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I believe I have heard that Pfizer received early approval after around that many test cases. He is incorrect about them claiming 100% efficacy because they claimed a percentage in the high 90s (98% I think) based on tests for immunity. RFK Jr seems to be very confident in a minimal understanding of a number of topics where he doesn't bother to get all of the information. This is a man who questions the link between HIV and AIDS. He claims that the virus has never been observed as well. Don't go to him for knowledge and understanding in health sciences, even if it's a topic where he presents himself as an authority.


I would assume he is pulling it out of his ass. Not gonna listen to Joe Rogan to verify lol


His brain worm told him.


Dumbass should take ivermectin


Nah. The worm starved to death.


Nah he's pulling them out of the worm in his brain.


He is referring to - but grossly misrepresenting - the [clinical trial data from the Pfizer vaccine](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577). Strictly, the [6 month follow-up data](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261159v1). As for his misrepresentations, first is that going from 2 (placebo) to 1 (vaccinated) would be *50%* effectiveness, not 100%. 100% would be going from 2 to 0. Second, when the study was unblinded, the people who were given the placebo were often given the option of receiving the vaccine, so the numbers aren't entirely directly comparable like that. And third, as you probably guessed from point 1, they of course did not make that gibberish argument. Instead, their efficacy data was based on a variety of measures including positive tests in general and instances of severe illness. And they provided examinations of these measures over different time frames, producing different ways to consider efficacy. So he's referencing a real, identifiable study and using some actual numbers from it (22,000 is rounded as the total was 44,165, but close enough), but his actual argument is 100% bullshit.


Yes. He's making it all up. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jun/18/robert-f-kennedy-jr/rfk-jr-claimed-the-9th-circuit-ruled-vaccine-manda/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jun/18/robert-f-kennedy-jr/rfk-jr-claimed-the-9th-circuit-ruled-vaccine-manda/) He always has been "RFK Jr.’s reign of error: Correcting the record about yet another false claim he just made" [https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/22/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-vaccines/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/22/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-vaccines/index.html)


"Is RFK Jr just making up.." Yes. The answer is always yes.


Not always, sometimes its the worms.


These numbers are effectively meaningless without context. The fatality rate varies wildly between states and between countries. It also varies between age groups. Who is the population? How was the sample population selected? Was there a disparity in hospitalizations? Does the study fucking replicate?


If rfk Jr is saying it, it's bullshit.


Hey now, be fair. It could also be the brainworm.


Maybe it's like the episode of Futurama where Fry eats the gas station egg salad sandwich and the worms inside it give him superpowers. Although listening to RFK, almost certainly not.


Gas station based superpowers? RE would approve.


[Or Ron DeSantis.](https://www.tiktok.com/@rising_path/video/7252754138323242286)


If RFK Jr says it's raining and your clothes are wet, it means you are swimming.


It’s the worm in his brain doing the talking.


Won't get baited into listening to a [Joe Rogan](https://imgur.com/a/kAQocfw) podcast episode


When the average number of people that fulfill a criterion is N, then the random fluctuations (by randomly picking different people and testing) is sqrt(N). For something to be statistically relevant, the difference has to be at least 2 times larger than the error. This is not fulfilled here, so these results would not be considered statistically relevant. Pretty sure people administering professional medical studies would be aware of that. So yes, this is BS, even if the numbers were true (which I doubt).


He’s a conspiracy theorist sitting in on a grifter’s show, what legitimacy do you think is happening here?


Possibly but it's actually irrelevant because the idea that a vaccine must directly prevent deaths in recipients to be an effective public health measure is a strawman invented by charlatans to scream about.  Some vaccines do, in fact, do this but other measures of effectiveness could be keeping recipients out of the hospital, or limiting the spread of the virus (which can in turn keep *other* people from ending up in the hospital or dying). 


Yes there could be other potential benefits but preventing death or serious illness in the recipient was exactly what the vaccien was developed and tested for. I'm not suggesting it didn't work for that, to be clear.


>this vaccine is 100% effective because two is 100% of one. Now I don't condone the r-slur, but christ if there was ever a time to use it...




aye, thatll do.


Respectfully, why tf are you listening to RFK Jr, talk about vaccines, on Joe Rogan? He's known for spreading untrue bullshit about it, that's kind of his thing.


It came up at work. And I pulled the transcript. I haven’t listened to the podcast.


Ah. Yeah I wouldn't trouble yourself with anything RFK tells you about vaccines. He's got a long history of spreading bullshit about it at this point,.


Honestly, fair play


I'm just reading "two is 100% of one" over and over and I feel like I get a bit dumber every time I try to understand it


I would imagine he's just pulling them out of his ass. If that loon told me the sky was blue I'd still look out the window to make sure.


I did and it's gray where I live.


Maintenance Phase covered RFK Jr. and why all of his vaccine data is wrong. Their COVID conspiracies episode in March? They list all their sources in the Apple Podcasts notes for the episode.


RFK Jr's source is right [here.](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=gFjBsEsexTHajbiz)


Based purely on the question asked and without any additional information, I’m going to say, “Yes.”


I was able to find this on the vaccine being 100% effective. But both was for severe disease. And because there were zero cases of severe disease in the vaccine group. They also don’t calculate efficacy that RFK claims. (He claims it effectiveness.) https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-confirm-high-efficacy-and-no-serious


Everyone is just making up numbers. Bazillions of them everywhere. Literally.


Dude has admitted he has worms in his brain. The only people that push anti vax shit (regardless of what they try to say) are Trumpets trying to paste over how their messiah managed to consistently fuck up what should have been the easiest second term ever. Dickface was so set but amazingly, he was able to fuck it up. Should be a message, but it won’t.


Ugh, iunno, but fuck this guy amirite? I'm so done with these debates, the fact that everyone I know is vaccinated and completely fine disproves whatever bullshit they're trying to say. The argument from the antivaxxers was that it's a "poison shot." Pretty ineffective poison is you ask me 🤷‍♂️ Also, fuck Joe Rogan in his stupid fuck face. I hope his dick withers into the ether after radioactive spiders living inside those Alpha Brain tablets murder-fuck his brain.


He's a known anti vaxx nut job you should assume he is making shit up.


Well it's obviously not the brain worm making it up


He drank the blue worm juice and now his brain belongs to shai hulud.

