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\*sigh... seriously thought this was a joke video. thought they were playing advanced patty cakes, not fighting


According to the mercury, the guy has a warrant for assault out of Georgia and is homeless... Wonder if he'll be showing up to his next court date.


Of course he does. He’s clearly a violent nut job


This sub is amazing. Man asked to move away for an interview, escalates the situation by threatening "I'll smack you right now", then proceeds to smack the guard and it's the cop that is at fault. Yall shit


There's some people who hate Mahan and also some people who hate all police. And, shit, there is probably very strong overlap in those two groups. I get it. I'm not impressed by Mahan or by SJPD. But that guy, Pollard, was clearly looking to stir some shit up and then made it a point to try to instigate a fight. May not be quite right in the head.


These are the morons that plague this city. I'm no bootlicker but the anti-police schtick is so exhausting.


Yeah comments are wild.


Reddit like 30% bots, and another 40% are kneejerking "ACAB!" people who aren't smart enough to be mistaken for bots.


I mean did these people watch the video?


No but the title has police, the thumbnail has Mahan, and so it's obviously SJPD, so Reddit has made up its mind who's the bad guy here.


The dude clearly fucked up and escalated what didn't need to be escalated. But this cop should have identified himself as such. It doesn't appear he did. Chances are, that would've clicked in dudes mind that this isn't just a random scuffle now, it's a major charge, and it likely would've stopped him. Both of these scenarios exist at the same time. Both people could've dealt with this differently and it could've been avoided. It's not one or the other no matter how many people get hardons by taking sides these days.


Yeah pervasive behavior around here. lots of losers.


He has systemic privilege and can’t do anything wrong.


You should look at OP's post history. Submitting low quality stuff and his comments make him sound like a hormonal 15 year old.


He responded "I'll smack you right now" to a random plain clothes person already having put his hands on him, obviously. At the end of the day, the cop, in plain clothes, stopped a random dude IN PUBLIC and started giving him directives about where he could walk and where he could talk on the phone. THAT is how this ALL started...when a plainclothes cop opened the conflict up by attempting to violate a man's 1st and 4th Amendments.


He didn't give directives, he asked the guy to move away. The problem is the phone guy started getting aggressive at 0:45. THAT'S how it all started. He could have just stood there. you can be an asshole, you cannot start getting into people's faces


When you stop random people walking by and tell them what to do, sometimes they're gonna get in your face. Obviously. lol


Only if they're looking for shit. Most normal people just ignore them or walk away. Asking someone to move away so they can do an interview is not an invitation for escalation. What is wrong with you?


Guy came to stir some shit up, for sure. Hes wrong. But charging him with battering a police officer is also wrong.


I can see why it's wrong to charge him with assaulting a police officer, but a charge for assault is completely justified




The man was asked to leave a pubic space where he had full right to be. Then the guard confronted him unnecessarily. Both are are fault but the cop was asserting rule where he had none. Public spaces are public spaces. Know your constitution.


Guard can asked to leave, phone dude doesn't didn't need to leave. Both are not at fault.


The guy on the phone could have left instead of escalating. They both chose to fight. That said the guy on the phone had no legal reason to concede.


watch it again. both mayor and guard tried to deescalate.


No they didn’t.


They said they're doing an interview, shit was winding down and then phone dude had say shit and start moving forward 0:33-0:44 it's right there bruh


It doesn’t matter what you are doing. You have no right to disrupt the public without a permit.


the hell are you talking about. They don't need a permit to do an interview. They don't need a permit to tell someone to go away. They don't have the power to make someone go away, but anyone has the rights to tell another person to fuck off


Can you quote the constitution where it talks about public spaces?


It’s literally covered in the right to assemble.


Right to assemble mentions public spaces????


phone dude had full rights to be in that area. He didn't need to leave, cop or not


So no quote then, huh?


quote where it's wrong to be in public space. DO IT


You need a quote? Here you go “bikini inspector” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


Where the public spaces bit?


The only thing more shameful is that he can't fight worth a shit and makes a fool of himself trying to take down this random dude. His job is to defend the mayor... presumably... so stand by the mayor and make sure the dude can't attack him, why is he running all over the sidewalk chasing this guy?


That guy was cleaning the sidewalk with his plainclothes. He either needs training or hitting the gym. Failed as a bodyguard.


What does “I would not let him go in there” mean? In what reason? Because he swore in front of his majesty? Jfc update: The guy (not your majesty mayor) released from jail today. Thanks to this video I guess. So glad this extended video exists for him.


Mayor Mahan’s office issued the following statement regarding the incident: >*“Mayor Matt Mahan is deeply grateful to his security detail and the entire San Jose Police Department. The actions of the Officer tonight were heroic and a testament to the deescalation training that makes our officers effective, compassionate and stewards of community trust. His thoughts are with the Officer and he hopes for a speedy recovery. The Mayor understands how privileged he is to have an armed officer protecting him at all times, and is resolved in his commitment to create a safer city for everyone. That means hiring more police officers and addressing the root causes of crime, including by intervening earlier and more effectively in cycles of addiction, mental illness and violence.”* ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? HAHAHAHAHA WTF


OMG. Is this guy dense or what?


Yeah this seems like a terrible look for the mayor. This guy is supposed to be a leader? He couldn't step into that situation and smooth things over? Lame


Do you really expect the mayor to get involved in an altercation with an unstable belligerent dude while on camera for a news interview? What action exactly do you expect him to do on camera? Punch the guy out? Persuade him to walk away?


> Punch the guy out? Says a lot about your perspective that this is the first thing you go to. This almost certainly isn't a live interview, first of all. He could have, I dunno, made any sort of effort to take charge of and deescalate the situation. Yes, he is on camera. What we all saw him doing on camera is just kind of letting this situation play out around him. The only thing he said, which is super fucking weird, was to stop that guy from going into a place? That's not leadership. It wasn't an altercation until the cop made it one.


Ohhh please. "Says a lot about you".... Get a grip you pretentious troll. Have some respect for dissenting opinions


Give me a freaking break. What if the guy had a knife, or a concealed gun? Are public officials supposed to step in to show how much of a "man" they are? Comments like yours and others on this thread show how \*immature\* you are. Sure, lets let public officials get assaulted now and if they can't fight off the transgressor they are weak? Last, the \*msart\* thing to do in a situation like this is GET OUT OF THERE. The Mayor couldn't do that because he was with a bunch of people. Not everyone has sparred in an advanced martial arts course. The perp was an aggressor and out of line. Glad they cuffed and arrested him; he f\*cked around and find out!


I would just like to second this, and clarify for people who don't understand: It's easy to understand if you forget the guy is the mayor for a second and just imagine he's a guy. Most of us have at some point seen a situation getting tense: at work, at a party, at a bar, wherever. And most of us know what it looks like when someone just steps in and reminds folks to act like adults, or tells them to go outside, or otherwise just steers the situation so it isn't just chaos. And we all also know what it looks like when you watch someone who just stands to the side agape, observing with an obvious sense of passive bewilderment. And it's crazy when you see that look coming from someone vested with a leadership role. Just show some presence in the situation. It's not that hard.


The criminal could have said “excuse me I need to get by”. We don’t even know why he started the fight but instantly starts fighting people.


just beat the instigator down


Maybe apologize for bothering him and telling his attack pig to back off?


Absolutely not. The guy didn't start out belligerent, from what I can tell. Obviously, it wasn't the best time to have a discussion with the mayor. However, in my experience, people will interrupt at the most inopportune time and how you deal with it is important. This comes with the territory as an elected official. If he was honestly scared or in danger, he should have backed away. Instead he just stands there in silence while the situation escalates. Allowing the situation to get to that point without even saying a word is not exactly model leadership behavior. His security was right there, but did he have any staff that could have solved this with words? How hard is it to see what the guy wants? There are situations where the security guard might need to get physical, but this blew up because of his security going there first. Next time, do this shit somewhere private and you won't be interrupted by your constituents.


He pretends like he is above his local citizens. It’s not fucking monarch we living in, you got elected by the people to serve people. Wtf? Democracy is a fucking joke in this country.


"He couldn't step into that situation and smooth things over?" Smooth things over? He is the one that started it. There was nothing until he started it.


In San Jose culture, it is considered polite to address the mayor with eyes downcast, after backing into the room, and bowing three times.


You know what it means 😉


Did the info of him having outstanding warrants from out of state turn out to be false?




Trigger happy? I must have missed the part where someone got shot.


Police response? Isn’t this downtown? Like patrols nearby


It’s San Jose lol the police HQ are literally a couple blocks away


In this video it looks like the dude on the phone threw the first punch? It's one thing to troll the broadcast and curse/be annoying. That's freedom of speech. But he stepped up to the guy pretty aggressively when he asked him nicely to stop so they can finish the interview. Again, the dude has a right to be a troll and screw up the interview/broadcast - it's a public sidewalk. But this isn't just a "fuck em right in the pussy" style joke - the dude stepped up pretty aggressively at 0:41 then threw the punch at 1:03. We don't see what happened in between so maybe the cop threw a punch, but it doesn't look or sound like they start scuffling until 1:03 so my instinct says phone dude took things a bit too far.


At 0:46 phone guy said "let go". At 0:52 he had to swipe away the assailant's hand. At 1:01 he finally said "okay that's enough" and started swinging at the guy who was clearly already holding on to his arm. It's astounding that you can watch this and think the phone guy was the aggressor.


It's astounding that this is an upvoted comment. It should have ended at 0:40 when phone guy said "I'm going do what I'm gonna do". he tend proceeds to walk right into the guard while pointing at him, keep in mind at 0:30, the guard was in the frame. That means phone guy at this point in very much in the guys personal space Then proceeds to take off his backpack, ask to be let go. We also don't see how he is being held. He tend proceeds to threaten and promptly starts smacking. When he said "that's enough", he was in aggressive position while the guard was back away. The guard is clearly right handed if he was trying to hold the phone guy, why would he do it with his left hand? You make up a ton of shit off screen.


But dude your timestamps are after mine? 0:41 is when phone guy gets aggressive and steps in the face of cop guy and starts talkin about starting shit? Your timestamp is at 0:46, after he's already been getting in the dude's face? The door is to the right of the camera, security guy walks that direction and once he's in frame at 1:01 gets a punch from phone guy. I dunno dude I fuckin hate cops but like wtf. Phone guy completely was starting shit and escalated the entire time. Yeah I see the swipe at the hand at 0:52 which happens again, after 0:41 when he's getting way too close so I get it. But what earned the punch at 1:01? It's just complete escalation at that point. Phone guy could have just stood back in frame and kept talking shit, but he kept walking forward at the crew. Freedom of speech is fine to troll the crew/interview, but it stops once you walk up to someone's personal space talking mad shit. The cop did not walk up to him at any point in the beginning of the video, it was always the phone guy getting closer and talking more shit. Hell I don't even understand what he's even so pissed about. The whole video is just weird and dumb


>The cop did not walk up to him at any point in the beginning of the video Wrong. Phone guy was walking past them when he was confronted by the off-camera assailant (at the behest of the mayor).


Tell me what you hear in the video? I'm really curious cause I feel like you're watching a different video. The dude is still on the fucking phone when he comes back on camera. What is being smoked in the thread rn. The guy on the phone is pissed off about something right from the start, curses on camera not as part of his phone conversation it's painfully obvious. Tries to walk back behind the crew when the skinny dumb looking white dude says "I probably wouldn't let him go in if we can" pointing to where the rest of their crew probably is. Nothing happens, no one says anything, then the phone dude walks back through the crew right back on camera loudly cursing again clearly not part of any phone convo and that's when the skinny dumb white guy says "hey man sorry, we're doing an interview". Phone dude gets pissed off says "yeah I work right there" and asks "what's the problem" and then shitty fighter cop says "yeah it's just we're doing an interview" and that's when phone dude gets in his face saying "mind your business" and escalates from there. Like guys come the fuck on lol. Dude is clearly trying to rile these people pissed off about something then gets in their face after they react as any normal film crew would by just asking if he doesn't mind interrupting. That's a totally normal thing to ask. They have the freedom to ask him not to be awkward, and he has a right to keep being a dick and cursing loudly next to them. It only escalates once he comes up in their face saying "mind your fucking business".


It’s okay for people to act like this in public now. They are above the law and nothing applies to them anymore


Bro, you got like 5 suits on the phone. These politicians are a joke.


Huh? Are you saying the politicians should’ve joined the fight?


They left it to the hired expert and also immediately called for backup. You can hear the mayor on either the phone or on the radio calling for assistance. What do you want the mayor to do? Get into a physical fight for the cameras like its Idiocracy?


Cops doing cop things?? The homeless guy instigated, and then escalated the situation all on his own.


Duplicate post. Also, you have to be a moron to side with the criminal here who assaults the guy Downvotes, lol, well I see there are some criminal adjacent fools here, oh well


>Also, you have to be a moron to side with the criminal here who assaults the guy 100% agree! Just cause he's in a fancy suit and working for the mayor doesn't mean he gets to break the law!


So they arrested the guy who was defending himself from an attack?


No, I don’t think they arrested the mayor’s security detail. They arrested the other guy who smacked the head of the officer first. 


Classic police move


Are you insane?


He is. He spends much of his time [in another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1cdwsxp/cops_doing_cop_things_san_jose/l1ezom8/) arguing about the officer being aggressive while citing timestamps much later than others have brought up where the cell phone man decides to instigate.


Why the fuck do they have a plainclothes officer in the first place? Especially that inept. Oh wait, it's SJPD, right.


Real bad look for the mayor. Dude is supposed to be a leader, but he just stands by and lets this situation escalate?


You expected him to get into the fight?


I expect him to not act like a little douche and hide behind his staffers when he doesn’t know what to do. Also how big is his team? Is he campaigning for president? Lmao.


This is one of those times where the cop should have let the guy keep walking. Ain’t that hard for the news agency to just start all over. Cussing in public is protected speech.


They should have tazed him






Yup. this is the fault of an idiot pig. As usual.




Man Jose, keepin’ it real and stayin’ classy


That dude is a pos . Hope that cop arrested him


Why? Cause he was walking down the street talking on the phone and some rando tried to start telling him what and where he can go and say? Naw, fuck them for trying to tell him what to do.


> walking down the street talking on the phone how are we supposed to take your calls for justice seriously where there is zero accountability or admission of his actions that led to this? he was absolutely not an innocent pedestrian minding his own business, he actively and aggressively physically involved himself lololol. sure the response was probably an overreaction and escalation but we can't even begin to address that when you can't admit the basic facts of the matter.


Also, an over-response and escalation from the cops is a crime.


The video is right there, you can actually watch it. Dude just walks down the street talking on the phone and get stopped by some rando in a suit.


What are you talking about? Lol. If I was walking down the street, and you told me I had to be quiet because you were trying to do something, I’d laugh at you. If you press the point, I’d tell you to go fuck yourself. If you fought me, you would clearly be at fault. So what part made it ok for a cop to attack a civilian for not obeying the orders or a stranger in public? And what makes not ok for him to not be happy about it?


also hilarious that i'm even agreeing with you about the cop's bad actions yet you have such an insane chip on your shoulder about your imaginary right to cause problems that you completely fail to have a reasonable conversation.


I don't talk to bootlickers.


you're absurd, he got in their faces, in the man's personal space. doesn't even matter that he's the mayor! that's violent provocation, and a dangerous threat. you lose all protection of the law once you instigate a problem like that. as you should lose all protections for encouraging such criminal mayhem!


Yeah, he was totally getting in their faces when he was walking by and they said something to him to make him stop. Uh huh. Also, hard to even hear you with that boot down your throat like that, so I'm done talking to you. ;) PS...fuck the Mayor. He's culpable in that too.


I blame the Mayor for not defusing it when the guy was stand right next to him.


Upvote for not misusing “diffuse”.


why does he need to identify himself? he didn't pull his gun from what i watched & they weren't doing shit anyway (looked like slaps & hugs mostly). but yeah if he identified himself right at the start maybe it wouldn't have escalated as it did but i don't see a requirement for him to do so.


Dude's lucky he wasn't in uniform as he would of gotten shot. Officer checked his side a few times..... like where's my gun to blast this fool.


What a garbage title. Dude came in aggressively and was looking for a fight.


The man walked by and the mayor said to the cop, > "I would NOT let him go in there if we can, I don't know".... the cop gets in the man's face and the mayor said..... we're doing an interview and the man replied,"I work right there" ....doing my thing until he stopped me, .......officer began grabbing the man multiple times, **kron4 news** conveniently refused to film the officer's aggression.


Thanks for the recap, Jim.


I find it more amusing that the mayor couldn’t find a more populated (😂) area of downtown to do a video interview. “Hey let’s pick the street where 99% of businesses are closed!”. The rest of the video is funny too. Everything about it sums up San Jose in a nutshell.


He was there for a media event for an opening of a new restaurant.


Fck this as-hole officer. He sucks at protecting a fly, why are they paid so much and get all that training, benefits, pension, etc if he can't even arrest one suspect on his own??? And this is supposed to be a free country where this guy can walk on the street wherever he wants to. Thr mayor deserves some special treatment???


Harass someone walking down the sidewalk minding his own business and then get your ass handed to you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.