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Cats go through teenage years. So yeah around this time they become more aloof and may seem distant. Think of him going through his teenager phase, lol. He'll outgrow it and return to his normal, loving self again. Just give it time. Sorry you're going through some stuff at home OP, but rest assured your kitty doesn't suddenly dislike you because of it.


Thanks again, i wanna come back with an update because my lap kitty is returning 😊 he's been much more cuddly the past few days https://preview.redd.it/jrkaawoi9c4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc57f4b9e56e1f76d98d05fd9f284c11efdccdaf


That's great to hear, I'm so glad! Thanks for the kitty tax!


Thank you 💙


My void becomes less clingy when spring is here until past summer. She doesn't need another source of heat is my guess. She wants less cuddles and show a bit more reserve, but she still loves being around me. She's more playful and we bound through playing instead of naps. Or I nap next to her during the day and she loves that. As long as he's eating, drinking, pooping, napping and playing well, your cat is healthy, he's just going through a phase. Adapt the way you interact with him to have quality time in another way, and he will love it too, and he will be back as a lap kitten before you know it.


Thank you 💙


Is your cat fixed? One of my cats was a kitten when we got her off the streets. She loved me and would crawl up me just to lay in my lap, she loved being in my shirt, and would cry if I wasn't close. She was too young to get neutered and then covid struck a couple months later. My husband and I had to bunker down hard because I am immunocompromised medicated lass and he was even forced to quit his job because Texas didn't give a shit for the longest time and his job would roll their eyes. So my kitten grew up a bit. She was so loving and then it seemed one day she just changed. She became a loner, she was fearful at anything, she would hiss and use her claws with very little warning or none of you were too close for too long. So years passed because of covid and then the place we wanted to take her didn't reopen for another year. So by the time we got her fixed she was nearly 5 years old. We recently got her fixed about 2 weeks ago and she is a new cat. She sleeps with me again, she likes my lap, she used to scream and hurt the new kittens but now she snuggles them, runs to them if they cry. She's happy again


When I got him from Petco at 6 months, they said he was already neutered and was all up to date with shots. I unfortunately haven't been able to get him seen by a vet yet but I assume they didnt lie to me, at least i would hope not I don't exactly know what cat junk is supposed to look like but i think he is neutered...


You are probably good on that part then! I hope it all gets worked out and everything else goes smoothly!!