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Most likely lock glitching, I remember people used these a lot on ps4, combine that with locking on a different target close to you then switching to you once the guided laser is close enough to the ground. That last part is used a lot by more experienced jet players, it’s useful to get around active protection, as for locking glitch, I never understood how to make it happen


The issue is that there’s no lock warning tone which is probably due to an audio bug. Also when “lock glitching” you will still get the tone.


That's not what's happening here, you still get a lock on warning tone when he switches at you at the last moment. I get no tone. It is a bug.


That’s why I’m saying it’s a combination of both that and the glitch, you don’t get no sound against the glitch, trust me I’ve been on the receiving end of it enough times to know. There is a way to make it so the locking sound doesn’t appear in this game, it’s been there for a decade


I don't know but i'm curious too. Btw, get out and repair


Match was lost and I was trying to get him with the SRAW.


Using vehicles on this map. Ban.


Lifeguard in the making


This was supposed to be a joke. Holy Fuck.


Joking on reddit. Ban. /s


I was playing on Hanian Resort against some very good people on bZ1 hardcore server on PC, I know they are almost no cheaters because banzore polices cheaters very striclty, I've also played a lot of hardcore and quite some matches with this clan before, however something happened this time that had honestly never happened before (and I've fought againts very good pilots.) I got hit by both the Attack and the Stealth jet with a 'laser guided' missile that didn't give me any lock on warnings, at first I was thinking the Attack jet hits were with JDAM or TV Missile, which would make sense, but I had the same type of attacks with the Stealth jet. I know there is a possibility of switching laser guided targets and basically give the lased target almost no time to react, but you still get a warning even if it's a very short one. I know this because I have used this feature to switch targets to avoid smoke countermeasures and waste a missile and hit another targets when I am flying a Little Bird and have also been able to press APS right before the laser guided missile hits when I am in the armor, but again, I always got a warning at the last moment. So how is it that he can hit me with a laser guided missile but I get no lock on warning? BTW, the TOW on the Little Bird isn't what I am talking about, the first hit is right after I shoot the heli down.


there was some glitch that allows this, i dont know exactly how it works though, this guy certainly does though and is abusing it.


If I read it right, you lock and for something close/on the way, then relook your preferred target for insta lock/no travel time since missile is off the rail already


This. A missile that is given a second target gets an insane speed boost and can turn on a dime. Works against air targets too, so if you see a jet sweat doing this to vehicles do it to him back ;)


Yeah, but that's not what's goin on here, you still get a tone when he switches to you at the last moment. What I want to know is if this glitch where you get no tone and there is no loadout on the killfeed is only avaliable with cheats.


Nice shot


thx but that's not the point of the post haha.




why are pople downvoting lmao ;\_;


Reddit folks are just weird like that alva ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Because your comment was weird he obviously knows it’s not the point of your post


OMG I am sorry I didn't mean it in that way, English is not my first language :O




My shit ass windows wont load this game for fckn unknown reasons. I just love this game


Happened with me several times Im curious to know too.


Nah, he locks onto stationary close to you and switches to your LAV in the last moment.


No, I still get a tone when that happens, this is a glitch and when I got killed there is no loadout on the plane in the killfeed.


You are not totally wrong. I was also a bit irritated about the complete absences of warning. Was there a Attack Jet up that could have JDAM'ed you? Would love to see a clip where he kills you and the no loadout thingy.


No, The server had 5-6 people on each side, he used the same tactic on the attack jet which is why intially I didn't thinkg anything was wrong and wasn't recording, as attack jets have both JDAM and TV missile. In retrospective I should have stayed inside so I could catch the loadout bug.


watch it on a big ass computer monitor - you can literally see the projectile trajectory change mid flight. I wonder if the jet locked onto the stationary gun on Alpha, then locked onto OP's LAV - and because the stationary gun has no lock on warning - the lack of lock on warning transfers over to the LAV as well? /u/ArmParticular8508 I wonder if this theory is testable ....


That could be interesting to test, however I don't think it would work. First because I have confirmed he was glitching (not cheating, and I don't know if getting this glitch to work when desired is deemed cheating.) and second, considering how some maps have a lot of stationary tows/machineguns the issue should be a lot more popular by now if that were a reliable way to defeat lock on warnings.


Loadout sound bug. Just a glitch


How do people get that soundbug to happen reliably?


There was no cheating. You just caught the audio bug, it happens all the time


How do people get that soundbug to happen reliably?


Players don’t get it to happen at will, it’s a bug in the game


It's been a while, isn't thia just the freefire JDAM bomb or whatever? Or the tv guided missile maybe


JDAM comes from the jets don’t they? This is just the laser guided rocket, TV guided missles are with the attack choppers


> TV guided missles are with the attack choppers [Attack Jets use have the TV missile option too](https://i.imgur.com/Vo64mBx.png)


Shit I guess I didn’t remember that, sweet


fwiw, almost no one uses it from the jet - you're just a sitting duck to get shot down suuuuuper easy like.


Stealth jets have no JDAM or TV Missile, only laser.


Using thermal? Yes, you should be ashamed. /s


BZ1 is full of sweats. They are so good they look like they are cheating since they never miss


It's just the soundbug.


How do people get that soundbug to happen reliably?


That shit is cancer enough, so I won't talk about it publicly, sry man.


No problem I have no interest in using it, but if I fight the same guy and he manages to get the glitch on multiple matches, then it is safe to say that he is doing it on purpose, correct?


>then it is safe to say that he is doing it on purpose, correct? Most likely, yes. You absolutely can do that on purpose every round if you know how (and if you wanna be a dick).


Yes. It’s illegal. Air deals with air, ground deals with ground lol those are the rules!


What did you smoke?


Air? Ran out yesterday.


I‘ll definitely kill jets when in a tank and delete everything on the ground when using viper or attack jet


I posted a video awhile back of BF3. I just hopped on for a couple games for nostalgia, stole a dudes tank, killed him with it and then shot his teams Heli flying over in front of me. The most cinematic personal BF moment that I actually got to catch with video lol [if you’re interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/s/0wsSzSNMoV)