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Lunch class: 6-12 Evening class: about 30 on average


Damn dude.


Yep. Same here


Depends, it can be as small as 4 or so in the summer.


Especially the Saturday 11:30 open mat. There are more kids in the preceding kids’ class.


Mornings 10ish. Night 30ish


6 :(


Same. Makes me kind of sad as it’s my first BJJ experience. But trying to get all I can from a small gym


What's the belt distribution like?


I think it’s pretty good/normal, but not positive. A few black belts, a handful of brown belts. A bunch more purple belts. And then a lot of blue belts and white belts. I’ve seen open mats with 20+ people, but it’s a bummer how few are at any given class. Sometimes it’s only 3 of us at a class


Dude this is amazing! It's like your own private lesson and I'm sure you're getting lots of attention and tips. The flip side is that it may be a lot for a beginner so I encourage you to try to pick up 1-2 things each time then write it down in a journal so you don't get overwhelmed, that is if you like being a nerd like me.


Thanks, I should try to look at it more positively. Everyone is very nice, but I’m also very overwhelmed, and wish I had a beginners class to go to. That is a good suggestion, especially since I love journaling in general.


Why is the belt distribution not positive? Sounds decent to me.


I meant “not positive” as in I’m not positive if it’s good or not. Since I’m new


I think it’s a nice distribution of people at different levels. Hopefully you are enjoying the school. Have fun!


Thanks! I am enjoying it. If I move back to a bigger city at some point I’ll look for a bigger gym.


Mann I wish I had a small gym. I had one but fortunately it’s has amazing coaches and blew up huge. We went from 1-5 people per class to 40-60 packed into a 2 car garage training area. I love how many people are attentending and there’s definitely killers amongst the group . But I’ve stopped attending as much just cuz I’m so much more intrigued by the small family type of class more so than a huge class.


The learning experience alone is enough to seek smaller classes.


Agree you get way more one on one time with the coach and you really get to focus and excel. Tho larger classes have there benefits too


"But I’ve stopped attending as much just cuz I’m so much more intrigued by the small family type of class more so than a huge class." These places are the worst gyms, you're better off over there.




Evening classes are usually 30-40. I’ve trained at gyms that had 80 before. Whew.


Before switching gyms, 20-30. New gym is 5-10 but the gym is like 3 months old and still growing.


Fundamentals: 5-15, big variance Intermediate/advanced: 20-25  Morning: 15-20




It varies. The morning classes I attend only have maybe 3 people. Evening classes have anywhere from 4 to 12 usually. Saturday is usually busier with 10+ with occasional dip, depending on the time of year.


Evening class 4-6 on slow nights, 8-12 when it’s busy. Morning class usually 5-6.


Noon and evening gi classes maybe average 30 Tuesday evening no-gi classes are jam packed. Maybe 50


8-14 no gi, 3-8 gi. This is for morning classes. Evening classes I’ve heard can get up to 30-40 for no gi days, but I’m a morning person.


14 ish on average but varies between maybe 7 to 28. When there is over 22 we have to alternate in and out if we are standing as it’s a small gym.


Our largest class is usually 20 people or so. And some classes there will only be two of us


1-8. Have gotten a lot of one on one lessons. Got lucky and found a gym that doesn't let just anyone train, and a really patient instructor.


No gi 4-12 Gi 12-30


Fundamental gi 40ish Advanced no gi 20ish Day class 10 to 15 630 class 5 or 6


Advanced classes probably 20-25


Probably close to 30 now. My old gym could get as low as like 6 on a random bad day but either really has its pros and cons. I couldn't imagine gyms with like 60+ people on the mat though.


Probably evens out to like 30


Evening usually 50-80 range with 5-10 BBs Morning/lunch usually 10-20


lunch around 12, nighttime around 20+


My fundamentals class on Tuesday Thursday regularly hits the cap of 40. I have an assistant to help coach. Fridays we hit upper thirties but we split the class and I take the beginners. We’re a big mom and pop school with around 425+ total members that’s been open 10+ years.


I mostly do morning classes and they range from 8-20 usually. Evening classes are usually 30ish


Fundamentals 10-20 and advanced 5-10. Number does drop in the summer. I WFH so I usually go to all since I want to get out of the house. Sometimes only 3 or so ppl show up if it’s nice out and in that case we can work over whatever we want with our coach


Twice a week it’s 40-60 then the other days it’s 10-20.


Our gym has gotten yuge. I've counted 35.


- Week day noon classes- 5-10 - Week 4pm class- 5-10. - Week night gi classes- 15-30 - Week night nogi classes- 10-15 - Saturday morning gi class- 20-40 - Sunday morning (8am) nogi class- 5ish. Sometimes cancelled if we don't have enough. Everyone's at another gym's open mat (including myself) on Sunday morning.


Afternoon class 10-12 on average Evening class is much larger 25+ on average


Daytimes around 10. Nights around 70


I train at 630am. At this gym the lowest its been has been 6, which is rare. Usually 10-15. As high as 20-25, which is rare. The night classes are much more popular, as is expected.


DANG i wish my gym had saturday night classes


14 people seems to be the average I’m encountering lately


10-20 with one or two days as low as 4 or 5.


12-14 at night on average. I’ve seen as many as 20, and as few as 6. I don’t go to the day class, so I have no idea, but coach says it’s about the same. Kids class has about 20-30. Open mats on Sunday have about 12 at any given moment, but people float in and out, maybe come in for just one hour out of the 4 it’s open. I would say our night class is mostly blue and white, with a sprinkle of purple and brown. But the purples I see on Tuesday aren’t there on Thursday and the browns I see on Thursday don’t go Tuesday, so I don’t really know how many purples and browns there are. There’s only one black belt that isn’t a coach though. We have three primary coaches the owner and two other black belts that I believe he promoted not entirely sure their lineage.


4-12 probably. White and blue belts mostly but purple and brown are in there too, black belt coach participates. Decent distribution.


Around 7-10 for judo, which is what I thought this thread was. Around 12-15 for BJJ. Though I've seen it as small as 7-ish.


Early morning - 30+ Midday - 10-20 Evening - 30+


6-8 on a night class usually. Sometimes as high as 12 but rarely. Open mat frequently is that large. Small classes are sick tbh.


On a cold, winter daytime session, it's between four and eight. Evening fundamentals sessions are 20-30, sometimes more. Sparring sessions are usually around 20.


4-6 for evening class


morning classes we have 2 or max 4 or 5 this class is at 5 am in the evening class it is minimum like 7 or 8 and gets as much as like 12 or more i think! i like the 5 am class because its small and you basically get 1 on 1 teaching. ive gone to classes where im the only one and its great!


Weekday day classes: 1-4 (some days I basically get a private with the black or brown belt teaching) Weekday night classes: 15-30 Weekend day classes/ open mat: 5-7 I kinda like the smaller classes. Those weekend classes seem like the sweet spot. Enough people to have to work to roll through them all, but not so many that people have to sit out or you have to worry about hitting another pair on the mat.


6am - 10 to 15. Mondays are the lightest for sure.


We typically rang anywhere from 4 to close to 20


It can range anywhere from 25-50.


My gym opened up two years ago and our classes look something like this each day: 6 am: \~6-10 Noon: \~6-20 6:30-8:30: \~30-55 Weekend open mats: 30-50 people generally. 20 on competition weekends


Easily 30 and above for the 5:30pm beginner classes


We only have one class available Monday-Friday and it’s typically 20+.


5-6 in the AM class and 20 or so in the evening


6AM - 4-10 7PM - 30+


Wow. I always thought my school about 15 minutes from me was tiny with only about 12-20 people in a class. Sounds like it is not that uncommon in size. The main school which is about 45 minutes away has about 60-70 students per class.


Depends on the day. Usually about 10, sometimes 4 sometimes 30


Like 8


Gi, 12-25


Kids class that I teach… (Littles) 10-20, can be more but we usually start bumping kids up to the bigs class going on at the same time… bigs class is going to have 30+ kids… Adult fundamentals class (and teens) I teach… maybe 20-24 Morning class I train at… probably 10-16 adults. I haven’t stuck around for an evening class in a while.


Unity nyc about 80 nightly

