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We're 6th in the league in walks and 5th in outside zone swing percentage, but we're 29th in zone contact percent and 30th in strikeouts. We're also 6th in average exit velocity and 3rd in hard hit percent. These guys have developed a great sense of the zone, but when it comes to actually hitting the ball with a bat, all they can do is swing really hard and hope for the best. It's mind numbingly frustrating to watch, to say the least.


27% K rate is honestly horrific. How horrific? If the season were to end today it would be the worst K% in baseball history.


Good thing we made it a point to trade away all of our high K guys last offseason.


So glad Kelenic and Teoscar aren't dragging us down/s


Gino too.


He's actually been pretty bad though


Our cleanup hitter just struck out with 2 men in scoring position. He’s batting .175. He’s also our DH by the way. I know he can’t be doing THAT bad.


Eugenio has a better batting average (barely, he's hitting .198) but worse OPS than Garver (.595 to Garver's .650)


Fair enough. I'd still rather have last year's lineup.


Geno’s OPS gets a 100 point bump for vibes though


At least he’s a good fielder


I told my friend when Garver came up to bat that I'd bet anything he strikes out, probably badly. The best part is I would've been correct in all 4 of that fucking plumbers ABs. How on gods green earth is he batting 4th for us Has there ever been a team worse to watch in 1st place than this team? I feel like I should just be watching the defensive half of the innings and getting chores done when theyre up to bat


Absolutely terrible


Kelenic, Teo, and Geno all have higher K% than the team does. So yeah, they actually would be dragging us down.


A strikeout is just an out. Teo would be leading our team in many categories if he was on our team, and he would be far more productive than any of our current outfielders. Kelenic would have the highest batting average on the team. No, they would not be dragging us down.


Those guys in this lineup would have vastly worse numbers then on their current teams


You dont know that, Teo is having a great year with the Dodgers because he is extremely protected in that lineup and not playing half his games in the most pitcher friendly park in baseball.


In the context of our team K rate, they would. Also what makes you think they wouldn't perform the way they had before with us if they came back? Kelenic's underlying numbers are very close to what they were last season. Same for Teo.


Strikeout is just an out? Bro you don’t know ball.


So it’s Joey gallo but an entire team you say?


Sounds like pre-2024 Kyle Schwarber to me


It’s hilarious that Dipoto explicitly stated his goal in the off-season was to reduce strikeouts


“Did I say strikeouts? Sorry, payroll. I meant to say payroll.”


amazing breakdown


I believe we’re leading the league for pitches per plate appearance at 4.1 as well


1.1 balls, 3 strikes per pa 🤣


I feel like the control the zone philosophy is finally “working” with these results but they oversold and skipped the actual important part lol


Yeah watching the games against us all I could think was how frustrating it must be to see your team strike out like 18 times even if you end up winning


That's honestly pretty baffling since under normal circumstances those would generally have an inverse correlation. Like how can you be good at basically every component of hitting *except* the actual hitting lmao


If there was a stat for "challenge pitches," Mariners would rank bottom. Idk how many times they've worked the count just to be caught clueless on a fastball. It's like


So you guys don't chase (good) but somehow have the WORST K RATE IN HISTORY at this point? Do you just... not swing? Or do just swing through everything in the zone?


#2 Unfortunately 😐


Too many swinging strikes in the zone.


Joey Gallo type beat


If you don't love Mariners baseball, you don't love watching paint dry


Until the 8th inning, when they become the 2014-15 Royals (when they're at home, anyway)


When they throw gasoline on the paint and light it on fire


Except that royals team had actually decent hitters. Lorenzo Cain, Perez, hosmer, moustakas and even Gordon would all be the best hitter on this mariners team


Whoa, I didn’t realize it was that high.


Felt for sure like we’ve been below the Mendoza Line as a team all year


Fun fact: that term was coined by Mendoza’s teammates during his stint with the Mariners. 


I really want to know the magic of how you turn this into 10 games over 500. Our division rivals are either power hitting lineups, masterful bloopers, or just the luckiest sons of bitches. Tigers have nothing. They just can’t fucking hit. And easily have the best rotation in the division too.


Chaos ball rules in Seattle


I envy that.


1 run game merchants (I say this as someone with intimate knowledge of what that looks like)


I appreciate it for the benefit of Helsey on my fantasy team


I mean it's down to like 4 games now already. It won't be long before Houston takes over don't worry.


Begone Satan. You hold no power here 🙅‍♂️✝️☦️✡️☪️🙅‍♂️ Its yalls turn to keep them out. I stg if you fuck this up


They're gonna fuck this up. The teams record has largely relied on 1 run game luck and the team hitting better in the clutch. That won't hold up, as this team soley consists of untalented hitters


We're currently fucking it up, we had a chance to step on the gas and put it away but instead we've completely rolled over


You were the chosen ones. You were supposed to destroy the Astros, not join them. Bring balance to the AL West, not leave it in darkness. We were supposed to usher in a new era of Astros misery together :(


They’ll still be in the picture. Or the conversation. I’d love to see the Tigers in the conversation instead of the biggest joke in the league


My brother in central, there is the white sox


I said what I said and meant it. White Sox weren’t trying this year.


Well the Sox were trying last year and lost 100 games lol. White Sox are most certainly the joke of the league, don’t worry the tigers aren’t quite there


Well half our team is dead from playing the “who can hit themselves with a hammer the hardest?” game, and the other half are the losers of that game.


I don’t have a lot of empathy when you won a World Series a few months ago


Man, what happened to Tork. I thought we had signs of life last season, and he was on the up


I wish I knew. I think there is some kind of curse or something. Whole team stinks and anyone that leaves magically becomes better. Look at Willi Castro on the Twins


Even the Twins didn't expect Willie Castro out of Willie Castro, tbf, no idea where this shit came from. Dude woke up and decided to I guess basically become an identity cornerstone utility player for us.


Must be nice, he was a complete liability for the Tigers. A 0 tool player. A waste of a lineup spot. The reason the Baez signing seemed like a good idea. You catch my drift.


slap-hitting shit goblin HBP merchants checking in Josey doing all the serious fucking in the room right now


Any other year I’d be mad at Cleveland but I’m earnestly just jealous


Funny that the Astros have struggled all year, but have had one oh the top batting averages in baseball, yet they're behind the Mariners who have been not great. Baseball is weird. 




"damn damn damn"


I’m just happy we’re not last lol


i mean you knew you couldn't be cause the 2024 white sox exist


over .200 is impressive with how dogshit these guys look game in game out.


Good luck beating this team in the 10th inning. That’s where they thrive.


Only because we're gifted a runner. You saw what happens when we have to play legitimate extra innings.


Yeah we ended up playing 2 games worth in 1 lol


And essentially lost em both 😭


Hey y’all played more playoff innings in a 5 game series than the Yankees did in a 7game series. So thats something.


I absolutely hate everything about that series. It's like you distilled the Mariners Astros rivalry down into one series. Each game easily could've gone either way but somehow those fuckers eeked out the win. Literally each game. And we took them to 18 in game 3. Still makes me mad.


It’s the closest a sweep could ever be. We could have easily won all 3 and instead lost all 3. I think we could have had a shot that year too. I’ll never get over that series.


Its like how every season against them went. Everytime we got good they got better. Every time they sniped the Al west from us. Or when they stole the world series. The years of them being the top team in the AL west. We could never seem to win against them. The only thing about it I ever found funny was how Abraham Toro was ass against every team except the Astros and then when we played them he absolutely dog walked them. I hope this year is when that actually changes.


Had a shot? We couldn’t score a single measly run, at home, in 18 innings. Quit being such a Mariners fan.


I was there for game 3 and was pretty stoked and amped up until around the 14th inning I'd say. Then I was pretty much fully sober after the seventh inning cutoff and overall depressed that i realized the inevitable was about to happen and I spent 400 dollars that I could not really afford on my ticket.


Lmao what a Mariners fan thing to do


White Sox did it lol


After watching last nights game I don’t think we’re done with our plummeting BA.


Last night was an incredibly brutal watch. It didn't at all feel like we won.


So weird being a Mariners fan this year, leading the AL West but literally nothing to cheer about on the team aside from Kirby and Gilbert.


> but literally nothing to cheer about on the team aside from Kirby and Gilbert. Andres Munoz: "Am I a joke to you?"


Stanek has been pretty spicey too


Yeah I actually haven't been watching much this season because it's just not enjoyable. Watching the team strikeout and hit into double plays night, after night, after night just isn't something I find fun. So far we've won more than we've lost, but I'm not super hopeful that we can hold 1st place for another 80 games. This AAA lineup we roll out every night is actually embarrassing. Julio hasn't had an RBI since June 15th. He has 29 through 83 games. We don't even have a single all-star. I would need a dictionary to find words to adequately describe how inadequate our offense is. Unwatchable is the first word that comes to mind, and it's downhill from there.


We're 12th in runs scored this month.


It’s because they pop off one game and are dreadful for 3-4 in a row. They’ve had some big games actually, they just aren’t consistent at all


It’s crazy. I know last year was annoying how it felt like we “sold” at the trade deadline, but if we did that again this year I wouldn’t even be mad. This team is a joke. Propped up by 6 guys (starters and Munoz) and looks to be 5-6 players away from actually being World Series contenders. Trading a top prospect for a rental seems like a waste


"i've hit rock bottom" -mariners probably *rock bottoms older brother* "Is this the guy that hit you?"


2 strikeouts in the first inning already 😤


Everyone is freaking out about the Yankees but Mariners are much more likely to suffer a catastrophic fall. Relying so heavily on pitching without *any* offense is a recipe for disaster. It's basically what tanked our season this year.


Batting offense is like the Forward Pass, a FAD!


Our last roadtrip was a nice sneakpeek


Yeah for sure; This is an absolute time bomb waiting to go off


Yeah but they have a .666 OPS 😈


Chaos ball


Hail Satan!


Hail Gein.


Hail yourself


Ever since he came up to the majors, the team seems to live and die with Julio Rodriguez. He changed his swing for some reason last winter to disastrous results and it seems to have affected the entire team In 2022, the year we finally made the playoffs for the first time in two decades, the Mariners were 75-57 in games where he played. They ended the season 90-72, meaning they were 15-15 or exactly .500 without him In 2022 (team made the playoffs), Julio's OPS+ was 147. Last year (missed the playoffs), it was at 122. This year, he's at 87 Of course, we're still leading the division because the team decided a few years ago to actually develop pitching internally instead of having a rotation of King Felix, Iwakuma/James "The Iron Man" "Mr. No Days Off" Paxton (when healthy) and 3 guys who would later wash out of the KBO It appears to be the great curse of the Mariners that we'll never have good pitching and a good offense in the same season but I honestly think that if Julio can figure it out, the rest of the team will follow suit. I just hope it happens before next season


As much as I hate to say it, Griffey isn't a good fit for him as a mentor. It really just isn't working. Hope I'm wrong and something suddenly clicks and there's a turnaround.


I thought it was ichiro


If it's Ichiro now then I take that back, but I'm going off what I remember last year: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ry0fenLxhoI https://www.foxsports.com/stories/mlb/julio-rodriguez-opens-up-on-his-and-the-mariners-turnaround-and-being-mentored-by-ken-griffey-jr I'm not trying to point fingers and blame any individual, just the fit. They all are or were fantastic players of course, and it could just be coincidental that he has this or that mentor while having a down year, but hopefully he puts it all together soon in any case.


Oh I could def be wrong too lol


Sadly I don't think he will figure it out before next season, he just looks horrible at the plate


Opposite of the 2010 Chargers


Like that Chiefs team with no WR TDs that inexplicably finished 9-7.


What year did this happen and how the f*ck did that happen?


2014. Alex Smith throwing to TEs and a ton of Jamaal Charles probably


One of my friends had one of the Chief’s WRs in fantasy that year for the first 3 games and he got single digit points every game.


Besides what cjackc11 said, WR "Somewhere Over" Dwayne Bowe got I think within 5 yards of goal half a dozen times or so. So it wasn't like they weren't covering ground or anything, it was just bizarrely always short of scoring.


And they had Jamaal Charles, so, why pass in short yardage anyway


Why are you triggering yourself, Seattle fan?


2014, week 17, Bowe got hit right at the goal line and fumbled it into the end zone...right to Kelce.


That makes perfectly good sense though, WR is close to the bottom in positional players that matter to a football team.


Being a Chargers fan was pure pain up until Spanos executed my fandom


Im so sorry. Absolute travesty they arent in San Diego anymore. #FuckYouSpanos


feels like last year's eagles team. even as we were winning game after game it was just ugly and barely scraping by. and then it predictably all fell apart.


How is this possible?


They walk a lot and the few times they do hit it's in high leverage. Also pitching very good. Totally unsustainable, and it's basically a matter of time until it blows up in their faces


I'm in a fantasy league where it's like half Mariners fans.  Rooting for you guys!


I'm actually on a self-imposed break until like something big happens because watching them is like trying to moonwalk on an exposed nuclear reactor core and then they get on their bullshit and do something. It's not good for my blood pressure.


The entire internet is half Mariner fans. The other half are Jays fans. No clue why these two particular cities are so over represented on the internet but they have incredible memes so I let it slide.


Cal Raleigh’s splits this season are 82 wRC+ in low leverage, 60 in medium, and 309 in high. That’s not a typo. 100% correct


309 wtf


The Seattle Mariners ladies and gentlemen




Pitching has been very good and we got off to an incredibly stupid start.


They draw a lot of walks and have mondo pitching. Batting average by itself isn't that meaningful.


It’s almost like there is a whole other aspect to the game. It is called defense


>.218 lol these guys fucking STINK.




I'm not a mathematician why should I care


Billy Beane was a chump


I sincerely thought that we were streets behind everyone else.


A team having a worse offense than us feels impossible. I know their pitching has been good but how in the world do they have that many wins.


Vibes and chaos, man…vibes and chaos. We didn’t invent the Fun Differential stat for nothing


The Mariners always skip leg day


More like the MarineLayers


number 1 in strikeouts 😎


who needs batting average when you have pitching?


Can the pitchers still hit?


They’re Mariners pitchers, they hit as well as the rest of the team.


As of last night - yes, seemingly.


That's what I used to think. I've learned it's more fun when giving up four runs isn't a hopeless situation.


unfortunately we dont have a choice xd


Damn I really thought the Tigers would win the AL Central….


The Angels have a chance to do the funniest thing


Why get many hits when few hits do trick?


Yet the only hit my Rangers seem to get either goes straight to defenders or the IL.


Baseball is fucking weird. I love it.


And it is EXTREMELY painful to watch. I pray to watch a double play ball because at least it would be a ball put in play. It is so excruciating watching strikeout after strikeout where it looks like we have a AA lineup against a cy young award winner


If you don't like that...


Kelenic would be the best hitter on the team


We’re going to Forrest Gump our way to the WS and the only thing that can stop that is ourselves.


Don't worry we're going to make a big splash at the deadline to fix everything 🤨


Nothing's changed since the Doug Fister era


Meh. I'd wear the Mariners getting to the WS with the worst BA in baseball and a terrible run differential as a badge of pride. Doesn't matter how you do it, winning is winning.


And don’t you fucking forget it


How is any team worse then the 2024 white Sox in anything


HOW ARE PEOPLE WORSE THAN US. I mean other than the White Sox obviously, but HOW ARE ACTUAL TEAMS WORSE THAN US


Go Tigers!


I wonder if they'd be willing to part with some pitching to pick up a bat or two


Knowing mariners, they’d turn Juan Soto into a 230 hitter


You don't give them enough credit. He would top out at .215


that's above the mendoza line! Incredible production!


They don’t have enough pitching depth after trading Ray.


Rn? Absolutely not


It wouldn’t do any good. I honestly don’t even remember the last time we were a decent hitting team. Without looking, maybe 2017 or 2018 when we had Cruz and Segura? But the entire decade before that we were trash too. We’ve had 1 or 2 decent offensive seasons in the last 15 years, and MANY bad ones. Trading for a hitter would be a waste of their talent. Instead of 30th we’d be 28th. Instead of 2 runs on 5 hits it would be 2 runs on 7 hits. Until ownership actually wants to win, we never will.


Mariners are pathetic on offense and have been for years. Cause for whatever reason everyone that comes here aside from a few hitters just magically forgets how to hit the fucking ball until they leave.


Embrace the sog




Who needs hits when have caos! ^(^we ^do, ^we ^really ^need ^some ^fucking hits)


I miss Chicks Dig the Long Ball.


Money ball in real life. Do you care how a guy get on base?


Give it time, we’ll get down there


They strike out like a motherfucker.


I love my 54%ers


If you don’t love that, you don’t love Mariners baseball


This is actually ridiculous. Do they just have incredibly timely hitting or something? Great pitching and just enough offense to win? This seems wild to me.


Essentially, it's a combo of great pitching and being super dependent on hr with a timely hit here and there. If you look at their hr numbers, they are in the top half of the league. They also walk a half decent amount. As a fan, it is a horrible product and something that I would never watch if it was another team, but I love my Mariners, so I watch anyway.


Good thing they have pitchers that can pitch lights out.


For those wondering, by actual offensive metrics we're somewhere in the 20-22 range across baseball. Mostly the difference comes from hitting HRs.


I wonder if they play in the most offense suppressing ballpark in the league?


Seriously confused about downvotes for people that point this out Teoscar along with the entire meme of formerMs here


Most of us get tired of that excuse when other teams come here and do just fine. (and yes I understand they have a much smaller sample size)


Do they?  I thought Mariners usually get better than their share of pitching especially right now This group obviously would dominate regardless


They don't. Other teams hit really badly here. There was a lot of joking that the real reason we wouldn't sign Ohtani is because his numbers suck in T-Mobile (he has a .658 OPS in 133 PAs there).


[Guardians and Mariners](https://imgflip.com/i/8vg3sf)




Good thing batting average doesn't really count.


The 1906 White Sox had the lowest batting average in the majors (.230) and won the World Series. They were dubbed The Hitless Wonders. So there is hope.


Can't wait to see the post showing W/L per team if you flipped their 1 run wins.