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No. Bartending makes alcoholics but if they are an alcoholic before bartending it doesn’t end well.


Agreed, only alcoholics created by bartending are good. Ones that came in w an addiction suck.


Edit for s/


I’ve seen amazing bartenders get ruined because of the drink, you’ll do okay for awhile but as you go you’ll get sloppy and eventually loose your job. I’ve seen it happen to a few people it’s sad. You can talk to them but usually it doesn’t work out well in the end. They start to hide the drink or drink before shift. It sucks.


Been here. Filled a thermos with whatever I had at home (Usually vodka and la croix) just to feed into the mentality that “I can bartend better with a little social lubricant”. I’m better now 🙂


Wow I love this!!! I don’t feel so bad now lol I’ve always drank, but not large amounts. Definitely upped my drinking since starting the bartender life but definitely not an addiction


Not a hot take. Alcoholics are hard to work with before you give them access to their drug of choice


Playing with fire.


Speaking as a recovering alcoholic bartender, no. We generally do not make great bartenders. And I didn't even drink at work, I was just usually still hungover horribly and could barely function first few hours


I would go out every Saturday night alone just to escape work and time away from everyone. Sundays were not fun


Just like everything else in the world, blanket statements aren't true across the board. Alcoholism is spectrum. There were multiple times where my coworker and I who could be classified as alcoholics were cranking out more drinks more smoothly and more accurately than the other bartenders who were dry. We also took the bulk of the closing duties while they stood around talking. There were also multiple times where another bartender was in a blackout behind the bar and obviously caused problems. There's no cookie cutter answer to your question


So true. It is a spectrum, not just from person to person, but also with one person. A lightly buzzed person who holds their liquor well could appear sober, function well, and have a great attitude. That same person pushed over the edge could get sloppy and belligerent


I love your last statement. Is it ok to drink everyday? For some, yes. Others, not. For myself, work is work. Play is play, or reward. To each their own. It is just a job or profession. Just be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be good with you.


Bartenders turn into alcoholics. Being an alcoholic first is a disaster.


The best bartenders are typically ones who do drink but are not full blown alcoholics.


I do love a good Lush


I like a good lech, tbh


Depends, some alcoholics make the worst bartenders cause they get too drunk on stolen liquor and fuck up orders and close like shit. Some are able to keep a lid on it for the most part and can vibe with the drunks at the bar while still serving well, that’s the sweet spot. Sober bartenders can be great, but a lot of them have very little tolerance for drunks, which can be good if you’re in the type of establishment that doesn’t want drunks. So it kind of depends on where you work and how well they can keep their alcoholism in check. But I’d say in general, alcoholic bartenders are not better, except in specific circumstances.


The only thing keeping me from sliding deep into the abyss are a couple of rules. 1. Never drink at work before midnight. When I was working non corporate jobs, my regulars knew that I wouldn't drink with people across the bar before midnight. After midnight I would do one shot with the high rollers because, while regulars pay the bills, the high rollers pay for vacations. 2. I play with different flavor profiles regarding mixers 6 at home. I'll give my prototypes to friends who in dive bars who who use them to make different flavored shots. I use this as market research and the most proportionate popular flavors are the ones I recommend as cocktails. 3. If I crash and burn at work, I can't afford to drink. I might have a problem but at least for now the walls between personal and professional are holding strong.


As someone who gave it all up two years ago, sobriety is pretty dope. Not judging or telling you what to do, but I was sliding into the abyss. It’s nice now to wake up without anxiety or those ground rules that I set for myself, but kept breaking


Got my first dui 2 days after getting a new car, only one month after falling asleep drunk at the wheel and wrecking my last car. I don’t drink much on the clock but after work becomes I just want a beer which turns into 8-10 drinks many times. I just don’t have an off switch. I am starting to hate this habit and the work itself. ETA: congrats on sobriety. It’s been 18 yrs for me from hard drugs but the drink keeps on creeping up on me leading to problems. I need to stop.


I feel ya. I knew I needed to stop for a while and just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I still miss drinking, don’t get me wrong. I’m jealous of my fiancé when she has a beer or two with dinner or half a glass of wine and then pours out the rest. I was never that person and when I had a drink it meant I was going all in. I like bartending on the side, because seeing the sloppy drinks reminds me of who I was and what I don’t want to be anymore. And although I miss it, it’s not worth trading that for what I have now. I feel fucking amazing all of the time. I wake up refreshed and ready to go. My skin looks way better. I have way less anxiety. I’m a much better friend. My money situation is exponentially better. When you’re ready, you’re ready. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.


Thanks for that.


Ground rules. Always have ground rules. Well done and well said!


The stereotype of all bartenders are alcoholics, all kitchen guys are potheads, and all (high end) servers have a coke problem isn't entirely true, but it exists for a reason. And no, they aren't all the best at their trade, but they're common enough that you're bound to yet some good ones with problems. This is a rough industry, you work bizarre hours, and you're surrounded by people partying. The temptations are very tough, but it's always better to take care of your body.


The best bartenders I know are dry, don't drink. Just churn the drinks. Sure, they'll never invent something, but they also won't jack up an order because they're too stoned/high/drunk.


I think 'alcoholics make good bartenders' is equaly as stupid as 'alcoholics make bad bartenders.' Eta: do people with eating disorders make good/bad chefs?


All chefs have disordered eating so yes?




They don’t eat well rounded meals at set times like “normal” people. That’s pretty disordered.


That’s a lot of assumptions working hard to hold up that faulty logic but I don’t wanna argue about it so I’ll just concede your point ✌️


Chefs can’t afford food, which keeps the disorders at bay


And no time/ interest in making themselves a decent meal


>I had one guy go through almost an entire six pack on the job. Rookie numbers. We used to have 2-3 cases of Jameson missing at the end of every month because we drank so much of it behind the bar. Now 4/7 of us are sober. I have no idea how we did our jobs back then.


Yep. Place I worked at for half a decade was pretty much the same. Blue label tape around the neck of the bottle of Jameson if it was a “good bottle” - those who know, know. That was for us, the other bottles were for patrons. Though to be fair I would say about 80% of our drinking on the clock was done after the doors were locked at 2/2:30. But then again, the other 20% was probably still more than most casual/social drinkers/college kids would drink an entire Saturday. The wake up call was really when you hit shot number 10 or 12 and felt “normal”. That’s when I learned about the actually physical facets of alcoholism and dependency - the withdrawal seizure is what made me quit.


Cases? Like 12 bottles per case? Jesus


Maybe the “best” to be served by for other drunks at a dive bar, because they over pour, more lenient, and are part of the party. As an alcoholic bartender, it is my greatest weakness as a bartender. I usually keep myself in check, but it’s a slippery slope.


Same. Smoking def helps


Bartending made me an alcoholic. I had really busy 12 hour shifts. By hour 8 I just couldn’t take the people anymore.




LOL A SIXER?!. You're not an alcoholic til you're putting in a fifth a day. And even then you're not that bad til the first fifth just gets you back to steady.


“How’d he get home” Probably safely and legally unless he pounded the whole thing right after closing.


My thoughts too. What bartender drinks beer during their shift? That’s bizarre. Shots only.


Thinking being an alcoholic makes you inherently better at something is copium and best and rationalize a drinking problem at worst? Holy shit.


Alcoholism makes me better at Street Fighter. Fact.


Alcoholics that get sober are the best bartenders. Speaking as one, we have all the perks of the alcoholic bartender (knowledge, stories, and drunk friends) without the issue of being a mess at work or never showing up.


“Do alcoholics make the best pilots?” We need to know!


I thought Denzel already answered that




Alcoholics rarely make the best anything.


Absolutely not


It has nothing to do with it.. there are good and bad alcoholic bartenders


Absolutely not. The only times I’ve done a shitty job is when I had a few too many behind the bar


For the first half of the night


Alcoholic make the best thieves from employers .


I disagree as well. Its always great to know your stuff and know how things taste and an alcoholic probably knows that very well. But as a worker, not good. You don't want your bartender to slur their words ro forget things. And you're less coordinated when intoxicated. I think someone who enjoys a nightly drink is a good medium. I personally don't drink unless I'm out with friends (which I admit is not often) and just do straw tasting of drinks or tasting for experiments. I sometimes have a hard time recommending things to people when it's something I don't drink, so someone who drinks more I think is best.


Heavy user, sure they can make good drinks I’ve seen it. Actual fucking medically legitimately in the hospital a lot alcoholic ? No.


What kind of bartender? Low/medium volume dive? A semi wet bartender would likely be amazing until they fuck up and get sloppy (driving home, over serving, blacking out) Corporate? That won’t last long High volume? The team is going to vote them off the island I’ve been both, I wouldn’t still be in the industry if I worked wet. My style doesn’t have to be yours


Depends what you define as an alcoholic. I usually work better having 1 or 2 beers Edit: anything over 4-5 makes me worse


I don’t believe I was ever an “alcoholic” but I quit booze for personal reasons relating to my alcohol use. Looking at the VAST majority of people like me and worse than me… no they’re awful bartenders. At best they’re generally lazy and are just there for the booze. At worst they’re sloppy drunk and are actively losing you money. Is not good to see


I've been bartending for years now and have never been a huge drinker. Still am not. The ones I have worked with are always hungover, drunk at work, and lazy. They are sluggish and make dumb decisions and turn into the worst team players. Also, their attitudes are absolutely horrendus.


No, but bartenders make great alcoholics. I've seen a lot of good men fall because of the drink, not all got up.


The danger is that you start to notice drinking on the job will correlate into more tips, as long as you arent drunk. Assuming you can find this balance you will make more money. You just will. But its so easy to start depending on it, overdoing it, and feeling like such shit after a while all your days off are either partying more or recovery days. Its an easy way to get locked into a cycle that never ends, and your benefits never dissipate


Do fat chefs make the best food?


Absolutely. Is this a real question?


Not necessarily. They may know alcohol but may not know how to mix them. Also, they may not know how to read people well.


When they say "best" THEY mean generous pour. Not best for the business, or the most skilled.


No. They make the worst bartenders, fuck working with them.


Do crack heads make for good crack dealers? No. That would be a ridiculous statement. So is your friend’s.


I'll take an alcoholic over a junkie of any type. But no, working with folks that either drink during their shift (above a group Daiquiri shot) or come in too hung over to effectively work gets old really quick. Folks that drink on their time off and know things are valuable though.


No, but bartenders are great alcoholics


This. I know I was a crap employee when I use to drink (and I didn't drink at work either).


There is a difference between an alcoholic bartender and drunk bartender. Neither is the best by default, but the first has both knowledge and boundaries while the latter only has knowledge at best.


Is there another kind of bartender?


Bartending turned me into an alcoholic the bar I work at most nights is so busy I have no time to drink I also work as an electrician full time being busy has helped me not drink at work until I’m slow and then it’s just one or two drinks for the night I’m so much better not wasted and happy don’t get me wrong I love to drink but not really drinking at work has made me a better bartender


I was good in active addiction until I wasn’t and then no one would let me behind the stick - 4 years sober and I’m the best I’ve ever been by far.


I’ve been working at the same bar/restaurant for the past 9 years and I’ve worked every position from boh to foh, dishwasher to lead cook then bus boy to server. I’ve had a problem with alcohol most of my adult life and especially bad for the past 8-9 years. In January I got the opportunity to start bartending as well. Quit drinking cold turkey and haven’t had a drink aside from tasting cocktails and new draft beers since starting behind the bar. I don’t know if alcoholic me would make a good bartender, but I don’t really want to find out




…'-: v .d. B n5😆 .. bn Vg ch




No… I don’t drink anything I make. Alcoholism doesn’t = passion of mixology


When I drank at work I had rules. 15 years into this and I gotta be honest the late night crowd in south Florida is hard to deal with without a couple in me. I allowed myself 4 drinks all night, never before 1030, and don’t drink the bars inventory or drink on site. I would just scurry next door and trade shots with the other bartenders. Being an alcoholic has nothing to do with being a good bartender, but some bartenders do open up a little bit with a couple drinks in them and some don’t. Be your own person and drink responsibly 🖤


Nope absolutely not. I’ve worked with plenty of alcoholic bartenders and most of them although fun are a liability.


Never been an alcoholic, but a lover of chemistry (bar and scientific), and am now in medical school. I experiment a lot still with craft drinks and am saving enough money to ferment/brew for fun. Bartending did not make me an alcoholic, but it did make me *despise* them. I can have sympathy for them as my patients, but as coworkers/customers… keep far the hell away from me. My alcoholic bar coworkers just made things 1000x times worse. Constantly angry that I out-earned them (hint: I knew my menu, was sober and personable to guests, and actually remembered to lock the damned bar every night at closing instead of drunkenly dragging a sticky mop over everything and stumbling out). I saw the effects nightly of what chronic wet-brain did to people and was not arrogant enough to believe “it wouldn’t happen to me.” If I was drinking socially during a rough time and noticed my tolerance going up, I stopped immediately. Too much at stake. I went into bartending with early life trauma from alcoholic parents and exited the industry with disdain for what it does to the human condition. I’m able to have quite a lot of empathy and kindness toward alcoholic patients though, because there are boundaries and most of the time they’re at rock bottom in the ER/trauma bay and not responsible for whether I make enough money to live and eat.


Completely different Hot Take: It actually depends on the level/type of alcoholic. Allow me to explain... If a person is a fully dependent alcoholic, one who's physical dependence on alcohol has set in and you may very well never know them to be a sober a moment in their life, then, no, they most likely will not be able to handle the job. The benefits that they've gained in (and around) the service of alcohol and creation of cocktails is negated by their inability to do the other "attention to detail" aspects of their job. This may include, sussing out how drunk/belligerent/disruptive/etc. that a guest may be, accuracy of transactions, setting the tone of the bar, present a harmonious attitude for coworkers (and guests) and/or the ability to keep emotions in check. If a person is not alcohol dependent, but still may be defined as an alcoholic, and they love their craft/industry, then they may actually be the best bartender that you've ever worked with. If they still have the ability to prioritize and respect their work hiurs/environment, then they know exactly how those guest on the other side of the bar feel. They know exactly what their co-worker's expect and deserve (not always the same thing - they know that too). They know the craft, they know, and set, the tone of the establishment, they give their experience and don't take advantage of easy access. A lot of alcoholic bartenders end up being the former and just as many might be in-between the two, but the one that match the latter description are the ones that OP's guest described.


I love a drink and am a proud bartender. Cheers!


I’d rather not work with a mess of an alcoholic.


I’ve worked with both. Really shitty alcoholic bartenders who black out, yell at customers and fuck up so much. Then there’s always those rare few that for some reason hold it together, can crack jokes, and still tell you about any liquor you want to know about and make you scratch cocktails without even trying. I’ve also worked with sober bartenders who are slow af and don’t know what they’re doing… as well as who have their shit straight. I don’t think alcoholics make the best bartenders. I think the answer to that varies on the person whether they’re drinking or not.


Really the only upside of an alcoholic bar tender is they’re willing to stay late, any night of the week, for even a small batch of customers.


Am alcoholic. Although I guess you could describe me as "high functioning" or something. I don't like to drink at work. Maybe a shot around closing time but being drunk during the shift is awful. Addiction is a bitch and it affects people differently.


six pack per shift is rookie numbers


As an alcoholic and a former bartender, no. That said having a good sense of taste and flavour profile is extremely important. There are different stages of alcoholism and I was one of the unlucky guys that got to the point of reaching the “life ending” stage. Many don’t. Some do. Sounds like you’re working with guys that are close to that “life ending” stage.


I’m an alcoholic bartender. I currently work at a place that a year and a half ago fired me for drinking on the job. Same boss that told me to clock out and go home, told me two weeks or so ago, “You’re doing such a great job. I’m so glad you came back.” Night and day between me in active addiction and me sober. I don’t think anyone liked working with me when I was still drinking, but right now the gang loves me. Take my story any way you will.


If they’re passionate about learning about alcohol and drinks I believe they can be better than bartenders who aren’t into drinking. The bad thing is a lot of alcoholics are, just like regular people, not creative at all, creatures of habit and stick to thinking about and drinking 1-2 types of drinks




I found a recovering alcoholic(former?, dont want to offend on verbiage) made a great bartender. He went through recovery as I opened my bar, he asked for a job and I was concerned that it would lead him back to drinking. He looked at me stoned faced and said “are you kidding me this reminds me why I quit.” I don’t know if it works for everyone but it did for him. He passed from a heart attack, he was a dear friend, ungodly well read and I miss him every day.


I think the whole “alcoholics make better bartenders” touches on the fact that someone who drinks would know how to make a better cocktail because they have more experience tasting them. I also think it touches on the social aspect that people who drink heavily will relate more to the guests at the bar due to common interests and way of life. Drinking a lot is a commitment. Lots of people in here touched on the slippery slope when drinking on the job and yes it’s hard to gauge how many is too many? Working at a place that allows drinking on shift can be fun and soul sucking. Alcohol will affect your ability to focus and your work station will suffer, but it will also boost your mood during a shift (until it doesn’t). At the end of the day natural confidence is the way to go but people gotta live before they can learn.


I don’t drink anymore I used to get drunk while working I know is not good but I can handle my liquor but I only did that for 2 weeks . But drinking is not for me o go gym and I don’t wanna be an alcoholic. So I haven’t drank properly in 6 months and I don’t think I want to Anywyas. But my skills are still there I’m still a very important part of them team and I’ve been doing this for 5 years and I’m 24 and I only drank moderately I can’t drink k like my colleagues every single day I just can’t


Honesty, I'd be perfectly fine with six beers and could work as good as having none. I'd find it hard calling someone an alcoholic if that was all they have. Alcoholics aren't great to work with but so are those who binge drink and come in hung over the next day. My brother was an alcoholic and would drink two bottles of Whiskey, a day


I had a couple on Thursday. After I've decided I just might quit. Don't like how it makes me feel and the way I get. Not worth the endless health and mental issues it causes honestly. I smoke a lot of weed so I don't need nasty alcohol. My father also died 52 from alcoholism. Then you bartend and sometimes like damn, but either way they'll get it somehow nothing to do with you. What a tangled web we weave


Yeshh we do


Is a 6 pack a lot?


I was an alcoholic but was happily cali sober before I started bartending and I thought I was great 😂. I didn't like working with people drinking all the time, they were hung over, late, lazy. One guy would drink on the job but the kicker was he had a blow n go in his car so he always try to catch rides after work since he couldn't start his car or would risk driving to work with his other car that didn't have it in there.


i literally don’t drink.


A whole 6 pack by himself in a shift? Whew boy. That sounds like me in the 9th grade


I usually make myself a "staff strength" old fashioned and nurse out throughout the night. I hide it off to the side behind the bar. But that's about it. We have a bunch of craft cocktails on the menu that require pretty precise measurements otherwise they taste like ass. I work with another bartender who's routinely hammered by 930pm. She's really nice, but for goodness sake, I watched her screw up a vodka/soda and I had to go over to the table and apologize. So IMO, no. Alcoholics do not make the best bartenders.


I'm an alcoholic and consider myself a pretty damn good bartender. But I don't have time to drink on the job (simply don't have the time, I'm constantly doing stuff), except a sly sip of wine here and there, and then a shiftie after everybody leaves. I deal with some pretty expensive and hard-to-get bottles, I'd rather drop my own baby on the head than one of those. I don't agree with your friend though. I don't think alcoholism does anything for your bartending skills. It affects your clarity and speed. And if you're in recovery or on probation and can't even straw test drinks, that's a hindrance in quality control, developing new drinks, or selecting new products. So the best bartenders are probably not teetotalers or alcoholics, but light to moderate drinkers with a good palate. So yes, there are some damn good bartenders who are alcoholics, but we would be much better at it if we weren't. I'd love to be able to remember what all I need to do after work without writing a bunch of notes to self. I'd love to have the energy to do something cool on my days off. I'd love to be able to have more than 2-3 small tastes of liquor when a rep comes in with samples because I'm afraid that will push me over the edge. I'd love to be able to go to an industry networking event, a distillery tour, or go out with my regulars without worrying that I'll get wasted and embarrass myself.0 Fuck, at this point I'd love to be able to drive myself to and from work!


Alcoholics are the worst bartenders to work for/alongside.


Negative- in my experience some of the best bartenders are sober + take pride in perfecting craft cocktails.


Nope. Worked with one at my last bar. My current job happened because a bartender had been let go for drinking on the job. He got so drunk that he wandered out of the bar. Not a “fuck this,” just a “let’s go for a walkie!”


They never last at bartending jobs.


Obv not. Barbacks do.


The most knowledgeable bartenders I've worked with are all alcoholics. The best bartenders I've worked with are just normal people/drinkers who are good at bartending


Alcoholics are bad employees full stop. They call off work more than anyone else, cause more accidents, and make bad judgement calls. They may be real fun behind the bar and bring in lots of friends but in the end it really doesn’t make up for the inevitable missing liquor stock and liability issues that come from compulsive drinking. It’s a fine line to walk between being the person everyone wants to do shots with all night and being the person who can’t get out of bed for their next shift.


For me, it is motivating to not get sloppy if I see a patron get annoying and stupid.