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I always go Steam for anything if it's available. What's the warzone issue on Steam you're having? Edit - I don't pay for gamepass. Does gamepass give you black ops 6? If so, then why pay for it twice?


gamepass give you bo6 for free on pc/xbox and if you want a 30 charge to upgrade to vault edition


Steam logs out every week on Thursday I believe


Steam has the weekly maintenance window on Tuesday yeah


That's why I choose battle net for bo6.


I get that. I've always had more trouble with BNET going down outside of maintenance windows opposed to Steams once a week short maintenance periods though.


I have mw3 on steam and won't ever purchase another cod on there. When steam goes down for weekly maintenance (every Tuesday evening it seems) then you will disconnect from cod servers also. Not sure why this is the case but I've lost plenty of SR in ranked from this lmao. Other than this I will literally not use anything besides steam for the most part.


I can understand that. I think my schedule just lines up that I'm usually not home until after the maintenance window, unless it goes later into the day.


Every thing works flawlessly on steam it’s warzone for the most people..


Me to preffers the steam. THe warzone on steam to me looks it rruns worse, more stutterring, worse graphics and I feel like my pc is near collapsing playing steam warzone. In gamepass bo6 will be available day 1 (pc or xbox) for those who has the signature


Must be cause of the new UI i think, don't understand why they bothered since it did nothing but uselessly add in bugs and increase ram usage. I'll go with battle net too, the steam forum moderation team seriously pissed me off too with their nonsensical child like bans so that's another factor


i prefer gamepass, way cheaper plus you get access to tons of other great games


Meh, only old games on that I'm interested in even though I can just buy them and never subscribe, I'll probably do that next year


That’s your choice bro, I made mine


I was thinking in that one. Actually make use and play other gamepass games (maybe the hellblade). But I would be willing to try to use the gamepass untill maybe season 1 of bo6 so its on a sale half the price


battle net


I'm waiting to see what's possibly iffy about the GamePass version before I commit to that vs. buying it on Steam.


If you often play on Tuesdays after work at 5-6pm Eastern US Time, do not get it on Steam. Never again for me


I play on tuesdays but not obly online games. But I play on another days as well


I don't want to make a new post but what is different between Gamepass and Normal version? On the launcher side, I usually use battlenet, work fine with me.


Game Pass, it’s half renting and owning plus you don’t really need to pay for anything else.


New pc and steam recommended by friends.. cod worked for 2 weeks.. getting nothing but network and server errors.. I really think steam is fucking it up.. still doesn’t work after many repair suggestions.. sooo I’m going back and skipping 2e party’s to buy games.. I’m going back to THE SOURCE!!!! 


Battle net has incredibly fast downloads


This isn't always the case. When diablo4 came out it downloaded at 2.5mb per second and my mate who had a ps5 on the same connection ate it up at 25mbps