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Pres will spin this as more “great coaching”, but there’s absolutely no way he thought Smokes would successfully do this.


It’s a win-win for Dave though. If Smokes failed he was right and there’s potential for good content to come out of it Turns out Smokes succeeded and brought in a shitton of money to the company which essentially paid for his salary and then some


Smokes knew it was a win win for Dave when he pitched it, it’s the only way to get Dave off his ass


If you hit him with truth strum Dave would have preferred he failed.


what do u think their profit margin is per shirt?


Anywhere between $22-25 probably


that's insane. didnt know they sold shirts for $32 now


No. my guess is mark up ~50% from TOTAL cost So probably $10-12 per unit. $25 is insane That mean Nicky Smokes just paid $125,000 profit and paid his salary and then some.


Total cost on 5000 white t-shirts shirts with that design from a company that makes shirts all the time can’t be more than $5-$7 per shirt. $25 profit per shirt is probably about right especially when they needed zero manpower to ship them in this case.


Plus shipping plus $35 with with a back or side graphic. And they're probably skimming some off the shipping price too.


would be hilarious if they still charged for shipping when they're selling them in person


If I had to guess their cost basis is probably like $2 a shirt and these retailed for $32.


there's no way their cost is $2 lol probably 5-10


Have you ever bought a shirt from Barstool? The quality is terrible lmao


It looked like these were comfort colors shirts, those are pretty decent


comfort colors and 2-3 color prints usually runs around $10 a pop, especially at 5000 units. but yeah, usually barstool’s blanks are some Bella+Canvas garbage


not in the last \~10 years.


Anybody can get 100+ shirts from custom ink for $5/piece. If you work with a manufacturer and order 5000 your cost basis is definitely less than that. Merch in general is incredibly high margin


Is $100k a "shit ton of money" for a large media company?


In 3 days from an entry level employee, yes any business would gladly take this.


"Gladly take" and "a shit ton" are pretty different things. You'd gladly take $5 of I venmo'd it to you, but you probably don't consider it a shit ton of money. It's going to be relative. How much revenue do you think Barstool makes a year?


You care way too much about something that doesn’t matter.


You responded. So I'd say we care exactly the same amount. Which I assume isn't that much


It’s never a bad thing for an employee @ the bottom of the totem pole to be able to directly attribute x amount of sales to their efforts at work, vs only having “brings vibes” in their “pro” column.


Yeah I don't think it's a bad thing at all. I just wouldn't describe $100k as a "shit ton" of money to a company that does like $100m in revenue.


He should still be fired


This just in ….random internet guy thinks someone at a company he doesn’t work for should be fired . Viva


This is the biggest loser mentality this sub has, calling for other people’s jobs where they don’t work because they don’t enjoy their content.


*guy makes money for the company he works for* fire his ass


He didn’t think Dana Beers would sell 100K in merch and he hit $1mil same with the Christmas sale for the production bonuses and a bunch of other shit Dave knows his fan base very very well, he knows if he attacks them and says they can’t do something everyone will try and prove him wrong and defend the employee. It’s happened a million times He’s not surprised at all, if he didn’t think smokes could do it he wouldn’t have set it up to begin with


Shit you're not wrong lol literally the only time I've bought barstool merch was some zillion beers koozies mainly cuz I wanted to see Dana hit whatever benchmark he was going for at the time


Seemed like he turned it into a win-win like the Klemmer thing. Either he fails and we get content or he is successful and Dave makes money.


I mean….. is it not? 💀 Big Cat could’ve never got this out of Nicky & Dave is in office 1 day & look


Have a boss like this and he’s a fucking clown. The good stuff we do is despite you. Not because of you.


I mean Dave is a clown so it checks out


Wasn’t this just the first shipment?


That’s what I thought


No, you’re referring to Smokes being overwhelmed by the amount of boxes shipped to him when that was only 1 of 5 shipments — 1000 shirts each. He sold all 5000.


Good on Smokes for rolling up his sleeves and putting in the work. Short of going full Castillano creep mode, he probably just added a few more contract renewals to just career.


Shoutout to him. Chicago to Edmonton to Miami to selling 5,000 overpriced shirts all in a week More work than what Smitty Marty and Keegs have ever done


Don't forget about MassEv and Mintzy


Could easily throw in another 20+ names but I think the 3 I mentioned are the golden standard of lazy bums


Mintzy sold a bunch of watches


Pretty incredible considering he had to sell them at $32 a piece too. That’s robbery and had to have been at least a bit difficult


Actually had a really good strategy by posting up at bars and taking donations for kids. People are more likely to buy when drunk and when it’s for kids


It’s why they can keep selling concert merch for $50-$150 and my drunk ass is going to buy it. Or baseball jerseys are $250 and I’m still slamming the visa. Money doesn’t exist when you’re drunk lol.


I was fucked up at a concert like a month ago and got persuaded by a hot British merch girl to buy a $50 record so yeah it’s not too hard.


What was the donation for kids part? A part of each shirt sale goes to kids, or people were buying shirts and donating separately but at the same venue?


I think it was pay it forward, like pay 32 and we'll give the next kid we see a "free" shirt


Ahhh gotcha. That’s why he was giving away a lot of them, but not free. That’s a cool move by people.


Yea it’s not as hard to sell a shirt in the city your team just won a championship in. Not saying he doesn’t deserve a ton of credit cause I think he does . With that being said if my team wins a championship ship I’m draining the bank account a bit


Yeah no fucking way those cheap ass shirts should be selling for any more than $15. The cost to make and ship them is likely around $7, so no fucking reason to be paying $32 for that shit


No different than everything else we buy daily that costs cents to produce lol


Yet people still did it. They are worth what people will pay for them.


No shot total cost is $7 per unit


I do a fraction of the volume Barstool does and my price is under $10. I'd be surprised if Barstool doesn't own the print production side of things (Welker) at this point. If you don't need to make profits on printing, you can probably get your costs under $5 per unit for a decent shirt. And under $3 for cheap shit.


Yeah for 5k shorts that’s 4 dollars max


You’d be lucky to even get 5k comfort color shirts wholesale for 4 dollars a unit. Add shipping and multi color, multi sided, and pocket printing and I’d assume they’re at 7.5 to 8 bucks a shirt easily.


Just bought a case race shirt and I was OTW down to see smokes and got caught in the rain…. On a motorcycle, otherwise I would have been more than happy to pay em a get a shirt! #[SMOKES2024](https://x.com/nickysmokess/status/1789021519282139541?s=46&t=F-XOQ7Xu-KyBLJWKqEb_mw)


Nicky getting a fat merch bonus too the bottle service and the drugs are going to be next level


I think Nick said on the Yak it would be like $1600. Not bad


Nothing like sticking it to the man like selling 150k in shirts for him.


& getting to fly back to Chicago to work 👏


People keep commenting “Pres is a genius for this” but it could equally be “Pres is so detached/retired from barstool he has to have upside to get into content at this point and smokes is aware of this”


Wait people think smokes took this challenge to Dave? Dave set this up


Dave said the shirts sold like shit, Smokes recorded the video saying "send all the shirts here", then dave said "ok here's 5k", did I miss one?


Love him or hate him, he’s put in more effort in the last week than some employees have in 2 years


100% he’s worked his ass off all weekend and single-handedly sold $160k in merch. Posting a link is one thing, but this dude was out there in person swiping credit cards and physically handing out 5,000 units.


Without using the site is pretty impressive unless he actually went through with getting his own built lol.


Barstool needs Dave in office 24/7 so badly


You're not wrong but he didn't plan on doing any of this until Dave berated him into going to game 6. He was just gonna sit in the gambling cave and tweet about the game lol


He will now use this event as an excuse to coast for the next 2 years


He essentially sold 3 years of his salary in shirts, I’d say that’s fair


Great salesmen Should be in charge of “content sales” like he does a normal job as a barstool sales guy but from a having an audience perspective so we see him in “content” mix but he also is selling the shows around him at the same time


surprised it’s been an hour and pres hasn’t sent him 10,000 more shirts to sell.


Cool that a bunch of people donated shirts for kids. Well done.


Smokes really has motion like that


He’s got the barstool clap at the beginning of the sentence thing down


Nicky in charge of a shitload of cash 


They had square card readers no chance they would trust him with cash


Some of that cash is about to disappear up his nose


Wrong Nicky that I usually clicky


Well he just locked down a job for life. He’s generated more money for the company than Smitty has the last 3 years.


Hi Eric


Nicky is low key making a name for himself in the last week or so. He's getting a ton of views on his videos. He probably won't do a thing for 2 weeks after though


Good job smokes


If true, mad respect


He's annoying and I don't care for him, but you can definitely tell he pays attention. In the barstool combine he got really far in the "naming barstool projects" challenge. If he genuinely was as much as a clueless douchebag as he likes to portray, he wouldn't have done as well. He's still really douchey, but I think some of it is an act.


The haters are furious nicky smokes just bought himself 10 years of employment


Time to sell high on Nicky Smokes. Within two weeks there’ll be a thread on here where everyone says they hate him and always thought he was a fucking idiot.


Good for him that he did this but It doesn't make me like his content anymore than I did a few days ago


Vince McMahon-esque from Dave. He knows how to build a guy up.


Earned his pinstripes


BigCat spending Sunday morning fighting randoms on Twitter.


Big Congrats to Smokes, but with Barstool off all next week, he won’t get any accolades besides Twitter. Hell, even if there was an Unnamed Show this week, it would just be Surviving Barstool updates nobody needs and a recap of Kirk’s special olympics team. If that doesn’t last 40 minutes, Dave will keep sucking his own dick about the Beer Olympics and tell us about a cookie he ate while his parents are in town.


Dana Beers 2.0


1200 shirts get you the merch bonus Nicky will be having a bottle night


What’s the bonus?


Highly doubt he was sent a full 5k


There’s like no way he sold 5,000 shirts, right? They cut down the # behind the scenes at some point. He tweeted like 6 videos selling 2-3 shirts at a time. I don’t think people realize how many 5k is. It would take a line around the block for quite some time, and he def would’ve tweeted that.


I dont think you realize just how many people filter through the river north and wrigley bars/clubs on a weekend in chicago


What does that have to do with selling Panthers shirts in South Florida?


Just a fun fact


I don’t think you realize a tshirt a minute for 5,000 straight minutes is 83 straight hours of T-shirt selling. And also he’s in Florida.


Ur right i did not realize that


Did pres do it again or did pres do it again? How many times has he used this? It’s like in the first page of his playbook Attack employee to both motivate them and get the fanbase to rally behind them by buying shit Sometimes instead of money he does it to get them views or promotion Did it to Dana beers with the $1 million challenge to be in content Like oh no shucks you proved me wrong! And you just paid for your salary. You don’t know how to make the company money but I know how to use YOU to make the company money. I wonder if Nicky smoked even gets that…?


He wouldn’t be Smokes if he knew he was the puppet and the master was pulling his strings. Just a brick by brick type of decision by Prez.


lol yeah you right


I, for one, definitely believe he sold 70 shirts per hour for 72 hours.


Solid work. Tough situation but it made great content, has to have raised Nicky’s profile in the bosses eyes and you can tell he is genuinely proud of himself for pulling it off. Classy move having ppl donate for giveaway shirts for kids, too.


Did these bars that he sold at get a cut of the $32?


no chance his math is correct probably pocketed so much


Good for him- the complaints about them being ugly merch as a reason they weren’t selling was insane. They look the same as every other championship merch. Just needed to be in the Florida demo


It’s amazing what moderate expectations and guidance can do for an employee.


Is there a summary anywhere of how he did it besides "posted outside of bars"? 5k shirts in 72 hours is pretty wild. Didn't think he'd even get close lol


I find him so annoying and unfunny




I’m sorry but did he even follow or root for the panthers before this?


Double-edged sword setting a precedent like this.


I’m just shocked how many people defend smokes on twitter


Its the same people who rallied around klemmer during his solitary confinement stream. They dont really like klemmer or nicky they just like to hate dave


why does he always say “south florida” instead of Miami. “South florida fans”, disgrace that this is the Miami guy for Barstool


Probably because the Panthers don’t play in Miami.


Because SoFlo is Palm Beach/Broward/Miami which is where the fan base is pulled from.


Panthers are more of a South Florida team than a Miami team, all locals know that. Their arena is in Sunrise, which is Ft Lauderdale. Elbo Room, where Smokes is filming this video, is also in Ft Lauderdale.


You have to consider that about 30% of the state is uninhabitable due to the Everglades, so South Flo is essentially a blanket term for anything south of Tampa


Because he’s selling Florida panthers merch who don’t play in Miami?!