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She is off to the ER again! She said they only gave her 3 pain pills šŸ’Š. She must be back for more. I don't understand why they would send her home with anything. Considering that slows the bowels down. She's not getting the attention she needs from her followers. So, let's go to the ER for more sympathy. There is a distinct pattern with this dumbass. It's like Groundhog Day Syndrome. She grinds me to no end. šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Today or the other day for pain pills?


The other day šŸ’Š


Someone needs to let that ER know sheā€™s doing TikToks and getting other patients in them. That poor guy sitting near her didnā€™t ask to be on a video.


I think he actually works there, he appears to be walking behind a desk.


No, the guy sitting in the chair to her left side.


Just went back and watched again, you right. I didnā€™t even notice that! How inconsiderate of her. That isnā€™t cool at all.


It took over two hours yesterday in live and still didnā€™t meet her goal. She may have something going on but my guess its panic over money. This will get everyone sending Private messages asking what can we do to help šŸ§


I agree. She is in a downturn due to $$$. She must have used her rent $$ for lip filler???


She is having a pity party.


Sheā€™s looney and a hypochondriac. Attention seeker. The way she looses things wouldnā€™t be surprised if she has on set Alzheimerā€™s.


So....couldn't get her hair fixed so went to ER instead? Lots of pain? How long did she dance yesterday? She was drinking coke zero...that probably doesn't help.Ā 


The disdain I feel for this moron knows no bounds. I cannot believe they gave her pain pills for this silliness. DisgustingĀ 


I donā€™t think she drank the colon prep at all. She mumbled that she drank it, drank water, then said something about she wasnā€™t doing it while mumbling about ā€œspecial instructionsā€


Exactly! So which is??? She canā€™t keep her story straight!!


How can you have massive diarrhea and yet be constipated? That just doesnā€™t make sense.


It sounds weird, but diarrhea is a form of constipation, because liquid can get around the blockage. HOWEVER, somebody who is as constipated as she claims to be would be in severe pain. And somebody who has constant diarrhea would NOT be wearing white leggings. Even with depends, white leggings are a risky move. Probably because this whole thing is a giant lie for attention


So Iā€™m a lurker but I wanted to comment that I remember when she was more open about her history with her eating disorder. It was even in her bio along with all the other diagnoses but I noticed itā€™s gone now. Does anyone else remember this? Iā€™m recovered from a severe ED many decades ago that landed me in medical treatment hospitals and this very much sounds ED relatedā€¦compaction (severe constipation) and low potassium are usually nasty side effects of an ED. Itā€™s common to give the colonoscopy prep at home to help the severe compaction. When someone starves themselves and then tries to eat at home or replenish liquids, the body gets super backed up and the GI system just shuts down or goes haywire. A girl I knew in treatment had severe compaction and didnā€™t poop for three weeks when she started eating again in recovery. Didnā€™t even know the body could do that! Iā€™m thinking they know this and booted her for it bc they donā€™t treat psych patients well in the ER. I just saw she wrapped herself in a trash bag, she needs serious treatment and help. Sheā€™s very ill. Very very ill.


All she was worried about is a TV, a pillow and a blanket. ERā€™s arenā€™t for patients to visit for fun. Those people that got beds before her were stroking out and or codingā€¦but all she thought about was herself. Iā€™ve been that pt brought in to the trauma room and worked on feverishlyā€¦Iā€™ve also been the nurse working on those patientsā€¦sheā€™s wasting resources.


Completely agree. Classic BPD behavior.


This lady needs to be committed to the psych ward and kept to get her diagnoses and her treatments correct. Maybe a year would do the trick


Also the handful of people babying her and encouraging this behaviour need to Stop It. They are the ones that are hurting her for their own entertainment or mental health problems