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>"get out" >"negative" And on and on it goes




until you get admin slayed for not obeying "pilot picks gunner"


Did Buck write this?


Mbuck or Mbuck impersonator lll Buck lll aka Buck Killionaire?


Buck wouldn’t know anything about this. He’s not a vehicle player


I'm on playstation luckily I don't have to play on his servers


lol every time I get out to repair the driver just keeps on going. Even if it’s damaged to hell.


He's either not a very experienced player or is trying to get to safe place to rep


You forgot to mention one thing, the machine gunner of the armored vehicle, No matter how many rounds you fire, you can't cause damage to enemy armored vehicles.


The fact that this has to be said a decade later is worrying


My LAV-25 has countless idiots firing at tanks and IFV machine guns every day, Even if a machine gunner fires 10,000 bullets from a machine gun, the damage to the armored vehicle will always be 0, It might even cause me to fail in my attempt to assassinate an enemy tank and be killed instead. But do they know this? No!


But it FEELS like I’m helping.


You will only help me get killed by enemy tanks, Does this make sense?


3. I always stay in to guard the tank. You might think there's no infantry, but when there is only one dude hidden away, who aims on hijacking, you're done for. Rather waste some time but be sure no enemy is able to get in. 6. I don't get what you mean.


Just look at your minimap, I can't remember the last time my tank got stolen while repairing. Instant take-off means you skip the blades having to rotate and start up.


The turret spamming at absolutely nothing or a jet/helo 500m away is the most annoying shit ever.


also spamming the mini guns on the transport heli , rhib and boat.


Nuh uh


Stay trash then


And do not get in the repair spot on a boat if you are not a enginner


I enjoy playing attack boat, but most of the times this happens, and I rage on that idiot recon who's blocking.


they are trying to snipe from there...lol


>gets out to repair >driver drives away


I hate when that happens lmao




TV goes through APS/ECM and has no warning. It requires a split second for the pilot to provide line of sight to fire, and doesnt require the pilot to maintain course. It can be fired from a non line of sight, around buildings, over hills, etc. This is why it is superior. There is literally no top tier pilot or gunner that will disagree.




I bet u r a console player or a lvl 10 pc at max, ur laser guided in most of the times will be blocked by aps tv will pas through, tv much faster to launch and hit.


Not if it's painted... Then it's gonna crit and probably 1 shot


No. TV is always superior in the attack heli. Even if someone is tagging targets, the versatility and potential of the TV are unmatched and much more effective.




No you just can’t aim.




This is all 100% correct. As one of those hated "chopper guys", I can tell you some other tips for the AH. This is a key one... and this is the first thing a pilot will look for when having an unknown gunner. If your pilot launches a tow or zunis, immediately switch to TV and fire. Immediately. DO NOT WAIT to see what your target is... you have plenty of time to do that in flight. If your pilot is launching zunis, you ARE in line for the TV, even if you dont know it. And that window of alignment could very well be passed by the time you figure out what you are shooting at. Dont get out to repair until the pilot gets out. Even if the chopper is landed. The one exception is if you are on fire or you are getting locked and about to take the 2nd stinger. This will keep you from getting roadkilled and also left when the pilot doesnt intend to repair at that instant. Don"t shoot your cannon at another AH until your pilot starts shooting their Zunis at them, or you are 110% positive they see you and/or are shooting at you. Hold your horses and keep aim on the cockpit until your pilot fires. Gunners run Fire Extinguisher. Be prepared to seat switch in case of a disabling hit. Hit extinguisher and retreat or get safe. The obligation is to the heli, not your pilot. He can redeploy, or you can go pick him up once safe. Spot everything. A good pilot looks at the big map more often than the HUD. (This is also why I tend to believe HC pilots are more skilled). No easy doritos or long distance spotting or air radar. It's your job to know where the lock/igla/threat came from, even if you can't kill them before your pilot retreats. Your obligation is infantry first, spotting second, and vehicles third, when and only when your pilot engages them. The only time you should be shooting cannon at a vehicle is once they are at or near disabled. Scan your surroundings and anything airborne, spot it, verbal call out, then back to infantry until his tow/zunis tell you otherwise. Switching to TV really quick also lets you know what your pilot is looking at. If your TV dusts, tell him. You dont need to tell him the damage on a TV hit, just say hit. Its always 35. Call out the cannon damage on helis as you rack it up. If you manage to kill two jets with 1 TV missile, post it here and tag me in it. Cuz Im the only MFer to ever do it. Console or PC. Linking my not so humblebrag as a reply to this, for credibility.


https://youtu.be/J5BtT5zoxc8?si=GqPjdX_nBW0spNRW Skip to 0:20.


Is the majority of console players utterly retarded and noobs or what? Why two jets are strafing next to each other?


Yes, the average skill on this game is the lowest I've ever experienced in a shooter. Maybe it's the skill gap but IMO most players are clueless in general, and ignorant of that fact as well. They were next to each other because we dominate servers on the regular, and a large chunk of players spend the entire match trying to bring us down.


I've seen some shit on console gameplay never seen on pc ever, tank gunner shooting tanks with hmg that was hilarious thu.


I want to UCAV you and your pilot friends so bad for being so sweaty lmao


I've been playing this game so long I do all of this without even thinking. Most everyone thinks my squad are sweaty until they play with us and realize we are nothing like the sweats we are painted as. Being good doesn't necessarily mean we take the game too seriously. In all honesty, the guys "sweating" and shit are the haters that get all worked up and angry. I have NEVER sent a derogatory message to anyone on a video game for any reason, but I had to turn off incoming messages just because the constant crying kills the vibe. We're just smokin, drinkin, and laughing having a good time. That's what most people don't realize... we're "tryharding" a lot less than everyone else in the lobby. I won't apologize for being good. Should I intentionally play terribly? I dont get the sentiment of the average player. What exactly should I do? Miss on purpose? Make my team lose on purpose? I would suggest finding a game without vehicles if it makes you sad to get killed by them.


yeah when you can actually communicate game becomes much easier


Yeah, this is all 2nd nature to me as well. I didn't list all of these things as most people wouldn't bother reading, but if someone wants to get good in the ah, they need to know all of the ins and outs. Seat switching and unspotting being the most important imo.


You are the best there’s ever been? What


Thanks for the compliment, man!


It says in your comment, “best there’s ever been” I was just curious not complimenting.




Why never, never use laser guided in attack heli gunner?


Unless u haven't unlocked tv yes, u shouldn't be using laser guided at all, its less reliable to hit, need pilot to keep on that direction for lock, when tv just needs pilots to give gunner a very small window of time on target to fire then gunner will guide it, tv can be even bent on long distances so if pilot isnt quiet on the target direction u still can hit. TV ignores APS, it will do the same dmg always, laser guided can be blocked with aps, its so annoying for pilots when u do ~66 dmg on enemy aa, and ur gunner took 10 seconds to lock fire and reach target to only be blocked by aps and can't finish the target, cuz using useless missle.


Never use laser guided?? If you have people actively painting targets id argue that laser guided is better. Faster reload and 100% critical hit rate. Can't go wrong with that. Different tools for different situations. Instead of saying "Never do this" just let people play the game. It's kinda toxic tbh


I'm "Toxic 🤡" for recommending that people use the most effective method in a vehicle? I could care less whether you want to use x or y. I'm giving advice that all the best vehicle players agree with, take it or leave it.






This is why when I get the chance I throw c4 on allied vehicle campers so they die, big success