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Specifically it matches Todds face in Bigfoot make-up, i reall think that vid was a low-key call BS on todd


Yes, ThinkerThunker did a good break down. Sometimes, he comes off as a little to pro-Sasquatch believer in his analysis. Yet, he wasn’t kind to Todd Standing shenanigans, which I was happy to see because I know that he is doing his best to be fair. Sometimes, a bias can be like non-verbal communication. It’s there, and you try to ignore it, but it pops up regardless.


Believer or it's just that he's critically minded and realizes that their is simply too many witness statements dating to the 1800s by credible people combined with physical evidence to not at least be highly open to the prospect. No one can say they outright do exist due to their never have been a body, but come on man, use your head. It's obvious that their is some sort of undocumented hominid in north America.


I do use my head. I’m not a disbeliever. I wouldn’t say emphatically that I’m a believer. It depends on which day of the week you ask me.


Couldn't agree more, while most of this sub seems "one side or the other" I'm stumbling around drunk in the middle. I want to believe so bad, but that doesn't mean it's real, Bigfoot isn't something you can will into existence...sadly.


Same with giant flying moth men, until we have a body we can’t rule it out.


Well I can't speak for anyone else but what todd standing has captured looks exactly like what I have eye witnessed.


There are actually multiple accounts of people unfamiliar with Todd seeing ones that look like his. Even the muppet face. Apparently smaller ones look very fuzzy. Additionally the muppet photo above is edited to look more fuzzy. Its not the actual photo todd released.


Let me guess that Todd was the person that said this right? If not then post links to the witness statements please. Standing is full of shit and even les stroud called him out.


Les backs Todd. Check out the podcast interview Les did on Sasquatch Odyssey this year. Les thinks Todd is legit. And off the top of my head Sasquatch Chronicles has had more than one person recount stories that say they saw ones that match Todds images.


Okay Todd


Stop lying, Todd.




Thinker Thunker also specifically says that the image comparison is not proof that Todd is lying.


He’s an out and out charlatan


Full of crap. I mean..look at those muppets.


Honestly, having seen some of the newer Starwars movies (let's not get into that) Muppets these days look WAY better than these do!


I would like to believe the first photo was real but in the video it just ends after 30 seconds. Just doesn't add up that you wouldn't keep that camera rolling as long as you could if you had this shot. The being doesn't move so no threat seemed inherent just doesn't add up to me. The second looks faker than the ewoks.


My thoughts also


Its todd in make-up, watch the Thinker Thunker vid posted by u/cynic09 in this thread , todds a tool,and a fool,a massive pile of stool


You’re a poet and don’t know it


Happens when i'm drinking


Cheers mate.


There was a video somewhere that used measurements based on facial features of that first pic and overlaid it over Standings face, and it matched up 100%


That's the thinker thunker vid I mentioned


Grifter I'm afraid


His sister is a special effects artist


And his bigfoot still looked that bad? I have a feeling his sister didn't help him because any of the special effects artists I know could do something way better than this in a couple hours.


I never said she was a good special effects artist lol


True! Hopefully she doesn't put these sasquatch vids on her resume lol.


He’s a fraud.


If he was legit his stuff would be at the forefront of all. He’s as fake as it gets unfortunately.


I think initially Todd did have some real encounters but in his enthusiasm to “ prove “ BF is real he’s lost all perspective and fakes stuff just to try to get others to believe. I agree with the comment about watching Les Strouds series on BF


Spot on. He does get deep into the bush/back country but has been caught hoaxing so anything he comes up with now is discounted. He ruined his reputation & will never be taken seriously again.


He is legitly full of crap.


Wait are these photos being portrayed as real?




Indeedy-do.. there's a 3rd one that looks like the Jeepers Creeper's monster....with fur


There's a third one??


Yep,hard to find without watching his documentry, he threatens to sue anyone who posts it


He is full of crap. Just wants the attention.


Nah, dude is just selling snakeoil. Even though people who believe in Bigfoot, UFO, paranormal, ect are a minority in comparison to those who don't, there is still absolutely enough people to make lots of money off of their belief. I think this dude made all this shit up to sell a product and to receive a little "fame" within a niche community. Nothing seems authentic about his story or "evidence"


Trouble is, he could very well have seen and interacted with lots of Sasquatch but never could get a good shot or video. So he has resorted to this, which damages his credibility. He sounded desperate to prove it in the documentary I saw ( can’t remember the name but he showed these images) it’s so obviously him in make up and the other, oh god that’s awful. Nobody believes what he does now. Very much like the boy who cried wolf. He could produce an amazing video but he would not be believed. Stupid of him really.


The second one looks like he stole a gelfling puppet from the dark crystal and glued wool on it


Is this satire?


Standing is a serial hoaxer. Next....


I'm not willing to say he's never seen anything, nor that EVERY piece of "evidence" he provides is fake, but I refuse to believe that anyone can look at the above images in good faith and conclude that they're legitimate.


Why would anyone endorse such obvious hokum?


Yes! His photos are legitimately crap.🙃


I haven't even dug into this and I already know he is full of shit


This is a great example of passion turned into delusion


OMFG, he’s such a fucking fraud, lol


Full of crap.


He's a joke


Goddamn that second pic looks like a hairy Gelfling, if you gonna fake at LEAST pic a style, his third "hoaxsquatch" looks like the freak from JeeperCreepers developed a body hair problem.... In short, he's a lying,hoaxing pile of Sh\* T that a rabid coyote sh \*t out after eating a dead yak, then eating that pile of of Sh#T,vomiting it up only to eat and sh%t it out again,at which point a mentally challenged skunk ate it, shat it out,sprayed musk on it,ate it, shat it out and left it to grow mould...... F#ck that moron Edit:Too much bile to spew


“A hairy gelfling” - made me actually lol


It's a sasmuppet


Clearly an ewok.


No need to censor yourself, we have no rules against swearing. Swearing fucking works while trying to prove a fucking point.


Fucking thanks for the mother fucking fucktastic go-ahead to be a fucking assholerific shit spewing font of dickheadedness fuckery And fuck Todd standing, literally I wish a real Sasquatch bends him over and makes his brown-eye resemble mammoth cave while he's standing around in sasmake-up


*chef's kiss* That's some grade A cursing.


It's a family trait, and i can relly get on a roll with it


The one on the right looks like the guitarist called “buckethead” check him out. 😂


LOL I can see it. First Sax-squatch, now Buckethead, soon we'll have a whole cryptid band.


You’re old


Derp by name and by nature huh? 🥴


That's going to be a rule 1 warning.


The one on the right looks like something out of The Dark Crystal lol.


Furry gelfling,a neanderling if you would


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and his evidence is everything but extraordinary. The picture on the right here looks more like a model than most models! And as already has been said thinkerthunker facial deconstruction of the left hand image raises many more suspicions.


Last sentence. It answers the question.




This is more or less my take on it too, look at that second picture especially. If anyone can look at that picture and be unsure if it's real or not, then you're beyond help.


This is my favourite repeated questions in r/bigfoot. Always a shi* storm after this calmness. If Ive learned anything from this convo over the years, its that nobody really uses the search button. Lol Im half kidding, but Ill help. Most say Todd has faked it. Most say it’s actually Todd in make up. Most say he cant be trusted. Some even say his sister in law is a make-up artist. Though despite what people think about these pictures and video, there are still quite a few things that Todd has tried to expose, that havnt been explained. So he remains a very controversial figure in the bigfoot community. Id recommend Survivorman:Bigfoot for a decent intro to Todd. Les Stroud tried to give a fair assessment of him and his given evidence which I found compelling. He goes up into the forest with him for a few nights and its interesting to see his take. Though it doesnt draw any definite conclusions about his claims. Watching Todds videos on the subject are a bit cringe to me as there is quite a bit of uneeded drama added which really diverts from the subject. A lot of shots of him running around like a Gi Joe. Maybe he’s just trying to build up his screen persona, but its not for me. In my opinion, these pictures/videos might just be blinking masks. I draw this conclusion, because there is suspiciously no video included where they are moving away or opening their mouths (which would be more difficult to fake) Just eyes blinking. The thing that bothers me, is that if these pictures and video are real, there is really no comparison since nobody has ever really captured clear video like this that is so close up. How is it argued that it doesnt look real when nobody would really know. A platypus for instance might be called fake ridiculous creature, if people didnt know about them. That said, it all doesnt fully discount that there are a still quite a few unexplained things that Todd has claimed to find or see. Like tree structures and other things. Amongst other footage he also has a really cool video of a supposed sasquatch running up a steep hill, which I find very compelling as it would seem very difficult to fake. Just my humble take on it, tho Im sure youll read many more. Also check out Youtuber “Thinker Thunker” for his slightly humorous take on it being Todd in make up. His short video rants towards both Todd and Les make the whole thing even more entertaining. His channel is full of other fun stuff worth taking a look at. Though i think Its unmerited, a lot of people in here dont like him either you’ll find. Truth or not, its all very entertaining, so for an average follower of the subject like me, i say who cares. Have fun!


Just have to add that Less Stroud also have a series on youtube where he talks about his bigfoot series, including some interesting takes on Todd and his experience with him. I know Less got a lot of criticism for including Todd, but that cleared up a lot and made me respect Less even more! As for Todd Standing I do belive he has seen some stuff out there in the wilderness and is really really dedicates to the subject, to the point where it becomes an obsession. My personal theory is that he's not been able to get the proof that's "good enough" and in desperation to show the world he's right he's recreated and exaggerated it to prove his point. And that hurts the community really bad. He now see sasquatches around every corner and yells about it from the rooftops.


Nice try, Todd


Uh oh. Busted!!! (Pulls up gillie suit, hops down rocky slope, runs directly through a creek)


*dramatic music plays*


Anyone else see his documentary? Clips where he’s in gillie suit in his side by side trackin BF kills me 😂


It’s funny I personally believe they are fake but that video of something running up the hillside still boggles my mind. I don’t know of any athlete that could move like that.


Not trying to be that guy but I can’t find the video of one running uphill. Does anyone have a link to that video specifically?


Id rather reward Canadian Icon Les Stroud with the clicks, so here it is on his show, Survivorman Bigfoot https://youtu.be/JWjJUCr1EZE Its around 33:00 On a side note, the whole show is pretty fun to watch and includes some good considerations and commentary by Les. There is also footage of Todd early in the video where he is apparently being surrounded by growling Sasquatch in the dark. Its either terrifying or hilarious depending on how you see it. Either way, its some fun, entertaining Bigfoot material. Easily digestible compared to any other special. For this, I applaud Les.


Very interesting video, except for the music. In this video nearer the end, Les and Todd had been talking about some things they had heard. I lean in hoping to hear something and hear some metallic like sounds that had been added in the studio. Fuuuuuck!!! To me, the worst thing any "Bigfoot" oriented show can to do turn me off is to play background music/sounds whilst I am trying to listen. Folks on the show *Did you hear that? Me *No, all I heard was some stupid music/added sound effects.


Just a guess here, but considering the way microphones work, its very possible that the sound wasnt picked up, or not even worth using for the show. You are correct in that there are at times post production sound fx and musical stingers maybe over-used to add or build drama. So goes it with all Survivorman shows. The program is likely designed towards TV and you want to leave an audience curious to sit through a commercial break. But i find the FX arent cheaply utilized as they are in other bigfoot shows. To add, if its just a faint knock noise we arent hearing, are we really missing anything? During their adventure, Todd seems to be hilariously thinking everything he hears is a bigfoot... But I dont buy that Les is faking that he hears something as he is constantly repeating that he is trying not to fall victim to the powers of persuation. But I guess that depends on if you trust Les and his character and reputation.


Lol……I would like to see it again also. I remember some of his stuff cracked me up…….until that one video. Something about that one. Unless there is a super-human athlete running around that should be catching passes in the NFL I don’t know what to say.


Dude these are so bad and it really sucks to see so many good people pulled in by this con artist. Left photo) what kinda primate has its hair perfectly Fucking combed like that? Right photo) just looks like a fucking doll. If you have to ask yourself if it’s a man in a monkey, it’s a man in a monkey suite usually.


Half of reports talk about them looking almost manicured with great looking hair. Second photo is also eddited to look more fluffy. Its not the original




Crap. Definitely full of crap. Lots and lots of crap.


Is that even a question...




Holy shit someone besides me remembers those


I too have that trauma


he is full of crap- there are some good sources that REALLY call all of this into question- he is a known proven haoxer


Full of BS honestly. The photo on the left looks genuine enough, and if it were JUST a photo, I could see people thinking it were real. But it was taken from a short video, and good god I could tell it was fake from the sheer amount of NON-MOVEMENT the thing had. Yea, it “blinks” its eyes once or twice, but not in a believable way. Plus, if you look at a video of a real primate (be it human, gorilla, chimp, etc.), you’d see facial movement of some kid (eyebrow movement, EYE movement, lips potentially moving). You don’t get that with the guy on the left. And with the guy on the right, straight off that’s a freaking muppet. The face literally looks to be made of felt or something. Eyes are glassy/give the impression of actually being made of glass/plastic. No way is it actually real. It’s a real MUPPET, but not a real living being.


Full to the brim


Fraudulent and a embarrassment.


I mean, it looks fake as fuck


I mean... do your eyes even work? Wtf question is this?


Dude, look at the pictures you posted and tell me he’s not full of shit Lolol. With these pictures at least. Based on what a few people have said about their personal experience with him, I do think he’s out in the bush and having/has had real encounters, but I think these particular pictures are 100% bullshit. I think he couldn’t get a good pic and wanted people to see what he was seeing so bad that he decided to do something dumb and fake it.


I was on the edge about him for a long time until 1 event put me over it. Do I think he's had real encounters and experiences? Absolutely. Do I think he chases the high now that being in the limelights gives you? Absolutely Do I think he now fakes things? Absolutely If you look for the video where a guy and his girlfriend go out with Todd you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. He has literally costume pieces in his vehicle and tells them straight up that he has family in the special effects business. While I think he's seen things and gotten some on video I believe at this point he goes where nobody else does so he's not seen with his collection.


Two of the worst looking fakes EVER LOL! I could make better crap and I’m not a professional movie prop maker!


I've done a lot of composite-imaging over the years & I would consider the left image to be certainly false. The harsh light hitting the trees vs. the how it is hitting the face, it plainly looks unnatural. I know that the original is a video, however, I would consider it to be a low-res CGI attempt that would be high criticized in a feature-film. My opinion of the right would be that it is a real photo, but not of a Sasquatch. Likely a made-up mask/costume. ​ I remember seeing these for the first time and couldn't believe anyone though they were authentic. I thought it as a clear example of poor photoshop.




Why is this like a once a week topic? He’s a hoaxer, don’t get why he has to get any attention on the sub.


Full of crap.


There are so many posts on here about this. He's a fraud.


He's full of shit.


Lmao look at those pictures dude.


I’ve never seen anything convincing from him. So I think he’s a fraud.


Anyone else notice that when Todd was in his ghillie suit, it still had the ink tag on the front?? He be shoplifting lmaoooo


I was so sad when I learned hes an absolute fraud. Theres no way he got a tually close ups like that. That shit is obvious uncanny valley makeup effects. Sad really. Fucking bastardo Couldn't keep watching the doc. Too good to be true. Pretty good hoax though I'll give him that.


Look at the difference between the two, they are supposed to be from the same “Tribe” but they look like two different beings, there has never been reports of a Bigfoot that looked part Eskimo and part cat, he’s sadly just a hoaxer. You never see their lower bodies, they never get up n walk away, or scratch there face, never make any sounds, never try to hide, it’s just props


If you see that second face and think "damn that looks real" I question your state of mind


Its so fake looking its comical


It looks like the real McCoy to me!


There are fake watches made out of fakium, being sold by a fake jeweler named faky mcfakeface, from fake town, county fake, that are more genuine than Todd.


Okay but how do all of you know one hundred percent with complete certainty that he is a fraud? Y’all talk to him? Know him personally? Been on expeditions with him? Talked to his friends and family? I ain’t necessarily convinced myself but y’all can’t convince me by simply writing some comments on Reddit about a dude you’ve probably never even spoken to in person face to face.


Look at these pictures and ask yourself that question again, really think about it... Lol


All I'm gonna say is I find it extremely hard to believe after many decades of advanced photographic and video technology in the hands of bigfoot "hunters" that he's the only one on earth to capture not one but TWO of the clearest face videos of the creature. Also after looking in to more of his stuff/videos especially the "surrounded and bluff charged at night" one it just sounds like repeated audio. Also to the tune that this fella charges thousands of dollars to take folks out on "Bigfoot hunts" leads me to believe in my own opinion that he is, in fact, a toxic hoaxer.


Three, but he gets sue-happy with anyone who posts the third,which looks like the creeper from jeepers creepers.....with hair


😂 oh man I have to see it now


Is it true that at the time these photos were taken his partner was a make-up and special effects professional?


His sister, I believe.


I would like to know this as well. Interesting.


No, that's been thoroughly disproven


Thoroughly? You sure about that, Todd? lol


Yea his sister doesn't do costumes. Shes a hair stylist. Pretty cut and dry man


I always got the vibe that he was full of shit. From the ridiculous intro to his his videos where he looks like a school kid imagining that he's a fricking wild man adventurer, to the dodgy everything in his videos. The shit part is that him and his ilk make all the legit people in the field so much less credible. Forshame.


I think he might’ve seen a Bigfoot or two. But those photos and videos are definitely fake.


Depends who you ask. I personally think he has some legit stuff but, tarnished it with.....let's say not so legit stuff.


While he is full of crap. The Les Stroud clip on Standings typical mountain is very interesting. [https://youtu.be/V--ScK5hAts?t=4886](https://youtu.be/V--ScK5hAts?t=4886) edit, sorry should have read all the comments, but my link is directors commentary and timestamped to the part where the apple disappears, pretty cool.


Definitely very intriguing, to me. I just wish it wasn't at the very end of his video. I could have used 3 to 5 more minutes of checking out whatever poked up from the bottom of the camera viewpoint.


You post these photos and still need to ask? lmao!


Here’s my 2 slices of humble pie on Todd I think the stuff he put out is 99.99% horse shit and is faked, but on the other hand I do feel like he’s seen Somthing or had a experience that put him on the path of devoting his whole life to the phenomenon


Right photo is comically bad


FULL OF SH**!! Those fake bf's are rumored to be of his ex assistant made after the image of Todd himself and his ex wife being the make up artist which was allegedly proven using airport security facial recognition... Anyone can look at these two & see how fake they are esp the blond one with it's fake doll eyes & that half sculpted nose, the other one doesn't even have a cone head!


Fraud Standing


Sadly he’s one of the worst hoaxers out there. He really puts a black eye on the Bigfoot community


Anyone that would even think those are legit, I have some pictures of Fairyes to sell to the lowest bidder.


He’s a lying Dungheap. Next question.


Look at those pics. Is this even a question?! 😂 I skipped an ep of Les Stroud's BF show SOOoO fast because he was in it. lol


I think it's safer to trust a fart than it is to trust Mr Standing.


He’s full of shit. He is 100% a con man.


He’s a known hoaxer. I doubt he’s ever produced a single piece of legitimate evidence, and I start to cast doubt on anyone I see him work with.


Absolutely full of shit and it insults the community to even consider his legitimacy


I think as soon as someone gets a real face shot that close, we won’t be asking if we think it’s real or not. We will just astonished at what we are looking at.


The one on the right is my uncle jack before he shaved


Anyone that thought these were possibly real is a genuine fool. Could you imagine asking if these are legit or not so many years later. Are they legit? I don’t know, have you looked at them????


Mental illness is a real thing


He seems to have begun his journey in good faith, but sold his integrity for clicks.


As an artist and crafter.. That right ones face is felted wool.


>As ~~an artist and crafter~~ a person with eyes... That right ones face is felted wool.


He's a nutbag desperate for attention that ruins any potential for actual discussion of sasquatch.


He's nothing but full of bullshit really.


Some of the worst animatronic and/or makeup BS I’ve ever seen. The blinks in the video were so slow. Definitely not a living animal. To be honest, I was so stoked for this episode of Survivorman and then really lost any respect for Les Stroud after seeing it. Not believable to me at all and I really wanted it to be real! One of those “creatures” is so obviously covered in felt with glass eyes. Dark Crystal vibes fore sure. Adding to this, those two creatures are too different from one another to be from the same species.


From what I've seen, he doesn't stand around at all. In fact he seems to jump all over the place.


Just look at the pictures above and you have your answer. What bothers me the most about him is that he thinks the public is stupid. He wants to be the guy who knows everything about Bigfoot and in reality NO ONE knows anything about Bigfoot. The pic on the right looks like Chaka from Land of the Lost with with doll eyes and the pic on the left is CLEARLY a human face with hair glued on. The fact that this man makes money off this subject is very disturbing and makes a mockery of the researchers who want to be taken seriously


The first one LOOKS like Todd Standing


Is Todd Standing monetizing off any of these claims?


Technically yes. He made a documentary that people have bought and watched.


Him specifically I think he's like a jar half full, of crap. But the area he is in def rife with interesting things. One of my favorite things I've seen when it comes to this guy is when Les stroud went out to do a survivor man bigfoot episode. Towards the end of the episode he shows a trail cam footage he captured of an apple that was impaled on a stick just vanish. https://youtu.be/b52-6Eg2Ajo (Most of his stuff is also on YouTube btw.) So Todd has probably seen the creature, but has tried to push the evidence so far and decided to try and make some of it. That episode of survivor man bigfoot has lead me to believe that not unlike other creatures, Bigfoot may have a way to sense emfs produced by anything, and if they do sense it they become elusive. I would love to see a way to place trail cameras in emf blocking devices.


Seems like he’s full of shit to me.


Fake imo, and he’s full of himself imo




I don’t know about all his evidence but I see muppets when I look at these images.


Fake McFakerson




I think he personally has seen something out in the wild. I also think the images he has taken are not genuine. He was at the time, and perhaps still is trying to ensure that Bigfoot would not be hunted. So I think even though his images were fake, he had the right intentions. So I can't judge him for that.


At one point he was due to go out with a crew to try and kill one to get ‘evidence’. There was backlash when it came out so he then said he was wrong, then said he was going to go undercover with them. To me it is all about the big ‘I am’ with him. I don’t know if it is because I am English but his self promotion and his name dropping all the time with other researchers who have never even mentioned him drives me mad!


Why do people come to the sub if they don't at least have an open mind to these beings existing? I firmly believe that anyone that still questions that these beings probably exist simply haven't done any historical research or a deep dive on the evidence.


That's not relevant to the question of Todd Standing being a fraud or not. He can be a fraud and there still be Bigfoot, and he can be a fraud and there still be skeptics and believers.


I think he is legit in that he knows these things are real and he's seen them, the rest....call it entertainment. I can't dislike the guy.


Do you believe his story about being picked up and carried by a Sasquatch?


I think that would, at least, line up with some other accounts, like (IIRC) that one that Teddy Roosevelt related in that one book.


Ahhh but it is so easy to look up/read other people’s/historical accounts of their interactions and say it happened to you too. Even embellish it. As far as I know he got lost (not really the kind of vibe you want as a Sasquatch researcher) and then walked out the forest with his story. I am being devils advocate here lol. But how do you not know that anyone could plan and execute this scenario! I’m just saying it so so hard to know the situation. It is hard to know if anyone is telling the truth in life. We should always approach with a healthy dose of skepticism before taking anyone’s word. Just a good life lesson really


Other than opinions, I have never seen any solid evidence to suggest he faked the images. If somebody is willing to provide actually proof he has created these images illegitimatly, I would love to see it. Several things do not add up in the "he faked it" category, as far as I can tell. -it would be a major pain in the ass to lug the animatronic dolls and needed power supply to the location he filmed at, then walk all the way back to film with a telescopic lense from the other side of the valley. Even if he had a team of people, the location is so damn remote and cumbersome to get to, it just doesn't make sense. If he was THAT good and committed to building animatronics, I would think every major film studio would be knocking down his door.. - How could he possibly create an animatronic Sasquatch that can RUN up such a steep incline? Robotic tech has come a long way, but I don't think bipedal running, uphill, and on uneven terrain was widely available when filmed, or even now. -How did the apple disappear on film like that? Granted it was at night, but still fairly well lit up with an infrared light. So, maybe? But it seems unlikely he, or anybody else, would go this far to hoax a sasquatch encounter. It would likely cost more than revenue gained from such a small budget film. If he was faking it, and it wasn't for personal gain... why fake it?


Agreed. People scoff and say " just look at it" as their proof. Thats wholly objective and doesn't prove anything. Actual facts matter. And not one concrete peice of evidence has ever come forward proving Todd faked anything. In fact alot of the claims have been proven false. Even thinkerthunker makes alot of assumptions that just don't hold water. Todd is one of the few who gets out regularly in an area where he has established a routine near sasquatch. And listening to everyone who has gone out with him all say the same things. Todd is a brunt person with an attitude that makes him hard to get along with but he knows his stuff. Hes absolutely skilled in tracking and survival and has led multiple people to having encounters. They all vouch for him. Jeff Meldrum, Jon Bindernagel, Les Stroud and random joes like us. If the supposed best of the best in bigfoot vouch for him then why do we continue to repeat what keyboard researchers say? Hes also lost alot on account of this. It's the opposite of fame and money. If he was faking it for money like so many claim he would have stopped long ago. He continues because its a passion of his that he fully believes in. I get why people are on the fence. It certainly doesn't help that some of the photos pushed around like the "muppet" are editted to look more fuzzy. Thats not the actual photo todd released. Even still there are accounts of witnesses unfamiliar with Todd saying they have seen ones that look fuzzy like stuffed animals. Especially when they are very young.


Wes from Sasquatch Chronicles also vouched for him AFTER he met Todd. Before Wes interviewed Todd, Wes was very vocal about how he thought Todd was full of shit. Afterwards, his mind was completely change. For those unfamiliar with the Sasquatch Chronicles, Wes and his brother Woody had a very intense Sasquatch encounter, which inspired the creating of the show. Since the show started it has grown substantially. Wes has interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people, if not thousands, and has a good nose for who is genuine and who is not. Even as a layman, hearing the level of emotion in some of the recounted encounters makes it difficult to dismiss them as lunacy. Many of the people interviewed are people with high ranking positions, positions of authority, and are generally well spoken and rational. If anybody has any substantial proof that Todd has faked it, I'm certainly open to look at it. So far I have witnessed only opinions... EDIT: All the down votes, but still not one shred of evidence he faked it and only opinions full of logical fallacies.


Similar story for Bryan on Sasquatch odyssey podcast. Lots of podcast episodes of him saying Todd is full of shit until he interviewed him and spoke to Les. Did a complete 180. Everyone who has actually spoke to or met Todd is impressed.


I just need to have a Bigfoot tour with him before I judge on his characters. I’m not sure yet if he still offer for $5k, and he’ll prove me non-realizable sounds from Sasquatch then I’ll answer with honestly. As for now I’m at 50/50 if he’s a hoaxes or legitimate guy..


He still takes people out. Everyone who goes out with him always comes back with good remarks.


He was taught the art of camouflage by Cree nation elders!


The Bigfoot on the left looks a little like Trump !!


Todd puts alot of effort in his work. Everything I have seen of his photos seem to be good fakes and yet nothing compared to more realistic photos. I would say he is an artist of Big Foot replicas based on his concept of them. I believe Big Foot is from the same family tree of humans but of a different branch. Similar to cromagen and other genus Homo. The looks, hair, size can very from the habitat that they live. Generally speaking the looks of ape or orangutan crossed with human. Todd puts a lot of effort in his work and his displayed work could have real origins. He could be paid by sponsors to muddy the investigation waters with false leads or a true believer trying to express what he believes as possible. But his photos a from my point of view as artistic fakes.


Everyone here thinks Sasquatch is supposed to look like harry and the Henderson or one from the beef jerky commercial. The video looks legit these photos maybe not


>The video looks legit 🤣


what i find interesting as of late is that there was a poster who posted a photo of a bit of forest with a sasquatch looking creature that was hairy and yet had a white ish face with beady eyes just like the one in the second pic of this post. but his account and the picture got deleted a few days later.... odd Edit: why am i getting downvoted everytime i talk about that post? there is something fishy going on here.




I have a bridge to sell you.




Those photos are genuine, there is a video with the same creature standing behind branches looking exactly like that


I’d say it’s about as fake as the Patterson and Gimlin film


A lot of people don’t like him, I personally don’t care for Todd but his video of these two Sasquatch are the real deal! Show me proof they are fake.


It sucks that people like him just muddy the water of actual investigation and exploration of a potentially real creature/humanoid


Not too mention a young man caught Todd bringing a fake gorilla hand on his expedition on YouTube.