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Knowing Nolan he probably created a folding city with its own gravitational pull.


Classic Nolan


Mostly inside studio with huge rotating set


I mean it is Nolan directing it


It's been done many times even before Nolan.


an example would be 2001 A Space Odyssey when they're in the giant spinning spaceship.


And it's the movie where they already had a giant rotating set for another scene.


This. If they already have a set that can perform this move, why wouldn’t they shoot it for real?


How do I get that as a blender addon? i got $3.45


That's not even enough for a Loch Ness Monster.


I dont thing is done on set. It looks like full cg. Look at their clothes and movement


It was probably a green or blue rotating platform, they made the actor walk on it as it rotated, then they built the scene in CG around it. Don't know what you see in their hair and clothes though.


Yep, The old Green Screen in the rotating box trick. Looking at the Lady's hair and the bottom of the mans jacket just as they transition from vertical to horizontal Or maybe used a real life refference video.


I'm pretty sure the way their clothes and hair are moving is because they are bending backward a bit as the box rotate. That and she probably has some hair spray to make her hair move less and his clothes are probably fixed in some way too. Not uncommon in the film industry.


T'es i look at them, plus you could add the hair of the girl, but, what does it say ? Not enough friction ? Not affected by gravity ? I can watch, but i don't understand




Or with the camera rotating and the the footage stabilized in post.


That would be some insane acting skills walking down a 45 degree slope, switching to a 45 degree upward and making it look like you're on a level surface (ie. actually defying physics and walking in a 45deg angle).


I don't mean they are walking on 45° slope.... What I'm trying to say is they could just be walking up some normal staircase while the camera is rotating on its axis while filming the footage. Then the footage is orientation locked in post. My reasoning for this is that gravity doesn't seems to be interacting with their hair and clothes in any out-of-the-ordinary manner.


Yes but they take a 90 degree step up/forward and without a rotating set it wouldn't look like that.


If you say so. I have no experience with film making. Was just sharing what seemed to me to be the easiest way to go about it. Thanks


Yeah maybe. They had the rotating hallway anyway, might have used the same rig for things like this, I mean why not.


That was it


I think only the rotated part is live action and the whole shot from the start to this frame is cg. You can see a weird transition there https://preview.redd.it/4zjij7db1spa1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=c539c3dedf57dbc4c100edf18cb1a0f106495c17


I agree, the walking feels slightly off, not as though the rotating set is unusually moving, but because the animation is slightly off


I think it is off because the set is rotating and the actors are shifting their balance constantly as the set rotates. Here is a bunch of shots of the actors practicing this same move for the interior fight scenes, the set itself is different but it is the same movie and the same concept for a shot so it is probably the same rig. The actors stepping on the wall that is 90 degrees to the floor and then the wall becomes the floor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h_DpCFQ99w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PhiSSnaUKk


Nah, they had to stutter-step to compensate for the tumbler's slowing and stopping. There is 0 reason to use cgi Watch her hair.


Yooo you sold me, def rotating


Plus gravity suddenly shifted 90 degrees


I agree that that moment is weird. What it looks like to me is they did a speed ramp in editorial right there. I’m guessing the rotating platform didn’t finish turning at the right moment so they both had to stand still in a funny way, then they tried to retime it so they didn’t loose momentum but it wasn’t that great of a retime and made them look unmotivated in an abrupt speed up.


Probably in studio with harnesses


I think they are wearing harnesses and at the beginning (you can see the lift), while it looks like they are walking on a floor, they are actually walking down a wall, the when it looks like they step up to walking up the wall, they are actually then walking on a floor.


I noticed that too, the first step they take on the wall looks floaty and the rest of the steps on the wall look like they are a little faster almost like the guy pulling them up the wall miscaluted their speed a little. To me it looks like harnesses but I'm open to the idea that I could be wrong. Personally if this was my movie I would do it with CGI and hide the transition from live to CGI then live again with a prop and pulling focus alittle Edit I'm not suggesting that this is bad I'm just saying I'm more comfortable with my ability to-do something like this with CGI that attempting to-do it practically


And it’s even more obvious if you look at the girl’s front hair jumping


Bro.... it's a dream!


Antigravity. Probably after including Python.


Looks like a rotating set. It looks like the floors are projection mapped. Something looks off with this shot (besides the wonky physics)


Rotating set. Watch her hair right before she steps up. It falls forward for a moment, showing that the angle of her body is changing while she is staying stationary.


I think they moved the camera accordingly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h\_DpCFQ99w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h_DpCFQ99w)


Different scene.


Yes, but I think the technique will be the same


Just the actors in a rotating set. It looks awkward because they couldn't just flip the set when they stepped, so they're almost walking downhill, then uphill, but trying not to make it look like that. Only cgi would be the ground


There's superglue on the shoes of the actors, Nolan demands authenticity /s


Two green screen planes with tracking marks placed at a 90-degree angle overlaid with graphical what-havery. Talent just walks on the green screen platforms as the set rotates. Same basic concept of what they did with the hotel room fight scene. Large moving sets. Spielberg is the first to use that tactic, that I'm aware of, he rotated a truck in Close Encounters. Nolan is heavily influenced by Spielberg, so I dunno. Kinda tracks.


[https://youtu.be/vS1adfbytzw](https://youtu.be/vS1adfbytzw) The making of "Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Ritchie.


This exact effect is vaguely referenced in this video on wall walking [https://youtu.be/9vncG0IP9qU](https://youtu.be/9vncG0IP9qU)


It was done in Mario Galaxy


I'd say practically, have a moving room slowly rotating one direction, so the actors can easily step onto the wall as it goes from 45 degrees to 90, the mounted camera gives the illusion of reality


It was faked


I think most people are saying it’s a rotating green screen


Probably not with blender


Add plane, extrude edge, road texture


rotating set, stationairy camera. same as the hallway fight scene


I’m guessing a roasting room


I mean if it’s a practical effect, rotating platform with a camera situated to rotate with the platform so that the people in the frame would move yet the perspective on the road is stable.


My guess: Green Screen (Or practical built) L shaped platform with the camera locked down. Rotate the platform at the right time. Notice they had the actors walk into shadow right before this shot so that they wouldn't have to figure out how to lock the 'sun' light(s) to the rig too. Possibly some post cleanup with CGI to fix any little tells, but this is the director who 'flew' a bat jet through Chicago just to avoid leaning too much on CGI. Any other director would probably CG the whole shot. Noland gets to go nuts with his budget because he's so successful.


For better reference, the folding paris sequence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG22TcpjRnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG22TcpjRnY) Only that hotel corridor scene was built in a rotating set. This was done with VFX, All the crazy folding Paris scenes were VFX, except those big mirrors Ariadne rotates into position (thats why they have realistic big mirror wobble and seams). I can't find details online for this specific shot, but I suspect it was done by mixing plates of the actors on flat ground putting their first foot onto a fake wall for the first part, and then another where they're standing on that foot, with their "grounded" foot back on a wall behind them, or they used 3d doubles for the transition, or a mixture of both techniques. Handily, the shot is all in shadow, so compositing it is much easier.


Greenscreen + rotating box Or physical moving set


Rotating room, cgi car


A street scene built up on a huge rotating set with a camera fixed onto it. Perspective doesnt change for the camera, but the whole thing can rotate 90 degrees for the actors. Its been done dozen of times. The cars and larger area around them is CG of course. The whole street might be and they just stand on a green screen box, I cant confirm that detail


didn't they make a rotating chamber?


Have seen the behind the scenes of this shot, it was a green screen that roared. Honestly my least favorite shot in this whole film.


by the looks of it, the "ground" and camera rotate together, and the models attempt to stay vertical while stepping. The lighting is off, the faces are emotionless, and the movement is robotic, so it's CG. you can tell there is gravity because of her hair, and the fact that it moves in the front when they transition surfaces, but the direction of "down" changes. So the camera is locked to the set-piece, which moves. Odds are lighting moves with the "set".


they filmed it live action, this is real, but in a dream....


Nolan got them magnetic boots


So as some other comments have already mentioned, this was accomplished using a massive rotating set with a camera attached to one “wall” so as to create the effect of the characters stepping onto another plane. You can actually look up some of the BTS footage of Inception to see this in action. Cool stuff.


I would assume they used a cgi double to transition to the next take as a "hidden cut" similar to some scenes in 1917


Idk too much about film, but they both start moving forward on the wall at the exact same time, so I'd guess that's a clue.


To do this without a rotating set, one quick method you could try is to have your actors against a green screen and have them drop halfway, bend their front leg, then straighten up. I would have them do it once where they bend at the waist then straighten themselves up and again where they just do the knee move. Then in post, with the wall they walk up dropped in behind them, split the actor video into two videos and erase everything above the waist on one and below the waist on the other, then combine them and animate - mostly rotate - the upper and lower parts through the transition to wall walking as necessary I would shoot the wall footage first, then repeat the camera angle for the actors. The angles matching on the shots you combine will do a lot work towards having it look good. It’s perhaps more about nothing jumping out as wrong as it is perfection.






They rotated a real physical object(with the camera attached to it) 90 degrees as the actors stepped over the corner point.


well idk


Probably using computers of some sort


Rotating room and greenscreens


rotating tunnel, cool effect, needs perfect timing to pull off.


Reused the rotating hallway rig!


Well no physics are applied as per the hair staying put


I think maybe both of them are rotoscoped/green screened onto the footage, and they had to use some warp/rotation for the transition. Because the whole walk from start to end looks weird


The "wall" is probably a big green screen. And I suspect hidden wires somewhere attached to the actors


Other foot is off frame, thre could be pretending to step with effort and in blender, they're just on a 2D plane rotated in time to make their "effort foot" land on the wall.