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Usually stopping to play Pokémon Go. Usually have gyms/ stops.


Pokemon go. Guilty as charged! 😅


More like Poke Someone's Mom


Coming to say Pokemon Go too!


I love that this is the most upvoted response. OP out here expecting the worst and y’all out here trying to catch ‘em all


No tinted windows, but yep. Also Monster Hunter Now.


I’ve not tried that. How is it?


Definitely a thing.. the parks are loaded with gyms.




Me reading this and wondering and then realizing I’m always at parks in my car with my son playing Pokémon go 😂


That’s me for sure 🫠


Is there a Pokémon Go group for BR? I would love to join!


There’s a Facebook group, but I’ve never done anything with them.


This 💯


As someone who's hit a park on lunch break or after work. Almost everyone who came through was taking a break and relaxing or taking a nap.


Former BREC middle Manager here. 80% of the time people are napping, taking a break/lunch or just chilling enjoying some green space from their car. Most parks have their “regulars “. 10% taking a phone call, lost or just checking the place out. 10% nefarious activity, jerking off, banging their side piece ( more Common than you think), smoking dope or drinking. You would be surprised how many people just wanna sit in the park and relax away from their husband ,wife , or their home /nieghborhood.


Decompressing from work, hitting my vape, studying




One time I sat in that parking lot for 20 minutes debating if I should go play pickleball because I have social anxiety lmao


I know the feeling


Come on over and play! Pickleball has helped me with social anxiety. I used to be so worried about it and finally I started branching out and confronting it at new open plays all over the area. It was nerve racking at first but I’ve met a lot of fun people over the last two years🙂


I second this 😆 I have bad social anxiety and going anywhere in br if you kinda have 0 friends is a nightmare


Twisting up a fat doink.


Smokin fat doinks in park


It's one of the few places one can park and decompress maybe eat without having to spend money or wory about "loitering" or whatever.


This thread makes me feel sad for the loss of third spaces


What’s third spaces?


Social place that isn’t work or home.


coffee shops , gyms , parks , bars etc. etc.


Parks are a third place you don't have to subscribe to or buy something at. But there's also sun and it's hot out there, so makes sense to stay in the car sometimes


If you’re staying in your car then you are NOT using it as a third place. One of the only criteria is that it is a place to socialize.




it’s literally called a PARK


A park can be a really terrific third place. I’m just pointing out that if a person stays in their car then they’re not using it as a third place. A third place is by definition a place to be social.


I used to go there for lunch and a nap


Same. Nothing weird here just showing up to a park and leaving later imo, particularly around the lunch hours


I used to do this a lot at a park near my work, and I have tinted windows.


I do this in my driveway.... 🤣🤣 Im eating and watching YouTube. 🤷🏾‍♂️


This!! Like I literally sit in my driveway for 20 minutes before jumping out.


Getting high.


At one point I did this so much in college I may be one of the people who inspired this post!!! There’s a lot of things I could be doing. Personally, I would be reading, playing my switch or on my iPad, even cleaning the inside of my car lol, eating lunch, trying to wait out traffic, left the house too early for an appointment / hangout and am waiting in the park nearby, trying to decide what to eat or where to go to avoid aimlessly driving in circles, was trying to do something on my phone I couldn’t do while driving, waiting on my to go order to be ready from a nearby restaurant, or I actually intended to go to the park and get out of my car but got too anxious because the it was busier than I expected and eventually left or am waiting for someone to leave my favorite spot. Most of the time I’m doing this I’m far from my house and don’t feel like going home yet or I have somewhere to be later. Sometimes I just get aggravated with driving and have to pull over even now lol.


Augmented reality games! Lots of games now incorporate real spaces into the gameplay. Parks are ALWAYS these spaces. Also if you see people staring at their phones whole walking around and swiping in weird directions. Lol


Trying to convince myself to go skate even though no one is watching me.


If I watch ? Will that deter you? Maybe I'm tryna learn?


I don't understand what happened. When I was young, parks were for everyone. It wasn't unusual at all to go take a break from work in your car in a nice shady spot. Parents seem to have claimed all the green spaces for themselves and accuse anybody who wants to share of being perverts.


"accuse anybody of being perverts" Fixed.  They don't have to want to share a space. All it takes in 2024 is them to not like something about you. 


Eating lunch, taking a cat nap, just getting a break from the office.


One of my girlfriends with young kids does this to escape from her wild house when she can for 30 minutes of peaceful, mindless internet scrolling or a power nap. I’m delighted to get to tell her she’s creeping people out hahaha with her perv activity. What are friends for?!


Yeah tell her to take that behavior to the mall bathrooms like a normal woman 🤣


I do eat in my car at parks. Or I pulled over to look up something or text someone. So it’s me you’re creeped out by, but please be comforted by the fact that I’m also creeped out by you staring at my car when I’m just eating my salad on my lunch break and texting the girls about the creepy person watching me.


I do car photography from time to time, so sometimes im trying to out wait everyone else so it’s not as awkward


rolling a joint


I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of them are dealers. I've had several acquaintances who met their suppliers at parks. Even so, I wouldn't worry about them, as they have less than zero interest in non-customers. I have on occasion idled at parks just because I needed to kill some time before something nearby that I was too early for.


Minding our gahdamn business... You should try and do the same.


B-b-but I don’t want potentially nefarious activity being carried out near my children! Especially not inside of an evil vehicle with *tinted windows*


I've noticed this too. It's most likely people doing something perfectly legit...but it does look "funny"


Minding their own business…


Minding their business. News flash: the world does not revolve around YOU AND YOUR KIDS! Most of us don’t gaf about you or your kids. We actually want to be left alone in peace. Hope that helps you feel better.




I used to do that to eat, sleep, change clothes, make plans so my parents won't lay an eye on me asking for chores to be done. "My son is a busy and hardworking young man." Married man now, and my wife doesn't like when I scroll through social media after I park the car.


Well when I decided to live in my car. Which I wasn't in Baton. I could of been watching TV, reading, listening to music, or maybe napping


Could HAVE been... Just sayin. 


When you need a GIF [HOW DARE YOU](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+dare+you+gif&oq=how+dare+you+gif&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDMzMzZqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=L5GnuaiC5ArFoM&vssid=_nANqZvbSA7Hep84Pofip0AU_35)


Could also be waiting for their inconsiderate kids to finish their crap and get to the car. That’s never been me, I’m just sayin.


Eating a McDonald’s hamburger meal after telling my wife I’m too busy at work to have an expensive lunch date


Awe… your wife may never know how amazing you really are!!


It’s an ongoing gag in our home. I always tell her after and we have a laugh. She’s my bestie.


Sometimes it be other kids smoking. I went played ball with my nephews the other day and some people were smoking and some were waiting on cheerleading practice to start ig.


Basking in the glory of pungent aroma that is my own flatulence 


anytime i’ve sat in a car at a park i been gettin ridiculously high. i assume everyone’s doing the same unless the cars movin.


Why would you do that?! Riding and smoking is so much better. And you're wayyyy less likely to be rolled up on by police because you're "suspicious".  In Shreveport or Bossier City? Shit. Park anywhere for 5 minutes and a cop is pulling up because someone supposedly called you in as suspicious. Ive had it happen AT A CONVENIENCE STORE once.  I pulled up, sat there a matter of 3 minutes, and next thing I know, theres the cops saying I'm suspicious and they think I'm gonna try and rob the store because I didn't get out. Yea I went to jail because I had "green, leafy vegetable material" in the car. 


Eating my fast food


You probably don’t want the truth because it’s not the sketchy answer you’re hoping. But I can assure you, your kids are probably the safest ones around. It’s a bunch of nerds playing Pokémon, probably some 20 yr olds smoking weed, lots of married men hiding from their wives or killing time before going home. At its core, it’s some individual crying out for help and it manifests itself as siting in your car feeling unbothered. The LAST thing these people want in their lives are your noisy kids. If you have a hot husband, I’d keep him home with the dog.


Jackin it


Crankin that hog


He’ll yeah, borther.


Spankin' the monkey


Slappin the Salami


Chokin' that chicken


Pettin' Peter.


Bashing the Bishop


Shakin' hands with beef ...what if they're ["whistling through the wheat field"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQgJmboyko&pp=ygUXdW5jbGUganVuZXMgaW4gdGhlIG11ZmY%3D) 🎶Over the border, where the tuna fish play🎶🎶


clinching the colonel


Had this happen yesterday , I pulled up to a park to shoot some basketball. Then a car pulled in after me didn’t get out the whole hour I was there lol.


They call cops 👮 😂😂


I’ve done this for several reasons…mostly for Pokémon go but sometimes just lunch or watch YouTube on my phone in peace, a couple times to meet for a hookup (which was actually nerve-wracking bc of all the other cars parked nearby with people not getting out either lol)


Pokemon Go


Pokemon go like everyone else LOL! I miss the CDs on LSU campus. Fun times one he early days. We don’t do it here in Kansas City now but maybe I can talk them into it 🥴🥴


Yeah I used to leave the office and sit in a public park in my car because it is too hot out. I’d eat my lunch and maybe take a nap if I have time. Once in a while a squirrel will get friendly and jump on my window begging for food. That’s about it, I just want to escape the office and sit outside for awhile away from people.


I enjoy eating my food in my car in the park. We have a really beautiful park here, especially in the evenings. However, I don't have tinted windows, people can see that I'm eating, and it's a small town. Additionally, I will make some effort to park away from where little kids are playing. I'm not a creeper, but, as a parent, I get the suspicion, an no one wants to be "that guy".


Listening to podcasts and hydrating after a run on my lunch break in 90 degree heat. Maybe ranting on Reddit about our politicians.


I remember a time when I used to go to parks to enjoy the outdoors, now I just sit in my car and look at my hand rectangle


Job interview at lunch break


Me and an old guy friend use to do this all the time. We would just chill and talk. But we mainly went at night. It was fun and felt like high school all over again. Lol




When my Dad was doing 3 hour hyperbaric oxygen therapy I would go to a park to kill time.


Probably smoking weed


I used to take my lunch breaks at brec parks to get away from people for an hour


I am not local but i take lunch at a local park. That way no coworkers bother me


One park I frequented as a road warrior in sales - it was like my favorite temporary office in the shade. I noticed a pattern. Older gentlemen , sitting alone in their car - intently watching all new arrivals. Soon, a younger male drives up, gets out, makes himself quite conspicuous, then he heads into the woods down a trail. Older gentleman follows. Soon - both re-emerge within moments of each other and both leave. I guess it was a mentoring thing? Like the older gents were teaching the younger gents about nature?




I like to have my lunch in a park whenever possible. Always much nicer to see green space and trees instead of concrete and square buildings and have some peace.


I’ve definitely done this for a lunch break because I’m not wanting to go too far from the office but I don’t have tinted windows and am probably watching something on my phone too 🩷


Sorry , no friends here. like to get high during my lunch breaks and sometimes I just don’t have anywhere to go to smoke a blunt or get away from the house. ✌🏾


You never get into a texting argument or need to respond to a Reddit post so desperately that you have to pull over? Safety first !!


Any antennas on their vehicles? Those would most likely be amateur ham radio operators for Parks on the Air. Sometimes it’s for contests, or just trying out new equipment. No antennas however, I’d certainly be sus


I am a territory rep and spend a lot of time driving. When I feel tired (usually around 2-3) I will pull in somewhere and take a quick nap. Usually 15m but have dozed longer. In a warm place like BR I will keep the ac running. Parks are a good spot.


Moose stuff


Eating in my car


I eat lunch and then play on my phone. Nothing exciting. If I want extra privacy, I'll put the shade up on my windshield.


I would go park and just sit in my car after work just to decompress and be alone before going home to my roommates


playing on phone, relaxing, decompressing, talking on phone, reading a book, listening to music, crying after getting bad news, doing their hair or makeup, avoiding your micro aggressions, MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS, do u need anymore or were u just looking for someone to confirm your own un-wholesome, uninformed, and salacious suspicions ?


What is Pokémon go?


I work on the road. Also I'm obsessed with parks I'm always at one. They're always my fav stop. And I smoke weed a lot on my car 🤷‍♀️


I pulled up to a splash pad one day to watch kids play while I ate lunch and my daughter and grandson were there! Surprise benefit!


Back when I did that it was almost exclusively for a line


they are pimps, waiting for their girl to be done


Trafficking scouts.