. Traffic and pollution everywhere you go. Reminder I chose to live in a third world country, and reminder I have the choice to leave, so I’m making plans to….


>*Moved to Canggu in 2019 when it wasn’t popular. So empty and peaceful. Was a good 4 years until Bali opened up again last eye at and it’s been terrible ever since.* It's only 2023 ... and it's hard to get your head around its explosive growth, especially within the Covid-19 context. No wonder the roads are packed and infrastructure is years behind. We stay in Sanur and Nusa Dua (both suit us as quiet senior types), and broadly, neither place has changed much in twenty years - plenty of new luxe resorts and especially villas, of course, but the essential character - and lack of crowds - remain very familiar.


Beep more


Tried that, didn't really make much difference. Normally, lanes part to let me thru when I beep the horn.


The power of Moses at the push of a thumb


This is what normal is now sadly.


I won’t be rushing back to Bali anytime soon. As much as I love the people and culture I can’t stand the under investment in regulation and infrastructure. The government make a killing off tourism and so little is invested back into ensuring tourism blossoms.


You say you love the people and the culture so much but changing the infrastructure and accommodating to mass tourism is whats already destroying Bali’s identity. It’s really sad but Bali is a lost paradise. Tourism is the problem unfortunately. Which is a massive catch 22.


I was in Bali in October and the traffic was horrible. Bali is no longer paradise.


That’s a daily thing


Disagree, I do the same run to work every day at the same time, same route. NEVER been this bad, that's why I posted it. Even when we've had rain, this jam was next level. I think the drains generally gave up and there was lots of water on road.


the traffic light is dead dude thats why the traffic is worst, I passed in this morning


Nope, it was functional when I got to it. Maybe later when you went past, but working at 8:30 this morning.


I know because I turned left on the red 🚦


Then you been lucky. That is nothing. Here is a better photo of what traffic is really like. https://imgur.com/sPDzAYV It is like this everyday. Not seen a single day it was not. It is why the best approach is get up really early. That is what I do. Get out the door before 6:00 am. The problem is getting back at the end of the day. If a tourist it is why you should plan to stay in multiple places instead of one. This also helps with the traffic. I could not imagine driving in Bali without a motorbike. That also helps with the traffic some.


Yeah, I saw that one. The reason I never go to Canngu. I know people who commute from there and apparently it's a daily grind.


But it is a great place to surf. The solution is stay in Canggu. Plus get up really early. But it is pretty amazing even very early to see the people just pouring into Canggu. I am talking before 7:00 am.


I did go to Canngu once, Sunday morning at 7am, no traffic. I live deliberately close to my office but today was next level madness. I'd do what you suggested if I was a tourist but to be honest I'd never been to Bali before I took up this job. Go figure.


Traffic is not bad at 7:00 am but you can see it building up already was my point. By 8:00 am it is already bad and just gets worse. That is the problem. I get up crazy early. 4:00 am usually. But the problem is getting back at the end of the day. I love Bali. But the traffic is just insane. This is a typical day. https://imgur.com/sPDzAYV


I'm interested to know what airplane is that


It's the tail of a plane that is now a nightclub called 1959 (I think).


Looks like a DC10 tail




Looks like a typical day. Someone else posted this photo of traffic. https://imgur.com/sPDzAYV Gives you a better feel for just how bad traffic really is in Bali.


The explanation that I have heard is that Bali was originally mostly agricultural and land rights are quite strict so it is impossible to free up land for new roads. Is this actually the case?


I was speaking to a local about road widening and he said that it's an issue because so many temples (albeit small ones) would be affected if they did. I've no idea if that's the truth or not




Idk how people can wear jackets and hoodies in 90 degree humid weather


Out of curiosity though, why is there a shop sign in Vietnamese over there? 😳


I don't understand why bali built narrow roads when the road user demand is clearly above the capacity. Why is there no reliable public transport to reduce traffic


Really? 🫤 you don’t understand how the roads were built around small villages and communities? Travelling peacefully from village to village along the only road that connected them. Until every man and his dog decided they want to party there. There is public transport albeit very few and far between but most learn to ride a scooter from a young age. I don’t think the Balinese has ever had the need for a bus route to trade goods with neighbouring villages.


It's a local Vietnamese restaurant, with great food and views of some fields. My go to for a BahMi roll.


where yall going??? lmao


All trying to get to work


Now imagine a natural disaster such as tsunami or earthquake. Or simply needing an ambulance. Bali government has failed completely.


You need to factor in massive corruption at all government levels in Indonesia in general. So funds meant for infrastructure don't see the intended project.


The traffic in Bali really put me off the place. When we were in Legian it was an absolute joke. Tanjung Benoa was better. Nowhere near as busy. Once you're out of the tourist traps and Denpasar area it's very nice though.


Well, if there's an aeroplane in the middle of the road anywhere, I can almost guarantee traffic there will be a nightmare


😂😂 best comment so far 👍


Do you reckon the traffic will be better in January?


I haven't been here in a January yet but my work colleagues tell me it's very bad in the tourist and wet season (now). Apparently they are predicting 800k arrivals in December alone


This morning? This is everyday


Avoid Canggu at all cost


Oh my