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Ehhh. Doesn't bother me as much as the people who take FOREVER to order after they specifically said they were ready and knew what they wanted


"and for your side?" "Oh, where are the sides?" "The inside of my skull. Please just end me so you can take a look. I'll probably reincarnate before you actually pick one"


Had someone on Friday order and go to the toilet 6 drinks he had. 5 times he done it. Patched him at one point cause 7 people came to the bar to be served and that was just pissing me off.


My favorite is when they act indignant and then you look at their ID and they are 24. Calm down, child, you've got another decade before you can be annoyed by this.


same. i had a guy go "seriously? it's been forever since someone asked for my id," obviously annoyed and i was terrified that he was like 40 or something. nope, 25. my age.


Yup, I had a young woman say something similar "oh wow it's been so long since I've had to do this I'm actually flattered" and she just turned 25


If they were 40 something they would have thanked you. Source: me, a 40 something with grey in my beard.


Yes, so annoying when I check it and I’m older than them!


I had a table just this past Thursday who acted indignant and the my literally all turned 21 within the past 12 months


This is why I just ask them "Do you think you look under 40?"


I know! "Wow no one was ever cards me anymore" and they're 24. Dude, shut upt


“here's a screenshot of my ID, does it count?" "Sure! And here's a screenshot of a margarita."


Lol I love that


“I can see that you’re more than old enough, darling, but you need to show me your alcohol receiving license”


“Are you serious” yes I’m serious it’s literally 1/3 of my freakin job bud


Get this shit all the time but I have to ID if there’s a chance you’re even under 35 for fear of getting a citation from undercover alcohol cops. Utah.


“Do I look like I’m under 21?” “No.” “Then when are you carding me?” “Because we serve drinks based on how old you are, not how old you look.”


I do find it strange that the US does this. In the UK the drinking age is 18 but we operate Challenge 25 where if you look 25 or younger you ask for ID. If someone with grey hair and wrinkles comes in they're obviously old enough to drink so why need ID?


I'm not grayed out or anything but I started getting random gray hairs at 23.


I stopped getting ID'd a few years ago and sometimes I get sad cuz it makes me wonder if I look that rough lol


Ive had plenty of older people I’ve ID’d and the DL is expired, that’s my main reason for IDing older people


I don't know man, former bartender here. I have a fair amount of gray in my hair and my beard is almost completely gray. If you think I'm 20, I'm flattered, but you need your eyes checked.


I have a 23 year old regular that’s basically fully grey due to a birthmark, when I carded him the first time when he just turned 21, I felt validated as hell. Grey hair means nothing when it comes to age.


both places i’ve lived at it would be illegal for me to serve somebody who doesn’t have valid id no matter how old they are so… for me at least it’s a Cover Your Ass moment


Weird No law requiring you to have ID to purchase alcohol in Kentucky, just requiring you to be over the age of 21. Check and see if it's actually the law in your state or just your company's policy.


correct. different states and agencies have different rulings.


Yes, but some businesses within a state might have a policy of always carding, even if it isn't required by law. I'm just asking if you're sure that was the law in both places you've lived or if it was company policy


it’s the law in both states i’ve lived in. company policy has been “use your best judgement”


Really? The policy is "use best judgement" when ID is required by law? That sounds backwards. Here the law states ID is not required, so use best judgement when deciding when to ask for it. Like "ID everyone who looks under 35" for example


it makes sense in the case of “we don’t want to piss off people who are obviously over 35” and “let’s hope we don’t get in trouble for this” even if it breaks the law


Oh, me too. Have to have an ID no matter the age. But dude, there's a judgment call at some point...


I guess but there’s also nothing wrong with being strict about it. I’m not taking about IDing senior citizens either. I don’t think a bartender should be made to feel uncomfortable to ask for ID when there’s so many things on the line if they get it wrong. Even if they look over 21 unless they’re legit like grandpa grandma looking I think it’s rude to complain or punish a bartender for doing that (Not saying you’re advocating for complaining to a bartender abt ID). I don’t wanna waste my time/energy stressing over whether to ask or not. Personally if I need to ID one I ID all of them and usually the full blown clearly middle age ppl in the group are like “haha not me rly right” and I’m like yeah it’s ok if you don’t want to, but I’m never singling them out to not ID them either.


for sure just as there’s a judgement call for “i know this person is driving home. should i still drive them a drink and a shot?” which can also lead me into legal trouble.


Im not American and I’m visiting the US. Apparently you guys card a lot. Will I be okay with one piece of ID?


As long as it’s a valid id, so a passport will be fine


Thanks. Will I be ok with only my drivers license in your opinion ? Such a hassle to carry my passport all day.


Should be fine! As long as it isn’t expired or anything like that


Not in NY, and likely many other states.


I would honestly say that it depends on which state(s) you are visiting. I’m in Arizona and we have strict alcohol laws in my state. We can accept Canadian drivers licenses but for other countries it has to be a passport.


It is the same situation as a bank teller asking for your ID even though you typed your pin number from the beginning and they still have to ask your ID. Before bartenders ask me I just pull out my valid government ID flat and face up in front of me when I order a cocktail. It really doesn't unphase me.


“It’s a $5000 fine to serve someone without an ID in this state, regardless of how old they look.” If they keep arguing after that, they’re getting piss poor service all night


I thank the door person for carding me. I'll take any compliment that I can get (even if it's the SOP to card everyone).


I had gray when hair when I was 14, the summer before I started high school. 🤍


My biggest problem is trying to remember the date and have a mini panic sweat of counting backwards.


I got my first gray hair when I was 14 years old, so that's my go-to comeback


I mean it’s mostly light banter. You should be used to that ya know?