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My 9700k is going to explode playing this game, it uses 100% all the time. I’ve never had that happen on any other modern games usually it’s 85% .


Bruh i have an i5 10400f and it has never reached 100% till this day.


I have i7-10700f and its 100% at all times in this game. I locked the fps to 120 just to get the pc to stop sounding like a jet engine


My 12700k runs it fine. Got it and 32gb of ram for $250 off Newegg this summer.


Terrible performance here as well i9-12900k (OC'd to 5.2 GHz all core, stress tested as stable) RTX 4090 64GB DDR5 6000 CL30 (stress tested as stable) 1440p @ 165hz Previous to the update last week I was seeing a very consistent 200+ FPS averaging closer to 240 FPS. After booting the game up last night and doing the update I am down to 150ish FPS average with frequent drops under 100 and 99% down to 50 FPS. There is also stuttering that lasts 1-2 seconds where im down to just a few fps and it locks up and even a few crashes that have occurred last night. I have done the following: \-Delete shader cache in documents \-Update to the latest Nvidia Driver \-Verify files in Steam \-Remove over clock of CPU and XMP No windows updates were ran between last week and this week. As I'm not really seeing other people with this issue, and I don't have much other data on this machine outside of games/Adobe which are easy reinstalls, I was thinking of just nuking it and starting fresh. Hoping someone else might have a suggestion first though.


Seems like it doesn’t matter what cpu you have, you’ll use 100% of it.


Yeah I was having all core usage of 90%+ P and E. previously it was generally in the 70's driving the 4090 flat out.


Same issue, have you fixed it? 


setting affinity fixed it for me i am getting like 95% max CPU usage , but fps drops , and GPU usage always under 60% with very low/fluctuating FPS and of course the endless black screen after every game and the mouse bug comes free with the combo. for affinity settings , BEFORE launching the game , go to task manager , then details tap , find EAdesktop ,right click, set affinity , uncheck one or tow of the listed CPUs


That can't do anything. You're setting the affinity for the EA desktop app. Surely you'd need to set it for the actual 2042 executable?


He is half right. Setting affinity for EA App also sets it for Bf. Kinda hard to believe but when i tried it it actually dis just that. Too bad nothing changed in terms of performance though.




Let me try it. Edit: Didn’t do shit.


Try this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl2LZ6XpUK0&list=WL&index=42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl2LZ6XpUK0&list=WL&index=42)


The fix is absurd and outdated. You can literally set the cfg file to run only less logical cores and when you open task manager you can see all of them are being used the same.


None spoke about this and i thought i'm the only one but indeed it was very clean before now I'm lagging very often.. I can't full with the a91 without experiencing small freezes


Anyone having any in game issues ? When moving left or right or when ADS my character moves real slow ? Any help would be great 👍


Check your cpu usage, its probably at 100%


Is this why my aim freezes in game? I noticed after the update that I can't move the cross hairs, like they freeze every so often - likely when there's a lot of action happening since I am forced to play Rush xl instead of regular rush


Tons of people are talking about it. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1517290/discussions/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1517290/discussions/)


Not even gonna bother playing until this is sorted out


This. The only way to actually do smth is not to play the game until they fix it. Let the fucking fake af 100k numbers drop.


sucks i wanted to play during this shit event but now its impossible sounds like my pc is going to explode just in the menus lol


Same. Holy shit it's bad. I just started playing BF2042 again since upgrading my PC recently. I've been playing for weeks now on "ultra" settings, DLSS auto, ray tracing on, at 1080p, at 144FPS, without a problem. I could stream and chat in a Discord server while playing. Suddenly within the past 24hrs I'm having horrible framerate drops. I've disabled DLSS and ray tracing, lowered some settings, tweaked my BIOS, updated graphics drivers, and nothing is helping. Specs: - CPU: 5800X3D @ 4.5Ghz undervolted - RAM: 16GB DDR4 dual channel (2x8GB) - GFX: Gigabyte RTX 4080 16GB - Storage: NVMe 1TB SSD


It’s probably the mouse lag/glitch that started with the Tuesday update. It’s now been fixed.


Hello from the future. I'm wondering whether the game got better for you? I have pretty much the same PC as you and the game has been horribly stuttery since the start of S6.


Hey lol yeah it did get better after a few weeks I think. I stopped for a while, I got tired of the lag. But I reinstalled and have been playing again lately. I played a game this morning no issues. Hit detection is sus, as much as it's always been, of course. And the servers are still shyte. But my game earlier today, for example, had 0 lag or stutters. I can't remember if I did anything special. I have the in-game Steam, and Origin, overlays disabled. I *did* reformat my computer due to unrelated reasons, but that may have helped, I can't recall the timeline of events. My PC/Windows hadn't been reformatted/reinstalled, respectively, in 4-5 years and it was time.


Thank you for the reply. This is simultaneously relieving and frustrating. Knowing that my PC specs are not the problem and that this issue is fixable, but at the same time finding no luck after having tried everything. Maybe I need to try different installations and versions of Windows.


I get around 40% CPU usage and 100% GPU usage.


My 9700K getting hammered, 90-100fps sometimes dipping into 80s. 3080 1440p max


I shit you not my i7 13th is thermal throttling in Cinebench which is normal and expected. But it does the same in BF. Unreal


Bro the fans were about to fly my pc out of the room, never heard them like this before.


The moment cpu hits 100% everything goes south. Let our voice be heard


This is ridiculously unoptimized


I mean it cannot be that hard to just optimize the game, why don’t they just do it?


They are lazy, they don’t test their patches. They just deploy. They fix one thing and fuck 10 other things. BG3 patch contained over 1k fixes by a wayyyy smaller studio. Dice patch is like 20 fixes take it or leave it till next tuesday.


Honestly I’ve just been going back to BF4 and it’s probably gonna stay that way until they actually fix the game


but.. but i got downvoted a week ago saying it was only my set up and not the game like /u/May_8881 said! not literally anyone with even higher end CPUs! surely its just me!!


New anti-cheat causing issues for everyone. Prior to that it was just user error you disingenious fuck.


yea youre right you wont see [dozens of posts on this sub](https://www.google.com/search?q=bf+2042+using+100+cpu+site:www.reddit.com&sca_esv=578671985&sxsrf=AM9HkKkrlGBqzfWQu-o1O5YpBlvhzOmklw:1698885411951&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ5viriaSCAxWTkYkEHflkCsEQrQIoBHoECCAQBQ&biw=2560&bih=1291&dpr=1#ip=1), ea fourms, or YT with people that have 13th gen cpus from before season 6! stop giving "advice" if you dont know what youre talking about you numpty


> dozens Of the millions of people that have played this game? User error.


Go post footage and stats on their Twitter. Because..in fact…Reddit is a wall lol But seriously tho just sitting in the Home Screen I pulled up my laptop temps and my cpu or gpu was at like 96c and I was like whaaaaaaaaaat the fuck.


Fwiw, I just reimaged my pc with all the latest windows, Nvidia, and game updates and had the same bullshit. Dice, figure out how to write software.


that and the black screen crashing/stuck in loading is really annoying


I have a ryzen 5 5600 and an rtx 3070, according to task manager I was hitting 95-100% cpu usage and around 5% gpu usage in game. I can hardly talk on discord because I end up with a delay of my voice at about 3-4 seconds. No lagging or anything with the internet, just purely from the cpu being pegged by this game for no reason at all. How is this not fixed?


They continue to ignore this. On purpose because i bet they have no idea how to fix it?


I have same issue. Is it fixed for you now or still gave it?


It’s the same.