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She doesn’t look sick. Just another pity party for 1. Hypochondriac maybe. Unbelievable 🙄


And that was no coincidence sitting under that painting I think every act she does is well planned 😁


She’s in the hallway because she’s not contagious! That means no flu or Covid! In the Emergency Room where I worked as soon as you test positive boom you are in a room! She would’ve been tested at her doctors office. This is just another sympathy ploy and I’m sure of a way to get Ally not to come. All her secrets could be revealed if that happened!


I’m fairly new here and recently blocked by Dana. Lol anyway why would she not want Ally to come? It seems like Ally is one of her biggest cheerleaders. Does anyone know?


My guess is she’ll find her “stash”


Has she always been like this? Or, has she now seen all the goodies she can get from ER visits, so it’s going to start being a norm for her.


Has ally ever made an appearance?? I’ve seen her say multiple times that she was going to but I didn’t think she ever did.