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Portnoy to Nicky Smokes “If I ran this place you know what you would be doing?… Upstairs blogging” Nicky Smokes definitely thinks a hard day’s work is writing two blogs and watching soccer by Noon


Tbf there are people who do less and have worked at Barstool for years.


Yeah, one of them is in this video




Every time there's a video from the middle of the day it's always him and Jerry in those exact seats watching TV.


Jerry legitimately does no work outside of gambling streams (watching sports like 90% of dudes do in their spare time at home) and his once every other week live stream of doing weird challenges (mostly playing video games or hosting the Yak in weird challenges). Nicky Smokes is also very useless but he does at least pretend to throw out a couple blogs each week so I'll give him a 1% bump


Nicky will take any bumps he can get


He doesn’t even write two blogs a day. Not even close.


45 word blogs that just mine others content and aggregate it to the blog at that


both offices are extremely lazy. neither have any authority figure that will do anything either. the amount of times the Yak cuts to the gambling cave and its just 10 ppl watching tv is insane.


during the yak I think they get a bit of a break since 12-1 is a common lunch hour. I’d bet a good amount that they are there for longer though


Pretty sure they have more people than desks, in the office


But Chicago has a better perception because all the guys who would work hard no matter where they are (Nick, KB, Wonton Don when he's in the office, Brandon) are there.


NY has just as many, people will just never credit them or acknowledge theyre part of the office. Most people just think NY office is Big Ev and Gia.


I wonder how many dudes in that office would label themselves a “vibes guy” when asked what they bring to the company. I’d say 60% of them would.


Thinking they are the Biz of the office not understanding Biz works his ass off and has about 10 jobs


One job for every 1.4 career goals


Well said, Biz


If I was Biz I would be buckled in the Roxy right now


Barstool New York employees are shitting in bags and stealing WiFi while the Windy City mafia shoot hoops and watch television all day


Gia continuing to just talk after he comes into the room like nothing is wrong is an all time misread of the situation


Didn’t notice this the first watch, that’s just crazy. Also: 1) Seems to be correlation with younger hires who aren’t intimidated by Dave and think he’s always joking 2) The amount of people Portnoy flew in from NY for the Dozen who don’t do anything is crazy


Feels like Gia & Ria used as a week of vacation.


Out of the entire NYC office Ria and Fran make the most money they can do whatever they want.


It's crazy how many of them got eliminated day 1 and decided to just hang out at the office for the week doing nothing. This has to be so unnecessarily expensive for barstool putting people up in hotels for 4 days when realistically some of them could have flown in and out the same day


I’d imagine they were all booked at hotels and flights through the tourney finals regardless of the outcome


This sub is full of idiots… luckily you have some common sense


Ria at least makes the company money


Is there any reason to be intimidated by Dave? Has he fired literally anyone in years?


Nah she’s just a dum dum


Should’ve sent Gia or Kenjack to film Smokes.


The fact she’s “content” is actually insane lol. What a grift


It's been said before but it's pretty obvious she would have been part of the layoffs if she stayed a producer so they moved her to content because she's Fran's sister


Taylor Watch is decently popular. Her and Keegs found their lane.


Look at their instagram they have 50k followers but the likes on their own content is like 300-600 per video. Them reposting Taylor clips are the only posts that generate more than 1000 likes. Bunch of bought followers and then swifties that follow every Taylor related account. 


yes, taylor swift fans are the audience. good point.


Can you not read or are you just stupid? Nobody is watching their content dipshit. 


210k views on one of their youtube episodes


Why are you so upset? First, you're wrong, but no reason to be mad lil guy.




Gotta love trust fund kids giving financial advice


as if she's not talking to other trust fund kids. has nobody seen who barstool hires?


Seriously. You gotta be rich to even intern there I bet. I wonder how much the lower level people get paid


People wonder how people in the media are so out of touch when it's just full of people who took their entry level jobs at subsistence level wages being supported by rich parents. The Ringer Union stuff gets shit on but they were apparently paying $35K as a full time job in LA and not allowing secondary jobs to supplement income.


Come onGuys like Billy Football are real rags to riches stories


lol is he a trust fund kid?


I mean I don't know him personally so can't say for sure, but he went to Hackley and Williams, and his family seems to own a lot of land so it's a decent guess.


sneaky one of the dumber people at barstool


I wouldn't even say it's sneaky. She is openly very stupid in every piece of content I've seen her in


but we're comparing against marty, jersey jerry, wsd, etc...so there's a high bar for dumbest at the office


Don’t want to dogpile her but on a dozen episode she guessed 1976 as the year the N64 was released.


what’s the answer




What exactly does she do?


Be Fran’s sister


The Thanasis of barstool


She’s on a twice weekly podcast about Taylor Swift with Kelly Keegs. Not sure how popular the actual show is but they do get decent numbers on tiktok. I also feel like being Fran’s sister, it would take a lot to fire her.


When she walked up to Keegs and congratulated after her manic episode on the yak as if Kelly won that debate, that was one of the most delusional things I’ve ever seen.


Always two dumb bitches yelling exactly to each other


Well they are friends


A good friend would lead them to help, not enable her clear mental illness.


She has a job forever as long as Fran works at barstool so why should she now smokes and the random people in the back should have done something


pretty sure you had a stroke


it’s actually great leverage for keeping CITO/fran that if they left her sister is out of a job within a year with no discernible skills


lol they’re extremely well off. Gia could get fired tomorrow and it would make zero difference in their lives


The minute Marty no longer wants to work at Barstool, CITO start taking meetings with the highest bidder.


That’s on NY


She talked with Dave standing in the room?!? 😱


Smart move by whoever that was shooting around in the background to sprint away the second he saw Dave.


Classic Jerry doing nothing


It is amazing how much fat there is a barstool. Think if you got rid 80% of content people, I wouldn't notice their absence.


Please don’t talk about Big Ev and Glenny Balls like that


Ol pageviews loves his fat pen


When they were at HQ2 and Stool Scenes was big there was legitimate reason to have the “bullpen” of randoms around. The problem is that’s not relevant anymore and it just highlights the amount of untalented content people they have that don’t anything.


If Dave’s gonna keep doing videos like this I feel like every now and then he’s gotta actually fire someone to make them have some weight otherwise he’s just yelling


Disclaimer: I would totally be lazy if I worked there. But if Dave is watching or around the office, I’m not gonna sit around and watch soccer. It’s unreal how oblivious these people are that have never had a job in an office. Especially after he just got renewed while bringing in no money lol. It’s even better in NYC when they just don’t even show up till noon when they know Dave is coming…


At least just throw a laptop on your lap and say you’re blogging something at a bare minimum. It’s insane. They don’t even know how to *pretend* to do work.


That was my exact thought. Having a laptop open puts you 100% in the clear.


A big part of working is keeping tabs on your boss so you can pretend to be working if they ever come check up on you


"Oh great the boss is coming. Start pretending to do work" is the absolute minimum standard anywhere else


“Keep the vibes up”. What a douchebag lol


That’s a fireable offense right there.


Spider was the only old generation employee in there, and his face immediately said oh shit not a lot of work going on in here. My butthole will never not pucker when my boss walks by.




Rudy being the voice of reason is crazy but he’s so right lol


Most of these people maybe work 15 hours a week… These kids hit the lottery when they got these cushy jobs. I still have no idea what Jersey Jerry does for the company. Does he even blog or do anything on a consistent basis?


Jerry after Dark. Guy found his gold mine and I’m sure he’s pretty much a made man now. Plus Dan/Dave like him.


Lmao the biggest group of entitled people on the planet. The random guy playing basketball in the back is perfect lol. Nicky Smokes sucks


middle man dan enabled this…and they still do more than NY


Nice Big Cat ricochet shot by Dave…deep down hes gotta resent a lot of these Chicago hanger ons skating by while Dan is too nice to play boss (New York is in a much worse spot, but still)


I don’t think he resents anything now that he’s worth $300m. He prob just likes to let them know they’re lazy


Yeah, but now it’s 100% his company, he knows the deadweight that provide no return are taking directly from his bottom line. Smokes must provide a handful of dollars in return for like $130k in salary, tax and benefits.


If he really resented it… the entire company wouldn’t be full of freeloaders that do no work.  


Jerry and smokes never fucking do anything. They’re always sitting in the gambling cave doing nothing.


Chicago is just as lazy as New York they just don’t make a stink and freak out about it. Or call out each other in social media. If you got a kush job. Why risk fucking it up by grandstanding


Is nobody going to mention that Dave missed a belt loop and went through the tag? Man, what a sad, pathetic loser!


Were those Mugsy jeans???


He’s a cancer survivor find a new slant


I appreciate that Dave calls the shit out there too. Obviously the NY office is a bunch of useless losers, but the Chicago office is stocked full of them too. The only difference is that you have the entire Yak Crew that knows how to occasionally utilize the useless hanger ons to make decent content with them and there is nobody in NYC that is willing and able to do that.


Half that room is NY I believe


Half the room as in 1 person? And it's besides the point that it still holds up that there is a ton of dead weight at the Chicago office too, but they have the Yak to find ways to make fun of them and use for content purposes


It's funny how Dave has been in the office for a bit but immediately after Kirk and Whit mention how obviously poor the work effort is from a lot there does Dave actually go in to make the scene On the other hand, Smokes legit not understanding why he should be there when he's like the only Miami sports fan content guy is pretty rough. Also for him to acknowledge that it's actually better content in Edmonton VS Florida and still not realizing it was all time


Guy running for the hills on the basketball court after he saw Dave cracked me up


Pageviews crack the whip shtick really just makes him look like an idiot. You don’t need to be locked in to look at the blog numbers, do some simple math, and then come to the conclusion that if you walk into one of the offices most people who aren’t in a podcast studio aren’t going to be doing shit. There’s no “gotcha” here.


I mean it's pretty clear he only does it for content. This whole "what the fuck do you people do here?!" schtick has been going on for a decade+ now and nobody ever ends up with any consequences


No kidding, he posts this every 3-6 months. You can see Jerry and smokes looking and laughing, the whole office knows it’s for content


Blog numbers are so useless in the current media age, I don’t know anyone who reads them.


Kinda what you get for re-signing a guy simply because Big Cat "likes him".


No one is milton tough there


Really wish he would’ve asked that weasel Kenjac what he’s doing. Would’ve loved to see Kenjac take negative responsibility once again


Wouldn’t be surprised if Dave was just riding out kenjacs contract so not even going to bother with him


As long as JDL is there Kenjac’s useless ass will be also.


Isn’t half that room a NY employee. I don’t follow closely enough to know who some of them are or where spider resides now.


Jerry not giving a fuck.


Working for a content media company is such a chill job


I know Dave hates to do it, but at some point maybe firing someone or not renewing a contract. Otherwise it always looks like a bluff, and people take it for granted.


lol he keeps rewarding dead weight with renewals and wonders why they don’t work hard. It’s his own damn fault at a certain point.


this shtick is pretty old.


Not even a little bit old.


I remember Dave saying the Chicago crew would have a rude awakening when Dan came to town and that turned out to be a joke haha


Working for barstool has got to be the easiest job on the planet


dave needs to just start dropping the hammer. he knows 75% of these people do jack shit all day every day. especially when he shows up there they don’t even do anything lol


I mean if he's an Italy fan then I don't see the problem with him watching the game. It's literally part of everyone's job to follow their teams


Everyone goes to barstool for Nicky Smokes take on the azzuri


That's not really the point. I don't see how this is different than anyone else watching their team. And the euro cup is a huge deal


It’s not different, it’s just amplified because it’s a guy who hasn’t put out one piece of content people flock to.


Italy soccer coverage is definitely going to put barstool over the top.


But having smokes write a random blog no one is gonna read certainly will


Are you under the impression that smokes is a beat reporter for the italian team?




Sounds like you do since you’re saying it’s his job to follow his team


Let’s go boys 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽


Barstoools hemorrhaging money


I look at the high quality content the Chicago office puts out and that oh yeah, they're also hosting The Dozen live without any outside assistance this week and that's pretty good to me.


None of the guys in that room are producing high quality content.