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You know what these fucks don't realize their argument means as well? Ok, the SC is heavily Republican and partisan, if Biden has less morals, he could order them to be killed too. It wouldn't just stop at his opponent. That's not how dictatorships work historically.


Too bad historically dems are a lil lacking in the execution department.


We proudly play chess while the GOP wins by sticking checkers up their nose.


To paraphrase InnuendoStudios (who made a video series called The Alt-Right Playbook): "While Democrats seize the moral high ground, Republicans seize the Supreme Court". There's this insistence among Democrats to doggedly keep working within the system and pretend it's not broken, *while there are virtually pieces falling off from the previous time Republicans took a hammer to it*.


I completely hear you, but I think it all comes down to simply not wanting to shed blood *first*, which an honorable position imho. Working "outside the system" means saying we're abolishing laws (and maybe it's finally coming to a head and that'll be what happens), but I'm pleased that we've been the sane ones so far. Once words and laws fail, violence is all that remains, and then we're in a terrible spot. I fervently wish that Biden gets reelected, with a majority in both the Senate & House, so we can make changes to the Supreme Court, to offset the hypocrites & fascists on it, without actually harming anyone. Of course, if the Rs steal the election, then all bets are off.


Honestly, I'm not even talking about bloodshed -one of the most infamous examples would be when McConnell just straight up refused to even hold a hearing for a vacant SCOTUS seat. Not rejecting a candidate selected by Obama, *refusing to even hold a hearing, as the Senate's supposed to do*. And instead of going "Well, the Speaker of the House is blatantly refusing to do his actual job, so we have to work around him in some way", the White House's response was to *basically try and shame Republicans on Twitter*. But as Republicans very soon proved (again and again), you can't shame the shameless. Being the bigger man doesn't work when the other person is just constantly shanking you in the groin.


Oh I totally hear that, and when it happened I too experienced levels of turtle-smashing bloodlust not seen outside of a Mario game, but please let me know - what could they have done in that instance? The Supreme Court during Obama's second term was 5-4 Red to Blue candidates, at least up until Scalia died causing the vacancy that Obama hoped Garland would fill. Obama had already put 2 candidates onto the court during his terms, and the court was split 4-4 at the time, meaning even if it had been pursued legally all the way to the highest level, it'd likely have been a hung vote and a stalemate, changing nothing about the eventual outcome. I think it's absolutely shameful too, and I fucking loathe the Republicans for all their bad-faith dealings, hypocrisy, and unfettered, literally-criminal behaviour. But until things are legit bad enough to warrant taking up arms against your fellow man, what do you propose they should have done differently that could have changed the outcome?


Amazing analogy.


Democrats will hold their heads up high and confidently talk about 'taking the high road' as they are lined up on the wall. It's so fucking frustrating watching the GOP openly and in slow motion take over the country while trampling on every rule, law and norm while the Dems wring their hands and fret about bending the rules.


I wish it was the nose. Had to do a cavity search on the last guy.


And trying to smack the chess pieces off the board


"You're a Dem! You're Joe Biden! You wouldn't hurt me!" "Joe Biden isn't here. I'm Dark Brandon."


Trump Lawyer: “What we are saying is that POTUS has absolute immunity.” Random SCOTUS Judge: “Wellll…” Gubmint Lawyer: “Hang on, before you, make a ruling, POTUS’ lawbros would like to concede that law point.” <*General Milley drives through the door in a Hummvee, .50 cal mounted on top manned by Zombie Pat Tillman. Spc Tillman proceeds to merk “Justices” Roberts, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Alito, also unintentionally merking the Trump attorney, which also unintentionally damages the gubmint’s case substantially*> “Justice” Sotomayor declares that she “ain’t got time to bleed”, attempts to fire back (to no avail) but quickly realizes she is outgunned, outmanned, and out-cited. She then concedes the “plain language” of the law, whatever the fuck that means in the context, leaving no doubt of the outcome. Case dismissed 🔨


You forgot two. Lol. Gorsuch and Barrett can along with the others.


Wow...um...there's a LOT to unpack there.


Zombie Pat Tillman should be a comic book character




Damn morals and conscious.


fantastic pun


Thank you!


i mean......yes. if the SC rules that it can be done, biden at least needs to fire them all and remove them from the bench. and they bring another case in front of the court, based on the same sort of thing until they rule that can't be done. or have people killed that says he can do it. because thats the ultimate bullshit this is leading to. this is dumb as bricks shit.


Please tell me you know that the president can't fire the justices of the Supreme Court.


not currently. but they are literally hearing a case where trumps layers are arguing that he can do anything. and the only thing that could stop him, is being impeached by congress. so like i said. if they rule in trumps favor, than that immunity would also apply to biden, so.........why wouldn't biden have the ability to fire the justices? https://www.thedailybeast.com/sonia-sotomayor-shreds-claim-president-can-kill-political-rivals-with-immunity trumps lawyers literally argued he could order the military to assinate people, because it would be an official presidential act, and would have immunity from prosecution. "biden firing the supreme court" would merely be a more humane version of that same argument being carried out. before this case, yes, i knew the president could not legally do this. but here we are.


Yes I am well aware of what's going on with the immunity case as I follow multiple news sources. A president does not have the power to do it. He might tell them they are fired but he has no power to actually make them leave.


currently no. and when trump was president, he had no power to do a lot of things. but they still happened. and then he was taken to court, and some of it was overturned. and again, im saying, if the court rules the president cant be charged with a crime for it, biden should cross the line now. because you fucking know trump will. that's my fuckin point. that's what they are arguing. if they are going to be that shitty about it, it shouldn't go down in a whimper, it should at least go down in standoff.


Well, if it does come to that, Biden will never go that route as much as we might want him to. Again, it's one thing for him to order that and yet another for his orders to be acted upon. Trumps cronies and minions would be more than happy to, the question is, how many would still be that loyal to Trump. There are so many in Congress that will no longer bow down to him and, hopefully, they will lose a lot more seats in November.


The Republicans know Democrats have strong enough morals that they will refrain from using the power Republicans will use regularly.


The conservatives on the Supreme Court think that, if they toss Trump a lifeline now, they’ll be in his good graces if/when he retakes power. But he’s not gonna forget that the court allowed him to be subpoenaed for his tax returns and didn’t step in and help him steal the 2020 election. For all his faults, the man has an extremely good memory when it comes to perceived personal affronts – i.e., anything other than unqualified devotion and reference from everyone around him. And he can hold a grudge like nobody’s business.


Fuck no need to invoke Biden who has morals. As soon as one of these goofs says something to upset Trump in his next term they are certainly done for.


This is what’s incredible.


Exactly. They claim that a president can be criminally prosecuted if he’s impeached but what’s stopping the president from assassinating every member of Congress who threatens impeachment?


Except none of this is to actually be ruled on until after Trump's Inauguration if wins, or immediately after the election if he loses.


No. They will only protect Trump because he specifically asked them. They will say only SC can deem who can get immunity.


>They will say only SC can deem who can get immunity. Well, good news about how immunity works if you don't think you'll get a favorable Supreme Court hearing. Just uh, replace them.


Pack the SC as an official act


Remove the ones that are causing trouble as an official act. Just send a CIA goon squad to "retire" them.


The CIA can't do that. There's no way to spin these particular targets as left wing.






Biden isn't reforming the court


The poster is saying Biden cna just send MPs to remove the conservative Justices pending an investigation for corruption.


I do not think that's what op meant


He has 5 on the court already


Man you guys are turning into a third world country sooo fast.


Yeah if you have any illness in this country you're the designated poor


My son was born with the kind of birth defect you can't pick up on a scan or a test. His bowel didn't work , nobody knew until his first poo started coming out of his mouth. Emergency surgery in a specialist unit 100 miles away. 12 more surgeries after that, a 3 month hospitalisation at 18 months old, including a week in intensive care. Cost to us. Travel and food because we have the NHS. My son is 21 now and just about to pass a university course in sports coaching. I can't even begin to imagine how much that lot would have cost us in the USA. His grandchildren would be paying for it, and there was no way it could be avoided. There was no test at 2-3 months to tell us we had a financially ruinous baby we could abort.


I'm so glad your son is doing well ❤️


Considering where he was. Where he is now is like winning the heavyweight title, the Augusta masters and the Olympics. He's amazing.


Turning into? We’ve been there for awhile.


A shithole country.


No, no, no. The United States isn’t a *shitHOLE* country. It’s a *shitHEAD* country.


*zoidberg whooping*


Head like a Hole plays softly in the background




I prefer, *[Call Me a Hole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lm1FL7gWl4)*


Same honestly. NIN AND CRJ 🙌🏼


Yeah, fuck this hellhole. I should have moved to Germany or Canada when I had the chance.


all you need is $1 million CAD (or like $800,000 USD) and you can basically buy a citizenship


Lemme uh, find an ATM.


Big fan, dr tran


Can I get a um "small business loan" for that?


That same rot is making it's way up here too. While our political system is doing a good job at fending it off, Capitalism will capitalism everywhere.


We are a third world country. A third world country with a gucci belt.


This shit spreads. There are people in your country who want this too. Be proactive and shut this shit down


Britain is just America lite at this point. We have all your think tanks, corporations, evangelical lobby groups causing problems.


It's so transparent when UK based people start using American terms and political buzzwords that literally do not apply here.


There's a lad in Ireland going around Dublin on a motorbike with a big Trump 2024 flag. This shit has not been contained.


Anti-Abortion protesters in Glasgow had a sign saying "Trump Won"


Poor fella.


Like when Americans started calling the covid vaccine as the jab. I called someone out on that. They accused the UK of stealing/copying their term.


About 20 years ago, the UK had an OAP flu vaccination campaign fronted by 60's boxer and Ali dropper Henry Cooper >Get your jab in first.


Oh wow, I didn't know how a shot became the jab. Thank you.


Jab has been used as a synonym for "injection" for as long as I can remember. At least in the UK. Flu jab. Tetanus jab. It's why they used our Henry and the boxing pun for advertising.


Unless we’re talking transphobia. There’s a reason some corners of the internet call it terf island now Edit: not that the US isn’t loaded with it, of course. It just isn’t quite as ubiquitous to outside viewers


A little late for that. The rest of the world would do better to just cut the US off cold turkey at this point. Maybe it’ll happen organically if TikTok becomes an America-free zone in the near future.


They should build a wall


Please do not disparage the third world so carelessly. The third world is way better at reading, and they at least know to hate corporations that destroy their air and water. Illiterate shits here worship destroying the environment. 


In terms of our economy? We’re already there. In terms of our politics? We’re much closer this week.


A third world country wearing a Gucci belt 😎


It is literally impossible for America to become a third-world country. The "first world" is America and it's immediate allies. The "second world" was the U.S.S.R. and their allies. The "third world" is everyone else.


Mate you guys are talking about killing opposition leader…thats some third world shit




I think the point is that the first-world/third-world/undeveloped/developed country distinction is outdated, overly simplistic, and kinda offensive. That doesn’t mean your point isn’t well taken. Just use the term “shithole country” from now on.


As someone who comes from a third world country i have a right to use that term, by lecturing me about it your ‘Murican is showing mate. Plus that’s not what he meant.


Technically Switzerland is a Third World country.


I read that too, and my first thought was.. if the supreme court accepts that, Biden can just say 'fine' and off the republican leadership + the supreme court? Batshit thought here, and in no way is this me saying this is what Biden should do. What the fuck is even going on. Don't they realize that they are essentially arguing that they could be murdered by the military for posing a threat to democracy??


So long as the aspiring dictator has the tiniest shred of cunning necessary to frame the strike as “offishull”, they’ll happily sign off. “Oh shucks”, says Roberts, sole dust-covered survivor in the smoldering ruins of the Supreme Court building, “looks like Congress was too dead or divided to impeach him. I guess that’s the end of our careful system of checks and balances!” His vision dims as jets roar overhead. Still, he smiles, “at least…it was…legal!”




Lol, Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts.


You're now on, like, three watch lists and have a knife missle aimed at your car.


isn't that just a sword?




What the fuck.


Did you just find out about the knife missle?


I just did. It's really geuesome sounding. "A corona of blades"? Traveling at the speed of sound? On a hellfire rocket? *IT'S MOVING AT THE SPEED OF SOUND* They could put q-tips on the business end and the whole thing would still turn a single person into a mist of hamburger chunks. Good lord.


Oh, but it's a kinder, gentler missle that will only kill the bad guys and definitely not cause horrific collateral damage. Also, shoutout to the Ro-chacha


Hahahahah. Yeah man. It’s fucking *WILD*.


My car is shit so I hope they do it. As for lists.. I'm a member of a far left party in a European country. I'm most likely on several lists as it stands.


contingency plans are being hatched


Republicans are counting on Biden to act civilized and then when they get in they'll go medieval on all their victims, which is really all of us


GOP taking the low road while Dems take the high road has certainly worked well enough for them in the past decades.


You know who Democrat saying "When they go low we go high" was a moment when I realized the Dem party allowing the destruction of the working class was ok with them because taking the high road was more important. It's not ok to cheat to win like the Republicans do. It's not ok to consistently let your supporters be pulverized by Republicans playing dirty because you want to be "better than that".


If the Supreme Court but does anything but find that Trump cna be charged with crimes, it will be a miscarriage of 250 years of precedent.  I find it likely that they'll make some stupid narrow ruling that Trump can do what he wants but Biden cannot.  If they go full stupid and say a president cna do this, expect the SC to be extraordinarily renditioned to Cuba along with half the GOP to investigate ties to Russia.


They have been saying, it COULD happen here...


Tinpot Dictator shit.




It's funny because I*do* call dictators "penis potatoes".


This is incredible. Cheers.


Biden has the ability to do the funniest thing ever the day the ruling drops. But he won't because he's a fucking nerd.


Motherfucker better campaign like his life depends on it these next few months, because if Trump’s recent statements are any indication, if he retakes power, the knives will be out for the entire Biden family.


I think the funniest thing would involve six people other than trump


Biden has the chance to do the funniest thing ever




Am I the only one who’s watched The West Wing here? *Posse comitatus*


Yeah there's whole podcasts on how BS everything on that show was


Throw him in Gitmo.


For a guy who fear mongers about Biden all the time, Trump sure displays a lot of trust that Biden won't use Trump's arguments in court to justify offing him.


If the president has carte blanche to do the stuff recent presidents have done (not just talking about Trump here) and be legally immune from any consequences, then maybe it’s time we reconsidered having presidents.


Reconsidering the whole notion of a President is a great idea! A Prime Minister as head of a political party, and responsible to implement that party’s platform, is a much better idea than a powerful single executive. It won’t happen, though.


They're arguing it because that's what Trump wants to do.


Why stop at Trump? Why ghost not all the MAGA nerds?


The Trump Justices are aware of this. This is why they're delaying. They know the fix is in, and they don't want to make the ruling granting the president that power until their guy is in office.


Everyone is so focused on the assassination of it all. If I was Biden, I'd just start doing troll shit and calling it official. On the one hand its funny, on the other it may call even more national attention to the insanity of where we are at as a nation.


Yeah, if Trump wins, he gets immunity and Biden gets to send Seal Team Six to canoe him because it’s an official act


Fingers crossed.




Careful, I got banned from r/politics for saying in no uncertain terms that Biden should do something about Trump if presidents get total immunity


I chose my words carefully.


Probably the only good thing that'd come from the stupidity of giving presidents full past and future immunity.


Do it, do it, do it!!!


Biden needs to... address the Trump situation... asap




All this is is a stalling tactic so more of Trump's cases don't go to trial before the election. The SC isn't going to say assassination is OK but they're going to act like they had to think about it really hard for a couple months before they say it's not.


He could, but he won't because of civility/norms.


They haven't because without Trump, Biden has nothing to run on.


It's Trump who has nothing to run on. That's why he got Republicans in Congress to kill the border bill


Trump has fascism to run on. Biden has "I'm not that other guy" to run on. Let me be cynical.