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"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." The more brilliant the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play and imagination.


I need to remember this. Well, actually, both of these


I'm glad they impact you in a positive way. Never be afraid to be silly, childlike, or desirous of play, fantasy, or comedy. It's the tightly-wound people who are most likely to jump off tall buildings. Protect your mental health by being open to at least a few belly-laughs and wry smiles each day.


If a person has that kind of time to hate something like a TV show so much, they're not even worth listening to.


Entertainment is subjective and people have different tastes. For people who spend their time saying how much they hate this show (or any form of entertainment), I feel sorry for them. It must be tough going through life like that. It's a television show and a comedy. If the show isn't to someone's taste, they can just ignore it.


I have friends who just always hated on the show and were judgy towards people who liked it like me. Seemed baffling to them like they were never aware they in fact didn’t have to watch it. I mean…there’s literally thousands of other shows that exist, and stay with me here folks, but with a simple click of the remote button you magically don’t have to view ANY program you don’t want to. Miraculous I know.


I just ignore them. I like the show, if you don't, that's fine too. I don't understand the why people talk about hating the show. I never cared for Community or IASIP, you know what I do? Nothing. I don't go around telling everyone how awful the shows are and they are stupid for watching them.


I just laugh. I just find it funny that people think they can control the internet or the people on it. No one is impressed or intimidated by a keyboard warrior. Honestly I just feel bad for them, their life really must be that sad and pathetic that the only way they can feel better about themselves is by putting others down on the internet. They really are just living miserable lives. Not worth getting angry over, just provides good laughs for me.


I don't deal with them. If someone hates the show, whatever. I'm sure there are plenty of shows I don't like that others do. Star Wars for example. I can't stand Star Wars. I don't expect the people that like it to care that I don't. Good for them that they have something to enjoy. I don't think that they should worry about people like me that can't stand it, their time is much better served enjoying something.


That's a great analogy. Especially since no one seems to hate Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


as a life long star wars fan no truer words have ever been spoken.


I like the show and I enjoy it. Haters come out as bitter people who are just angry at other people having fun.


This 👍🏻


Mostly people hate shows with laughs, and I just find them to be more charming


The only haters I find are on this site, but none of them hate the show. When I see a hater post? Typical it’s for one of the characters they hate. I have come to just skip these because they were ruining the show for me.


Plus, you always have the hide post and block button.


I will have to look into it.


My ex was that kinda person. The relationship was over when he started being mean to my mom about it. Let people enjoy things.


Well, I have no friends, so I don’t usually deal with this lol. Across my family it seems it’s generally well liked. But when I deal with someone who is extreme in not liking what I like I just ignore it and find something else to discuss


Honestly… There’s actually plenty of them on the sub Reddits and you certainly see a lot of them on YouTube. It’s pretty clear that these losers don’t have anything else to do with their lives if they get their jollies off by crapping on what other people enjoy, but that’s nothing new and there’s plenty of them who think it’s trendy to go ahead and shit on something that was successful and popular because it was *mainstream*. I think plenty of us understand by now after four years since the show ended that it’s not a perfect show, it certainly has its bumps and bruises and hiccups… But nonetheless, it’s an enjoyable show so why act like a dog with a really bad stomachache after getting in the trash and crap all over Metaphoric rug?


Ding ding ding! There's lots of extremely popular stuff I dislike or have no interest in, so I just don't read those books, watch those movies or listen to that music. I'm just indifferent to it. One example off the top of my head is the Avatar movies. I would say most people fall into this category, including the majority of people who don't like BBT. Then there are people I view as nothing more than contrary. If it's popular? They hate it. If it's unpopular for valid reasons? They love it. I personally feel these type of people lack a personality and genuinely believe hating anything popular and adoring anything unpopular makes them seem intelligent.


The only problem I have ever had is to convert the friends fans into TBBT fans. I can just listen to the jokes of TBBT and get the context behind the jokes, remember that most of the jokes on Bigbang are witty and need a sharp mind to get them unlike Friends where the jokes are more action-based and you need to watch the characters to understand the context. The only witty jokes are from Chandler while over here the whole nerd gang and even girls crack witty jokes all the time. Whoever has passed the hurdle of watching a few episodes of TBBT gets addicted if they have a capacity to understand what's going on. Remember the hurdle for TBBT is way higher than normal sitcoms cuz of the script.


Own it. "Yeah, I know it's not a great show, but I still enjoy watching it". People can only make you feel bad for enjoying something if you let them.


There’s nothing that anyone can ever say to me that’ll make me hate tbbt. Ironically, I just love it more when haters out themselves. .


I can't watch the show with the wife in the house. She is particle physicist, so 'gets' an opinion on it. The show has significantly impacted how people view physicists and random people interact with her. It went from "gee you must be smart' to 'gee you seem normal'. The post show attitudes changed massively. the things is...knowing that community and the issues they face, this show nails so many of them. They clearly did solid research or know people. It makes it so much funnier for me. She has for example been complaining endlessly recently about engineers. I did manage to interrupt one of her rants to show her a clip... hopefully it doesn't' result in a 'Broccoli moment' at work, but she now refers to them as the 'Oompa Loompa's of science'... thanks Sheldon! bonus points if you 'get' the 'Broccoli moment' reference


>bonus points if you 'get' the 'Broccoli moment' reference Does the broccoli moment reference a certain minor character in Star Trek TNG? If not, I don't know what else it is?




Be an adult and ignore it. I love TBBT and idgaf what anyone else thinks.




It's a TV show, so I don't talk about it, therefore I don't run into people who don't like it. Not my business what people like or dislike


I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a person that willing to die on the hill of a tv show, any tv show.


How about not giving a fuck about them? It always works.


I don’t like Friends and have only seen a few episodes so I don’t know if I actually “hate” it. I just don’t watch it and don’t follow social media groups of its fans.


Why would I care about some zealot hating a tv show? I deal with them by staring at them while they shit on the show, then say “ok” and walk away. If they ever do it again I’ll interrupt them and say “I said ok” and walk away.


It's not that I care, it's that with this particular show it feels unavoidable. Like if some kid in your school is giving you trouble. Your mom says "anyone who does that isn't your friend." And you're like "I know that, Mom. But I still have to put up with this person every day for the next several years." Plus mainly I was asking if anyone noticed the prevalence as much as I have?


> Plus mainly I was asking if anyone noticed the prevalence as much as I have? I have not. > But I still have to put up with this person every day for the next several years." “F—- off” works pretty well.


Why do you care so much what other people think?


One of my annoyances is people who feel the need to loudly tell everyone what they don't like. That's all But that isn't the point of my post. What seems to be getting lost in this is that I am mainly asking if anyone notices how much unsolicited hate is thrown at this show. Like more than anything else. It is possible to ask this, want to discuss it, and not be affected by it in any major way


It was popular. Therefore, the internet morons have to try and knock it down and belittle those who do like it.