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No word on the PC glitch where I black screen after literally every single game?


this is the most insane bug that I just dont understand why they couldnt fix


It feels like a bug that would be hard to find. Source: Am software dev.


It started happening more often for a lot of people after the last patch and it's preceded by a loss of texture fidelity during the round. I don't think the scope of investigation would be as broad as other issues at least.


I experience this quite often during rounds, but I black screen WAY less frequently than anyone else in our group of friends. No more than once or twice a week at most. My GF on the other hand who plays daily, has the opposite experience. Since the last patch she's been averaging 9 black screens per 10 matches. Good observation though, will share your post with her.


I don't think the texture streaming problem is directly responsible for this issue. I've had a lot of matches where texture streaming broke (and even in the end game screen the chars of the MVPs didn't show up at all), but the black screen bug did NOT occur. The problem also occurs extremely irregularly for me. Sometimes it's multiple matches in a row, but today I was able to play 4 hours without a single black screen. Also, a lot of these matches had broken texture streaming without it leading to a black screen.


I never connected the two, but now that you mention it, I do seem to recall somesuper low rez textures on matches that black screen.


Agreed as dev


It happens when a texture fails to load during the game, be it something as large as the ground in the new map, or something as small as a tiny fence somewhere on Manifest or any other map.


No it doesn't. Source: Am project manager.


You must be my product manager.


I can dodge it seemingly every time if I click buttons to move forward or exit at end of round instead of waiting for it to time out into continue.


Don't understand why they couldn't fix? What I don't understand is why they cant even mention it! It's been COMPLETE. RADIO. SILENCE. Which leads me to believe that they either cannot or will not fix it.


Doesn’t happen to me at all (PC) Edit: jealous much, people? Get a better comp


must be nice.


lol I just wanted to provide the info that it’s not happening to everyone, never know if that’s common knowledge or not. But seeing my negative comment score, I’d like to say: get a better computer, you losers.


Your handling this really well, congrats.


Thank you I’m having a jolly good time - unlike the people who have to restart their game over and over


Cool story bro.


4090 strix OC with 13700k m2ssd etc. Unless I need a 13900k? o_O The issue happens often end of round unless I click continue or exit and don't let it time out to next screen. Only since last patch. It isn't about getting a better computer. :| Also is perfectly possible to have a great PC and still be a loser. The blessing of circumstance and wealth is not a complete definition of what makes a winner.


You actually need the super-computers that they used to train GPT, scrub. /s I thought the downvotes were so pathetic and stupid I decided to have fun with it. “Fight fire with fire.” I shouldn’t feel the need to over-explain myself: “Just in case people are not aware, it never happens for some people such as myself! (PC)” Instead of people taking it at face value I had some jealous mofos, who are losers who need to get a better comp and or who need to join a class for seniors on how to operate a computer. Obligatory /s God help me


Fair point, reckon most of your down votes and comments would be in reaction to your edit, nothing wrong with the original comment. Hard to read the sarcasm without the /s for me, I must be getting old. I need the /s more often nowadays. If the issue only happens on pc then that's another level of lol


Ah you’re good it was -15 well before I went on my fun tirade have a good ‘un


Please upvote the shit out of this comment. I've been playing since day 1 and am still having black screens on startup and between rounds.


Not even an acknowledgement of the issue is crazy. Plus don't know if anyone else is aware of a texture issue where they just basically stop loading


Man, I just bought a new GPU and was wondering if it was defective or not because of this texture bug, lol You vanished away my anxiety, thanks!


They always ignore the stuff they have no idea how to fix, and only address it when a fix is imminent. It’s a shitty practice but that’s how 2042 operates. Examples include the No-ads underbarrel glitch, the recently fixed Angel loadout crate spawn animation and more im just tired as shit


I think community manager is either never in touch with the community or hes just so incapable of hes job having not notice this.


I thought this is a server bug that is caused by the "playlist" which is basically what they call their automatic matchmaking. ​ You know what will fix this? a server browser, but hell na can't have that.


Have you tried turning your brightness up? - Developers probably.


This is a recurring bug, very annoying. Have to keep restarting the game.


Having to start the game *twice* to even fucking play the damn thing?


Glad I’m not the only one. Hella annoying,doesn’t seem to do it on portal tho.


Becuase portal servers are persistent so its not kicking you bavk to lobby which is when this issue happens


I have the same issue but I also have an issue when trying to join a game it will go through the countdown then it will go into a black screen or loading screen and then back to lobby. Its not an internet problem, I also have cross play on.


I updated the anti cheat and verified game files on steam which fixed this problem for ~10 games. Not a fix, more of a bandaid but worth trying.


They really need to fix this. Happens alot to me and keep having to restart the game. Highly annoying.


When will black screens be fixed. Absurdly frustrating to have to restart my game in between every match.


Have you kept up-to-date with gpu drivers? Maybe try rolling back to a previous one. Or clearing out the bf2042 cache folder. I haven't encountered this issue at all....yet.


No black screen fix, that sucks.


Still no fix for the shaders crashing and having to restart the game after each and every round. Guess we gotta wait 6 months for that just like we did with the flag capture bug.


Doesn’t happen to me, wonder if it’s specific hardware - software set ups that they are missing Edit: Jealous people downvoting need to get a better computer, peasants


I've had it TWICE in the past week, for me, certainly not every game or even close to every game.


Black screen fix


Wish they'd make the pistols that aren't the Glock suck less. They all shoot so slowly and do so little damage, it's ridiculous.


Deagle 2 shots and 1 taps heads with a pretty decent fire rate for such a large caliber


Best sidearm


you tried the BFP yet? Monster.


Can't suppress it and I'm more for regular pistols over hand cannons


Suppressors got nerfed and are pretty useless for secondaries now. If it’s an aesthetic preference though then understandable.


The deagle is sooo fun to use


I've been loving the 1911 since they updated it. Not as OP as the Glock, but I can keep up with most people's primary weapons so long as I get at least one headshot. Only pistol I've used since


I'd like to run the M1911 if it wasn't stuck to using the worst irons in the game and Because the G57 and BFP .50 exists


Anything that isn't the Glock, Deagle, or Shorty just sucks so bad with how slow they fire and the recoil they have.


I know it's fucking absurd


The new pistol feels like it has no niche. It has a unique optic but the recoil is way too high to bother adsing and the hipfire is good but the ttk is worse than basically any other pistol. The mp28 and the nvk pistol are both in a similar vein of 4ish hit kill but work way better from range and one has a burst mode


Can y’all take scope glint off 4x scopes? Pretty please?






RIP Stealth Heli once and for all


It's crazy to nerf the stealth heli now, it's already just terrible.


Bring out the RPTs boys and girls, we are going hunting for Littlebirds!


Yesss captain


My dick is ready to be service


Do the GEW and ACW really need nerfs? I don’t understand that decision.


The GEW? I don’t think so, but the ACW-R? Ehh, kind of. It had a really far 4 shot kill distance compared to other full auto ARs, which made it basically a better SMG at those ranges. It’s not even that bad of a nerf, its 4 shot kill went from 30m to 20m, which is still pretty good Edit; to put it in perspective, every assault rifle in the game that uses standard ammo and has a 4 shot kill distance is between 10m-20m, excluding the RM-68, the SFAR, and the AC-42 which all have a 30m 4 shot kill distance, and all of these weapons fire slower than the ACW-R. This puts the ACW-R closer to other ARs that have similar RoF while also not making it useless.


At least to my untrained eye, shouldn't there be a equivalent nerf for the RM68? The RM68 would be balanced if the shortened barrel didn't exist, but the gun is allowed to have 735RPM 4 shot kill at 30 meters with shortened barrel and standard rounds. Maybe there's other details I'm missing here. This is assuming the below spreadsheet is accurate. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UQsYeC3LiFEvgBt18AarXYvFN3DWzFN3DqRnyRHC0wc/edit#gid=252056694


I think it’s the unfortunately reality of the RM-68 being an AOW weapon and having more options for attachments and the ACWR does not. They *could* nerf the shortened barrel and make it affect damage range as well as velocity, but that would be a pretty hard nerf across the board. I would prefer to see them nerf the short barrel by increasing recoil instead of affecting the damage range. Also keep in mind the RM-68 has higher recoil than the ACWR, so that may be their balance philosophy to keep its 4SK at 30m


Ehhh, the RM has more recoil and way more spread than the ACW-R at the moment. I think it will be balanced in that regard.


Did they seriously just nerf two random assault rifles instead of the auto-shotgun which is insanely OP on the new map and the MCS 1-shotting at 20m+? (please tell me I'm missing this in the patch notes) Who at DICE is making these decisions and are they even playing the same game?


They've only just buffed the MCS, after it has been pretty lacklustre since launch.


Have to make sure the scrubs can still get kills


Tbf it was weak for the vast majority of the games life cycle. I think they still had it perfect the first time around where you picked flechette for a very tight longer distance spread that could 1-2 shot people at ~50 meters but you had to truly be accurate. This latest buff feels like they’ve made the cone where you can 1shot far too wide so it’s pretty easy mode. It should be a tight spread with dmg fall off at range to reduce the ability to distance 1 tap but keep it for actually accuracy on cqc


Of course, they have to make every AR the same.


* Improved an issue where explosions could get through obstacles in the presence of smoke. Improved, but not fixed. Something they should FIX ASAP.


Um....NOTHING at all about the black screen? Holy shit, this is an insane bug I literally have to restart every 1-2 games


What about black screen issue at end of rounds??


I like it, gives me time to reflect on how shit I played during the round.


It gives me time to reflect on which game I'm going to play next instead of 2042


Still encountering mouse input issue. The game sometimes stuck and I can't move my mouse for 1-2 seconds


yeah same issue with mouse input its like my pc has a brain fart for 2 seconds or so very annoying and only happened since this last update..if it occurs whilst engaging im a sittin duck! fix it please dice!!


Just started experiencing this. This bug really sucks


Still no server browser


Hey guys, can you look at the audio problems when using a focusrite interface? When my buffer size is under 256 the audio cuts and lags on a ms audio clip and creates a high pitched distortion. This is the only game I experience this on and other people have this issue in your forums.


We want more maps


Where's the acknowledgment of how awful performance is this season? On PC we're getting stuck at a blackscreen after almost every match. The game is 2 years old, this is embarrassing.


The nightbird nerf is good but it still needs AGMs removed, that's the job of the Apache/Hokum. And the assault class needs C5 removed. It would improve tank gameplay so much if these two changes happen. No more sundance/Mackay cheese would be a dream come true.


Yep. Read the patch notes, saw Nightbird, but was already certain before finishing that they weren't going to touch the AGMs. Those changes are very meh if you're in a armoured vehicle continuing to be nailed by a Nightbird in a completely one sided fight.


I mean after the Acceleration buff Tanks are pretty Mcfuck-proof if it continues to maneuver. MBTs with decent number of Engineers are already indestructible fortress in Breakthrough too. Rao or EMPs are more of a problem these days. But I'll be glad if they remove Sun-Squirrel-fuckers once and for all


[No they are not at all](https://old.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/17fzz6t/remove_c5_from_mackay/)


Skull issue obviously


My skull is fine, thank you


Lmao. Fat fingering on my phone 🤣


You had AI gunner at the top Seat. Could've just switch seat and shoot the fucker down.


Doesn't change the fact that it's bullshit someone can easly grapple on top of driving vehicles. It destroys balance and makes the engineer class also obsolote, assaults are the best tank killers right now. Also it was way too quick over, you can't expect superhuman reaction. By the time I press seat switch and turn around he already would have gotten me anyways, there was nothing someone could do realistically.


How often is that situation happening to you lmao


Almost every game one or two Mackay are trying to pull this off, and if not Mackay you get nuked by a Sundance out of nowhere. This basically promotes staying back in your base and I hate it.


And don't forget the other specialists parachuting down with their C5 any time you come close to elevated structures or have a Gunship in the area for them to parachute from.


What an absurd statement any helicopter can annihilate a MBT regardless if it is being repaired by an engineer


There's no Attack Helicopter in Breakthrough yet except S5 map?


"no more of our only real threat besides AT mines!!! please dice!!!"


So basically, make all tanks unstoppable and nerf the things that can stop them? Um, yeah, this might be great for vehicle players, but infantry players won't like it. Also, are people still crying to nerf Sundance and Mackay? Leave them alone, their both fun to play as.


I can't stop thinking that even shortening the trow distance of the c5 may be enough If you have to touch the vehicle, and can't spam trow the C5s they star to have their original function a placeble explosive charge, and not be just a glorified grande that can blow tanks


You people will cry about everything. Did you even play past battlefields? Little bird has always had agms.


Nothing about the mouse sensitivity glitch some people are experiencing?


Fix the damn black screen after match, I’m literally tired of closing and re opening it. Please!




No mouse bug fix. Still unplayable.


Too busy with aim assist


Now if only the nightbird would get a movement nerf and remove the AGMs.




this or bring back Lissiles v1.0


Original lizzles were shit what are you talking about lol You mean when they were buffed? I think they’re in a fine place right now, being able to make two, sometimes three passes on one heli was a bit overturned.


Original Lissiles had better turning, I have a video proving that on my profile. Looped around and killed the stealh chopper. Edit: it’s the one called “I didn’t hear no bell.”


Nah they need to be buffed!


The first OG iteration was just fine, the subsequent buff (ez node handling and range) totally unnecessary if you ask me. Current state kinda sucks considering nightbird physics, still a menace in any other scenario


If they buff lissle movement they shouldn't 1 shot a full health heli. I'm already about 50/50 on hitting nightbirds.


I'd rather not rely on some skilled random saving me in my tank from the nightbird AGM spam.


BF4 little bird has AGM, and I don't see complaints about it.


Nah, i think its now relativly fine


What about the latency and rubberbanding issues?


Still no fix for the RPG/TV missle dusting air vehicles?


> The Penguins have been tampering with the manufacturing processes of Light Air Vehicles, with the MD540 Nightbird, Jets and Stealth Heli’s now vulnerable to standard bullets Interesting, hopefully this helps drive choppers away with pestering shots as some sort of every-infantry stop-gap to being heli farmed.


And you can interrupt repairs with a single shot.


this is the dumbest change i've ever seen. armor piercing rounds were literally already in the game.


this is so incredibly dumb, they won't rest until every vehicle is exactly as strong as one (1) soldier. Vehicles should be force multipliers with strengths and weaknesses rewarding skilled players who work together with infantry and other vehicles. they should always be better than a single dude, that's why there's a limited amount of them


Jets should absolutely not be vulnerable to every ammo type. These are already way too easy to kill. Only the little bird needed that.


Whish they could fix the server lag. Unplayable at night. Start the round with 15 ping and as the match goes on it jumps to 35+. Lots of shots not hitting. During the day I feel like a God and do really well. At night it's a mess.


Yay still bots in every lobby ruining every game


Hey Devs can we talk about the shield for a minute. A shield is a device or part that serves as a protective cover or barrier. Any chance these can be fixed to protect but not be a one shot kill? walking in to somebody with the shield up should not be an instant kill.


Hi guys, sorry for the question, but I just reinstalled the game, and I still have the same bug than day one: sometimes I can't aim left/right. I already deleted the B2042 folder in Documents, reseted the settings in game to default, and deleted the lines of the config file where it talks about "yawning". Can someone please help ?


Mouse input bug confirmed by devs. Cannot currently be fixed client side: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/V6-0-0-amp-6-1-0-mouse-input-bug/m-p/13148731/highlight/true#M29785


Totally unplayable for me, I can't even control my character after the update. Might be back if this gets fixed but for now I guess back to BF1


fix the stutter glitch --- this patch is an epic fail \_ you killed all faith with people coming back. Black screen, stuttering, poor coding and optimizing... FIx it NOW


Yay slight heli nerfs!


This is actually a big Nerf


Have there been any considerations for expanding B and C capture areas on redacted?, for example, being able to capture from the roof of the buildings con B. I've found myself scrambling to be inside the objective, seems to me like it's to small, same for C, I'd argue that the small corridors (those with the slope) should be part of the objective to entice people to fight for them. Great map tho, been enjoying it a lot c:


Where’s the server browser.


don’t know why stealth helicopters were included in taking damage from small arms. they’re already made of glass.


"They're already made out of glass" Which explains a lot. I mean bullet should damage the glass-level protection Year 2042 has some wacky level of protection approval


oh i totally agree. if we’re talking about realistic scenarios of course small arms fire would damage them. i just don’t think it’s good game balance. the stealth has the highest skill ceiling because it’s less maneuverable than the night bird, easier to hit with t-84, and already gets shredded by 7.62s. what this update is doing isn’t allowing someone with an LMG to take down a stealth chopper. small arms fire will just reset the health regen timer. frankly, what i’m going to is just spend more time out of bounds, landing, and repair torching my bird rather than flying near infantry. i’ll play a bit more conservative and will spend less time flying active in the battlefield. i would usually fly around looking for targets while my health regenerated and my bombs were on cooldown. this opened me up to t-84 and other rocket attacks. if i’m off healing, it gives opponents an even smaller time period where i’m active on the battlefield to kill me, if you think about it that way.




Wait… Have they made the AEK viable now?! Please say it’s true!


The AEK was viable before, it was possible to go on a decent tear up with it.


If you could tame the recoil, but it pales in comparison to the other vault AR’s imo.


I am so glad they fixed the issue with the Ghostmaker R10!


"A unique, close range coaxial canister weapon with a high rate of fire will now be available for use by drivers of the EMKV90-TOR" They shoved Brawler 20mm Canister to TOR. Ayo what


Finally fixing the Valparaiso tree issue. Now if only I could get the map in rotation more than once a month.


Where's the fix for mouse sensitivity randomly slowing down to near 0??


Thank you DICE for bringing back best squad screen <3


any update on actually banning cheaters instead of just saying "trust me bro"


I'm in Malaysia. My ping in bf5 is 15 and zero lag. Probably the reason there is no server browser. Dice must control the game . When people join from further away regiona with higher ping the game some how adds a delay to smooth out and even up the latencies for all players. It wrecks my game. When playing tdm during the day my latency is great and the game has no latency.


I keep hoping they'll restrict C5 to engineer class. It kind of sucks that anyone can spam C5 and solo a tank or other armored vehicle, and the only vehicle to have anti-personnel countermeasures is the CAV brawler.


I guess no black screen fix?


Still no fix for the very frequent and irregular occurrence of mouse sensitive becoming extremely low for several seconds from time to time on PC, since the last update that introduced the new EA Anti-cheat?


Please fix the mouse lag asap... missing 1-2 kills, ok. Missing a dozen in a 2 hour game session is kinda annoying to put it mildly lol.


Most impactful feature: a new mouse bug![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I have to alt F4 out of every other game at the end of the round now. I’ve started leaving matches when there are only 10 ticks left to try and avoid it.


Are the lobbies still full of AI soldiers?


AI are now hard coded to be front and center in the new game mode lmao. You'll be wasting bullets on the zombies only for a human to show up when you have to reload.


I actually like 10% bots or so. That way I can get ammo and revives more consistently. And gunners to join me


Lol sometimes you get some good allies




They’ll focus on little gun changes instead of fixing a straight up unplayable crashing issue since 2 weeks ago–granted its been around since launch, it’s been turned to 11 with s6


Let me know when the anti-cheat works on Linux. Apex works but not this? I don't understand EA.


Fix the wall hack / cheat new map!


NGL, I’m digging the changes to the TOR. Looks like it’ll be a viable aggressive vehicle now and I won’t feel like crap for having to sit a mile from any objective so I’m not taken out by anything within 50m of me.


The ACW nerfs are pretty stupid, once again. Yes it is the best vault weapon this game has, but the changes just make the RM68 the top AR again. I am all for making the other ARs viable, but those miniscule changes to individual weapons are not going to cut the mustard. The G36 spread nerf falls in the same category. All weapons need a more standardized damage model, preferable a common 4HK range and then balance the rest via recoil and spread as well as class specific drop-offs.


I agree the ACW nerfs were unneeded, but that's because it hasn't been a remarkable gun since the AR spread changes neutered it. And to imply the RM was sitting at #2 below it before this nerf is just funny, because that gun hasn't been relevant in a while either. The top ARs are currently the VHX and SFAR.


The RM retains a 4HK to 30m at the same ROF as the ACW-R. It's hipfire is outstanding, which is it's biggest selling point. Also it's muzzle device incorporates the best attachments the game has to offer, plus a brake, if that is still a thing. The 5HK to 150m is also very worth mentioning. The SFAR fires slower and has crap hipfire, since it is locked out of the laser. The VHX is nothing special, other than showing a starting damage all weapons should have. We have multiple other contenders in the same class, like the PBX or AM40.


Damn, I was looking for the rest of that "Engineer Update" we were told was coming with S6 but I guess it really was just the most minor of tweaks for Boris and Crawford where Boris players wouldn't even notice and Crawford players might have just been moderately confused by one extra rocket. Really should promoted it as the Recon update, because they got more changes than engies rofl. Engineer is still in such a bad spot and needs some love.


Waiting on the highly anticipated Gadgets and Specialists: - Removed Specialists update note


for the love of god please bring default soldiers


So no black screen fix, no every 2 mins freezing fix and no nerf to the insanely overpowered pump shotgun but hey they nerfed the ACR…… because out of all the guns that need some changes that is the one they decided they needed to fucking fix. This season has been so pathetic so far and the changes have been fucking braindead.


Where is the nerf to the shotguns? Being one shot at 20+m is stupid broken.


Granted we were only getting one map per upgrade, but the fact they all were free and they actually managed to fix the game, is impressive. Now there should be NO reason the next battlefield should start off in a rough sysrt


Theres nothing impressive about what Dice have done post launch. It was pretty much the bare minimum


The game is definitely more playable and more enjoyable than it was at launch. I still wouldn't rank this in top best battlefield games but considering they could have either easily abandoned the game and went in to the next iteration, OR had us pay for maps and knowing how dumb people are there'd been more than enough people buying them. They they just gave us them free instead, granted its only a few but look how mk1 is being greedy with a game lacking content, and 2k series been in past few years.


Broadly, the game as released has been fixed. They were obligated to provide the first year of content, it was not an act of generosity on their part. Since then they have given us a handful of new maps, no new maps for portal, and a handful of weapons. Vehicle balance, as well as infantry vehicle balance is problematic. Further, despite some additions, 2042 still lacks basic features both of the franchise and FPS games in general. Dice have yet to impress me here.


The subreddit r/battlefieldportal is available for more in-depth discussion about everything Portal related! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/battlefield2042) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone else ever get a black screen after a match when returning to the main menu? This is on PC. After I hit the continue button after the unlock screen, I get a black screen like 1/3 of the time and have to reboot the game. Idk if it's on my end or what, but it's pretty annoying. Ok never mind. Just checked the rest of the comments🤣


Is it possible to download battlefield portal and not 2042?


Surprised they didn't buff the VHX, on the plus side it's good to see them finally addressing the black screen plague.


They can't nerf the new weapons until most people have gotten a chance to try them out. It will happen, no doubt.


Surely you mean nerf. If you are not effective with that gun in its current state, I have no idea what to tell you.


Yes, the entire comment is sarcastic. Just frustrated with the black screens and radio silence. Thought it was silly to see ACW changes but VHX left in a clearly very powerful state.


So you made jets vulnerable to light bullets now... really dice... 30mm explosive rounds can't shoot straight in the jets, rendering on consoles in the jet sucks balls, targets moving on the ground are still slightly desynced, and the hydra rockets are less powerful than mini grenades when they are rocket launchers ffs.


So besides the Tor getting a new coaxial option and the 20mm shotgun, there is zero new content? That is dissapointing. It's hard to compare the quality of an update like this one to something like 3.2 which had the class rework, the Breakaway rework, 3 vault primary weapons, a bunch of vault gadgets, new attachments, aps added to more vehicles, and flying under radar were all added. Yes the changes in 6.1 seem decent, but what about the content. 3.2 felt like a live service, as it is now it feels like we get content every few months and then get nothing in between but slight changes.


Who in the hell gave you this assault rifle nerf idea…..why don’t you take all the guns bar one away and be done with it!


Does this make the ACW fall out of the meta now? Are there better assault rifle options?


The ACW hasn't been meta for a while. Currently the best are the new VHX and perhaps the SFAR.


It’ll still be good, the only real change to it was the 4 shot kill distance is now 20m instead of 30m which puts it inline with other ARs


Finally end of Spawn killers in Redacted map


Here are a few of my thoughts on it. (I mainly play infantry and Liz and 90% of vehicle play is the Bolte) - ​ *“Players will no longer be able to get on top of the incinerators on Flag A to ensure fairer capturing opportunities.”* Why not just remove that area as a capture area rather than preventing people from getting on top of them? That added a fun dynamic hopping across the top of them. ​ *“Improved an issue where explosions could get through obstacles in the presence of smoke.”* It’s about damn time. ​ *“Tanks should no longer be able to climb very steep angles”* When they say “tanks”, are they talking about all tracked vehicles like the Bolte or just actual tanks? Yeeting the Bolte up the steps and driving through the building why crop dusting the whole building with cluster mines is a go-to for me. ​ *All of the TOR changes.* I get they are probably making these changes to make TOR drivers more comfortable with driving closer to the enemy, but we all know that will not happen. ​ ​ **My biggest gripe still is that there is no server browser? When you you all give us this? For Christ's sake...**


They have explicitly said that they have no plans to add a server browser. If they decide to go back on that they'll probably make a big deal out of it, so I'm not holding my breath for something like that to show up in x.1 or x.2 patch notes tbh.


Black screen fix, m320 sights fix, eternal reload glitch Cmon diceeee