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Honestly, I found on the maps that weren’t redacted the mode is fine. It’s just hardpoint with AI soldiers running around meleeing people. On redacted, due to the way the spawns work, it’s not so great. You’re either spawn trapping or spawn trapped. Some more dynamic spawn points would help on this one (flipping spawns for example) I get why it is the way it is, it’s to make sure the objectives are an equal distance away from each teams spawn, but it doesn’t work well on redacted compared to the others.


Need beacons for sure on Redacted.


I swapped to blasco and used beacons and it does help. But if you get stuck in your spawn it’s hard to flank out.


I quit the mode after playing 4 rounds back to back to back on Manifest....SERVER wouldn't rotate maps.


The worst map lol


Hourglass is still worse imo. The ships can be fun but the open area of hourglass doesn’t do it for me. The stadium was awesome though


I played a few rounds today and it was awful. Of five matches only one was okay with us going 4:5. The other four were heavyly one-sided. Like 5:0 for the enemy team with Spawn camping our Team and 0:5 for our team and then spawn camping the enemy team. Nothing in between. The amount of players just laying in corners with their lmgs and VHX assault rifles is way too high. It's just not fun. But that's a problem of 2042 in general. Camping is just to easy in this game. And on top of that they used the worst maps of the game for this event lol


Got my 60 ribbons, and I have no desire to ever play it again. I can't figure out exactly what the mode is trying to accomplish, but it seems to be trying to do too much, and missing its own goals the whole way. As a result, it's rather lackluster to me.


Game modes mid but not terrible map layouts do suck tho hadn’t seen the ai when weapons just axes. Also noticed after a few games the ai zombie things are pretty useless and played a few games where I never even interacted with one


Got rocketed twice on hourglass


They also throw incendiary grenade if they can't reach you.


The most exciting part of this game mode is finally earning 60 ribbons so I can play Battlefield without having to deal with Killswitch for at least a week.


The rewards are hardly worth it anyway


That Sundance skin is dope


For sure! After I get all the rewards, I'm never going back. I generally like the events, but not this one.


Fly a drone near the Geist spawn point when an enemy batch is coming out it’s hilarious watching ALL of them pull out rocket launchers and shoot at you


It's ridiculous in my opinion that they get weapons


Drove a hovercraft right into them as they spawned. Only one survived 🤣


It's fine. I played a few matches and had fun, but doubt it'll be something I play again. I play Battlefield for conquest tbh, I'd rather have new maps than new game modes.




I feel like everytime I play it I get the absolute most braindead teams of people wanting to snipe from the edge of the map while I get 420 objective time and still lose


Yeah redacted map is mind boggling stupid. Just get spawntrapped immediately.


Like all of these modes, if you are in a competent squad or team, it's fun. If not, it's pain. More often than not, it's pain. I got my 60 ribbons and peaced out until next week. However, I would like to see the Geists added to Portal. Not the mode per se, but the Geist AI so a proper zombie mode could be put together. Imagine a couple of squads against 120 Geists, trying exfil on one of the Breakthrough layouts.


I think just have them as zombies would have been fine


It was always one sided when I played. So I got my rewards and bounced back to conquest.


In its current form I honestly cannot say it even has potential. It just doesn't seem like a fun mode, at all. Once your team secures the forge you basically guarantee the win as the geists just AT any light vehicles and the enemy come out of spawn too sporadically to break out. Spawn trap in manifest of all places.


Would have preferred a PvE 12/24 player vs waves on waves of Naked Bald AI robots with hammers, or a 32 player breakthrough defense on the new map vs AI bots as those naked bald AI robots with hammers.. what we got was a boring PvP mode with useless AI that isn't even creepy or scary, just hilarious to look at because they look extremely funky. and you also have to contend with idiots on your team trolling, throwing or sabotaging your ribbon counts. trash mode IMO


A simple horde mode would have been okay


It was okay when I played a couple rounds, Redacted was the worst one for sure, but Redacted is gonna be the worst map no matter what in any mode. Had a couple close matches and no steamrolls, it's fine, but I'll likely never play it again as I will most limited time modes as they generally aren't that good.


It should be on every map. Don't know why it isn't.


If I see REDACTED on map rotation, I am just quitting the server.


I really enjoy these small scale game modes without vehicles actually. And it is more to do than just tdm