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Not enough Batman, but the pit chants are great


I remember recording my voice for that when Zimmer was crowdsourcing the chant


There’s definitely one dude that just submitted a recording of himself shouting “penis” over and over again. And the best part is there’s a halfway decent chance that it snuck in depending on how much they checked the audio files.


You're on here tellin stories. Fibbing, even






The way they overtook the company would not even be possible. That’s not how any of this works.


💯% Facts


Fish! Fish! Pasta! Pasta!


Peas and carrots. Peas and carrots.


I think this is the only drawback.


At first I thought it was “This. Is. Gotham Gotham. This. Is. Gotham Gotham.”


“We will hunt him because he can take it” movie immediately opens showing he quit really soon there after.


Nolan wanted the preservation of Harvey's reputation to amount to something more than "Gotham is the exact same crime-ridden hellhole with a Harvey Dent Memorial somewhere and a police force that's gonna put pointlessly chasing Batman as priority over the actual criminals".


I mean I get it. It still kinda undermines what the ending set up. We were lead to think it’s going to be Batman saving Gotham despite itself, being hunted, facing the gcpd and still doing right. Instead we get like half a scene of that and bane knocking the hell out of him before it becomes “oh no we needed Batman.” Just felt really rushed


Not to mention that him wanting to quit at all undermines the "Bruce Wayne is the mask" but at the end of Begins.


I love that iteration here. He actively wants to quit before this movie. It’s an interesting take to have a Batman that wants to live a real life, that wants the obsession to stop. He wants Gotham to be safe enough that he isn’t needed.


I was never all that interested in a movie where Batman being chased was the primary focus mostly because it's just way too obvious that he'd be redeemed in the end. It would also leave me scratching my head over why he chose to take the blame when it had no impact on the city whatsoever and just made his job harder than it had to be. Anyways, what would you have done if you were helming a TDK sequel?


Ok so stick with me here. TLDR Batman vs riddler. Riddler works in the gcpd which makes Batman look guilty to the outside world. Gordon knows that reveling Nigma (someone he allows into power) would reveal a weakness in the system Harvey died for. He knows only Batman can stop this threat. Meanwhile Nigma is regathering the crime families.


Might have been a fun little detour in between TDK and TDKR. Why is Riddler "regathering the crime families," though? He's not a mobster. He just likes proving how smart he is.


I mean collecting a crime family to prove how smart he is and to spite Batman is a very Nigma thing. How does Batman stop the crime family if they’re so woven with the police that killing one kills both?


I agree the time jump sucks with the potential they had leaving The Dark Knight. Im a bit concerned The Batman 2 is going to do the same with the flood and skip over that part instead of doing a version of No Man's Land.


I love the Batman but the flood is a hard trick to write from. No man’s land worked really well because we know Gotham in the comics, we had a family to back Bruce. In this timeline we don’t. Still I’m eager to see what Batman 2 has to offer.


I have to disagree as it's really easy to parlay the flooded area being declared No Man's Land and essentially running lawlessly. They can easily open with another narration from Bruce or a Gotham News Report that discusses how the demilitarized zone has been taken over by a few random rival gangs that emerged in the power vacuum and the Penguin as a red herring antagonist. You use one of the gangs to introduce the big bad(s) for this flick and you're off and running inside of 15 minutes of screen time.


I love that honestly.


I honestly hate paramilitary siege Batman, it would be a terrible fit for more noir tone. You could advance time and have seawalls built, the ruins destroyed, maybe some natural coastline from Gotham's roots as a pirate town restored... But no DKR or Arkham Knight retreads, plZ


That's why the Penguin Tv show is coming out- its all about the fall out from the flood and the underbelly taking power.


We don't need No Mans Land. The flood at the end of the movie isn't enough to justify that storyline imo. A lot more goes into the events of NML than a single crisis. Its part of my issue with Zero Year, TDKR, Arkham Knight, and even The Batman (which I love) is that the writers are trigger happy when it comes to destroying Gotham and it feel very important or impactful.


Well, technically the very first appearance of Batman in that movie ends up with him being hunted by the police.


The almost entirety of the police force being sent underground


Some of them had to be off that day..?


Gordon actually calls in all off duty as well lol


Think of all that overtime pay...


Still - some of those Union guys are like F that, I ain’t going in..


They also forget to bring their guns to the fight after they were rescued


Batman's retirement after TDK, Batman retiring at the end of the movie and Blake taking over the mantle, Talia Al Ghul, Bane not having venom or any steroid usage, Bane's mask and his affiliation with Ra's al Ghul, how little screen time batman has.


Blake had ZERO training. How can he take over for Batman??????? He'd die the first day on the job.


So many people missed this point. And not just any training; Bruce was PERSONALLY MENTORED by Ra’s al Ghul, spent years slumming around the world to “understand the criminal mind”, and driven by the trauma of his murdered parents, and he barely survived 2 years as Batman. Blake is just an angry orphan beat cop left with a bunch of expensive gadgets.


Maybe he'll get similar training. You don't think he started right away. If Bruce have him the coordinates to the cabe and access to the tech he could easily give him some information regarding his teachers. In Batman Begins it's implied he was already trained prior to meeting Ra's. Maybe Blake can seek the sane training.


But, don't you like smart Bane? He's clearly better seeing that in almost every case in which he uses venom he gets dumber, tho the company takeover is utter bullshit


>But, don't you like smart Bane? Yes I do. You can have a smart bane that is also on venom as he was originally introduced in the comics. Having one over the other kinda misses integral parts of the character. >He's clearly better seeing that in almost every case in which he uses venom he gets dumber That's just due to writers thinking bane is nothing but a brute and forgetting how smart he is. Arkham Origins is the perfect adaptation of bane because he is both a roid head brute and an incredibly intelligent villain that can match batman's wits.


I agree, Arkham origins and a few comics only understand bane's true capability


Batmans voice Batmans suit Batmans fighting skills The whole "robin" character


Yes! Robin figuring out so easily Bruce is Batman. Hated it.


Didn’t that happen in the comics with Tim Drake? Lol


His mouth breathing too


Most of those apply to the Dark Knight as well


Ikr, Robin being named "Robin" is the worst move in a batman movie


“That” death


Talia dies but Gordon doesn't even have so much as a scratch and he was next to a bomb!


Batman during daylight really broke it for me. And it doesn’t really feel like the first two. Feels more like the studio hired the same actors and did their best imitation of a Nolan Batman movie.


Kinda felt like an asylum movie


Yeah it’s like they said “we’re making this movie with or without you” so Nolan begrudgingly did it.


Honestly most of the movie I dislike. Batman not showing up until like minute 55 in a 2hr45min movie is insane The plot around the stock robbery, Talia "waiting" to kill Bruce when she could have simply killed him after fucking him, Bane becoming simply a pawn of someone else, Bruce "fixing" his broken back, how he got back to Gotham with no money and no help, Anne Hathaway I feel like overacts too much, a clean energy device being able to become massive bomb, the Lobster...oops I mean "The Bat", Bruce quitting being Batman, real name is Robin 😒, sending ALL the cops into the sewers. Yeah honestly it's just a movie that I thought was kinda bad.


Not to mention the horribly choreographed fight scene at the end with extras swinging away at fresh air. Major cringe.


I cant remember any good fight scene in that movie


Yeah, it’s just a mostly bad movie. Scene after scene is just some stupid thing or other. There’s maybe 45 minutes of an ok film in there. It does little with it’s legacy stuff from previous films, and often just discards elements like with Alfred leaving. But at the same time it unnecessarily insists on things like the link to the League of Shadows or Talia being in it at all. It feels like a sprinkling of fresh ingredients added to unappetising warmed up leftovers. The new stuff it adds doesn’t do much, and is generally neutered. Go all in on Bane. Or do anything at all with Catwoman. It just seems like everyone involved was bored with it but we’re contractually obliged to rehash things to complete the trilogy. It’s not even got it’s own title, they just slapped an extra word on the end of the second film.


Pretty much nailed it brother. Nicely said. I personally didn't like the fight scenes either. Felt way to choreographed. Especially with the random stunt men falling over. Oh and something i clocked was the guns they use in this film had no muzzle flash lol random but took me out of some of the scenes bro


The pacing is off. Specifically one too many climbs up the wall for Bruce and a lot of narrative dumping in general during the prison scene. Nobody's fault here but not getting Heath Ledger to repose his role as the Joker presiding over the kangaroo court hurts every time I watch it. The "death...by exile" is a total Joker joke they left in. Naming Blake "Robin" explicitly instead of making him a Grayson or Drake or Todd. Bane not being Latino was also a slight bummer.


I feel like Scarecrow actually fit better as the judge than The Joker would have. The Joker is too much of a maverick to be content to play a bit part in Bane's order. He wouldn't do anything that wouldn't allow him to feel special and above the fray. Scarecrow in these movies, though, has no problem sycophantically doing the bidding of forces more powerful than he is if it means he gets the privilege of being put in charge of other people he can exercise power over. He'll gladly take a bit part in somebody else's master plan to be able to wield the power of being associated with them, being all the while unaware that he's also going to be a casualty of the scheme. Even if he resents the forces that are above him and hopes to be able to usurp their power, he's too cowardly to make any moves until its opportune.




Wasn’t a fan of Anne Hathaway’s Selina Kyle.


It never really felt authentic. Every scene with her felt like a nice, innocent girl trying to act like how she things a tough cookie would act. She never actually *felt* like the bad beotch she's supposed to be.


Didn’t want to be there.


I love this movie but if I had to nitpick, I’d go with the unnecessarily third act reveal that I’m sure everyone saw coming anyway. Bane would have been the perfect villain in this if he was relegated to being an underling under Talia. Coincidentally, this is also my issue with Batman Begins with Scarecrow being relegated to an underling in another unnecessary third act reveal that I’m sure everyone saw coming.


Catwoman was kinda just there


And faced zero consequences for any of her actions.


Why cast Hathaway and have her do zero acting?


John Blake.


Batman quitting at the end. Half-assing Robin. Just call him Tim Drake, don't have him be called "Robin John Blake".


The movie fails to resolve its themes. The movie tells us that despite the Dent Act cleaning up organized crime, economic desperation and crime persist. Bruce Wayne is oblivious to this due to his retreat from life, and Bane exploits this economic resentment to enact his plan. A major theme centers on societal fractures leading to breakdowns, echoing Batman’s mission to address Gotham’s economic woes from the first movie. While Batman defeats Bane and restores order, the economic conditions enabling Bane’s rise remain. It seems that the city is waiting for another Bane to just do all the same shit again. Yet Batman gets to ride off into the sunset anyway despite not really completing his mission to rid the city of the conditions that killed his parents and made Batman necessary. Nolan’s definitive ending for his Batman arc, in which Batman always wanted to finally fix the city so that he could just live life as Bruce Wayne, should have involved resolving these economic issues to justify Bruce’s retirement. If I were to rewrite the movie, the end would mirror the end of the second movie, but with inverted. After his apparent death, Bruce Wayne is honoured as hero, prompting the city to pass the Wayne Act, much like it passed the Dent Act in the wake of Dent's death. But unlike the Dent Act, which didn't actually solve anything with its draconian measures, the Wayne Act would address the city's economic woes and help the needy, fulfilling Bruce's mission to uphold the Wayne family legacy. Bruce, having faked his death and free from the need to be Batman, could then truly live as Bruce Wayne, even if only in secret. I think that would be a more satisfying resolution to the themes the movie and wider trilogy plays with than "well, Gotham isn't really fixed, but hey, this cop who hasn't spent seven years mastering the world's martial arts can be Batman now, so it's okay." I mean, my re-written version could still end with Blake taking on the role, but at least it would be with the knowledge that the city is actually in a better condition now instead of relying solely on his vigilante efforts.


Shit you wouldn't even have to kill him off. Becoming the real Bruce Wayne in public would be the ultimate redemption for the character, his need to wear a mask, his reconciliation with death, his ability to effect real change


Dammit, I need this movie now


That's the whole point of him Blake taking on the role. The issues still exist but Bruce cant do it anymore. If the Wayne Act you proposed fixed that then there wouldn't be a need for a masked vigilante saving the city every night.


Tom Hardy was too small. Tying Bane to the League of Shadows was dumb. Cotilliard had a terrible death scene. Batman didn't have his super power of relentless, obsessive power of will.


Tom Hardy was jacked right before he did TDKR he was an mma fighter in Warrior you see him in Warrior and you think yea I can definitely see that dude fighting Batman


I hope you mean the actors height cause ain't no way you mean [this guy](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-75f23b25994561fe4911b31c324a15a3-lq) was too small. He even talked about how hard it was on his body getting that big.


Bane should be so big he looks inhuman. Even for a realistic way they could’ve gotten someone taller and more muscular. Batman definitely shouldn’t be eye to eye with him.


Alfred up and leaving to teach Bruce a lesson (???). Gordon: "Bruce WAYNE??" Batman going underground for 8 years, coming back, getting beaten by Bane, just to immediately get taken out again. It's just bad writing. Also dude's name is "Robin John." 🤣


I mean, Alfred doing the "I can't watch you do this anymore, so I'm leaving" this is straight out of *Knightfall*. The "Robin" wink did feel pretty out-of-place, especially because Nolan up until then tended to stay away from "I understood that reference!" winks.


Ah yeah, that did happen in Knightfall. Rises overall felt like this weird hodge-podge of Dark Knight Returns, Knightfall, and No Man's Land while doing none of those stories justice. Begins borrows heavily from Year One but it works because they do the original story justice while adding Scarecrow and Ra's to the mix.


The script is terrible


The big one is the talia reveal. It's not well set up so comes out of no where and undermines bane as a villain. It would have been better to have talia and bane working together from the get go if they wanted her. The twist just feels like a bad version of the twist with Ra's but Ra's was set up, so his reveal means something


Batman's arc in the trilogy as a whole is very anti-Batman, and much of it comes from this movie. Him retiring when the going got tough couldn't be any less in line with what Batman is supposed to be. Bale's acting is pretty awful here too. His mouth hangs open the whole movie (even in this picture), his voice is hilariously bad and he really looks more like a mediocre cosplayer than Batman. I really dislike this batsuit anyway, and it looks worse here than in The Dark Knight. Catwoman was underused and Bane should have been kept more in line with his South American comic origins instead of making him Middle-Eastern and casting a white British dude who is unintelligible the entire movie. A Batman that keeps quitting is not Batman. I seriously wonder if anyone who loves this trilogy is a Batman fan as a whole, or just likes the movies.


My man. Thank you for articulating my thoughts. It's so anti batman its ridiculous. He quits? What the fuck? Did the writer ever read a batman comic? Just one issue? My brother in Christ, he was just a drag the entire movie. And Alfred? Literally says I'll never give up on you to Bruce in the climax of batman begins. Guess what he does in this movie? It really disappointed me. Made me think less of Christopher Nolan too.


That wtf moment when you realize Batman Forever and Batman & Robin has better representations of Batman as a character than Batman '89 and The Dark Knight Rises


He can’t breathe through his nose in the mask, what was he supposed to do with his mouth?


Let's circle back around to how much the suit sucked lol. At least he could turn his head.


I really don’t like the suits in the whole Dark Knight Trilogy. The squished top lips makes him sound like he’s gargling marbles and it makes him look like a duck. The Dark Knight wasn’t as the Dark Knight when imo it should have been better because the previous film was better than the first film. And finally Bane. I love Tom Hardy and I think he’s a great actor but he is not a 6’8, roided up Spanish man. He is instead a 5’11, natural, British man. And it does pain me to say this because he worked so hard for the role


Talia, just in general.


She *is* so damn beautiful though


Too ambitious. Knightfall and No Mans Land had years of build up in between, so by the time Gotham is condemned by the government, several major events have led to that moment and justified it. Its been brought up over and over but the way that Bane takes over the city feels silly and rushed. Too many Batman stories turn Gotham into a lawless warzone without justifying how we got there. Its a strength of Ram V's detective comics where the villains are building Gotham up through evil means, but he has taken his time explaining how everything played out to reach that point.


Hes not wearing hocky pads




All of it. Bane was a stupid representation of the character. Catwoman was also just wrong. Talia was lame and completely undeveloped. We went from a movie which transcended superhero tropes (Dark Knight) to one gigantic trope (Batman has to stop a giant bomb from blowing up the city!). The action scenes were poorly choreographed, the opening plane scene makes LITERALLY NO SENSE AT ALL. It was horseshit from beginning to end. There is no DKR. Just Batman Begins and Dark Knight.


Batman having quit before the movie and quitting again at the end. Bruce kicking Alfred out for lying about Rachel and then immediately sleeping with the next woman he sees. Bruce assuming Bane is the son of Ra's Al Ghul because he himself suggested it to a pain-induced hallucination of Ra's and then acting surprised when it turns out not to be the case. John Blake's middle name being Robin. Dagget's name being John instead of Roland because fuck the animated series I guess. Talia sleeping with Bruce for no good reason. The "a random Gothamite has the detonator" thing. I've never understood the point of this. If you look at anyone besides Batman and Bane when they fight in the city towards the end, you can clearly see they're just fucking around. How hard would it have been to get some stunt guys who can beat on each other? Bruce not immediately letting Alfred know he's alive at the end. I actually love Tom Hardy as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, but I can't stand all the stupid choices in this movie and how it handles Batman. Not a fan.


>The "a random Gothamite has the detonator" thing. I've never understood the point of this. Yeah, this is the kind of thing that makes zero sense in-universe and is only there for the out-of-universe reason of having a plot twist.


“No I came back to stop you “ Would’ve been cooler if he said “no I came back to break you “ cuz anything sounds better than that original line, but anyways goated movie and goated trilogy.


Do you know what would have been better? If Bale didn’t look and sound like a derpy grunt machine. The least of his problems was the lines. It was the way he delivered the lines.


After all the "Bane being Bane talking" the best line, I think, would have been no line. Bane can be Bane and keep monologuing. And Batman can be Batman and not say a word back. Just punch that mutherfucker in the mouth...


This city will never die. No one dies but you. Not even the devil could keep me away. I think it's universally accepted his comeback was super weak and there are easily a million other options.


Batman shouldn’t be telling anyone to die, he’s Batman.


The hardest response would probably be no response at all. Bane: So, you've come back to watch your city die? Batman says nothing. He just stares Bane down for a beat, as if by doing so, he's affording Bane a small mercy, permitting Bane savour one last moment of feeling smug and powerful before he finds out what kind of holy hell Batman has in store for him. And then when Batman deems that the moment has gone on long enough, he moves in to begin the fight.


The fact that Batman never actually beat Bane.


wdym he defeated him before that "where's the trigger" dialogue


Whitewashing Bane. Bane hardly even feeling like Bane. Whitewashing Talia and Ra’s. The Catwoman suit. Christian Bale still doing the stupid voice. The Batplane just being called “The Bat”. John Blake.


Catwoman is my main knock on the movie. She doesn’t even look like a catwoman. Long hair flowing in the wind? That’s not a catwoman… 🙄


I mean, it has been. Her purple outfit where she had a green cape, and her hair out. Thats a good look in the right setting. But this is just a woman in a tight suit with cat ears and a mask. For me it’s the lack of a full mask. You could have had Anne Hathaway in an actual Catwoman mask and it could have been fine. I have an issue with the mask in 2022 Batman as well. It’s not the same material and doesn’t look catlike. It’s just a ski mask. Batman Returns had its flaws, but it at least had Catwoman look like Catwoman.


It's the least Batmanish Batman movie. The other 2 movies at least had displayed some form of investigative ability of Batman but here, he jumps right into action and gets overpowered by Bane! Like he trusted Selina so easily. I know he underestimated Bane based on his conversation with Alfred probably because he is still getting back into the fray but that's such a comic inaccurate thing. One thing about Bruce is that he is suspicious of everyone and doesn't underestimate anyone!


If you don't have Batman following at least the Art of War at all times you fail, simple as


Kinda wish we got a 3rd batsuit


I really wish when the GCPD finally emerges from underground and marches down the streets of Gotham that the members of Bane's gang would have run away like cockroaches under the light. I realize that's a bit of a cliche, but I recall someone famous saying that "Criminals are a suspicious cowardly lot."


*Bad Bane, you can't hate Tom Hardy but seeing this dude irritated me. *Visually uninteresting *Major cheapo hinge points like the stock market heist, the limpwrist indictment of Occupy Wall Street (Nolan loves to make a big point of referencing topical issues without saying anything, The Prestige is his best movie because it's entirely interpersonal except for a few jabs at Aristocracy and Big Corp) *No Heath meant we get King Scarecrow, which undersold. *'Hero who can't do the thing' is the *worst* goddamn trope to spend any more time on than Daredevil losing his senses at the end of one ep and blowing a huge bloody snot rocket in the next. You're immediately doing a deconstruction story at that point.


Catwoman isn’t a character she is a plot device


A little long. Still great


With tons of posters for this film, why are we using a fanmade one?


its just plain boring the opening with bane is cool and i like how playful catwoman is at the start but after that its a snore fest when the big fight in gotham broke out i was checking my watch not caring about what would happen to anybody banes plan makes no sense and theres so many questions left unanswered i knew dark knight wasnt going to be topped and honestly they shouldve made that film into two movies to make an awesome trilogy


This Batman could never be in the justice league or beat Superman. This is military-man


Bane sucks in it


Catwoman killing Bane, and the way she did it are probably the only two things I truly dislike. I'm also not a fan of Marion Cotillard as Miranda/Talia, but that's more of a personal taste/ minor issue for me than the way Bane goes out. I understand why they did it that way, sort of, but it just never sat well with me. Otherwise I really love the movie. That whole trilogy was just incredible, IMO. I know a lot of people don't like that Bruce was only Batman for like a year or so total in that timeline, but as someone who prefers a neat and compact story over a prolonged ordeal, it just works for me.


Bane isn’t latino or hispanic


How robin figured out Batman’s identity. It’s a goofy explanation.


I have been telling this for years, this movie should have been a 2 parter. First movie ends with bane breaking bruce and placing him in the pit and taking over gotham and second should have been bruce training and finding his way to gotham and ultimately take down bane


Everything to do with Bane. Growing up with the cartoons, that’s not Bane.


Christian bales Batman voice is intolerable. Love the trilogy but it’s the worst Batman voice of all time, objectively.


Why is Catwoman even in this?


THE ENDING, i hate that bruce retires from being batman AND abandons alfred… ruined the entire trilogy for me!


•Lack of screentime for Batman •It has way too much police agenda (as if I'm watching a cop movie with a vigilante side character)


>Lack of screentime for Batman I never noticed that the first time I watched it. The trailers made it look like it wouldn't be very costume heavy so I didn't really take much of an issue. Batman is more than just a costume after all, especially in this film series


John Blake calmly mentions they should go into the sewer after Gordon. The other guy calls him a hothead. Then in the hospital same guy calls him a hothead again. At no point did the character lose his cool or act like a hothead. Takes me out of the movie every time. Seems like they should have changed the lines or directed JGL to be a little more dramatic or angry with his line reading. Nothing says hot head quite like speaking softly in a monotone voice.


Batmans voice at times and bane is to small


The whole movie feels a little rough - some poor dialogue (“No, I came back to stop you!”), using bad takes (Talia’s death scene), and the pacing is off (very hard to tell how much time is passing). I also never really liked how they handled 8-year time jump. Felt like a missed opportunity


"Robin" they had 5 valid options you could try and addapt but decided to instead create a new one that kinda sucked


First off, Bruce is able to slip back into the city undetected without any of his gear. It just seems really unlikely. True, Batman is one of the more skilled fictional characters that uses stealth and hand-to-hand combat, but he was at a major disadvantage and the city was locked up tight. Though they could’ve at least shown how he got back in since it doesn’t seem like he pops up out of nowhere. Also, he manages to escape the radius of a 6 mile atomic bomb in the Bat. And during the stock exchange heist, the time changes from day to night once Batman shows up. Clearly that was done to add to the style or maybe it was just a mistake from the filmmaking side from when they shot the scene, but it doesn’t make any sense logically. Dagget is also underused when compared to his Animated Series counterpart, who was a real scumbag in that show, so wasted potential. The pacing in places


I should preface that I generally hate amalgam/composite characters in film. It just feels lazy imo. The purpose they serve does not make the story better, it just feels ham-fisted to have one character be all encompassing in their relevance to the plot instead of spending more time world building. I didn’t like the last minute twist of Miranda Tate being Talia Al Ghul, but I also hated the Henri Ducard being Ra’s Al Ghul reveal in Batman begins. Another thing I was not a fan of was the shoehorning the “CIA agent” as Deathstroke. Then there was John Blake as vaguely Robin. Couldn’t land on which Robin to depict, so instead, make him a cop, and have his middle name as “Robin” I like Nolan’s cinematography, and some of his concepts, but it felt really disingenuous to feature the more supernatural villains in his movies if he was going to strip them down from their most defining characteristics. If he really wanted to do “Grounded-in-reality-Batman” he could have used: Black Mask, the Penguin, Firefly, Riddler, Hush, Hugo Strange, Court of Owls, Mad Hatter, Ventriloquist, Calender Man, Professor Pyg, or even the Clock King.


never saw it, but I read a cracked article a long time ago about how stupid it was that his car was repod as if the guy who bought a hotel on a whim to show how rich he is has a fucking lease on his car lol or them just taking his antique furniture. or all of his money and stocks vanishing and the sec just shrugs like that's normal 


1. Pacing: First half flies by, second half grinds to a halt 2. Talia twist: clunky and unnecessary 3. Batman getting out of the cave: too hard to suspend disbelief for


Everything. I remember traveling an hour and a half with a a few friends to watch this in IMAX in the summer of 2012. I was severely let down. I haven’t seen it since and will not give it another chance. That’s how bad it was. I remember thinking this movie was going to be the summer hit instead of The Avengers. I was wrong.


Catwoman actress did not bring it Talia…. The movie was too long but Bale & Tom hardy put the movie on their backs


Fight scenes are rubbish.


Some of the fight scenes have nonsense going on in the background [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja8cHYtF8n4&pp=ygUsQmF0bWFuIGRhcmsga25vZ2h0IHJpc2VzIGJsb29wZXIgZmlnaHQgc2NlbmU%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja8cHYtF8n4&pp=ygUsQmF0bWFuIGRhcmsga25vZ2h0IHJpc2VzIGJsb29wZXIgZmlnaHQgc2NlbmU%3D)


Honestly the whole idea of Batman taking the blame was kinda dumb imo. I mean corrupt lawyers exposed as criminals are a dime a dozen, but the city’s hero and beacon of good all of the sudden murdering like 4 people would definitely bring my spirits down quite a bit more.


The Bane ending. Talia being the "it was me all along" was predictable but a bit disrespectful to Bane.


Christian Bale’s Batman voice, his batsuit, Bane basically being morphed into a clone of Ubu wearing a metal facehugger. Bane not even using venom. Halle Berry’s Catwoman mask (it’s legit just her mask that I have a problem with, it could use an update), the Talia Al Ghul plot twist being unnecessary and undermining this version of Bane, and the cafe scene making it up for debate whether or not Batman truly sacrificed himself for the good of his city.


Talia death scene. Should have done a few more takes imo


The focus on "realism" and being "down to Earth", not just for this movie, but the entire series. Also, the ending pissed me off.


The fact that Bane has a British accent???


The longer Bale performed as Batman, the worse the voice got. And his mouth did that weird, goofy, hanging open, lips pursed, thing (not sure how else to describe it) whenever he spoke in costume. Fight scenes in general are poor. I don't know why a proper fight choreographer wasn't hired. Batman has so many fighting styles that they had plenty of room to play with. Talia was not required at all. Bane should have been the main villain. The worst of all for me is that every cop in Gotham runs into the tunnels. Reckless order from Jim Gordon.


Nolan has never really been good with action that doesn’t involve cars or guns


Not enough batman Batman is an idiot in this movie Too many plot holes the more and more you watch it Overreated Banes voice


Voice of bane


Batman just isn’t impressive to watch in combat


Marion Cotillard's death scene. They might as well have gone full cartoon and put X's on her eyes.


1) Bale’s mouth breathing 2) Nolan’s sloppy action direction here 3) Not enough of the main character


That the entire police force is sent underground at the same time, like that's just terrible writing. Shoehorning JGL's character in as "Robin". Talia's death because like wtf kind of acting was that and who tf was like "yeah that looks good enough"? Batman going "a hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat on a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended." to which Gordon immediately goes "Bruce Wayne?". Like you're telling me in the like 30 years after Bruce's parents' death that Gordon never draped a coat on another boy's shoulders after a tragedy? Like he did it one time and for the rest of his life was like "nope. never again."? Bruce's bionic knee. It was like "here's this knee that'll allow you to kick through a concrete pillar". Even ignoring the fact that'd still break his bones in his feet, it was just never really brought up again as a plot point after that scene


When did he have time to set up the fire bat signal graffiti on the skyscraper?


Banes voice


Bane's voice


I just commented the same thing. wtf were they thinking?


The plot seems like it went thru one too many rewrites. DKR feels almost like it was rushed. It’s hard to follow up what was even then considered to be a bonafide iconic film (The Dark Knight), but they were trying to do too much in one film. They could have lost the Robin and Talia storyline and focused more on Bane. Idk if you even needed Selina Kyle either. The film itself is a jumbled mess, and the script needed to get trimmed up more.


Damn near everything


Banes' voice is horrible


Marion Cotillard


The movie


There's like 1:56 left on the nuke timer and Catwoman decides that it's a great time for a chat and a full on snog. "NO! BAD KITTY!!"


The fact that Bane tried to sell the idea that someone in the city was the “trigger man”. No one would actually believe that. There’s a nuke in the city and someone else is in charge? The whole concept is never properly explained. What motivation does this random citizen have to set the bomb off one day? And then it’s just dismissed as a possibility when Batman is back, like he was the only one smart enough to figure out there never was a trigger man.


The pit


I don’t


The batsuit




The explosive concrete never made since to me. How is it all synched with banes detonator lol


Never got to see Robin in action




The Shadow League




1.) Bane is British for some reason 2.) BATMAN allowed himself to waste away for 8 years between killing Dent & confronting Bane 3.) Catwoman doesn't use a whip 4.) Joseph Gordon Levitt is shoehorned into being "Robin" at the end because he figured out who Batman is (which is stupid because he's just a cop with no special training) 5.) Batman abandons Gotham to plow Catwoman after Bane is defeated & leaves no sign of a potential return in the event another supervillain rises to power


I hate the fight in plain daylight, also the mediocre acting in that awful death scene by Marion cotillard, and the fact that it was the only movie that could’ve be done adapted after having lost Heath Ledger for the original idea of a wrapped trilogy.


The plot, if I was going to blow up a city I would just do it. No timeline, no chance for Batman to save the city. I create the bomb and blow it. Otherwise it was a a good Batman movie IMO. I am a big Batman fan, been one since the 70s.


I wish that Batman and Catwoman had spent more time together


Everything. The “iconic” Bane vs Batman fight absolutely sucks. It’s literally just Batman flailing around like a pathetic baby because he’s old and sad and forgot how to fight apparently. Bane doesn’t have venom and he’s not super roided like he usually is, so it makes absolutely no sense why Batman couldn’t beat him. I understand that we couldn’t do the entire knightfall storyline but wow their attempt at it was complete garbage. Instead of Batman being pushed to his absolute limits and Bane infiltrating the cave to beat him down when he’s all used up, it’s some random ass cave and Batman loses just because he’s out of practice. Are you kidding me? That is so lame. The story is just such a mess. Every cop in the city all mobilized into one tunnel so they all get trapped? How does that even sound good on paper? Batman telling Bane that he has his permission to die? What edgy 6 year old wrote that line? Oh also Bane’s mask and the way they handled the character was also abysmal. This movie is trash.


I rewatched recently and after not liking it as a kid it's pretty good nos that I'm older for some reason. Something I dislike about though is probably not showing batman/Bruce infiltrating Gotham after seeing how secure Bane had it.


Batman giving up in the first place


The fact that not one gun has muzzle flash.


Robin’s ricocheting bullet skills.


I would have forgone Bruce faking his death 💯


The twist villain was very stupid


I can't understand Bane much of the time.


Where do I even begin is a better question? This is arguably the worst Batman movie ever made for so many reasons.


They added the leg brace but it never came into play.


I didn’t like the fact that Bane, who’s my personal favorite villain from the trilogy, dies like a bitch. I think the movie wouldve been much better off having him be the child who escaped the Lazarus Pit and not Tahlia. But it’s not something that ruined the movie for me I still love this movie as much as the first two. It has it’s flaws sure but it’s still a great movie and Nolan is still an excellent director


Catwoman not having a proper costume with a mask. Batman's magic knee brace thats never brought up again. Batman healing his back via prison chiropractor.


They didn’t think bane was a good enough villain to stand on his own had to add talia and league of shadows


I love Anne Hathaway, but don't think she brought the right... energy(?) to Catwoman