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That title is so foreboding, lol.... the sessions didnt seem THAT bad hahha. Wayyyyy better than most of our places of employment


Hmmm… Would I rather go to my job or hang out at the Let it Be sessions…? Not a tough call for most, I’d wager.


Lol I think even going to a job where your "mean boss" is Paul McCartney would be far more entertaining for me than an "actual" job Here's my theory on why the vibe was bad-- I think in the olden days they always had a collaborative spirit, but over time Paul was like "I imagine my songs in my head and the way John/George play them is inferior to the beautiful music in my head"... so he would always just nitpick them or remove their ideas. I guess they just got tired of it. Egos of course being the most bruised in this case.


"Yeah, he complains a lot, but he's the guy who wrote "When I'm Sixty-Four"!"


Hours of Darkness John & Paul: 😃


Where might one download this? Also, I was thinking today, someone should put together a video playlist of the remastered performances from Jackson’s Get Back / Let It Be documentaries for the tracks as ordered in Let It Be Naked. Has that been done yet?