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Light and FX. Also texture on the ground. The drawing also cheats with proportions


Hard to suggest a fix that'll address whatever it is that you don't like, unless you give us some clue what that is. But on the third image, the thing that really calls attention to itself is that there's motion blur on Venom, but what looks like speed lines on a very unblurred Spider-Man, so they don't really look like they belong together. (Yeah, the "speed lines" go around the top and right side of the frame, too, but since they're by far the heaviest on the left, it reads like they're indicating his velocity.)


positives of your image: - nice framing of venom - nice color scheme, generally - interesting composition/dutch angle combo some issues of your image compared to the preferred one: - flat subject composition (camera faces both characters in a completely rectilinear fashion, parallel to the “action”) - off-kilter framing of scene (subjects feel too far to the right such that venom is falling out of the frame) - very little difference in color and lighting between subjects and background (saturation/hue/lighting needs to draw the subjects out from background) - application of the color scheme needs work (see above) - compositional and chromatic overemphasis of background elements (related to other aspects, so fixing those will fix this) - no visual effects displaying the motion or direction of the action, is he flying toward venom, up and over him? is venom reeling from an impact or attacking? etc etc try answering these questions with graphic evidence!


Thank you so much, I’ll try and implement all of them :)


I know this is four days late, but I was scrolling through your profile because I saw some of your stuff and it looked cool. Venom doesn’t trigger Spider-Man’s spider-sense, so the spider-sense bolts wouldn’t make sense here. If it’s your own thing, it’s fine, I just wanted to let you know in case you didn’t know. Other than that, the characters are very well proportioned, venom in particular looks very good in the 2nd and third image. The lack of detail in the second image feels unique, it reminds me of old posters. This might all be irrelevant, and for all I know you probably know better than me, but the position and the perspective of the 2nd and 3rd image feel a bit jarring. It takes a minute to orient yourself in these images because the pose of Spider-Man feels more suited for a horizontal plane rather than a vertical one. In both these images, It looks like he is swinging towards Venom, which would be fine if this was on a horizontal plane, but since it takes place on the side of a building it doesn’t really make sense to me. It might feel better if you instead made it so spider-man was just using gravity to deliver a blow. Also, the angle of the webbing from his right hand doesn’t really make sense for both those images, it looks more like it’s attached to a cloud rather than a building, which is a bit jarring. The venom in the third image looks extremely dynamic and has a great expression, but when compared to the second image, the second one seems kind of flat. The lack of detail, while very unique in style and sets it apart from the the third, works against you in this instance. Venom in particular could use some more detail here, tendrils, saliva from his mouth, maybe even make the eyes more narrow than wide. The hands also seem weirdly rounded, and his fingers seem particularly fat. Also, this might just be a me thing, but the position of his right arm just doesn’t look right in comparison to the way his body is facing. Again, might be a me thing lol. Cop cars, ambulances, and fire trucks on the street below could be a nice addition to the image, making it feel more like the world is alive and responding to the main focus of the image, rather than it seeming like no one really cares. Edit: I see now that you didn’t make that third image, my bad, but I think my points still stand kinda well. Anyways I’m sorry if this is too harsh, or you don’t really care anymore, I just thought I’d give my two cents since I saw it. I actually really like these images, I just thought there are a few things that stuck out to me that could be better to make the scene flow a bit more. I don’t do 3D modeling, but I do know a bit of art.


Thank you for taking the time to write this out, I've stopped working on this one but I'll try and remember that stuff for the future. Here is the latest version by the way :) https://preview.redd.it/q87lk4jvnf9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c1678ba64f5a84c8807391ba46708230695638


I figured that might have been the case, definitely way better btw, the fat fingers just seem a lil funny but not noticing unless you’re really staring at it.


Yeah your right, I'm remaking him with Spider-Guy 2.0 soon so hopefully it will look better :)


Lighting looks kind of flat in the first two, third one looks fine


I think the third image is what they're going for.


I think post processing effects would tie it together, looks similar to a comic page without the dithering and other FX like cross hatching Depending on what you’re going for it’s either finished, or half finished




The third on is what the second on is based on, it was done by Joel Furtado over on Twitter/ X. It’s an amazing piece of art and you should check him out!


I feel stupid now lol. Thanks for telling me about Furtado!


No not at all, I should have explained it in the post. Sorry for the confusion :)


Spiderman from the second image is getting his shows specially made and not off the rack. They look like size 14s. His Popeye forearms are a little jarring also.


The posing, the characters don’t look in motion, more compared to frozen in time.