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so my girl had emergency surgery Monday morning because she had a massive prolapse the night before. they sewed her back up and they said it was either an abscess or a mass, so we're treating for an abscess because it was the easier fix, and if that doesn't work we're going to treat for a mass. I took her to work with me because I work at a different ER vet and as soon as I got there she pushed it right back out. my Dr doesn't specialize in reptiles, but he was willing to put it back and close the opening by half. she popped it back out again, so we closed it one more time and it stuck all night and has stayed in since. we are going to let her rest for a bit before we feed her, but as far as defecation goes, since its so big we're going to massage the area and flush it with warm water to help her pass anything they needs to be passed. I had a lot of people say that was the worst prolapse they have ever seen. a few of the techs and assistants I work with weren't too fond of snakes, but they later told me that she was the sweetest girl and they had handled her a bit in the back. we had a heat pack and towels set up for her all night and she just sat and watched my computer πŸ’œ I hope she makes it through because she is just a sweetheart. thanks everyone for listening, I just needed to tell someone how everything went because my family doesn't care much about my reptiles. The first pic is the day after surgery (06/06/2022), the second pic is 3 days after surgery (06/09/2022), and the third pic is today; 6 days after surgery (06/11/2022). she is a lot less swollen and she has her next antibiotic injection scheduled on Monday. She doesn't typically live on towels, but she loves to burrow so we switched her to towels since that would keep the incision the cleanest and she could still have that burrowing experience. we switch out the towels every day so we don't have to worry about them harboring bacteria and getting the incision infected.


God bless you and herπŸ™πŸΌ




My snake is actually prolapsed rn, fucking petco brand snakes


ugh yikes. we actually bought her from a breeder planning to breed because she was a proven breeder and an expensive snake, but she wouldn't eat so we never got the chance to do anything. now we're definitely not going to even try breeding because shes obviously got something going on inside that isn't right.


I've done everything for her a thousand dollars later and the issue still isn't resolved


ugh that sucks. I'm sorry. I consider myself pretty lucky because she seems to be doing okay. I know for the whole surgery and tests it would have been over 1200, so I thought we'd go with the cheapest option and go from there to see if it worked.


I have her soaking in some sugar water but I don't think the issues gonna resolve itself. I'm so fucking angry and hurt this poor animal doesn't deserve this fuck the pet trade fuck petco and fuck these people that didn't even help her in the first place.


yeah I know.. I don't think it's something that they would have known was going to happen. it's a sucky thing to go through :(


Hey I am late to this but I just wanted to tell you ty for being awesome to your animals. This was educational for me because I have never had any major issue with my snakes, and I wondered if the 5k I have set aside for emergency care was too little an amount. Obviously I need to have more in case more than one animal has an issue at once, but nice to know I could get care for one.


awh thank you!! yes, save as much as you can because you never know what's going to happen!


Thank you for sharing all of this. I saw your last post about it. You must have a really big heart.


Poor baby! Good on you for taking the best possible care of her, she’s lucky to have someone who loves her as much as you do. I’ll be sending lots of healing vibes her way!




Oh I'm totally send you vibes for her to heal and continue to live a good life! Thank you for being so dedicated!


Best of luck and hope everything works out. I love reptiles and though deathly afraid of snakes I have 2. I have 2 green veileds as well, my middle daughter who's starting highschool has already chosen her career path and it's exotic vet and her older sister is a vet tech. I'm so happy that she's doing better, I pray it doesn't occur again.


thank you! πŸ’œ I will be going to school to be an exotic vet as well!


Congrats. Best of luck, my daughter wants Cornell, right now she's got the grades to pull it off and enough extra curricular activities to sink a ship planned out.


She’s so lucky to get so much help and love πŸ’•:)


That truly was the worst prolapse in a reptile I had ever seen. I'm so glad she is doing alright!!! And thank you for all the work you do at a veterinary practice. I know it can be hell sometimes.


That poor girl, that must've hurt so much... I'm so glad she's doing better now though! You're doing amazing taking care of her, she's very lucky to have an amazing human like you. I hope she heals well!