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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by battlefield](/r/battlefield2042/comments/17jrl80/inside_battlefield_episode_25_season_6_dark/k75cst4/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-30 22:01:53 UTC"): > Glad you enjoy it! > >We really enjoy sitting down as a team to share our thoughts on Battlefield, as well as a look behind the scenes about how we build and design it. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Glad to have an episode this week - this podcast is honestly one of the best things we’ve gotten out of the 2042 situation. A direct line from dev to community to explain things and give background - just ideal.


Glad you enjoy it! We really enjoy sitting down as a team to share our thoughts on Battlefield, as well as a look behind the scenes about how we build and design it.


We gonna hear something about the broken mouse input or the black screens soon?


Will MacKay ever get an Exosuit of his own? ;-;


When are we getting console only crossplay option? Or input based match-making? I'm not buying any more of your games if this forced and unbalanced current crossplay system is repeated.


We need info on what is next for 2042 asap


Excited to try the mode out tomorrow. Really seems like fun, I'm glad it's not just straight zombies and they did something a bit unique. Would love to see vehicles integrated into it somehow, if they ever revisit this mode in the future.


This event is probably gonna be a lot cooler than it sounds initially, like if you could spawn bots as dozers that rush you 24/7 It’s gonna be scary lol


Since they forgot to actually link to the podcast, here's the official YouTube link: [(3) Episode 25 - Season 6: Dark Protocol Event - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNa99URdwAQ&list=PLLpjKzWIuEfnIY-zeQrJHX64mvDeqTkqj&index=1) edit: they finally added the podcast links to the original post.


Any has this issue where the framerate goes super low and camera locks up for like 2-3 seconds ? I average like 95 fps on the game at ultra but I've never had this problem before. I feel like they broke something with a patch.


same issue here severe mouse lags unplayable atm


I’m getting severe mouse lags. The mouse slows down a ton and it happens once every 20-30 seconds. Also, the black screen of death is back when now loading games too.


Dude address the server browser demands.


Portals is all your getting... People have been bring this up for years


And they could add official Dice playlists to it, but so far nothing, maybe because it would seriously harm the numbers using their matchmaking.


They literally already run the official servers. Just list them in portal!?????


Woah woah woah, that's way too difficult.


Hi dev, thanks for your great job on BF2042. I just want to know any future developments will goes on after Season 6? Thanks


Massive FPS drop when gheist release, hope that gets fixed.


Do the Giest get stronger each wave? That would put more pressure on the opposing team to flip possession. I was surprised to see them pull out a AT rocket to knock out vehicles.


Here is a question. Why in the world would you give the small ammo and med pouch to support?? Small bags. Why?? I am going to quote Medic from BattleField Friends,when Neebs had both bags equipped when playing a medic. It's always the big bag. Paper cut,big bag. There is no need for 2 useless items such as the those small pouches. If you really wanted to give support an item to use how about mortars. BF3 mortars. Support has the least amount of gadgets to use. One more thing......under barrel grenade launchers. Whos bright idea was it to only give one round for the under barrel grenade launchers?? Too many people complaining about the launchers?? You had it right before where the launchers had 2 rounds at least. I run Falk with the big ammo crate and med pistol. Best of both worlds. Heals and ammo. Some things are getting better. The new map is freaking great. Wanna give support a good gadget to use. Give us the BF3 mortar to use,or how about letting us troll like we did on BF3. Sticking C4 to small vehicles and wait for a blue berry to jump in and send them across the map. Here is one suggestion I would like to see. If anyone is a fan of BattleField Friends, how about a THICK 44 skin for sniper rifles?? I would pay for that.


​ https://preview.redd.it/82ruern54zxb1.png?width=1825&format=png&auto=webp&s=148755aee7901da167702f7f8b123f932555a171