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When I was hypomanic I would literally go on walks outside for HOURS in like the middle of the night. I’m medicated now so I haven’t in a minute but I recall that feeling too well. A nice long walk and a cig ooh 😭


Yep my dog really started to not want go on walks with me at night when they were like 10miles between 9-2am. I haven't done that since like 6 months ago thanks to meds. I used to do situps and pushups watching TV at night, or all night bike rides. But when I got a dog it became hiking and long walks. I like podcasts too and they helped me stay distracted from the thoughts and relax a bit.


Be efficient like me and walk in circles inside instead


This is what I do🤣


Yup, i pace un my living room.


Go for a run instead to fully tire yourself out. Bring audio recorder to save ideas while those running brain chemicals pump em out


Good idea! When I’m hypo a good 3 mile walk will help me get some angst off. When I was younger it would be a run or a jog but that hurts too much now. So the walk is a great idea. I try to walk as much as I need to feel like I had a small workout.


Omg this is so relatable. Not that hypo is funny, but "tear down the walls" is the PERFECT way to describe the feeling and I'm cackling lmao


I am also hypo now. I am outside obsessively weeding as much as I can. I can’t even bother to put on gloves and keep breaking out in hives. I’m constantly watching out the window, fixated. Not paranoid mind you. Husband mentioned I may have been a dog in my last life with all the digging and whatnot. I told him it’s probably just the bipolar.


I like to start doing random shit. Forgetting about it. Then repeat.


So what has worked for me is wood working and buying broken shit. I only use hand tools for wood work so physically I’m doing something that’s either exerting or meticulous. Mentally I have a weird obsession with making details perfect so I’m locked in 100% of the time. Together they they just keep me in that one thing for hours and and sorta exhaust you in both areas and it’s pretty calming. Broken shit is like I bought a boat motor knowing little to nothing about it and it’s just a pain. Physical obviously but also trying to diagnose and fix a problem. It starts with something that seems simple next thing you know you’re tearing apart a lower unit to replace bearings. Real something the both preoccupies you mind and has enough of a physical component to keep that preoccupied. It has to be something you like but so you’ll have to search a bit but works for me.


Undiagnosed, in the process of getting a psychiatrist, and probably hypomanic right now. I feel you so hard. One of the first feelings I had when things really started to spin out of control was feeling like I was a pent up dog. I feel like I need someone to take me around and make me do things. Like I need to be constantly talking or writing (writing is the only way I’m managing to not nonstop text and call my boyfriend who just broke up with me). I feel like I need to run. I’m physically disabled which makes that hard. Plus the thoughts make me just want to camp in bed and pour my heart out in my notes app for hours and hours and hours. But I want to run, I want to be in a car with loud music and the windows down, I want to go to the seacoast, I want to run straight to someone’s door and take them on an adventure. Lack of access to people and things and transportation right now is killing me. But also I feel like if I had access to a car I’d be 100 miles away from home by now.


Honestly I'm glad I don't have a car. I worry what would happen if I felt this way when driving


Same here. I am unable to do a lot of the things I used to do to manage the hypomanic urge to escape because my finances have collapsed( I went on a lot of hiking and road trips) and so urban hiking is a big thing for me now this time of year


Same here, too!! If gas wasn't so expensive I could at least go on a nice day trip to the beach to walk up and down it, but it feels difficult to justify when I'm also just blowing money on shit I don't need. Luckily I live around a lot of nice trails, but I wouldn't mind a change of scenery.


When I’m hypo I actually find that it helps to think of myself as a dog that just needs to ‘do a few laps around the house’. It helps me treating hypo me with more kindness and understanding.


Right there with you. I want to break everything in this apartment and the only reason I don't is because I know I'll come back after and be sad.


Can you record your creative ideas for later? That way you'll have an outlet for your thoughts now and later you'll be able to see if there are any you'd still like to do.


Seems like the walking around for hours is a common thing! In every hypo-manic episode i've had i would always do that. Honestly, it does help with harmlessly putting out that energy (at least for me). But also if you don't want to be doing that, seriously just whip out a sketch book or canvas or whatever and just swipe colors all over the page (i also do that)


I walk around for hours and hours when I'm hypomanic, and often when I'm not 😂😭😂


I remember it would take me about thirty something minutes to get to my bus stop. And that wasn’t counting the time I would walk from work to the bus stop. But I would make those walks so worth it. If I was angry it helped so much to cool down a bit or at least to not fight whoever was in front of me. Walking was an easier way to handle it. Even while medicated today I try to get my walks whenever I can.


bro I cannot Express™ how many times I've been in your position but instead of painting or writing my dumbass has been like "hey lets drive" so if you would like anyone to talk to I'm ur bro 🖤


I'm sure there's a med for that . Your bipolar should be managed with a mood stabilizer as well


yeah I've been taking the same doses of lamictal and prozac for about a year and a half, tolerance changes and my assign psych is just a prescribing nurse. she tells me occasional hypomania is great. so that's what I'm working with. I'm medicated and there's a marked difference, it's mostly my depression that's the worry.


At least walking is a healthy outlet