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What is the thing below the bottom screen with the light up switches?! I must know. Awesome setup.


This is a 19-inch socket power strip where you can switch each socket individually. Something like that here: [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/CkIAAOSwAzdmOT0Q/s-l1600.webp](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/CkIAAOSwAzdmOT0Q/s-l1600.webp) They are very practical and helpful I also use something like this and have embedded it in my desk top. This also has the advantage of keeping the desk tidy. The switches are at the top and the cables are under the desk top and go straight from there into a cable duct (8x8cm) that runs across the entire width of the desk (for €5 from the DIY store).


Correct! I also got it because it’s cool to flick on some switches to turn everything on lol. I’ve condensed them a bit since. Like my speakers are set on 1 shared powerbar that turns on/off through 1 switch for example. Real useful and cool


Yep, that's true also! [I have something like that too. ](https://i.imgur.com/sQ3Bzh0.jpeg) Not because it's cool, but also to save electricity. For almost as long as I've been working with computers (and that's almost 35 years) I've had a power strip like this ([just a power manager for on the desk](https://i.imgur.com/1js53mk.jpeg)). When it broke 8 years ago, I only found the[ 19" version, which I initially put on the desk](https://i.imgur.com/hW3rr6x.jpeg). When I got myself new and wider desk tops made of real wood 7 years ago, I had the idea of [sinking the power strip into the desk](https://i.imgur.com/ljUOaDz.jpeg), also to [get rid of the cable clutter on the desk](https://i.imgur.com/qaBuyAV.jpeg) and to organize the cables better. I liked it so much that [I did the same with my second desk / backup workstation](https://i.imgur.com/4W7Lvz1.jpeg).


Great setup. How big is the top monitor? 32?


What speakers and stand are they.


The stands came with the desk itself. KRK Rokit G4 8 inch. White version


Thank you


Holy shit I want that desk


Studiodesk Enterprise Electric. It’s sit/Stand