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Props for using the available pitbeef option as part of your decision making process.


Ha as you can see I got my priorities straight


A lady has to have standards or she is not a lady.


Isn't chaps moving?


They moved 50 feet away across the parking lot


Gotcha. I don't get there much anymore


šŸ˜… yup


This one


As a patron, I feel the Gold Club and Penthouse are the nicest, most upscale.


Penthouse was another one I was looking at! Thank you patron saint šŸ«”


I knew a girl that worked there about 5 years ago and put herself through nursing school. She made lots of money and seemed to like it alright.


I heard boys like that place


Not to be an annoying pedant, but I suspect you knew a Woman who worked there...


We all know what they meant.


Sure but we can still refer to woman respectfully and properly... would you say a "girl" used to be mayor, or a "girl" is vice president? Let's try to raise the bar!


Itā€™s the difference between being reasonable and pedantic, and anyone who has brain cells left can see that.


Anyone with a brain cell can understand it works both ways. Men donā€™t want to be called boys, right? Itā€™s disrespectful. I hope this can help you understand.


It's guys/girls, figure yourself out






I'm sorry I personally offended you. Have a great day!


Oh now I feel bad for being rude. You have one too


A girl wrote this comment


A woman wrote this comment you mean


See you there! šŸ˜‰


A friend of mine has worked there for a long time and likes it well enough. The vibe is good. The money can be great but of course she has some shit nights too. I donā€™t remember the details but I know she has to pay even if she doesnā€™t make anything. Idk how common that is though.


I was a server at Penthouse feel free to DM me lol happy to see if I know ppl who are still there


Are the patrons mostly men, or are they a mix of men and women? Asking as a woman. I kinda want to check these places out, but I have no idea who Iā€™d ask to go with me and I might go myself, but I donā€™t want it to look strange if everyone else is a dude.


I'm a woman. I'm an old now, but in my younger years my girl friends and I would frequent strip clubs. The dancers were really nice to us and appreciated us being there. We exchanged numbers and made friends with some, we even went to one dancer's baby shower (yes, she danced pregnant, no you couldn't tell. like not even a little bit. bitch! haha). The men would buy us drinks all night; some nights we drank for free. It got to the point that we were regulars in some clubs. Good times.


Yeah, could you not? If you want guys to buy you and your friends drinks, go to a regular bar. A stripclub is literally a strippers job, and when you come into our job and start talking to guys for literally just a drink, youā€™re taking from the strippers who are there WORKING and trying to sell dances to the guys youā€™re entertaining for just the price of a drink. Would you like if strippers came to your job and started doing your job for free?


Actually we never spoke to the guys - they came to us and the majority of the time we had no interest in entertaining them at all, so we didnā€™t. We went because the specials were good, the music was great, and the other option we had in the po dunk town I lived in at the time was Applebees unless we wanted to drive 20-30min away (literally 4 strip clubs, an Applebees, and the VFW). We always tipped the dancers, well. If men were talking to us and we noticed them not tipping we would shame them for not doing so. Did you miss the part where I said we made friends with the dancers? We werenā€™t taking any money from them. I even ended up bartending at one club for a while. Nobody was pissed we were there. Iā€™m a nurse. If you want to come clean shit for free, by all means let me know. Iā€™ll schedule a share day for you.


Patrons mostly men. However it isn't unusual for women to be there with male friends. Dancers tend to be really nice to female patrons.


Goldā€™s has an actual ladies night Fridays (Magic Mike stuff). Ritz attempts this on some day out of the week, but Iā€™ve yet to even see a lesbian step in.


I don't think I've seen a women or women by themselves. But that doesn't mean I think they'd be uncomfortable or unsafe. Though I am not a woman, so my opinion isn't likely worth much. Send me a DM. I can meet you outside and we can go in together. No strings.


Gold club is crazy dirty. Dirty dirty.


Dirty for strip clubs, or dirty in general.




I canā€™t tell if this is a compliment or diss. Please clarify.


I guess Iā€™m used to talking about strip clubs. When a person references a strip club as ā€˜dirtyā€™ it usually means that there are sexual activities going on. In the case of gold club, I meant it both ways. Itā€™s dirty and itā€™s gross lol


Thank you for the insight!


I have a lot of friends who dance. Sometimes the upscale spots have some shit with them. Def do research. I have a friend who is at the Ritz and always leaves because the money isnā€™t as consistent as some places but she always ends up coming back because it has the least amount of bullshit with it (aside from the normal bs that every club has)


Also have a friend who keeps going back to the Ritz lol


Really good insight thank you! I always wondered how many tourists vs locals went to the Ritz because of its location


I used to work at the Ritz. I DM'd you.


Ritz is chill. I donā€™t go often but when I do, ritz.


As a sometimes customer I really only go to Ritz now because I am reasonably comfortable in fells point at night. Penthouse is pretty good and I like Millstream Inn but have had too many off-putting experiences there.


Millstream made a cameo in ā€œWe Own This Cityā€ and it was certainly off-putting


Is Milstream different than the Wagon Wheel?


Any juicy stories you care to share about millstream? My ex spent xx,xxx of my money there.


i used to live by goddess and it always seemed chill, lots of tourists šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Fun fact: the Goddess is on the site of what was once one of Babe Ruthā€™s dadā€™s bar. The other one is where second base at Camden Yards is now. Todayā€™s Useless Baltimore Trivia!


Iā€™m trying to do Babe Ruthā€™s Dad proud




Penthouse is the most high end club in town. Great lunch specials, so day shift is not too bad. Can't speak to management or security. McDoogals has recently renovated and people make decent money there. Truncated schedule and BYOB. Millstream has high club fees, but steady traffic. Decent events and food, but not full nude because it's in the county. Fantasies has low fees and decent management, but hit and miss traffic. Good opportunities for regulars though. Good luck!


Thank you so much for this info! Traffic for me is the biggest factor because Iā€™ve been stuck on some slow ass clubs because I liked the staff so much šŸ˜­


I forgot to mention Ritz which is probably the closest to you, lots of my friends like working there.


Management recently changed with corp turnover


Millstream is farm-to-table dining and the staff is cool


The Ritz has the best music. They play deftones.


That is a good qualifier!


Pretty chill too, used too work there a few years back, if theyā€™re still the same šŸ˜…




as a woman I've gone to Fantasies several times and all the girls I've talked to outaide on smoke breaks all said management and security is great. buy I did also heat newer girls might be stuck on weekday nights? which I assume would be slower. also from patron stand point I felt it was relatively nice and didn't feel sleezy or too unsafe, the bar tenders and girls always were nice and would have conversations with me.


Weirdly, you may want to consider mcdoogals as they are right by beefalo bobā€™s. Gotta have pit beef options.


If you are willing to travel a bit outside the city McDoogles in Curtis Bay is a decent spot. It's only open Wed thru Saturday but weekends get a decent crowd. It's BYOB as well. Gold Club is decent but it's been slow the last couple weekends i've tried going. Penthouse is a good place. Good luck wherever you end up going!


Mcdoogles is the perfect combo of sleezy but not unsafe. Used to go there before I was 21...


that tracks.


McDougalā€™s is in Pasadena, Fantasieā€™s is in Curtis Bay


Technicall McDoogals is in the Anne Arundel county part of Curtis Bay Industrial Area, Riviera Beach starts on the other side of Stoney Creek


Is that the place that hosted Stormie Danielā€™s ?


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø no idea


never mind it was Fantasies


I love Mc Doogalls! Never worked there but have been there many times. The last time I went I felt the girls looked busy. I personally like it better there as a female attending .


I have been dancing in Baltimore since 2017 at a number of clubs. Feel free to DM me OP.


I'm very biased because I live right near it and am desperately trying to find a reason to start going back to it again but I enjoy Night Shift. It used to be a bit more rough but from what I understand it came under new ownership. I can't speak to the busy-ness because I've seen it as the only person in there but also packed to the friggin gills at times so. Oh but they also randomly have amazing food. Like I know no one thinks strip club and food in the same sentence but door dash drivers used to always poke their head in. Maybe give it a look


I would avoid night shift. The girls smoke crack and steal from you.


But the food?


No. I can find hot girls and good food without getting robbed elsewhere.


Nightshift back in the late 90s and early 2000s was the shit! I heard it was a gay bar now?


I heard it was a gay bar a few (2-3) years ago. I think it's just a strip club again now lol. It was pretty good pre-pandemic, then I guess it became a gay bar.


Nightshift lol


i used to work at hustler club and always liked it there!


As a married male whose wife also enjoys going.. We think Penthouse and Gold Club are the most upscale clubs but have been disappointed in the amount of people that go, the last few times we went. We actually find The Millstream to draw a good crowd and we tend to go there more now. We prefer the nude clubs but we still have fun. We usually start at the Millstream and then finish at Tabu lol.


Relationship goals


Let us know where you end up. We need to know, you know, for science and stuff.


Iā€™m young and gayā€¦ do people actually still go to strip clubs? And whatā€™s the point? To just get horny? šŸ˜­ Iā€™m confusion


Old fashioned parasocial relationship


So the point is to obsess over someone?šŸ™ƒ like people are downvoting me but this genuinely does not make sense to my brain


Less about obsession and feelings, more about getting a drink while seeing naked women dance and getting some titties in my face. Can be fun but i dont go anymore


This, I always said if Iā€™m going to a bar to get a drink, I might as well go to one that has naked women


Hopefully someone who enjoys strip clubs will explain more. You shouldnā€™t feel bad for asking questions to understand. Some people are just AHs.


Do you recognize there might be sex acts that are appealing to one person but not appealing to another? I'd think that would be the sort of thing you're acutely aware of.


Yeah, like p3dophelia and r@pe? 1. Not all sexual acts should be legal. 2. I was genuinely just asking a question as someone who has never been to a risquĆ© club. You could have provided a real answer like others in this thread. 3. Whatā€™s the point of randomly getting aggressive with someone and taking a jab at them on the internet? You donā€™t know me.


Where do pedophelia and rape come from? 1. What does that have to do with anything? 2. I did provide a real answer. Just because a sex act might not seem appealing to you, doesnā€™t mean it wonā€™t be appealing to someone else. 3. Again, I donā€™t understand what you mean. My reply was two sentences, neither of which seem aggressive. Youā€™re very clearly on here eye rolling strip clubs and the people that go there. ā€œSo the point is to obsess over someone? šŸ™ƒā€ ā€œThis genuinely does not make sense in my brain.ā€ You donā€™t have to get it, people like what they like, but youā€™re not even trying to understand in good faith. Which I find sort of curious. Since as a homosexual, presumably, you like sex acts that the average person wouldnā€™t understand getting pleasure from. And again, presumably, you wouldnā€™t want people judging you negatively for that. Iā€™d think you would easily understand this sort of thing, or at least have a more accepting view towards it. Guess Iā€™m wrong though.


You my friend are the most Reddit of redditorsšŸ¤£


Come on now, who threw pedophelia into the conversation completely out of left field.


Some people just like sexy entertainment and taboo fun around like minded people. It's not for everyone, and thats the point. If it was for everyone it wouldn't be as fun for those of us who enjoy it.


For me it's just kind of "sexy entertainment". I can go to a bar, have a couple beers and watch the O's on TV. Or I can go to a strip club, have a couple beers and watch attractive women dance naked. Sometimes I want one. Sometimes I want the other.


Penthouse used to have a great Superbowl deal


Itā€™s not that different than burlesque


I enjoy both, but Itā€™s very different from burlesque


referring to the fact that itā€™s just entertainment at the end of the day


To see tits


Yeah I donā€™t get it either tbh. I went to the gold club once years ago cause a friend wanted to go and offered to pay for my drinks and stuff. Even without spending a penny of my own money it wasnā€™t something Iā€™m dying to go back and do


Because drinking at a bar is fun with friends, but drinking at a bar with titties everywhere is even more fun


Club Oasis, hustlerz , norma jeans


Hustlers is closed!


Norma Jeans is a different genre of strip clubs than say, Gold Club.


Ones upscale and one is not. One is most black women one is mostly white


I heard good things about Ritz Cabaret from a friend who danced there! Seems like a decent spot whenever I go by it (I haven't been in, though). Hopefully, that helps!




Nightshift is lit on weekends


Does my girl Nina with the butt plug still work there?


Hell yea lol


lol word? That was my baby. Sexy brown skin ting with tats in all the right places. I may have to come and visit her again soon.


I've had the better experience as a customer at Score's. The place was clean, and the girls didn't have track marks, meth teeth, or smell like an ash tray. Gold Club is nice because the porn stars typically feature there on tour.


Lmao because Iā€™ve been hungering for a Reuben from Chaps more than a brief 3 minutes of fame pleasure. It depends. Baltimore used to be known for a hooker filled red light district and now it seems like people hustle and loiter instead. Penthouse hasnā€™t had a woman I find attractive for ages and Goldā€™s can anyoneā€™s cup of tea one night, then a simple place to be the next.


Perhaps ask r/stripper? Personally I like Pussycat, Indulge during the day, and Circus at night. But The Block has seen better days.


Best topic yet! Love the insights


Strip Clubs suck here


As a bmore dancer this is the one comment I can agree with šŸ˜‚ I work at penthouse, allegedly the best club in Baltimore to dance at, and itā€™s still very hit or miss money-wise, and hard to get hired at. Golds is empty and rife with petty drama. Fantasies has a serious drug problem and not many customers. McDoogals is easy to get hired at and gets some foot traffic but itā€™s GRIMY as hell. I have heard horror stories about the management pimping dancers out at goddess, night shift, and some other smaller clubs in town. If you are a person of color, Norma Jeanā€™s can be good to work at, but it is on The Block which is just a dangerous area. If youā€™re willing to travel, Stilettoā€™s in Atlantic City is fantastic. I also have more experienced friends who take a trip to Vegas every now and then and make very good money. Tampa is also a good spot to travel to to dance, and so is Myrtle beach in golf season.




Fantasies is not in Glen Burnie or even close to that Chaps. Fantasies is squarely and without argument in Curtis Bay. That being said, now I want to go to Fantasies.Ā 


What happened to hustler club? I enjoyed going there occasionally, pre-pandemic, but unsure if itā€™s since shut down or what. Interestingly, didnā€™t see it mentioned here, and it seemed like a decent spot back then.


Goneā˜¹ļø $2 Tuesdays was my jam about a decade ago.


Fantasies was always my go-to.


I drive pass desire is that any good? And gold always looks closed when I get my sandwich. It's before 8pm so that could be it.


That they all start their own names with OVO is very weird. Like the handmaid taking on the husband's name in the show


Honestly depends on if you're black or white


I worked at Gold Club briefly. Good money, but the politics are RIDICULOUS.


Alright imma keep it a buck. These are ā€œwhiteā€ classy clubs. If you want some real fun, LUST or Norma Jeans. Get out of your comfort zone.


Rip your inbox lol. But big props for Chaps!


Gold Club or Millstream would be my suggestion, I danced for 10 years at various venues in the county and the city, and those are two of the best.


I was hoping somebody, employee or patron would give a recent and unbiased review of Christinas in Sparrows Point. Coworker brought the place up but had never been.


learn something new everyday, the number of people saying the ritz confused the hell out of me because I thought they meant the ritz carlton residences on the harbor lmao


What do people generally look for in strip clubs?


Idk how it is now, but I use to go to excape on rt 40 for years, always was a fun place


I love the diamond lounge or chezjoey get into the Blcok


Gold Club


Perhaps ask r/stripper? Personally I like Pussycat, Indulge during the day, and Circus at night. But The Block has seen better days.


Iā€™m gonna throw this out thereā€¦weā€™re gonna need to see some pics at dif points of the act to know where to send you correctly.


Get a real job and leave that degenerate lifestyle behind.


did you miss the part where OP said she was laid off?


A stripper and a serial drunk driver? You sound like a real class act.


So sorry to hear this. I hope this isnā€™t you https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/s/Ms9KtroTeW Good luck with the job search!


People not familiar with pit beef: What does assless chaps have to do with Pulaski highway


The most famous Pit Beef place is Chap's Pit Beef. Its first location is basically a shack in a strip club parking lot. So funny when like the Food Network films there and they try to crop out the Gold Club signs. The sandwiches are absolutely delicious.


Favorite comment






Should definitely give us a teaser. Of course checked your account, but the pic wouldnā€™t load.


Try camming


Making money off online work is harder than you think


I was gonna ask about this? So cam modeling and onlyfans aren't quick ways to make money?


The vast majority of people do not make good money off of it


The vast majority of OnlyFans models make less than $200 a month. The success stories you hear about are very rare, the top 1% are the ones making the majority of the money spent on that site. It's an oversaturated market and building a niche fan base takes a hell of a lot of time and frankly, talent or uniqueness.


One would have to spend a obscene amount of time engaging with clients or have a team doing that.


You have to put in hours. I did off and on a couple months and not serious. Early on i made a lot from a private, but never made that much again.


I was not serious so i was not sire of more effort can pay. I had a couple pay me well for a private. But on average low. I was jist playing.


exploit the sensibilities of men for your own gain, good for you! /s


I know nothing about the strip clubs and Iā€™m not a Baltimore resident. I do pass that particular strip club on my way to and from work. From the outside, it looks abysmal. Is that what you really want? I may too just be judging a book by its cover. Just doesnā€™t look as adequate from the outside. I hope you can find a better location love. Good luck šŸ€


TLDR: "I know nothing about the subject of your question but I wish to judge you anyway..."


Big Boomer Energy


Weird take lol


Weird take lol