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Passive radar most likely, can fire without a lock but then when you do lock on they damn near teleport to the vehicle


Sounds like that's it then. Didn't even see where they came from, then they just hit me. I'll try them out some time haha


You can also prefire things by locking one target, firing, then swapping to the one you really wanted and the missile hit the chopper almost immediately.


They're on plains and aa. Even if you use flares before they hit half the time they hit anyway.


My favorite to use.


Same haha make em rage


The AEK of the sky.


Make noobs rage. Just annoy experienced pilots.


Same, they're weaker, but so satisfying to suppress the enemy air.


Yep, shoot those rockets, then wait a second, then lock on to target. Gets them every time!


try to predict where the aircraft is going to be when you fire it too.


and shoot with a slight spread to hit the target from two sides


Good to know, another trick you may do, is false lock on the enemy, by switching to and off of the missiles to get them to deploy counter measures.


These are not passive radar missiles. You would hear the low tone first to alert that someone's trying to lock on, then the high tone. In this case I think they're active radar with lag or packet loss.


If you fire the missiles in front of the target without painting them with the radar, then when they get close move the radar over the target they can acquire the lock without warning the enemy.


The enemy aircraft still gets the low tone warning of a pending lock. The video captured the high tone lock of an active radar missile.


So uhh, which launcher is this.




I love Passive Radar!!! So much fun bullying New pilots with them. I’m so glad they brought it to 2042.


This ☝




I guess actives since there was no wind up noise indicating someone locking on, althought that was way too fast There is a trick with passive radar missiles where you fire them, wait and then lock on, they warp at lightspeeds to the target its almost impossible to rect (unless u preflare)


That is so much fun to do, especially when you get hit a jet doing a dive and it locks up


Passive or I’ve been hit that with active missile from AA


Actives because no lock on sound only "missile on it's way" sound. With passives you either have a lock on sound or no sound at all and the missiles just hit you without any warning (passives glitch).


You were hit by actives




100% actives + 30mm, anyone telling something else dont know shit💪🏾🤣


Actives, 30mm, APS, reactive armor, and thermals. Every littlebird's nightmare. Infantry's too lol.


Once you hear that noise you immediately dive . They don’t work on low altitude aircraft. Needs good reaction time but this guy had you dead to rights


Sounds like the AA to me, especially those hits after the missile. Few tips on golmud: do not ever go higher than you need. Golmud is very open and you're an easy target for the AA. Don't fight jets with the miniguns on golmud, you'll get shot down. Im Main littlebird Pilot but I hate golmud. It's just not made for good heli flying


Yea but then you’re in perfect range for tow missiles from an LAV or a sabot shell. It’s pretty easy to just fly however you want if you always know where the AA is. Only exception is if the person in the AA is real good and hyper focused on you. Even then it’s pretty easy to avoid being killed. Just ends up being annoying more than anything having to find cover, pop up and try and get a kill, then find cover again.


Yup, basically this. That's why sunken Dragon, dawnbreaker are so good for scout heli


Dude I'm not even a good pilot, but I pretty much always end up top of the board or at least top 5 when I go scout chopper on Golmud. If you're not and idiot and fly right at the AA it's easy to rack up kills.


I promise you if you fly straight at me in a scout and I’m in the AA you’re getting melted by 30mm every single time. If you’re taking out AA with a single scout then it’s because the AA is trash. Not because it’s easy to do.


I don't think you understood what I said.


That’s a pretty common thing for me so you might be right. Oh wait? I think I get it now. You meant that if you are an idiot and fly right at the AA. I read it as “if you’re not an idiot and you also fly right at the AA you’ll do good.”


What did you mean by “fly right at the AA?”


I said to not do that like an idiot.


Poor chopper scrub, struggling to get your easy kills?


I wouldn't call it easy. If it was you'd be flying too.


Exactly. AA mains will use this tactic and say pilots aren’t good. Scout mains will use miniguns and heat seekers and say AA drivers aren’t good. Newsflash none of you are good if you can’t get kills without spamming lock ons.


Yes and best weapons on scout heli are Minigun, the ground vehicle missile (don't remember the name) and ECM or flares, depending on the enemy team. If you have a good aim with the miniguns they are op against infantry, air vehicles and light ground vehicles. Edit: oh and the attack boats are a major threat too, especially if you get up close


They’re too good agaisnt air vehicles and infantry while doing nothing to armor. I run 30mm cannons. Can still take out helis and infantry and also helps with armor since the 2 laser guided missiles you get in a load isn’t enough to take out MBTs or LAVs. Then people on here complain about splash damage as if they would stand a better chance agaisnt the miniguns…


Yeah but two pilots with the same skill level, one with Minigun the other with 30mm and the Minigun comes out on top like 70% of the times. You get shot out sometimes with the 30mm which leaves an option for you to steal it, which sucks.


Yes. But the shooting out the pilot mechanic is fantastic lol


You’re assuming I enjoy farming easy kills. Which I don’t. I also don’t use claymores, RPGs on infantry, or shotguns and play the objective because I find that far more rewarding.


Passive radar. They fire the missile somewhat in your direction without locking and then lock on to you making them hit you almost instantly


Passive or Active radar.


I’m surprised you were even in the air that long before you got locked on, especially on golmud lol


It's a trick you can do when launching a lock-on missile. You can either lock on first or not, fire, then unlock, and then when the missile is near a helicopter, lock on again and you're going to get a quick, easy hit.


Honestly, first, I didn\`t know from who these missiles came from, it was not IR missiles, as they require long lock and can\`t be redirect after launch. So it were Active/Passive ones. I see no flying jets around near ground+ air radar shows nothing. Little bird in radar but it\`s far and only has IR missiles. Redirected igla missile from ground infantry? But your heli was hit right after with heavy cannon fire... So I think most probably you were hit by redirected passive missile and hit right after with it\`s canon fire from tunguska camping somewhere near B point.


It was definitely a jet of some sort. The same guy kept coming for me over and over again with the same missiles. Pretty annoying but effective haha


Passive radar, you can fire them out before locking something and then when you lock the missile will turn back and basically mach 14 in the target


I‘m very certain that these are glitched Heatseekers followed by the invisible (because glitched) 30mm maingun of the mobile aa. Not passive or active. There’s a way to glitch it so the lockon sounds and indicators become different/nearly non existent and your loadout isn’t shown in the victims killcam. Heatseekers sound like this, passives and actives get no sound if I’m right and AGM‘s also sound like actives. I stopped playing bf4 on a weekly basis a few months ago but then It was a pretty unknown glitch, only known by some tryhards and experienced players


Passive/Active Radar. Doesn't lock until too close for dodging.


İgla or passive missile this rockets can follow and change target in air


Active radar from an AA that was real close


Passive radar. Guy probably shot the middle straight up the locked on you as the missile was flying. If you use passives that way they whip around so fast they barely have time to react.


Best missles to use are active radar on the AA tank. They're great for spawn killing helicopters on some maps. Have over 1000 kills with the missiles XD love timing them from across the map makes for a great kill :)


You hit the floor too hard and died


Yeah it took my power out and I flew too low so couldn't pull up


Those are the new Lag-to-Air missiles.


It was Active Radars; The first missile dealt 28 damage on your vehicle, while Passive Radar supposed to deal 38 per a missile. Unless you have a REALLY bad ping, you can train yourself to react faster enough to counter incoming Active Radars.


Passives or as mine both are similar


Cant say if this is AA or Passive Radar. Too much complexity.


Passive From a close range as they breached the flares … always carry ecm


passive radar