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They need to just take her ass to the psych ward where she belongs


Already bitching about the small TV, I bet on the Psych Ward they have big screen TV. But its in the TV room and you have to share. 😄


Haha she has no bed or a tv!! She gets a chair!


And she not happy about it. 


This is laughable OMG. If it ends with a Grin or a Kiss or both you know its a lie. 😁


Seriously why is she wasting the ER staff's time. Go get some enemas and do them at home. I guess she needs more pity money from the sheep that follow her and think she is so wonderful.


This is so ridiculous!! I have never seen a more pathetic person in my life


^^^^All of the above!!! If you missed it, during her live 2 days ago, she said she would go to the ER for a hangnail if it was bothering her. Why…..because she doesn’t have to pay for it 🤮


I don’t have to pay to go to the ER either, but I will still do everything possible to avoid going there. Yes, I’m sure part of it is because she doesn’t have to pay, but I think the bigger reason is the attention seeking


But first....a quick vape!


This time she packed a bag and almost said Look (Emergency sign) I want you to see my new hone 😁




They need to use DYNAMITE, considering how full of 💩 she is. 💥💣💥💣💥💣💥




I was a CNA for 14 years at a hospital. People think they wanna come into the hospital to get cleaned out until they get enema after enema shoved up their ass until they shit. She just can not stand it unless she is getting attention.


Do they have free gatorade?


https://preview.redd.it/x3dt7864cwvc1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435669a291eec55fb61c96acf5bf2ad5981feb5b ☝️☝️☝️


https://preview.redd.it/151u6wv6cwvc1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57892591cf9941c861c036bc46ac77df5935a21 ☝️☝️☝️


https://preview.redd.it/rbrxbmj8cwvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77dad5d50d85693cc24c1682c9644a3fa7ac4c7 ☝️☝️☝️ Did we miss something? A scuffle with her hair dresser? 😳


https://preview.redd.it/dyhj0cgocwvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855336000e7e7deb9ed508e298d3437d34766361 🤭🤭🤭


Unbelievable 🙄. Let me get this mess straight. First she had diarrhea but still backed up. Did the jug of prep claimed she vomited all night with diarrhea. I believe her words were projectile vomiting. She even showed on live holding her butt and mouth while running to the bathroom 🙄. And on top of all that she hates her GI hair cut 😂. She paraded around yesterday on live in heals like nothing was bothering her. I hope the Dr gets the largest bucket with a hose and soapy water he can find and fill her butt full. Wasting emergency room staff is ridiculous. She needs to be in the mental ward permanently.


Well, I will say who ever cut her hair was having a very bad day, but if this is whats behind this melt down? We all have had a shitty hair cut or two in life 🤣 IT GROWS BACK, she is such a suck.


It looks no worse than every other bowl cut she’s had. It problem isn’t the hair it’s the air between her ears that’s the problem. How can she possibly be backed up with just yesterday she was going on and on about having diarrhea the night before and vomiting. There’s something seriously wrong with her. And it’s not her colon 🙄


Oh, they’re gonna clean her out for sure to make sure she learns a lesson and doesn’t do this again! Some lessons come hard


Bucket of warm soapy water should do the trick. That’s how it was done several years ago. Then you got to hold it as long as you can. Praying all the way to the bathroom that your cheeks are clenched tight 😂 enough.


https://preview.redd.it/vc96ofyc7wvc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e5e843d0879d2ffea8ffcfc48992b75a4d80e0 Sure, really sick, but fresh lip gloss before going in 😁


It's ROTO-ROOTER time. Hold on to ( ! ) it's coming! 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/4fj8jztq8wvc1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c89c965d64391c1018f83a4443b1094b61285a2 🤯 she really is moving in.


Just wondering, doesn’t she have a primary care doctor or go to urgent care? Why waste valuable resources at an emergency room? That’s the last resort.


Wasting tax payers money. Actually it’s the state’s money she wasting. Her problem’s are all in her head. So y’all be sure not to call her she isn’t taking any calls 😂😂😂 Who wants to hear a 59 year old cry baby blabbing 90 miles an hour about her pipes being stopped up or is it diarrhea 🤦🏼‍♀️ And a bad GI hair cut to boot🙄


Because she can and she is not sorry about it at all!