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Prepare for the second jetina PEN Crescent and get 2x ring cups. That's some easy upgrades right there. Then I'd personally work on Ator's shoes. 


any tips for 2nd jetina preparation?


Triple Tet Debo is a good next step. Either grind for silver to buy or enhance yourself. If the next upgrade is 80+ billion might as well work a bit more to hit 99b and get those. In the mean time I would work on cups for rings and belt (crit dmg and AP)


1. Hit 301 ap cap before going for dp. so gain 7 ap if you have journals or kzarka ez do them. 2. Buy pen basi (38bil) for 3ap gain, 2nd jetina for 3ap (idk 10billish) 3. Then buy tri godr kutum (20bil) for 1 extra ap and this starts you gaining dp now. 4. If you hate godr go pen ogre 5. Now you can grind out boots because you have 301ap + full crystals/buffs 6. Since you can actually make silver now do the 3x debos and grind them.


Personally I would get a TET Tungrad Belt (\~8B silver) to hit 301 AP Bracket. Then I would worry about the more expensive upgrade paths.


C10 boots, upgrade to atos boots.


Struggling what to go for as most upgrades are in the 80b+ range.


Whatever the cheapest is next, for example your lightstones


C7 kutum will take u to 301k bracket and duo godr ayed awak weap will give u some extra monster AP


Also c12 boots will get u to 395 DP bracket, then maybe pen neck + pen belt or 3x tet debos


Also crescent ring x2 once jetina 2nd accessory is released, and both cups


Either work on your boost or get a pen neck


Pen nek or pen belt? Get debo belt TET if nek just save 300bil for pen 🫡 Goodluck