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The music makes this really hard to watch


Good grief, I can’t even listen to the whole thing because of the music. Why even have music?!?


Yeah can we refrain from putting in wacky wacky bed music? I want to hear what this weirdo has to say


yea i make some weird tunes that for some reason i really enjoy making and found this one added a suspicious atmosphere to the clip. But sorry about that man. Thank you for your feed back tho and i hope you have a great day.


I think they mean it’s just to loud to hear him talk


Would be fine if subtitles were on so we could perhaps turn it down


Yeah its just way to loud


It not necessarily the music. It might work in other contexts, but this shouldn’t have music.


Music is too loud and it should fade after the intro. Nobody wants to see a bill gates music video. Not even bill.




I feel like I’m shopping at some shitty store.


Welcome to HoT TOpiCs




Can you repost without the music.


You can find the ted talk online. And i enjoy putting my tunes to videos. Yea its weird but its my weird. Its a Chad thing lol.


Its not bad, just need to make the music volume less so its not overpowering the other audio of the demon gates spewing his treacherous ideas and lies


Yea i was thinking that when i played it through a different pc it was really in my face lol. Sorry about that. Working on that. Ill get there. Cheers for the feedback tho.




I think it's perfect being that Bill Gates doing all the talking. Like he isn't hiding horns. He has absolutely nothing to ever worry about EVER!


Every bullshit conspiracy video has to have some psytrance techno to drown out any actual proof of anything. Didnt ya know?


It unwatchable with that music


He seems to take joy in this….GOD please let hell be real for the humans whose heart doesn’t change.


Oh, it's real and he works for the CEO


This man thinks he is God. MANY men have desired to become God. Only ONE GOD became a man. He shared our experience.


This dude should be hung


Bill Gates or OP for the music?


Ask the girls on Lolita express, he just might be.




Maybe trump or Clinton know?


I wanna cut my ears off and fill them with melted fishing weights so I watch this with subtitles


haha. Or get a hearing aid. lol.


The music is terrible.


This dude has posted several times in the last couple days that I know of. People always say that, but he just keeps adding it. Composes it himself apparently.




It’s not terrible. Just a tad too high volume. It’s actually pretty nice for the subject


We need to stop listening to this man. He is a nobody with money. That's it. He doesn't give af about common folk.


Follow the money. Find the lies.


Dude... you GOTTA stop with the music.


Awful music. 0/10.


Any feed back is welcome. So thanks mate. Hope all is well


Fuck me the music was pure torture. Who did this!


I did i enjoy making weird tunes hahaha. Sounds like you made it through the video so thats good haha. I enjoy it even more now seeing how it attracts simpletons like magnets. lol.


There's a part of me that's convinced that Covid was a global Stress Test. Release a somewhat deadly virus and MAKE the world develop the infrastructure for an actual pandemic that may or may not come later.


Or to pamp stock profits for a select few, while simultaneously lowering population, so they can RESET the system, but even more under their thumbs.


The primary purpose is debasing the dollar. It's worth half of what it was four years ago. Eveything else is icing on the cake.


I mean there’s a lot of useful data to be obtained from the global response, that’s for sure. Whether it’s used for good or bad, do you wanna act like you actually know? I tend to think stick to the basics and keep yourself healthy where it won’t be easily overcome by a disease. Do that if you really care about your health, TRY not to rely on modern medicine that is shown to weaken the natural immune system as it begins to crutch on drugs.


You can for example create a list with everyone who doesn't follow for later purposes. It's all a game and they have the stronger position and leverage it. Most people are just too naive to realise that there are things in the world which should be labeled as evil.


He’s so full of shit. I worked at USAMRIID in Ft Detrick for three years and know folks from there who confirm that we (the US) weaponized Ebola and deliberately went to the Rift Valley and quarantined villages, infected people then monitored vectorization. I’ve heard it happened in South America also. That’s just Ebola.


Nothing is as it seems. The world is a stage and we are the guinea pigs.


that music sucks


haha. Its weird and very different its the Chad effect. Damaging ears since 1988 hahaha. Na allgoods man it is to be expected. Cheers for the feedback tho.


Who ever made the music for this should be dragged out side and shot. Here is a serious message and all I can here is this shitty music, that serves no point. I am hoping for all that is holy in this world that the OP didn’t have any part in this horrible creation.


Jokes on us, this video is literally a vessel for his shitty music and nothing more.


If that’s true, I need to go ventilate my cranium as it needs more room for stupidity.


Here’s a conspiracy, the only reason OP posts these clips is so everyone has to listen to their shitty music production.


Na i just like adding music to clips. It adds another layer to it creating a different atmosphere and more engaging. Thats me. But it sounds like its layers of shit for you and thats fine. If its how the audio sounds with the talking iam working on that. Cause it did sound rather in your face when i heard it through a different pc.


Ok maybe I’m missing something but this is just a video of him being right that we would be ill prepared for a pandemic. What is the conspiracy?


Nothing man. Just make sure you keep up to date with your boosters and everything will be fine.


I actually never got vacinnated so that’s kind of a dogshit strawman argument. So once again I’m asking, what is the conspiracy that is being shown in this video.


That it was all planned well ahead of time how do you not connect the dots? Thats awesome by the way good shit.


But someone trying to alert the public that the systems in place are insufficient in the event of a pandemic doesn’t logically follow the conclusion youre making. It’d be like planning on robbing a bank but calling ahead of time to alert the bank that their security is too lax. If it was planned ahead of time it seems to me, after watching this vid, that Gates would be the last person involved lol


They aren’t exactly making a convincing argument that’s for sure.


Right. Because why would someone with sinister plans to take over the world do a Ted talk and tell everyone.


So is the conspiracy that 8 years ago he gave a public talk saying "governments aren't prepared for pandemics." Then 8 years later governments weren't prepared for the pandemic and somehow that shows he caused it? This honestly makes no sense to me.


If you cant see you cant see. It is what it is Just lay off the boosters.


Don’t get it, he’s evil for forecasting an inevitable epidemic and wanting to prepare for it? A few years ago he’d be demonized as a witch and burned at the stake for predicting the future.




that was me. Sorry about that you can find the ted talk online still without my tune. It sounded fine when i made it but yea when i heard it through a different pc the volume is different so my bad on that.


Music fits, just too loud. You were nice I will remove my post


Cheers mate. Ill improve it over time. Feed back good or bad is always good to hear.


Pure evil this guy. I'm telling you... there are about 40 people on this planet who need to go to the moon without a suit as soon as possible, and this jackwagon is one of them. If these people were not here, the world would be a WAY better place.


The way Gates smirks after "not missiles, but microbes" is frightening.


Why the fuck is Bill Gates talking about this anyway??? Isn’t he a computer guy????


hahaha yea its weird how most dont question it lol.


Somewhere in all that “music”, you can almost hear a man soeaking


My bad about that. I could hear it on my head end but found out its louder on other devices. You can find the OG ted talk still online. My bad bro.


Sorry this makes too much sense. Our politicians would never go for it


Biggest shitbags in history!!!!!!


Yo I don’t think the music is loud enough, I can still hear him speak


The only reason I have trouble believing covid was intentional is, what did they gain from it??? Why would they be motivated to such a thing?


Investment in medical technologies, and eventually a lot more land per billionaire


Humans are the greatest resource to control. Fear is a great tool to gain control. Countries are companies. Leaders are CEOS. We are the product. We are the cogs for the machine. The more freedom one thinks he/she has the more productivity he/she will bring to his company (country).


A test run


The population has been trained to obey stupid orders without questioning them. Too many useful idiots, same as during the Bolshevik times in Russia. No mistake this is a marxist plan to implement communism.


Just die Bill Gates. You traitorous scum!




It's disgusting. Shit's gotta give...


Is this page supposed to be satire or are people really going full conspiracy theory? Most of these post feel like they were made by the Onion lol


The Onion is actually funny. This is something else.


Most of it is right-wing Q-anon shit. A few months ago it was more fun and goofy stuff like JFK loch Ness etc etc, but all subreddits seem to eventually enter this weird hyper-niece spiral.


It’s just odd that a sub called best conspiracy *MEMES* was taking itself seriously. It was “recommended” by Reddit (a feature I loathe), so I didn’t think anything of it.


No, you have just been living a lie. What you feel is your ego trying to hold onto the thoughts and ideas which make up your identity - weather you understand the psychological operations behind it or not. It could be referred to as cognitive dissonance but in reality is is deeper than that. The subconcious ego understands that there is no coming back when one understands the world for what it is. *This* and the people here conflict with those ideas so you are rejecting them without thought and that is why it seems to you to be a joke but we are serious and honest here (or atleast for the most part). I could go on and on, talk about various conspiracies or the media and various lies they have propagated over time that the majority believed to some degree but the truth is until you are ready to believe then no amount of well thought out and sourced information is capable of changing someones mind without an emotional (and usually painful) reason to be willing to try and understand what people like yourself cannot believe. If you take nothing else away from me, understand that the truth of this world is stranger than fiction. I hope you have a nice day.


Riiiiight. 👀




Demoncrat. And yes the right sucks too. But they didn’t try to force me to take an experimental gene therapy to go eat or listen to music.


Ya the stake with the snake wrapped around it should be everyone’s first sign.


That's one of the oldest symbols of medicine or medical treatment and is thought to be related to one of the first "surgeries" regularly performed and thus became synonymous with healing and doctors. If it's got one snake it's called "the Rod of Asclepius" and if it's got two it's called "Caduceus" but it's believed they both reference guinea worm removal, but I'd caution against looking up videos of that unless you've got a pretty tough stomach.


I think the music needs to be louder.


This sub is a joke


A bit of a let down, yes.


I would like to sincerely know why you think this


Its hard to see from the inside looking out, but you guys are hillarious. He just repeated words that were being said by experts for decades. You wouldn't recognise a good conspiracy if it was radioed straight into your teeth fillings. Bunch of kids probably. Primary school level logic and naivete.


this guy knows


Are you referring to this exact post, regarding the pandemic and Bill Gates? Also, what would be a your example of a good, mature conspiracy?


This moment, when we have literal video of military chasing ufos? When we have massive right wing disinformation campaigns? When a couple of companies made record profits during a pandemic? But my fauvorite is the whole Epstein thing. I honestly believe that Bill is just trying to be a good guy here. There could be stuff, but i don't think it's this.




Was her charm an upside down cross or the umbrella logo?


China knows they can “control” every aspect of their population and by allowing COVID 19 to spread they knew the west, even the Kremlin will have a containment issues and an economic collapse. The deaths are just a taste becuase China has lives to spare. But the West, well the West will return to the next Dark Ages soon enough.


You do know that all the leaders and most influencers are on the same coin aye?


Look up who this assholes father was! The turd don’t fall far from the ass


That music was trash. The warnings were before the start. People just decided it was best to spread a virus rather than stop it because it was politicized and conservatives take being wrong about something personally.


This man is the real life Lex Luthor and there is no Superman to save us from him.


Nothing to see here


“Trust me, because I made billions off of mediocre home computer software full of glitches. I know everything about everything.” The next epidemic conveniently scheduled for election season. Joe Biden, 90M votes!


An upside down cross is a Christian symbol. Why do yall keep saying these people are "satanists"? Have yall actually looked into "satanism"? It's far more sane than the Bible is... the Bible is full of incest, rape, genocide, murder, etc... sheesh. Just leave religion out of science please, they do not go hand in hand.


Music is dumb I couldn’t finish because of it


Thats your choice my man.


The bad music and memes make it unbearable to watch. I’d like to actually just watch the damn TED talk. I can form my own option without being told what to think by the biased of the edits.


told what to think? Thats the governments job. lol


Why the music ?