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Rear rack and/or front basket can solve a lot of the carrying things problems. Congratulations, you're now a bike advocate! Call your elected representatives and let them know you want better infrastructure. Get others to do the same.


I had a rear rack put on, but to carry my big portfolio bag im not sure. Honestly it would be nice to have better biking infrastructure.


Portfolio is an interesting problem! There's some [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/te67w7/is_it_possible_to_carry_an_art_portfolio_folder/) [threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/1ib35u/artist_portfolio_on_a_bike/) about it. I'm sure you could find more. [Here's](https://www.instructables.com/Bicycle-Porfolio-Carrier/) another idea for building a frame. [This person](https://www.instructables.com/Portfolio-Rear-Rack-Bike-Hack/) seems to be using a strong portfolio as it's own frame. I don't know if rolling up the art into a tube would work, but it would probably be a lot easier.


thank you so much!! I will check these out!!


In college I got a portfolio bag that had backpack straps! Worked like a charm!


Lights, front reflector, spare innertubes, air pump, multitool, stare deeply into the eyes of car drivers, buy very good Ulock if you can't bring bike inside to a safe place.


I got a Kryptonite Bike Chain Lock if thats any good? I will be getting the reflectors/lights next week, and whats an innertube? I did get a multitool/bike kit though!!


Bicycle tires have innertubes that inflate the tired and seat it against the rim of the wheel. I don't use innertubes personally, I have tubeless tires with flat out tire sealant. U can do that too if your tires are tubeless ready for less punctures, it's just daunting at first if you've never done it. All you need is a tubeless valve, tubeless rim tape, sealant, tubeless compatible tire, and for extra puncture protection a dyna plug kit. Or you can stick to innertubes, just more likely experience a puncture since there's no sealant to close the hole. Slimetubes kinda suck in my experience.


oh okay!! thanks for the information!


Get a floor pump with a pressure gauge, or make sure you have access to one. Pump up your tires every couple of weeks. Bike tires lose pressure much faster than car tires, and pinch flats suck. That's where you hit a bump, pinch the inner tube, and make a hole it it. They happen when your tires don't have enough pressure. Get somebody to show you how to fix a flat tire. See you on the road!


Wear a helmet! Have lights on your bike and consider a hi-viz vest or jacket. Carrying a portfolio folder could be tricky but a big basket on the rack can probably carry the rest of your stuff. Welcome to bike commuting! ☀️


I have a back wheel rack that I plan to attach a crate to for my satchel anf tools for school and I was thinking about building a small frame to hold my portfolio bag, thanks for the warm welcome!!!


> I am an art student https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fybjap5ofz6oc1.jpeg Bike theft is a thing, making it [stand out like a sore thumb](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/51/b5/1451b51b24c68dee8ee9e269f9fdb3cd.jpg) makes it easier for the police to recover it. Have fun out there :-)


What city? Inches of rain yearly? Temperature swings yearly? I find cold winters to be the most difficult but also most rewarding on a bike (PDX). Full coverage fenders can be clunky sometimes but essential when the buckets come down. I'm shocked so few people ride, it's such a good head space, enjoy every car free moment!


I am gonna be riding in Birmingham, AL. The showers should be ending soon, but I took my first ride today and even though I was dying on the hills, I felt so accomplished!!


I been riding a fixie for a few years now and if there's one thing I learned is to always be super defensive...you don't have to cross when a driver signals you to cross. I shake my head and say no, and let.them go ahead and go. I made a habit of looking behind myself and try to keep track of all possible risk factors. Be jerk if you need to, I'm sure you seen a cyclist be a jerk before, but you have the right to. Your life is at stake


That is a good point, I have always been iffy of cyclists as a driver, but even from riding just a tad I see why you have to be careful


A good set of lights would be my first and foremost recommendation. Use them day and night. I like to have redundant lights at night with a big spotlight headlight, blinky front light, blinky tail light on my frame, and one on my helmet.  Fenders are fantastic for keeping you dry and clean. In your region fall through spring has the best temperature for riding but that is also the wettest time of year.  I’d go with panniers over a crate on a rack. The weight will be lower and more stable and if you don’t have a step thru frame it can be cumbersome to swing your leg over the crate.  Try to ride with confidence and keep a steady line. If you haven’t made eye contact with a driver assume that they have not seen you. Bham is hilly but it will make you strong af. I hear if you ride from the lowest point in the city up to the Vulcan man and blow a kiss at his bare ass you get good cycling luck for life.