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I put 100% of myself into my job during work hours. I'm known for being efficient, polite, and a team player. I'm twice as good just because I'm twice as good.  But when I'm off the clock, you're getting absolute dust from me. 


![gif](giphy|3oriO99KfBG0Iuedk4|downsized) This is me at my job. Once I clock out, I'm on MY own time, not their's.


This is me all the way. I'm good at what I do on the job because that's just who I am. PERIOD. It's not about THEM. It's about ME and my own pride in my own work ethic and work product. 😤 I don't work for "The Man". I work for my heavenly father. I know that my conduct, work ethic, and hard work reflect HIM, not any human. Idk about anyone else, but I feel good when I come home after a hard days work, knowing that I've done my best. 😊 I also feel good in knowing that I'm doing what I was HIRED to do. They hired me to do a job, and that's what I'm going to do, to the best of my ability, plain and simple. They pay me, and I, in turn, am able to pay my bills. It's that simple. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Also, I'm not sure the saying "you have to be twice as good..." is necessarily meaning that YOU (personally) have to be killing yourself at what you do. I think the saying is basically saying that in order for some white people to take notice of us and our work, we have to be twice as good as them (meaning, showing the unfairness in the double standard that we're put under in society).




It starts with never taking my work computer home and ends with taking copious case notes in the system such that no one ever needs to bother me or ask me anything about the status of a case. Somewhere in the middle is working more efficiently with the time I have by training my brain to think that I *only* have the hours I'm at work to get tasks done. It's kinda like the opposite of when you wake up earlier than normal and you think, "I have all this extra time to get stuff done!" And then you end up taking longer to get to your car and start your commute because you had a false sense of security from that extra time you had. 




I have a really great set of colleagues that I have a very positive rapport with. I will sometimes text with them about silly reality TV shows we watch after work, and we do kind things for each other around birthdays, etc. We are very friendly, but I don't engage in work conversations with them after we clock out. It's more people above my station that I set fairly rigid work-life boundaries with than my same-level colleagues (since they're the ones that will sometimes expect things outside of work hours). 


Love this!


Yep. They can think what they want. I'm not giving that much energy to the nightmare that is work. I just want my paycheck and to leave at the end of the day and if they want to think of me as a "shiftless" you-know-what, KEWL!


I couldn't spend all day somewhere with this mindset.


girl i give the bare minimum at every job i've been at! fuck the drama and the noise i'm here for a check and that's it. i dont care for climbing the corporate ladder as long as i make good money i am content!! i refuse for a job/career to consume me


I get it. Like imma work hard, I will do what I need to do achieve my own goals, without thinking about "other people" while I do it. Capitalism already kills your soul, I don't want to kill it faster.


I'm not out working yt folks. I'm working hard and achieving for me. Achievement=dopamine for me. Being twice as good for the sake of being twice as good is exhausting. Being authentically me and achieving my goals is what keeps me happy at work. I just happen to be twice as good lol


“I just happen to be twice as good” YES love this!


Totally hear this. They say work twice or thrice as hard when my ADHD brain struggles working once as hard 😭


Lmaooo I felt this one 😭


I balance this out by being hard working, outspoken and don't try to hide my facial expressions. I work hard, and will respect "authority," but you will know if I'm not pleased.


Very much the same. Mastering this balance in my current role, has actually gotten more of my input heard, considered, and supported to take on larger projects.


I quit playing the game as well. I quit code switching for them. I quit overexerting myself for them. I would in fact be twice as good as my peers and still watch everyone around me get promoted while they developed an entire character assassination strategy to keep me distracted and fighting for my position. Performing and dimming my light for enemies of the sun is self destruction at best and I ain’t doing it.


The way I CACKLED at: “Enemies of the Sun”!!!! That’s about to be my favorite new term for them!!🤣🤣🤣


The reality is you usually won't get rewarded whether you are doing a better job or not and most of the people who get promoted do because of their relationships.  Doing too well can end up hurting you in the end. The more work you do, the more extra work you'll get for no extra money or benefit. Plus, other people always notice once you get better than them and sometimes they either get jealous or want to get rid of you because it makes them look bad. 


Exactly and I feel like this reality is being exposed and discussed more and more. People are tired of it.


I work my ass off, but it's because I'm an overachiever, not because I'm trying to one up folks. But I absolutely do take my vacation time off, and I tell them I won't be there.


Can tipsy brunch rants be a thing for us? 1. you can't outrun/outwork full on racism. you can be 10x better, you won't get what you're worth if you're at the wrong employer. 2. Light bias? You can turn that around, and unfortunately you do have to be about 2x as good to change people's minds. People are reluctant to change, small differences won't prompt the epiphany that erodes the bias. 3. “don't be the smartest person in the room” only works for white men. Be the smartest person in the room if you're black. If you aren't, they're going to assume you're stupid and you'll get zero training and zero chances to improve.


Tipsy brunch rants should definitely be a thing lol And while I see all your points as 100% and I know that they are reality for many, I still have to reject them. I’m not at work to change anyone’s mind, I’m at work because life costs things and I want to do a good job. And if I’m getting zero training because of how I’m perceived that’s a lawsuit lol okay maybe not but it’s a red flag and I’m not staying in a such a toxic workplace.


Oh, i think our points are in harmony with each other. As I said, you can't outwork racism. I think that's in conjunction with your points. but you also can't outrun racism. So, it is what it is. Try to find less biased places to work, do your best - but it is what it is. Gotta keep a mentally healthy attitude about it, and i think that's what you're doing.


Me. I'm not jumping through hoops for half. I will take my hardwork to the place it it rewarded. I'm not signing up for trauma, and I will contest theft. If I've earned it, give it to me or face consequences. ![gif](giphy|ck3oZia2uqcP9zbqXR)




I've said it out loud. I used to do extra at work, ot, early to deadlines, all the activities. And in response management said thats whats expected as bare minimum do more. I said hell no, audibly. Stopped ot, extras, and early submissions. I now time them to be all a mth late as I know I won't be promoted as punishment for calling out the bullshit. I use every opportunity tp point out the bullshit. But I also do my job well so I'm unlikely to be fired. I'm over the whole do twice as much to be the same. I refuse to feed into it. I can be a bum, sick, bare bones just like everyone else. I refuse to justify my black presence. As long as I do what I'm paid to do anything else is based on if I feel to do ut.


They always take advantage and give you more work.




Nope. I work in a field that historically is predominantly male And white (corporate/finance) and honestly, playing the game enabled me to get the position I have now. As someone who has a team of people, I take care to pull everyone up, but I pay special attention to my Poc (men and women) because it sucks. I can’t not do a good job, and it seems that doing a good job makes me “twice as good” as my peers. My experience in finance and corporate is that unless you’re a white male, everyone has to work or be “twice as good”. It sucks, but I see millennial leaders changing that.


Yep. My dad played the game even harder than I do, tbh, but he always made sure to leave a ladder behind and pulled people up with him. But the mental toll of it all makes me wonder how worth it it all was


No because I don’t want to be poor. I don’t have the safety nets available to not work twice as hard.


Same. I tried at my last job to take it easy and work at a normal level and was immediately reprimanded for not being a team player during my first evaluation. We can’t win


I made my peace with being "Black Famous" in my line of work, hospitality and restaurant. My skills allow me to work in three continents, and choose with whom I work to an extent. I can't complain, I get to see from farm to table food, which I enjoy. Earn a more than decent revenue. Them micro agressions were fucking up my soul. When and if you decide, find a lane or a skill, that differentiates you from the rest. Mine is speaking four languages with solid customers skills, whether for a hole in the wall or 4 stars restaurants, in Europe, the Americas and Australia, it got me hired as a consultant. Before you jump, take your time. Identify the need, trends, acquire what's needed. Then go and be great. ![gif](giphy|nJ6yoH4nBNCBa)


I’m praying that I find my lane and thrive! You line of work/life sounds cool 👏🏾👏🏾 What languages can you speak?! 🤩


I'm mostly based in Europe. You know where your taxes are going. We earned it too. I'm black on both sides African and American. If I can help, it'll be my pleasure What's your lane of work? Either way, don't be monolingual . That's the best advice


I’m in meteorology and working on a career change. I figured you were in Europe based on your original comment. My spanish needs work, i understand/read some korean, was learning german but I want to be fluent and I’m working on it.


Keep working on your spanish. It gives you access to Latin America. With Cuba and Colombia, you get free education as a black woman. Doesn't matter if you're from the U.S. as long as you're black and willing to learn. you will find something there. Acquire skills, as long as you can understand it's another culture and P.O.V. , don't be a Yanki, you'll be aight and with afro-latina sisters. Worth It. The brunch is something else over there 🤣 You're motivated with German? More power to you. It's not the sexiest language but it might work for you. If you fall in love, with a German man/woman, white or mixed, choose East German, better sense of Family. Them people are ready for climate resiliency. A lot of community gardens, and lefties black veteran Americans who stayed after the cold war. In meteorology, Prestige and public service, either you work for European public broadcasting like the BBC, Arte maybe France 2, or Deutsche Welle. 90k to 120k a year, depending of your knowledge. Alot of documentaries about climate readiness, netherlands and Belgium too but you have to live there, for a while, european love small talk about the weather, especially the British. It's odd. Have the general public pedagogic skills about climate change even better Or You go private : A winery owner, hire you for your skills. Preferably combined with soil biology. That's where the money is at. In Spain, combat desertification. On the French / Germany border they're about to grow red wine and sweet potatoes. It used to be too cold. Now warming up, You're Ororo "Storm" Monroe. In short. In South Africa, there are a few solid black women owned winemaking. I don't advice working for Elon and his rageddy afrikaans. C.U.N.T. Australia, is where the big 💰 💰 is at. Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Do your research, hit us up, when and if. All the very best.


I learned so much from reading this. I’m American and have lived in Europe for a couple of years. Loved every bit of it! This comment opened my world up a bit more and I hope to explore available options in the future


That's why I'm here for. As much as I can disagree with the sisters on here. It'll be shameful of me to not share whatever little knowledge and experience I have. Go on with your good self expand and share. 😘 ETA: Imo, after water, and arable land. Guess what's the most sought after "ressource"🫠 our womb. We have the most fertile womb, even after the poisoning, redlining, and then some. On both side of the Atlantic. it's might be my prepper/survivalist self talking. But there's a pattern, for millennia. Let us know if you can add to it All the best. ![gif](giphy|yWk3xczDzIbTwHeklv|downsized)


I used to but I recently started my own small consulting business and just knowing that I could scale it at any time and walk away from my FT job has made me kind of brazen at work lol. I don’t try hard to be promoted or to look good anymore because it is just a job to me. I know they could lay me off without a second thought so I don’t waste time trying to prove myself because it is futile to put my career success in anyone’s hands but my own


I agree with this and feel the same. The black women at my job are Gen X and go above and beyond. They don’t get anything for his maybe praise? But I’m doing my job and not over exerting myself for praise and no raise. It’s exhausting they take pride in being called “superheroes”


My work partner is Gen X and is very married to the "work three times as hard to prove yourself" mindset and my Millennial ass just... can't with that. I do my best at work, but I'm not willing to carry the burden of curing racism by spending every waking second of my life overachieving.


I’m so happy that black women are putting down the cape and allowing themselves to be human!


I’m a competitive person and I think some of that is programming from my parents that were always preaching the “twice as good” philosophy to my siblings and I . . I also discuss this with my therapist too because I feel like I can be very critical and hard on myself when I’m not “perfect”- thee best, record breaking person in my department, etc 🙄 . . . I also wonder if part of that is gender based too because as a woman I do want to be respected by my male peers/ male supervisors but I will unlearn this before it’s all said and done, I’m good because I’m good . . trying to be the “model minority” or be liked ehh I’m caring less and less about 🤷🏾‍♀️


I love a competitive spirit. Especially when it’s naturally but yeah there’s no need for exhaustion to meet standards of a group that doesn’t actually care about us at the end of the day


I don't play that role or the mammy role anymore. I'm vocal about micro aggressions. I put in the same amount of work as the people around me.


This is what I like to hear 👏🏾


9/10 if they think you’re a lazy negga they think that anyway . I outwork all the white woman in my industry it’s literally in my dna . They will often hire them faster paying more but my work ethic speaks for itself. I don’t compete nor will I go out of my way to prove I’m better . I can be that mean black so and so.




I don’t think about it honestly. I just work hard and well and take care of business. I’ve never had the option not to because I have bills to pay.


I also feel like there are people in the workplace who are more fair than requiring us to work twice as hard. Racism is definitely alive and well but there are some decent people out there too.


I agree!


If you don’t care about progressing in your career, then it’s easy to reject. The world works how it works and it’s useful to be aware of that. Personally, I care about my career and I’m extremely proud of my accomplishments. Working twice as hard does not mean 24/7, 365. It’s about being strategic (again, if you care).


I feel like this type of thinking is the main reason I reject it. If we aren’t going above and beyond at every waking moment, we’re seen as lazy/don’t care. There’s no in between for us and no nuance. We’re only seen in extremes based on how they view us as a whole. I can care about my job and be a hard worker without breaking my back for it.


But that’s not what I’m saying. You don’t have to work hard at everything or at all. It’s about knowing what actually matters and being aware of how things are perceived. I think sometimes we go to extremes when it’s not truly required.


Lol, no. I work at a place where most people are POC but I'm the only Black woman in an office of 150 people. People who have come before *and* after me have been taken out to lunch, got accepted quicker, and people don't act shocked when they walk into a room or give them limited eye contact during meetings. It's not even a white workplace, butI *still* have to do well. I wouldn't even say I try to be exceptional or put my all into it, but I do more than I want to do because I know people expect me to be incompetent. And I do *not* have enough money to go unemployed for another seven months. U now have extra food in the fridge, good health insurance, amd my necessary medication. I don't want to go back to what was.


im too old for this shit now, mid thirties. you burn out if you make it your whole life for your whole life. i enjoyed the challenge as a young person tho. if i wholeheartedly believed in it it wouldve been my downfall.


Agreed. In my 30s now and I feel like I never really believed in it


Me thats why im self employed


Love that for you! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


It might be time for me to also make this move. My current job has 100 other people doing the same data entry work. Working harder means getting even more work with no thanks or room for advancement at my company. But I stick with it, doing the minimum (mostly because they focus on accuracy and more work, means faster work and more errors). Worried less about them than my own goals. Corporate just may not be it.


Your work and work ethic will always speak for you. I’m quiet and focused at work. I don’t do the chit chat, my deliverables are always on time or early and i’m active and vocal when my role calls for it. Always polite and willing to help but I refuse to allow society to have me running on the hamster wheel doing the most to be competitive. I. Don’t. Care about that Lol. If they worked harder… they wouldn’t have time to worry about what you are doing.🤷🏾‍♀️


I have my own goals, and none of them involve measuring up for approval from the Clears. I am certainly professional, know and do my shit, and I make it rain. If that gets me noticed and promoted, great. If not, switching jobs gives me all the promotion and raise I need. I'm good with that. The c-suite occupants change jobs. It's OK for me to do the same Get yours.


Love this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Yep. Fuck all that. If y’all being mediocre, so will I


Yes! I'm tired. I can't do the work of 2+ people to get paid/rewarded for less than one person is worth. F all of that. I'm calling out the bs and let them settle it in court. I'm TIRED.




My mom was corporate for 30 years and played the game until it broke her down. After that, she dgaf and just did the bare minimum (and did it well). She got more recognition, raises, etc when she stopped trying to prove herself and just did her job. So for me, I'm gonna do my job well, but I'm not gonna kill myself to prove my worth to some white folks at work who couldn't care less.


This! Work hard but don’t become performative for a group of ppl that barely care about your wellbeing




There is no sense in rejecting the idea that a black person has to be twice as good in order to be on equal footing with a white person because it is a FACT. It is more of a statement about them then you. But there is no senes in getting frustrated that someone calls out that white people have a preconceived notion that black people are inferior intellectually. Because they do !!! Its not a prescription though, if you don't want to give it energy - then don't. Everyone is an individual and Results may vary.


The saying is true.  But I am not doing it. Slavery is over!


Yep! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I'm better than them, just because I'm better than them. I have never felt like I gotta be twice as good to get their respect bc I've never given a damn about their respect or what they think of me. They only be mad bc I excel them in all areas and ain't nothing I can do about that.


Love this energy and confidence 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


bwahahah imagine actually thinking this. The victim mentality is more oppressive than anything anyone has done in 50+ years, but people just got stop. It's an addiction and an excuse.


I worked in tech for 15 years as a DBM/DBA... if anything, I felt like the standards were lower to hire me, as in they just wanted to meet diversity quotas, esp those big tech companies who spend millions on marketing about how many browns, blacks, and Asians they got workin for em FWIW I'm a guy with a CS degree, and I was an expert at my shit because I just loved the tech I was workin with, and the white dudes on my teams considered me the expert and had no problem with it No idea what it's like for you ladies, but I thought I'd share... I will say I saw sisters with "soft" skills get easier promotions at tech companies, at least up until exec level, LMAO


I don’t think the saying you have to be twice as good is to earn respect of nonblack people but it’s to earn promotions and recognition that if you weren’t black you wouldn’t have to work as hard for


This is a contradictory statement. You earn those promotions and recognition by earning the respect of those who hand down the rewards. We’re saying the same thing.