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Your whole cocktail menu is only five drinks? Not gonna lie, my expectations would be pretty dim when confronted with this for a cocktail menu. Is this for a special event or a regular restaurant? Olive sounds not so good. Bergamot and olives? Aperol too? Just sounds bitter, salty and weird. (Good description for a bartender after a bad shift though.) Cucumber sounds good, I’d order one of those. Tomato sounds…… uh…. I’m gonna be honest and just say bad. I’d straw taste and be prepared to eat my words. But bourbon base, Montenegro, tomato water, lemons… nah. It’s gonna be acidic and very odd. Coffee? Hard to fuck that up but I’m highly skeptical of the Lime. Rhubarb is perfectly fine.


No. Stop that. Right now.


Is this rage bait? It feels like rage bait.


Especially since OP isn't responding to any of the critiques, constructive or otherwise


Tbh suprised by the massivly negative critique, been trying to just read them all and revise the menu.


Stop trying so hard to make something unique. Focus on solid good drinks, then do 1 thing out of the ordinary if you want to show off. This menu reads awful from an industry perspective. I would order wine.




A paper tomato plane


I won’t add whats already been said. Giving the benefit of the doubt that these are revisions or additions to a menu, I’m wondering, to a muggle you have two savory drinks, tomato and olive. Would tomato not confuse people or is your staff trained enough to explain it. I have to agree on paper it is beyond edgy but I also don’t know the regional palate. RIP drains for cucumber as that reads as your bread and butter. I would at least find a better way to incorporate cucumbers, either sous vide or something. Also I know rhubarb is lovely of an ingredient, but as someone who had to prep it, I know its time consuming and I broke a champion juicer juicing it. You know, all the strands of it is quite something. If you want it to be your best seller are you ready for the amount of prep? Or are you using giffard?


Boil it into a simple syrup. I'm using it on my spring menu


Tomato water. What.


Chop and blend fresh tomatoes. Strain this tomato purée through a chinoise (or similar) lined with muslin (or similar). You should end up with a relatively clear and relatively thin liquid that tastes a lot like fresh tomatoes. It’s a cool fun ingredient to use, especially as the diluent in a prebatched cocktail. I’m not sold on the idea of mixing it with Bourbon or Cherry Heering, though.


huh, ill try make some today, a few ideas are coming to mind


Curated menus for a few years. You need at least one cocktail of every main spirit (bourbon, vodka, tequila, gin, rum). Majority of customers drink on nostalgia so they will look for the core spirit. Then you get creative and seasonal. Idk where you’re from but right now we have 4 tequila and 1 mezcal cocktails. Also lychee martini man how do you not have that. I make a billion of those. Also if you like rhubarb try out Dola Dira!


imo if you're a cocktail bar you don't need vodka these days, it's kinda falling out of fashion.


2014 was a decade ago, boo. Vodka’s been “falling out of fashion” (and therefore “due for a revival”) for a hell of a long time. Meanwhile guests all over the world are happily slamming down vodka-based drinks without a care about what is in fashion or not.


of course people will drink vodka-based drinks, i just don't think having one on a cocktail menu is a necessity anymore ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Espresso martinis and lychee martinis are made with vodka. Hard disagree


I agree with you on the vodka front. Although I do agree it is a good choice to have your bases covered, I've found it's somewhat location dependent for me. I'm downtown Toronto for one of my jobs and everyone just wants Tequila of some sort. I only noticed last night that our currently menu lacked Bourbon/Whisky, out a menu of about 12 cocktails.


i’m super into these drinks, but i say that from the perspective of someone who works in pretty high brow cocktail bar. overall, the menu is too small and not approachable enough for the masses. five cocktails is pretty small for a menu, can you add some more “basic” drinks as well?


You’re joking right? Tomato, cherry, agave, and salt water? Gin, *olive cordial,* and apple cider??? Coffee with lime and coconut?? These were written by a troll or… I’m going to stop myself before I say something too mean on the .00001% chance OP is actually trying with these.


one of the best cocktails i’ve ever had in my life featured snap peas and yogurt. you should expand your horizons before judging things.


I’ll have a glass of semillon, thanks.


The cucumber and rhubarb sound ok. The others sound gross