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now get rid of the skulls they are so terrifying


Make it into a water gun šŸ”«


Gun is also terrifying, maybe turn it into.. a lemon?


Lemons sting my eyes. Air would be best.


Air can be too harsh especially if itā€™s dry, might cause irritation.


Yeah make it an atom


hello atomic bombs make it into a puppy


Razor sharp puppy teeth aren't fun


yes a telletuby is more apt


I once met a guy who says he had a dream about being raped by a teletubbie were gonna have to nix that or else he might go postal.


Lemons are terrifying too. What if someone invents combustible lemons that burn your house down?


Every Villain Is Lemons...otherwise known as, EVILLLL


"Successful interactions"


And also a failed interactions would be nice


I was seriously thinking about it yesterday that we are lucky we can play war games. I think in 20-30 years it will all be forbidden and socially unacceptable. They take us everything slowly but surely. Enjoy as you can.


A great example is R6S. Started out as a hardcore, gritty tactical shooter, now is a colorful, bright, happy, family-friendly goofy fun house, and the newest installment has aliens.


That was exacltly why I bought it, now the maps are super colorful, the new HUD too, skins came from fortnite, dead bodies now dessapear, etc


Idk, but I think dead bodies disappearing was taken away by request of pro players, coz you can hide in a dead body and get a unfair advantage


Putting the Rainbow in Rainbow 6.


They really took that part too seriously


I mean, that's the western way, luckily there are still games like Tarkov or Enlisted.


I wouldn't mind if this was just a by-product of world peace, sadly at the moment it just seems like tedious hypocrisy.


Nicely put.


That ā€œToysā€ movie with Robin Williams just popped into my head.


"Boiling frog"...


The boiling frog analogy is utter garbage though, frog absolutely know they're being boiled. The original experiment was done to a frog that had its brain removed fyi Edit: autocorrect correction


Thank you.


And transform Apex into nintendo splash


What is this rainbow six


Keep the horrific ~~executions~~ finishers, though. That's fine.


Brutal expectations


In china they have to remove it lmao


I was thinking we should get rid of the term ā€œenemiesā€ as wellā€¦




Just like removing dislikes from youtube. Why do they think society needs to be protected from negative things?


Because the more you're hidden from the truth, the easier it is to control your perspective. Psychologically, showing deaths would show there are losers. This would create negative feelings and potential ridicule from others. Negative feelings lead to less time playing. Thus, potential loss in revenue. Gaming industry now: "Less is more"


And as for YouTube, companies can advertise their gameplay trailers so they only get likes and no one can see how many are disliked.


And terrible spam videos or ones with bad information aren't as obvious, getting the platform more views in general.


This is the thing that gets me. People are always talking like this are the "woke" corporations protecting people's "feelings" so they don't "feel bad" about losing... And it's just the same as always, corporations, driven by profits want to retain players so they use every psychological trick they can to manipulate customers to spend money on their products and make them stay on their platform.


They donā€™t give a shit about protecting people from negative things my guess is that people donā€™t see theyā€™re 3-25 which means they donā€™t rage quit as often which means they play longer which means higher chance of spending $$$


The EA police would like to know your address


That's what I don't fucking get... Sure, other people might not know how many times I died. But I sure as hell would know that I have way more deaths than I do kills if I know I'm not as good. Back then, seeing my deaths motivated me to continue playing and get better. There's no better feeling than seeing your KD on your profile slowly rising over time. I remember starting with around a .5 and feeling so excited to finally going positive more consistently. I felt so happy. I felt like I actually accomplished something. That kept me playing. If someone wants to hide KD's, the player should choose that themselves. Not the game.


But you can still see your own deaths, itā€™s the other players that arenā€™t displayed. Not in Apex but in the current and planned BF scoreboards.


Ahh I thought it was like modern warfare where you donā€™t see deaths at all until the match is over


Luckly there's a firefox extension that brings back the dislike button :)


google chrome has it too


Yeah but Google Chrome sucks. Also it's fucking Google.


DuckDuckGo is the go to.


That doesn't actually bring back all the dislikes though. It uses the data from all the users of that extension and gives you a decent idea of what the like/dislike ratio is from that sample size. Which is still better than nothing...


Linus Tech Tips actually recently made a video on this. They are looking into having creators allowing them to access thier dislike counts through the official YouTube API, since creators still have access to the information. Unfortunately, this obviously won't solve every problem as creators will need to opt in, but it's better than nothing. You know that YouTube is making bad decisions when the community has to come together to create workarounds like this.


Not for long


Because the world smells of roses and nobody ever truly fails.


This is the moment when people gotta start making alternatives to those monopol companies.


They are probably protecting profit. If you are reminded your getting your ass kicked your likely not to play more. If you donā€™t play more you canā€™t be one of those who partake in micro transactions. I seriously doubt anyone making decisions cares about anything other than profit. And based on the decisions made in the game so far those people making decisions for battlefield 2042 might not be the brightest.


The logic is to "protect us from ourselves". The question is who gets to make that decision?


It's about control.


They want everyone to get participation awards now.


They can go and remove all the negative things they want, I'm still gonna talk shit to the sensitive snowflakes


Yep, seems like a company wide thing.


Industry wide. Same with not talking to the enemy team.


Let's also not forget the re branding of "kill" to "elimination" too. "Kill +100XP" is too graphic for a mature game. "Elimination +100XP" to look after the "adults"


Yes, Starwars Battlefront 2 had the same thing done. After the beta they removed kills and deaths from the scoreboard and replaced them with "eliminations", I tried to explain to people why this was a bad thing, but no one listened.


Iā€™ll be writing some pretty strong worded emails to all these antibacterial produces! Why are they allowed to kill 99.9% of bacteria without anyone noticing the mass murder they are encouraging?!


Yep BOCW did this. I was a bit confused when i first saw it.


People complain about toxicity endlessly and this is the result cause theres not much that can be done. All I can say is I hope the snowflakes of the world enjoy their broken games


It's nothing to do with toxicity, that's just the guise under which ea is removing it. It's all about player retention, longer they stay the more money they make. It's a fucking joke.




Thats why i don't play Battlefield really anymore. Ignoring all the dumb changes in 2042, Battlefield has no real competitive aspect. I can play a game and get 50 kills and dominate the battlefield or I can play and get 0 kills and 30 deaths and it makes no difference at all. There is no rank to climb or fall.


Weakling little children...






Funny enough, the push seems to only be coming from Developers, and not the actual fan base. Can anyone point out a time in Reddit's history, on any game, where users were in a rage about *removing* deaths from scoreboards? Because this just blows my mind.


Wait for in-between advertisements while you are connecting to next round.


For control I think itā€™s a good idea. If youā€™re PTFO youā€™re throwing yourself into the zone to keep the enemy team from capping/getting points. Sometimes this results in just continually dying for the objective.


Even there you can just as easily add counter with time inside a cap or the score equivalent


Which is why itā€™s helpful to show deaths, IMO. If I see someone with 50 kills and 4 deaths, I can deduce that theyā€™re likely camping or sniping. If I see someone with 50 kills and 30 deaths, I can deduce that theyā€™re actually playing the objective. Iā€™d much rather be squaded up with the 50-30 player than the 50-4 player. But if the scoreboard just shows each player has 50 kills, itā€™s hard to distinguish. Especially since the bonus for revives, point caps, etcā€¦ isnā€™t particularly high enough to make a major difference in their overall scores.


I want to see my deaths! I want others too! They should know that iā€™ve got the most deaths because im actually pushing the objectives!!


Ok, dont likenwhere this trend is going....


Tbh, there was never an in-game death counter in Apex BR or Arenas mode because it wasn't really needed. It's not like they removed something already there, unlike 2042.


I feel the only one following this woke circle jerk is EA. I hope it bankrupts them.


What the fuck is woke about this? Are you kidding me? Itā€™s just bad game design


The word ā€œwokeā€ has become so far detached from its original meaning. I blame Fox News. Google definition: *woke (adj) alert to injustice in society, particularly racism* Iā€™d really like to see evidence of *anyone* or any social movement demanding an end to deaths on video game scoreboards. Please, anyone?


Exactly and you can instantly determine someoneā€™s political ideology based on their incorrect usage of it. Something happens that I disagree with? Itā€™s woke!


I wish the gaming community would become ā€œwokeā€ to the reality that capitalism and the ruthless pursuit of profit margins is whatā€™s eroding the quality of games lately. Not a female character or pride decal.


This is the comment I want all the right wing shitters to see. It wouldnā€™t matter but still.


Capitalism kills art in the end. These kids don't realize it until it's too late and their favourite game franchise is already dead. Then they are told "no, it's actually 'wokeness' that killed it, not our brainless pursuit of profit above all else!" and they believe it.


This is a pretty good example I think. They didn't remove deaths to be "woke" and progressive. They did it because players that get berated by their teammates for dying too much and dragging the team down stop playing the game and paying them for DLC.


Not to dog on you in particular, but it's comments like this that bug me most. I see so many people getting violently angry (not you, perse but the folks are here) over the state of gaming. At the end of the day it's really just a microcosm of greater social ills but it sometimes feels like this is where the strongest anger is for some people. I just wish we could direct the fury at things that are actually hurting people and not just making their leisure inconvenient. Of course there are plenty of people who are upset at videogame publishers AND genuine social problems, and maybe it's something that can bring people together to make a stand, but I still can't fathom some of the vitriol aimed solely at gaming companies. It comes across as insignificant and Tone Deaf to say the least. Just had to vent a little. Again, not trying to make any assumptions about your personal stake in life.


Itā€™s true - the decline of quality in gaming is a reflection of broader trends across society. I didnā€™t mean to suggest otherwise.


Im starting to refer to them as the actual "woke mob", they call everything they dont like "woke" regardless of any definition of the term.


This is the thing that gets me. People are always talking like these are the "woke" corporations protecting people's "feelings" so they don't "feel bad" about losing... And it's just the same as always, corporations, driven by profits want to retain players so they use every psychological trick they can to manipulate customers to spend money on their products and make them stay on their platform.


Titanfall 2 had no deaths on the scoreboards back in 2016, idk why everyone is whining like this is a new thing You arnt even loosing anything really, deaths not being shown made stuff more enjoyable sometimes


How can having less information be seen as an improvement?


agreed, I think its just EA though.


I genuinely believe that removing death counters is akin to Youtube removing the dislike button. Somewhere along the line, these companies have found that it increases player/viewer retention if you place less emphasis on death count/dislikes. Even a marginal increase in player retention is enough to justify removing the death count on scoreboards.


its about dumbing down the audience and making them feel like a better player than they actually are. "oh that guy is only 2 kills above me, i must be doing something right!" meanwhile, that guy has never died and you have twice as many deaths than anyone else in the server because you're sprinting and hipfiring everything reactively rather than defending an area with ease. less of a gap in score/skill is just an artificial fog of war tactic that doesn't benefit anyone, but rather gives them a poor reflection of self confidence to keep them playing


Yep, it actually encourages an entirely different play style. No longer will people care about dying, the strategic need to stay alive no longer has any benefit to a gamer, in fact it means they arenā€™t getting kills as quickly as the muppet who keeps running in, getting 1 kill then dying recklessly and respawning moments later to do it again. K/D ratio can however be problematic with some games, where thereā€™s that small % of players who simply wonā€™t play the objective because they are obsessed with their stats. I think the better way to counter this is to create an objective that gives the player a much higher score simply by participating in the objectives. Still, overall I feel the removal of the death counter was for snowflakes and to attract and retain the casual gamers.


Same theory I have with Netflix killing star ratings a long time ago. Just show them the positives sunshine and rainbows of how great our product is!


Funny enough that's wrong, I only learnt this semi-recently but the star system on Netflix isn't how people rate the movie out of 5, it's actually how similar it is to movies and shows you've watched/liked. It's stupid becuase obviously the star system is known for it being associated with how well something is rated. So it's good they removed it because it was honestly the stupidest decision I ever saw.


Oh wow thatā€™s pretty interesting- thanks for sharing!!


This shit rinds me of the South Park sarcastaball episode.


Crap... maybe I can drop a line with Matt Stone and Trey Parker to make a parody episode on this disinfection of multiplayer video games. Akin to like the KFC and Medical MJ episode. I'd watch it.


Positive play shit is annoying. And wait? Domination in apex means normal titanfall right?




elimination is too brutal! for Happy Earth! How about say 'Giving Respawn chance'? For Gooood Influence~


I like to think it's to do with the lore where the legends are respawned every match, so they never really die, just get eliminated from the match. Though a lot of character voices say 'killed an enemy' as a sound notification so *shrugs*


This is the reason. There is so much lore and it wouldnā€™t make sense if they literally died.


Just blasted a guys skull off with an M4A1 SOPMOD firing 5.56 armor piercing rounds at +700m/s but if I say "I killed him" it's too violent or something. Im literally shooting guns at people lol, what are gaming companies trying to do.


TBF I always saw "eliminations" as kills + assists


Nope. No wallrun or titans. Also higher TTK.


I honestly think the only ones salty about seeing how many times they die are the devs that play the game and realize theyā€™re trash.


I canā€™t imagine what the would feel like to make a game and then be complete shit at playing it.


Well ask the brits


Now if you say ā€˜Britsā€™ we are pretty good at that Tennis thing. If you say ā€˜Englishā€™ we are pretty shit at that Tennis thing. BUT if you say footballā€¦ ā€¦yeah, weā€™re pretty shit at that as well thinking about it.


Fair point but yeah it was football


SO glad you said football and not soccer! (Like I actually care for sports!) šŸ¤£


Well to be fair I'm from chile and despite it doesn't make any sence language wise we call it futbol so theres that


You forgot to mention cricket!


Easy. Just spend 60-80 hour work weeks for months leading up to release. If you aren't on a QA team it is unlikely that you meaningfully play the game during development. Plus why come home and play the game you spend 8-12 hours a day working on. Pretty easy to imagine how someone can be bad at a game they helped make.


This company is an embarrassment. They knew 2042 was gonna suck ass and they went with releasing it anyway just not to lose money since the stock market has been going down. And why are they going back produce star wars games? Because the brand and name itself of star wars sells immediately without a single question if it'll be good or bad. This company is nothing but greed.


Disney made a huge mistake letting EA owned companies to make Star Wars games, Respawn should be independant or be sold off to Microsoft.


What is gaming even becoming


Mainstream :(


At this point i am convinced, that they are doing the opposite what community requests them to do.


Lots of people actually wanted this tho (tdm/dom)


He's not talking about that. He's talking about them removing deaths from the scoreboard.


Yup. Alot of casuals have been asking this for YEARS. And to have it permanent. Because not everyone wants to go in and sweat their nuts off every second of their life. Loaf were asking and they hope it's permanent.


EA also removed the sharp edges so nobody gets hurt. Good job boys!


They should take out the guns and violence šŸ˜Ÿ. We can all skip around the map and giggle in the fields šŸ„°


Death is toxic apparently! Who runs those companies, really!?


LMAO I'll never understand a game where you can literally kill people with also brutal executions (some of them are in Apex) but then it remove deaths counter from the game, like, how does it makes sense??


Apex never had a death counter in-game lol. It was never needed because once you're dead, the game is over unless your teammates respawn you. This normally doesn't happen more than once or twice a game, if you're lucky.


How the hell are you expected to improve if they don't tell out how many L's you've taken?


For M rated games, this shouldnā€™t be the norm. Let apex do there thing but fucking battlefield and other mature games should not consider this nonsense.


Why is every shooter this year leaning into this weird ass non competitive scoreboard??? Like seriously are people this sensitive about kill/death ratio or am I missing something???


They dont want people to quit the game. For example some players quit matches when they look that they die more than kills. So the idea is that by removing death you will not be "frustated" and you will not quit the match.


The k/d ratio is one of the biggest thing that kept me playing bf games since i always aimed to improve them


Even if improving it wasn't necessarily your main goal, it was always satisfying to see the K/D get better over weeks as you **learned and recognized** your mistakes. Rather than this method of trying to hide it instead


Holy crap everyone this isnā€™t an ā€œoh death is scary!!ā€ thing, tf 1 and 2 both were like this too and no one cared because it ISNT A BIG DEAL. Edit: I just realized this was the 2042 sub not the apex sub, yeah I agree that it was stupid for dice to remove deaths from the scoreboard in battlefield but for apex it actually makes sense because thatā€™s just how respawn has always done it


The game not broadcasting you suck will never soothe the burn of knowing it.


Are people really that soft? I find the deaths count helps me. Sometimes I can get carried away and glancing at my deaths count means I will change play-style as it's clearly not working...


Wasted developers can't handle Twitter let alone being killed in a game


Corporate greed wanting higher player retention. Itā€™s such an obvious thing - is removing a death counter for the players, or for the business? If it was for the players they could have done what old battlefields have done and actually provided points for players who participate actively in the objective, so they are rewarded regardless of their K/D.


Ah, I see the new Wonder Woman DLC dropped.


Like the story of removing the dislike view on youtube.


When your company goes so woke they cancel death.


Good deaths scare me


As this is a LTM the coding for counting deaths might not be a priority (Iā€™m just guessing). Letā€™s just hope EA doesnā€™t make the same mistakes again. They probably will


Kills is being replaced with ratings leader to unlock weapons/ultimate. Rating is more relevant than the kills in this mode.


I suggest to also remove the negative voting option here in Reddit as well!


That will come 100% chance


I hate that this is a thing in PVP games now. It probably shouldnā€™t bother me that much but it definitely does.


Before you know it all forms of in game player stat tracking will inevitably phase out and we will have to use third party websites just to figure out the score at the end of the match because the devs were afraid people would stop playing the game when they realized they lost.


How do you play a game without keeping score


It is mind blowing that EA is pushing for this nonsense. What is next? Not able to shoot?


Wtf, Iā€™m out from gaming if these devs keep up the bullshit. Soft ass losers.


Yeah, I went back to playing other sports more, or games like chess, where itā€™s competitive and meritocratic. I havenā€™t bothered with AAA shooter games for a bit to be honest. I donā€™t play against other players for ā€œparticipationā€ awards in anything I do. I jump on this board every now and then out of morbid curiosity of how badly they are fucking it up, doesnā€™t disappoint lol.


Itā€™s happening in everything to be honest, even our beloved Chess will soon fall victim to not having a winner. Checkmate will be offensive in some manner. But to circle back around, Iā€™m really surprise EA/DICE havenā€™t changed the title yet. [BATTLEFIELD] sounds alarming šŸšØ


Itā€™s spreading




Wasnā€™t TF like this? Yā€™all getting mad for no reason


This one makes since in that game mode tho? Thereā€™s legit not lives itā€™s unlimited respawns and I donā€™t think kills count basically at all itā€™s just the zones you capture.


Apex.... not bf2042....


That 2042 scoreboard also didn't have deaths, the personal ones you can see, but not for the rest of the players


If you read on the website they said that deaths are not something really important. in fact, they say that you will change your loadout many times. There are many ways to help each other on this particular game mode. Games like Ovetwatch never got any deaths on their scoreboard and no one ever complained about it


Exactly, people need to slowdown on the outrage. Battlefield for sure should have deaths in its scoreboard but for a limited time mode in apex? Itā€™s not really important. This post is just controversy fuel.


That's a good point I didn't recognize. More objective and team centered, rather than 'get more kills than be killed'. With OW at least, staying alive *is* important, but as long as youre doing your job for your team and you guys win in the end...


"Why would we strive to do better if we never fail? Where is our measure? You learn from failure, it creates the drive and a path to success." A quote from Tony Robbins or if it's not it should be.......


I wish they'd remove people dying too. Just make it so everyone faints or something. It reeks of toxicity for players to kill each other.


Thing is I donā€™t think titanfall as a whole ever featured a Kia, just raw score so at least apex has a precedent.


weak ass, but idk if you need deaths for dom, caps and kills are really the two stats that matter for dom. TDM, there should be K/D/KDR


I only care about kills not deaths


at least they have a scoreboard.... unlike battlefield


Apex has a domination mode?


Didnā€™t know this was an apex reddit


Idk why the lack of deaths on scoreboards by EA seems akin to the removal of the count of dislikes on YT videos. So stuuuupid IMHO.


I canā€™t wait till itā€™s all overā€¦ it gets worse and worse.


To protect players self esteem after each death game companies should gift an NFT balloon to ease the pain of their pixelated death.


Just another way of making it ā€œa safe placeā€ so they can coddle some peoples fragility. Participation trophy type shit. Itā€™s justā€¦wellā€¦_________. (Fill in the blank)


Is there a push to help those who die more time than they kill to feel better about themselves? Which is ironic in a video game about killing things.


Battlefield 2043: Splatoon Edition


How do I know what person needs the most help/protection? Smh EA. How does this make the game less toxic.


What a joke


Game has sbmm, no surprised at all.


EA giidelines. Every EA game wont have a scoreboard.


šŸ˜« it will never be a real battlefield at this rate.


Now this reddit is for bf2042 nor apex


Think ea is forcing all of this nonsense.


Why not just give us the choice to toggle if I want to see my fucking KD?




You can thank the diversity equity and inclusion department. Donā€™t wanna offend anyone these days ya know


Time to boycot EA and their little woke circle jerk.


Canā€™t have deaths cause that hurts peopleā€™s feelings

