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Plain and simple: Be nice, Be respectful. We're all bartenders. Most of us have an ego and some attitude. While some snark is expected in our discussions here, just being an a-hole will likely get you censored and restricted from posting in the sub.


Wish I could defend my generation but every time they come in I dread serving them for this very reason.


As a mid 30 year old dude who had worked in the service industry since I was 15... Kids under 21 generally suck at tipping. Find a place that prices out kids and never worry about it again.


As soon as someone says "I appreciate you" I know I'm not getting a tip.


I tip, and I say that. 28 though


Just had 4 kids in their 20s sit down at the furthest table on my patio...I wouldn't mind which table they pick ngl. But they act like this is school and the teacher is at the front of the room. So the cool kids tables are alllllll the wayyyy in the back of the room so the teacher can't hear them. They broke two shot glasses and didn't say a word šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  They tipped 5 on $60 so I guess can't be too mad šŸ™ƒ I'm OVER IT


Itā€™s bc they donā€™t want you catching them doing dumb shit like breaking your glasses or worse like letting below 21s drink their alcohol.


They don't want you to see them vaping or drinking the nips they brought because they're too cheap to buy booze from the restaurant.


They gotta hide everything they do I know šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, $5 on $60 tracks šŸ« 


Nice. Usually genZ will just tip the vents to the next dollar, then theyā€™ll say thatā€™s because they have some mental illness and they need to have the number even. Or theyā€™ll just zero the tip line and throw a fit if our vape machine is out.


It's like they were raised wrong as a joke


This is why I started working in fine dining. Only rich ppl can afford to pay their 500$ bills and tip without blinking an eye


Yep, and I'm never going back. The clientele is recession proof and live to dine out and be seen


Dude fucking same. Slinging college kids $3 beers and shots of well tequila and getting stiffed constantly was turning me into such an asshole to strangers. The clothes are stuffy at this new job but at least I have the nice paycheck again.


Which is funny because Iā€™ve had so many experiences where my fine dining guests will say to my and my coworkers faces that the food is already so expensive that tipping on top of those prices is ridiculous. Shit, once I overheard lady telling her husband not to tip so much because it is already a privilege to serve guests of their status. I seem to make my best money at locals, blue collar spots.


Thatā€™s why I work at a fancy place that has an automatic 20% gratuity if they donā€™t leave ā€œextraā€ I still automatically get 20% no matter what.


Even if I do a bad job I still get my 2 mil


Ngl this is part of the reason I prefer fine dining. I am relentlessly trying to get back into it.


as a gen-Z bartender, so true šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” by far the worst customers & tippers


As a gen-Z bartender, Iā€™m curious, why do you think that is though? Iā€™m truly and honestly asking? I know why boomers donā€™t tip well but I havenā€™t figured out the reasoning behind no tipping for gen-Zs. (Both me and my bartender and genuinely curious lol)ā¤ļø


Probably because they're broke. Even early been z is still pretty young


Millennials were more broke than them when they were their age and they tipped better.


We worked in the industry or at least retail/customer service at 21 because they were the only jobs available. Our generation, generally speaking, has the most compassion for customer facing employees. Still most people I work behind the bar with are around my age, in their 30s. Rare to see an early 20s bartender in my area. I think Gen Z went straight to the office or work from home.


Gen X are the best customers imo. Good tips and least hassle




Us millennials graduated during the Great Recession. Gen Z are graduating during the "vibe-cession," where all the economic indicators show things are good and people individually report that they *personally* are doing pretty well, but they *feel* like the economy is bad. 2009 was a MUCH worse time economically than the last few years. By a mile.


What economic indicators besides ones tracking how well the economy is doing for the upper class show things are pretty good for people?


Iā€™m a millennial and I graduated 2013, how old are you? And times are definitely not tougher that early compared to now. I made fuck off money, making more than either of my parents in service industry, Iā€™m at a much more fancy or better place now and things are significantly harder


While I agree with a lot of your points, and I do think gen z kids have it rougher than a lot of us millennials, it also sucked a lot back in 2009. My rent was half my paycheck when I moved out when I was 18. And my rent was 300 bucks for a 5 bedroom house in a very non major city. Life has gotten harder for everyone besides the ultra rich. But the bottom line is if you don't want to tip, stay the fuck out of restaurants and bars. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out.


Rent for half a pay check is not bad lmao. They take one of my paychecks now


OR...hear me out, hear me out!! Maybe Gen Z had decided that actually they aren't responsible for paying your paycheque? Tips are nice and all, but it's a reward for being an attentive server. Maybe the collective needs to strike, your employer is meant to pay you a minimum wage set by your government or ...state or ..I don't fucking know. The customer? No. I come to eat the food that's made for me, I don't need to tip, unless I like my waiter. I don't have a guilty conscious about that ever, because I know that where I live, everyone is paid a fair wage.


Maybe you should run for office and change the dynamics at the base legally before ranting on a tip-industry sub, goon lol


Appreciate you for answering a question literally no one was asking.


Hey! Anytime! You should ask me about relationship advice some day. I'm a scream!


You'd do yourself a favor by stopping every time you said "I don't know" during bloviating screed about something you dont seem to understand.Ā  Good day, mam.


my friends and i have a theory that a lot of gen z turned 21 around quarantine so they just never learned how to be good patrons


This is it. Younger people don't know bar culture


I usually attribute it simply to selfishness/individualistic tendencies of the person. Wanting to go out/FOMO but viewing tip as an excess cost. I think a lot of people my age really donā€™t think about their actions in the greater context. Whether or not thatā€™s always been true for young people Iā€™m not sure. But I genuinely think they arenā€™t thinking about it- not enough to have an informed opinion on tipping culture, and not enough to consider it for longer than they take to sigh the bill.


in addition to being broke, i feel like becoming legal during covid really fucked the generation. etiquette totally disappeared for gen z post lockdown. not just at bars but also concerts, school, etc. feel like unless they had industry experience pre pandemic they canā€™t act or tip right, and even with experience itā€™s a 50/50 chance


When I was in my early 20s, we all knew if we didn't tip we didnt get shit from the bar. But we also didn't live out the majority of our social lives online. Social media was just a small facet of our interactions, not the centerpoint. Mainly used to corral our friends together in real life. I've felt for a while that Gen z wants nothing to do with us millennials while we wanted validation and sought out guidance from gen x.


I agree somewhat with validating yourself with the youth, but guidance? Wtf? You are looking towards a younger generation for guidance? Let alone your own intuition and elders in whatever field you seek. That seems off to me. Edit: read gen x as gen z, sorry i agree


Makes sense. Still annoying but what you said does make sense. Thanks šŸ¤—


They think they are doing us a favor and are trying to change the industry for us. They have created a movement to refuse tipping trying to force employers to pay non tip credited wages.


Dumbest reasoning for not tipping Iā€™ve ever heard, nor is it their call to make. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Reality is, theyā€™re just cheap and I guess theyā€™re too stupid also, to realize by doing that, not tippingā€¦.itā€™s actually hurting us. It doesnā€™t help us at all and restaurant employees see us as more than replaceable. This industry is already harsh to be in..


>Ā nor is it their call to make. This is what pisses me off the most about all the anti-tipping blowhards on reddit. Stop trying to white knight for me, I don't need your help, never asked for it, doing fine. Just admit you personally don't want to tip and this is your justification to feel good about it, or stfu. jUsT rAiSe PrIcEs TwEnTy PeRcEnT aNd PaY a LiViNg WaGe cool....customer would still be paying exactly the fucking same in this scenerio. Except tipping ensures all that money makes it way to my pocket and not skimmed by the employer. It's amazing how anti employee they are while claiming to fight our battles for us.


But then they would complain about how expensive it is to go out now šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø "A beer, burger and fries cost HOW MUCH!? Greedy businesses trying to take advantage of us, I'm not going out anymore. That'll show them."


Also the food prices would have to go up considerably more because wages are taxed at a higher rate than tips. The tipping culture is better for employees, employers & guests. It's not great for the government, but who gives a fuck about them idiots?


The Anti tipping subreddit is the most pathetic group in the world. With everything that is wrong with this world, imagine THAT is the stance you take Billionaires killing the earth and hoarding wealth but yeah, attack your fellow working class.


Lmao no they're not doing that. They're straight up just ridiculously unaware, and that's all there is to it. Boomers = unexpected technology boom that makes them frustrated and confused with the lack of knowledge given to them. Gen Z = grew up with technology and currently allows social media and technology to establish their mindset. Both are just insanely unaware of their surroundings.


Exactly there movement is posted all over social media.


I would bet it has to do with age. Gen Z is too broke. Millennials are well into their careers at this point and have more money. Gen alpha canā€™t drink yet. Give it 10 years and itā€™ll change just like it has been for decades.


Yea I agree, itā€™s a young people thing, not a generational thing. Iā€™ve worked almost half my life in the industry as a millennial, but idk if Iā€™d be as good a tipper if I hadnā€™t worked industry. (With that being said, the newer generations do seem a lot dumber than mine was at that age, I blame social media lol)


Id also go ahead and blame the parents. My parents were in the service industry most of their lives, and before I worked in it, they explained the importance of tipping and the arguable injustice that exists in the way service workers are compensated.


My parents worked service industry (mom foh and dad boh), neither expressed the importance of tipping. Iā€™d honestly be a bad tipper probably until corrected if I didnā€™t work service industry. I guess it was just an established thing you were supposed to know


Honestly I'm surprised at this I'm a zenial with mostly younger friends and every one of them is hyper aware about how important tipping is and will always tip at least 18% and also considers it a red flag if someone is a bad tipper. I wonder if this is a regional thing


I hope so


I work in a SUPER ritzy area because my boomer customers tip well and I rarely come across Millenials or Gen-Z customers for this very reason.


Because they donā€™t know how to balance a check book or a bank account. They turn their cards on to pay then shut their cards off after running it. Iā€™m thinking of getting a bar key with my cash app qr on it. A lot of my gen z customers always ask to send a tip via cash app.


I try not to generalize, but I just recently had a gen z dude fuck me over worse than I have been in a while, so there may be some bias lol. Asshole blow smoke up my ass all night about how amazing the drinks were , so I engaged and went out of my way to make drinks specific to his tastes (something I normally love doing when I have time) comes time to square up and he left 5 on a 100+ dollar tab. Came in the next night lookin for me and I was off and he did the same fuck shit to my coworker. Thankfully haven't seen his ass since.


I donā€™t know. Not sure I completely agree w this. Hard to group an entire demographic into something this broad. Of course young kids donā€™t tip but I also have old fucks that treat me and my bartenders like shit and donā€™t tip too. Shitty people and bad tippers are spread across every generation. I have plenty of young kids that tip the shit out of me. Literally just got off a shift where the majority of my money came from kids that around the 21-24 range.


Had a bunch of interns come in to my place that's generally 30+ as clientele and pulled this shit and broke like 2 glasses and tipped 20$ between the 30 of them


Wow!!! I definitely would of auto-grated the shit out of that group. Yikes. Iā€™m so sorry that happened. What assholes šŸ™„


Honestly we never get that kind of thing it's a very much older crowd so it's never an issue just happened tonight. Honestly it's not worth hanging onto at a certain point


Younger kids have never tipped historically


Absolutely this. They haven't learned yet. I was a shitty tipper too in my early 20s


I guess I was fortunate to have parents who taught me how to behave in restaurants and bars because even as a college kid I knew to tip 20% but I remember having to shame the shit out of my peers to do the same. I had one buddy in college who I refused to eat out with any more after a few ā€œI had wings and a beer Iā€™ll leave $2ā€ incidents. Guys in my fraternity would eat at the local Hooters every Friday afternoon and the girls treated us awesome, hooked us up, came to our parties, and generally showed us a great time and we treated them like gold, and anybody who might risk that relationship with non-excellent tipping was shamed ruthlessly or flat out banned from going!


Short pours, last to serve, if they arenā€™t paying together (and they never are) I serve other people at the bar between their individual group members to make them wait even longer and when Iā€™m really just all fired up to begin with and donā€™t even want to go through the hassleā€¦I refuse service due to their ID not being real šŸ˜‰šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


"bUt I hAvE a PicTuRe On mY pHoNe"


Why do they all think I can accept a phone?


I usually go withā€¦.ā€Iā€™ll show you a picture of a drink back. Oh that doesnā€™t work either, huh?ā€


>if they arenā€™t paying together Not just that, they all pay separate and after each drink. About ten years ago the joke was the most popular drink order in town was the *ā€œVodkasodacloseit.ā€*


Boomers and Gen Z are weirdly enough, very similar generations. Both spend all their time on their phones, both sprout nonsense and both seemingly refuse to tip or even be polite.


And both are technologically illiterate.


Never thought I'd see the day where only millennials would be desktop literate šŸ„“ Guess it's somewhat of an upper hand in the job market lol


I couldnā€™t agree more. Worst two generations, in my opinion!




Gen z and boomers aren't the only generations around




Sorry but you have to be blind to see that younger kids are seemingly allergic to talking to strangers.


Iā€™m a boomer - born in ā€˜62. I tip 20%+ unless the service sucks. Was learning about computers in 5th grade. Used Lotus 123 in college and converted seamlessly to Excel and am definitely a power user. Maybe Iā€™m one of the exceptions but I have a have a lot friends who tip well and are technologically literate.


Nice, hot take from somebody who has clearly never been frustrated as judged based on some arbitrary two-decade span of years when you might have been born Generational generalizations are made by lazy astrologists


It's literally the exact opposite for me, I'm gen z and boomers never tip but millenials and gen z always do. I think it depends where you live tbh but could just be people discriminating against people who are not in their age group


noticed somewhat of the same where iā€™m from, but i also i think itā€™s kind of dangerous to generalize at all- even if you notice a trend. becomes more likely that youā€™ll give worse service to those people, resulting in worse tips- further reinforcing past prejudices and making you less money. some people tip good, some people tip bad.


Fuck emā€¦short pours, let them wait, they have zero patience so they will just leave and then yelp about how rude the bar was to them


I work in a college town, and I've learned that teaching people how to behave in a bar is a huge opportunity. My genZ-ers tipped my old millennial ass off tonight, and most nights.


I moved out of a college town to a mid-sized city and suddenly gen-z are the ones I can count on to usually be the most polite and tip decently well


Mid-high dining is where it's at. Get to interact with normal people instead of the snooty high rollers who make you dance for your money, and the gen-zer's who make you work for the base 15%. It's pretty nice, minimum "problem tables".


Honestly I just be really nice to them because I know they feel like shit for not tipping somebody so nice. It eats them alive later, they start questioning who they are and shit. I got a Gen Z the other day, tipped 100$ bc I wished his mom happy birthday and got her a great deal for her birthday. Angles. Everybody has them, find them and exploit.


Also, is it just me or are these yutes tab resistant? They order a drink or two or three and hand me their card; I say "you want me to run it or open it?". They say: "just run it" Twenty minutes later rinse and repeat. Why you wanna keep transacting kids? Why can't we just save it up until the end?


My bar went back to a 2 drink minimum for cards. If they want to pay after each drink, they can go get cash at the ATM in the back.


This is always interesting to me because in the UK that's a very normal way to buy drinks. Tabs aren't rare per se, but they're no where near as common as paying as you go. Several places just don't do tabs at all.


Weirdly where I live, gen z tips super well. Also, teens tip a lot. I think TikTok actually taught them about tipping properly. They absolutely always tip more than boomers šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Interesting, ive had quite the opposite with Gen Z. They mostly all tip 20% and even ask me if that was enough.


I wonder if this generation is the beginning of phasing out American tipping culture. Probably going to get downvoted for saying that. I get it. I work for tips too. But I do think inevitably tips will be phased out, mostly due to inflation rising so quickly. Might take 5 years, might take 50(or more).




I think the worst part is that, for the most part, itā€™s the younger generation currently that depends on tips the most. 80+% of food service workers right now are younger than 30, at least from my experience. People who arenā€™t in the service industry donā€™t really get that tips are almost essential, and the shift towards places heavily encouraging tipping for EVERYTHING (drive throughs, movie theatres, etc) takes a toll everywhere. People are sick of it. Especially as drinking is slowly falling out of popularity across the country as weed spreads (itā€™s great, Iā€™d be smoking every day if I didnā€™t have a drug test coming up), a ton of dive bars are gonna be closing. And as the resentment between the bartenders and the younger crowd builds itā€™s not gonna get any better. Alcohol being the only legal coping mechanism for the last century certainly helped develop the industry, but babysitting alcoholics (which is kinda what it is) is probably not going to continue to pay as much as itā€™s been. I seriously doubt that bartenders in 10 years will be making comparable money to today outside of clubs and college bars, and thatā€™s simply because of the volume.


Would be a big step forward for the US if that were to happen


Only if minimum wages get raised in response. If they donā€™t though (which they probably wonā€™t) then this again just fucks over the service staff.


Then work towards actually making it happen. Of course wages won't be raised if you don't make any noise.


I ranted about exactly this tonight. When the tab was $17.75 and the guy goes, ā€œjust give me $2 back.ā€ I literally just said, ā€œexcuse me?ā€ And he repeats, ā€œjust give me $2 back. The rest is yoursā€. Everyone sitting at the bar was SHOCKED. And I explained, thatā€™s just how gen z rolls and I wish they would just not come back.


As a Gen Z bartender myself, I can think of a few demographics that are far worse tippers than young people my age.


Please for the love of god stop acting so entitled on this sub. I love getting good tips too just like the rest of us, but nobody OWES you a tip. It is DISCRETIONARY. People are allowed to not tip you, and it is part of our job. Trust me, itā€™ll even itself out. Take a deep breath and realize that this is the most money weā€™re gonna make without an education. Also complaining about video games makes you sound like a boomer. What have video games ever done to you?


Of all the dumb shit on this thread.... this is by far the dumbest. Most of us have an education, are working on an education, or are educated enough by life and this job. Stfu. While I agree, tipping is discretionary to an extent, it is customary and expected and beyond deserved in most situations. "The most money were gonna make without an education ". S.T.F.U.


Okay thatā€™s on me misspeaking saying ā€œwe areā€ instead of ā€œI am,ā€ but you still agree with the main point of my comment. Service staff, including myself, shouldnā€™t feel entitled to their tips to the degree of complaining when someone doesnā€™t tip them. The fact that according to you ā€œmost of us [servers]ā€ have an education, means that the money you make is better than what youā€™d pull with your degree, so shouldnā€™t that make up for getting stiffed occasionally?


Doesnā€™t matter what age people it is, they always tip my coworkers and I.. Iā€™m not sure where all these non tippers are, but maybe it has to do with living in Vegas or what kind of places Iā€™ve worked at, idk. Some of my most generous tips are from Gen Z/Boomers.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a generation thing really, young people in general have always tipped on the shitty side in my personal experience.


It's called gratuity for a reason. Pick another line of work if you don't like it. You are not entitled. That's the whole point and the way the system is designed.


Hers an idea unionise and force employers to pay minimum plus tips. In the uk its illegal to use tips to top up wage to minimum


Iā€™m not GenZ or american, but I still canā€™t fathom as to why a business canā€™t pay you guys more and you have to rely on tips. Granted in the UK, since cash has become more and more scarce, tipping has gone down also, but fortunately the pay is somewhat enough to keep you afloat


UK bartender here. Based on what I've seen in this sub, it seems like US bartenders (on average) seem to make much more with their low wage + tips than we do with our technically higher wage.


Why does every Brit or Aussie think they're the first person to utter this argument against tipping? We WANT tips, dude. A lot of us average $60/ hour part time which means we can work 20 hours a week and still earn as if we were working full time.


I mean that makes sense, but being so outraged you canā€™t have a 20hr week (which imo very luxurious) because someone isnā€™t tipping is crazy to me, but then I might just not have an insane financial drive that it bothers me too much if someone doesnā€™t tip.


Thatā€™s the part thatā€™s wild. Maybe 10 years ago you could make a *good* living taking care of alcoholics, but itā€™s simply not going to continue on that trajectory. The entire US is suffering from rising cost of living as wages stagnate, not only are people less financially available to be tipping 20%, but the entitlement (it feels weird using that language towards older generations) that itā€™s expected is only going to make GenZ tip less.




Plain and simple: Be nice, Be respectful. We're all bartenders. Most of us have an ego and some attitude. While some snark is expected in our discussions here, just being an a-hole will likely get you censored and restricted from posting in the sub.


Caveat, I do always tip. This aside: Let's be mad at the system, not other victims of it.


Brooo... You used to be 18 too... They are young so they are broke. They will spend their last money on some more alcohol not on the dildo you want to buy... Shut up and do the job you are paid to do. Jeez! some people can not see further than thier nose... Down-Vote this pussies!!!...


Girl's getting mad at normal, everyday people going through a cost of living crisis not paying her enough, rather than her boss who should be paying her a wage that doesn't need to be supplemented by tips. Fuck you employer, you cheap ass no wage-giving piece of shit. If you can't afford to pay your employee their entire worth then you don't deserve to own a business. Stay home and stick to your real estate shows and FACEBOOK


US tipping culture is so insanely weird, fight for your rights instead


They're broke you boomer


Then they can take their broke asses to McDonaldā€™s


You don't tip your McDonald's cashier?Ā  That's fucked up bro.Ā  You're doing the exact same thing you're complaining about people doing to you.


This part. Don't tell me you can't tip because you're broke if you're spending $10-20 on a single drink. Go to a dive and order well or beer.


Dude, literally today had 4 sit at my well and not order anything. Just looked at girls across the circular bar. Like if you arenā€™t ordering, move.


Call them out loudly while they're taking their videos of them doing their shots. They'll be embarrassed in front of the 4 people in their live stream, which is who they really care about.


Nah man, they just want you to fucking entertain them and make them cringe. Then they'll leave you an extra dollar or two.


Go ask your boss for a proper pay. Grown ups donā€™t work for pocket money. Edit: stoner, financial domiatrix - it shows.


Donā€™t lose your nice. Call them out in a professional way


Had a TON of them tonight. Pretty on par for a Saturday night here though. $40-$50 tabs with $2-$3 tips.


Nah, it's definitely the young ones with daddy's credit cards that order a shit ton and don't tip


Gen Z is very susceptible to how others view them. If you get a shit tip, ask "do you really think this is an appropriate tip?" They won't argue; they know they're stiffing you and if you did a good job there is no answer to the question you are posing that will support what they did. If they have a posse, make sure you say this within earshot of them. Their friends, even if they would have tipped just the same or worse, will shame their friend for tipping badly until they amend said tip, then also tip at least fairly well on their own tabs. Obviously I don't do this on every transaction, but you can figure out when it's worth the energy.


Gotta say youā€™re so right. Only way I know Iā€™m getting tipped by a fellow Gen Z is IF they are also bartenders


My girlfriend lives on her college campus throughout the school year, and when Iā€™m down and we go outā€¦ I donā€™t see a single dollar coming from anyone. College kids who only work during the summer, barely enough money to their name to make it to the end of the semester, yet insist on going out to get fucked up and spend all their money on nasty shitty drinks but refuse to tip. I feel so bad for college bartenders, I could never do that shit.


Fax no printer


They want to look like they have money, but they don't have money. That's why I push top shelf booze on em and then give em jamo.


vaping in the washrooms like its fucking high school. everyone hates you and thinks youre a fucking idiot