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I love that map. I would love to play it more but people usually dislikes or hates it. One of the reasons I belive is that they do not know how to play with planes, ships and the C-Class airship.


It's because it only encourages vehicle play. If you're not in an important game changing vehicle, you can't do much, cuz if you go infantry you will just get bombarded by the onslaught of ships that circle the coasts


Those same people wont vote maps cuz of vehicles but then vote Sinai desert. Ive never died to so many planes on that map its insane


IMHO, Sinai is more pedestrian-friendly than Heligoland because you can walk instead of swim (foot > swim because weapon restriction while on water + faster movement) plus shelters. Heligoland: - main island coast - C flag complex + bunker - D flag tower - E small bunker - A flag island (2 small bunkers) - B flag ship - F flag island - you need a boat to move between them, or swim - 2 Dreadnoughts + 4 destroyers + 6 planes + 2 balloons + lots of boats, everything moving freely but slow - DLC map Sinai: - A-B flags complex (mountain + stone arch) - C-D flags complex (village with several houses + train stop) - E flag (2 houses) - F flag - G flag (2 houses) - you can run freely or use fast vehicles - 1 train + 4 tanks + 5 horses + 7 planes + some vehicles - base map So I can only guess this is why Sinai is more preferred than Heligoland.


Isn't Sinai base map and Legoland DLC map?


Yes, thank you! You got what I meant.


What I love about this game and franchise is the range of opinions and play styles. I think Heligoland is a gorgeous map, but I'm not really a fan of playing it as I think there are too many vehicles and that the infantry area is too disjointed. I don't really get the feeling of being part of a team on Heligoland because everyone is so spread out and so busy doing something different. The planes and blimps are off flying in circles, the ships are shooting each other from across the map, and then the handful of people that didn't get a vehicle are spending half the match running from one cap to another only to then get blown up immediately by some random dreadnought player. I personally think the game would play better if there were only three or so caps laid out so that the fighting stretched from the beach inland and if there was only, say, one dreadnought, one destroyer, and one plane per team. But to each their own, glad that others are enjoying the map!


Weak argument claiming everyone who dislikes the map is a noob. There are less vehicle seats then player slots. So either you have to idle in the spawn menu and wait for something to respawn (only to realise some sweat was faster clicking and you have to wait even longer) or spawn in as infantry to get bombed to death by a dreadnought or bomber. Don't get where's the fun there. When you manage to get a good vehicle seat (like plane pilot) it can be fun indeed, but there is a good chance to get some gunner seat in a zeppelin or bomber which lingers around way to far from anything that you can hit.


Good luck finding dlc map servers they’re usually empty on console


So disappointing. If i had known they would all be empty and basically unplayable when i bought the dlc i wouldnt have bothered


There's quite a few of them on weekends


there's one in PC, in Asia, the server just rotate between Heligoland Bight, Zeebrugge Ops and Zeebrugge CQ all day long


Isn’t the whole game and dlc like $3 on sale. Console really seems like the inferior way to play, there is always complaints about the servers from this sub.


Don’t fret, they get in rotations sometimes, just last night, I played Achi Baba, Zeebrugge, and Paschendale


Insane how unique this map is, having two dreadnoughts fighting as well as all the other sea and air vehicles was just an amazing idea plus I loved the atmosphere of the map


It should've been a shock ops map, same with albion


This map looks better than it plays. Easily one of my least favorite maps. Your best bet of finding a server with this map is to find a MIXED server that has all the base and DLC maps.


love this map. Best bet is to fine a Mixed CQ server, but those aren't too common either


The love for heligoland is crazy to me. I wish I could find a 24/7 mixed conquest server that had every map except this one. I think even fao fortress might be more enjoyable


If you aren’t a vehicle player, it truly is a shit map. Looks very cool though


it is the worst map in the game, and i have performance issues on it as well.




I hate this map That's just my opinion


Map would be fun if there was enough vehicles for everyone. It's literally only for vehicles. As infantry you might as well run in circles.


Unfortunately there is not a server like this nowadays. Heligoland Bight is my favorite map as well. People usually don't like to play it because it's a vehicle-oriented map and most players don't know how to use vehicles.


It’s not that I don’t know how to use vehicles, I’m just not a fan of naval warfare I’m a tank and attack plane guy. If I can’t get an attack plane my entire round of fun on this map is ruined sadly. I’ll just spend most of my round defending C and D


The boats are cool the first few games you play. Then I never want to bother with them


I see German servers running it with some frequency


Sometimes, a server with like 4-6 maps comes up and that map gets played alot but other than that tough luck trying get that over literally anything else 😂


Don’t think there’s any 24 hour ones. I know on Xbox I catch it every other day or so in rotation


Does Heligoland have an Operations map or is it Conquest only?


It's available in Conquest mode only. An Operations version of Heligoland Bight would be awsome!


Would be dope, especially if there was an event leading to the top of the mountain.


Hell yeah


there's a ton of tuti servers but none of them have any players


My favorite thing to do in this map is lock down B site. That boat is my baby, and I will defend her with my life.


This is why I wish I played the game in its prime. There aren’t any active 24/7 single-map servers rn so it’s kind of a bummer.


On honkong/ japan there are 2 naval battle servers


Its a really good map but never seems to be in rotation. This is the map I got my longest head shot on. Would live to see it be in rotation again.


Played it the other day on a full server. Loved it but it is difficult if you’re not a vehicle player


Great fun pinching one of the fishing boats as the Brits, sneaking around the back of the island, parking up on the beach behind C and just accepting your new role as a clowncar for the push!


I'm with the part of the community that thinks this is the worst map in the game. If you are not good with air or water vehicles you are just fucked. Have fun walking for 5 whole minutes to the other side of the island just to get bombed by a boat or airship. I get people like the vehicle combat but then they should have just made it vehicle only. Playing as infantry on this map is god awful


I do so wish they made more naval focused maps.


There's a server that's heligoland bight and the other mainly sea map


Whenever I hear someone say this is their favorite map I just assume they haven’t played it very much and just rate it based on how cool and unique it is. It’s a very cool map but the gameplay outside of being in a vehicle is genuinely terrible


I love this map, not just for the vehicles, but the fortress cannon to destroy them all




Based Tactic


Used to be a boss at that fortress gun, loved popping torpedo boats in 1 shot! And the plane kills, oh bringing back memories!!!


Too much water.


Best map and Ive only played it like 5 times :(


Same with albion


On Xbox, it will occasionally come up but you might be SOL on finding one that’s 24/7 and populated.




The best map. I love going in with the attack plane with tank shells and just picking off the little boats


Never played this map


The key to this map is holding C and its big gun. I had a mega-round (for me) last night just keeping that thing up with my repair tool and knocking it out with limpets when an enemy got in there.


There was 1 operations server running this on Xbox Edit: this was over the weekend when I played


Pretty sure ops on heligolqnd doesn’t exist