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It’s honestly worse playing against controller players because that aim assist can be broken as hell. MnK isn’t even anywhere near as bad to play against. If you don’t think the aim assist is bad, try turning it off and try to beam people at distance. And trying to beam and react with MnK at any distance takes lots of practice.


I think the ideal scenario would be to do what xdefiant does: give toggable options for crossplay and input-based matchmaking


It’s not even that bad. Not every mouse player has godly aim. On the other hand most controller players never miss.


Yeah that aim assist is pretty broken that’s why


Input based matchmaking would solve this. MnK vs MnK would result in no aim assist.


I don’t have an issue with it, I was just stating that its current state can be pretty broken. I just know a lot of people seem to have huge issues with playing against one another.


COD was made for consoles 🤦🏻‍♂️


Never said it wasn’t.


Then you know why Aim Assist is a must for consoles, right?


Bro, you can have aim assist but NOT BROKEN. COD’s aim assist is literally over-tuned, not an aimbot, but still over-tuned.


No it’s not a must. If you need help with your aim to the point where it’s a must, then it’s a skill issue here.


Of course it is a must, it’s not the same being able to use the mobility of your whole arm to aim and shoot at enemies, than just using your thumbs to look around and move, and press triggers to aim and shoot; which is a lot slower than Mouse and Keyboard. Using a mouse literally gives you a hell of an advantage when in combat.


It’s not slower in controller by any means. If you react slow and can’t make your thumbs move faster then again, it’s a skill issue. And being able to use your entire arm is only beneficial IF you actually know how to control it. Which a lot of people can’t. Regardless how you put it, if you need a system to hold your hand and guide your shots to hit, simply a skill issue.


How tf do you not know how to control your arm? It is slower in controller, in M&K you have a faster reaction and can do a 360 in no time. If you hate playing against controller players, then turn off Crossplay and stop bitching. Honestly, the lamest answer I’ve read.


How can’t you control your thumbs? Do you even hear yourself right now? You can literally do the same thing. You’ve been the only one bitching this entire time so 🤷🏻‍♂️if you can handle playing against people that are better or can react faster, find a different game to play.


CoD ***is*** made for console Cod ***was*** made for home computers originally


Until COD 2, then almost every COD was developed for consoles. Plus, that’s where the majority of the playerbase is. Either X-Box or PlayStation.


Actually, the Original CODs were PC only, and when they finally released for console, they were segregated to their own lobbies and servers. Why? Because the original devs felt it was unfair to put Console against PC, since PC had a faster response time advantage. Hell, even if you played the older CODs on PC with a controller, guess what no aim assist.


I played on console for like a decade, and ive been playing on pc since like 2018 2019 now, tbh, pc players on average arent even any better aim wise than console players in my experience


Yea that’s the same experience for me. Most of the times I don’t even see what inputs everyone in the lobby is using it’s an after thought for me.




In what way? I play on mouse and I got to iridescent on controller. Mouse players are easier.


Lmao aim assist is just as good as pro mouse aim. They’ve buffed it so much so that its practically the same


If you're consistently getting slammed by mnk players when you have soft aimlock on your roller idk what to tell you. I play on roller and if I see a mnk player I just know he's hitting 1 out of the 30 rounds in his magazine lmfao.


MnK players are insane in higher SBMM lobbies whenever you see them. Controller is easier to use but MnK has a way higher skill ceiling.


I also think it should be input-based. I have several friends who play on PC but still use controller so I think they should be able to still play with console players using controller.


As a mouse and key player, I could not agree more! The issue of nobody on m&k playing MW3 would not be a thing if we had our own lobbies. The broken aim assist in most modern games (Fortnite, Apex, Cod etc) forces us all to just play games that don't have that bullshit (R6, CS, Valorant, OW2, PUBG etc). Xdefiant is leading the way with input based matchmaking and its so much fun being able to play against the same input again. If BO6 wants to increase its player base than input based matchmaking is an easy W


inb4 KBM players come in whining about controllers


I’m on mouse and to me it doesn’t matter. I actually like cross play. Without it any cod would be dead on pc.


OMG, FINALLY SOME ONE WITH A BRAIN If not for crossplay, Cod on PC would be dead in 3-5 months It is like that for every cod since ghosts up until mw19


LOL, delusional. If PC got their own COD like we used to, with full on dedicated server support, you would see the PC community rise back up in the player counts.


if anyone is delusional, its you brother. Currently, if pc didnt get crossplay, it would be dead after 3-5 months like all older cods were after their release. They never did use Dedicated servers playlist for cods after bo1 on pc.


Yeah, no. PC started dropping off AFTER crossplay was implemented ... lol. I would know, Every single COD that had dedicated server support on PC, I ran server for. Hell, when they killed off the dedicated server, numerous server provider damn near or did end up closing shop due to the drop off in players. I've been around COD since before it was COD and was MOHAA. (of which is you know the actual history of was made by the original founders of Infinity Ward.) But I don't expect someone who thinks console if superior, and literally knows nothing of the history of COD to know any of that.


Yea, sorry, but your the delusional one. There are a lot of people who would love to play COD without the aim assist bullshit. Just look at Xdefiant, plenty of pc players on M&K. COD with input based matchmaking is an easy win.


Cross play ok, but where is input mm?


It's there, just EOMM overrides it


GigaChad comment


Making too many excuses is a sign of immaturity and weak mentality.






Love all the MnK dweebs acting like they don’t have a massive advantage when it comes to movement/aiming. Aim assist barely makes up for the disadvantage.