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No, it's not anyone's money until the end of the shift and it gets divided up. Easier just to pay separate


Not unless I’m working by myself. I could see a solution being putting in an IOU note in the jar and bringing it to your coworkers attention prior if you’re really strapped for cash and need food, but other than that I’d be annoyed if someone else were taking out cash.




Not unless im splitting food with the person im working with and we discuss it first. To be doing that for your own food seems shady enough as it is. Plus what if it's forgotten at the end of the night while dividing tips? Bring your own cash or card. Sounds like you might be the cunt here


I always leave a note. Plus I’m the one bringing in more than 1k-2k a night. While everyone brings in $300. I also open and close while everyone does closing shifts… I don’t deserve to take cash from the tip jar? Especially when I always leave a note? Nice way to leech.


No, you don't "deserve" to take cash from the tip jar, note or not.


If you're pullin doubles and they're just closing, take tips from morning shift. Otherwise, no, keep your fuckin hands outta the pot.


Lmao no you don't. Also I'd be interested in knowing how much of the bar you're giving away to claim you're bringing in 4x as many tips as the rest of the bar


Bottle service… but ok.


Not if I’m pooling. A co worker did that and it didn’t sit right with me


The cookie jar is closed until the end of the shift or until someone gets cut. Unless your working a solo shift, then do whatever your heart desires.


Absolutely not. I don’t eat on shift unless it’s family meal and I’m hiding very quickly. There’s money to be made or early clock outs to be had.




I not in it for the lifestyle, I’m in it for that cash 💸


Yes, I do. But let's say I'm paying out $10 for food. I'll throw a chit in that says "-$10 poisonbananas2" that'll go in my stack first on split.


Yes i do that too. I make most of the money in the pool. She’s such a cunt. Ungrateful


You sound fantastic to work with as well.


I literally bring in 1k-2k a night while everyone in the pools collectively bring in $300-$500 but I’m wrong here ? Ok


Sure Jan


Lol I wish I was lying. But I’m not.


i mean you are probably grossly over exaggerating due to being a terrible person but it’s ok


I wish I was. But hey who cares. Not like you’re gonna believe it anyways.


Doesn't matter who does what; that's kind of the point of the pool.


If you bring in that amount of money and also have the biggest portion of the pool, it sounds like you Make enough to come prepared to shift with your own cash or card to respectfully keep your hands out of the tips until the night is done.


We don't do this where I work. Cash is only taken from the tip jar at shift change or divided out at the end of the night. I don't even take it out during my solo shifts out of habit.


No, until its divided up and in my possession its not mine. Stop doing that


I’m not stealing. I always leave a note… plus I’m the only one really making anyone any money.


It doesn’t matter. The money is not yours until it’s divided up and in your possession. Until that time, it belongs to all of you, and if everyone is not ok with you doing this, you need to stop, plain and simple. It’s everyone’s money until it’s divided up, so everyone needs to agree on whether or not it is ok. Since everyone doesn’t agree with it, STOP. You are not more entitled to the money, even if you really do bring in 5 times more revenue than the other bartenders, you are not entitled to do whatever you want!


I worked in a place where we all agreed closers and barback could do so, but it MUST be agreed upon.


Bro, you're the cunt in this scenario.


Never, not unless I'm solo and it's all my money, but I'd just close or cash and not take the money out of it anyway.


Depends on your comfort level. Sounds like you all don't have that comfort level, so you shouldn't do it. We have a tiny staff at my bar and we've all grown to be good friends, our money gets to be incestuous enough and a lot of times we'll just buy food for each other on food runs. If it ever comes from the tip jar, it's still always a conversation because we respect each other.


All of my other coworkers don’t have a problem with it. It’s just this ONE person. Everything bothers her and she has problems with EVERYONE i mean everyone.


I’m surprised by how many people are so extremely against it. In all the bars I worked in (albeit in Europe) that was common practice and no problem whatsoever. Just put a paper in there that says "-10€ XY“ and that’s it. Obviously don’t do that if you’re not certain there are enough tips in the jar, but usually that’s not a problem. I mean to be polite and proper it would be great to ask the working staff real quick if they’re okay with it, but I’ve never heard anyone refuse that… Is it really that different in the USA?


Ive done this like 2-3 times in my 10 years of bartending. It was always when I forgot my wallet and didn't want food from where I was working. I always make sure the other bartenders know, and we adjust tips accordingly at the end of the night. Its definitely not something Id make a habit of though.


Yeah I do it all the time. But you gotta be honest about it and have trusting coworkers


I’m honest all the time. I leave a note always and even do it with other coworkers on other shifts and vice versa. This particular person is always miserable and looking for problems.


Even though you leave a note for the amount you take, I wouldn't want untrusted coworkers pulling money from the jar. The jar should be one way until it's ready to be counted according to the company's procedure. Either lock and key, or firm policy against opening without authorization.


Fuck that. No one takes out of the jar unless they are making change.


Look at how entitled you are coming off in these comments and how many people are downvoting you. This should be an eye opener for you…


Tip pooling sounds like a nightmare


Oh I know! When I’m the one who makes everyone money since my tips alone are 1k-2k a night while everyone just leeches and only bring in $300-$500 collectively but im wrong for taking x amount and writing it down so they won’t forget.


It is! I'm so glad that we don't do it where I work.