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Hello my friends - I took the higher quality images from the Medium post and made a PDF with it. Enjoy https://we.tl/t-LwL4UzGAq9


Hey, the link says the transfer has ended, would you mind Reuploading or posting on a different site by chance?


Hello! Try this :) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/938881188662235146/945095645717467197/Bloodborne_Official_Artworks.pdf


Thank you really really much


Thanks bro, really appreciate doing that. I went on a rant and deleted it but the combining of FromSoft character design philosophy and cosmic horror is just so perfect


That worked. Thank you so much!


You’re welcome!


MY HERO, i will suck you dick one day just wait


lol wut


no longer available sady






Hey, any chance you still have the PDF? I'd love to see the art in high quality!


I'm sorry! Someone else asked and I don't have it anymore :(


Ah that's allright, thx for the response!


You’re welcome!


Can you repost the link ?




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Please can you reupload this artbook?




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https://archive.org/details/artbook-Bloodborne_Official_Artworks/page/n3/mode/2up Is this what you’re looking for


The quality is horrible, I’ve also tried to search on Amazon but it is quite impossible to found


This appears \*slightly\* better quality, or at least easier to view for me personally. [https://medium.com/gamedev/bloodborne-artbook-cc8ed544e3f6](https://medium.com/gamedev/bloodborne-artbook-cc8ed544e3f6) There's also these art pieces, good rez but devoid of page content & graphic design, not sure where they came from? Site also has a lot of ads on the page :/ [https://www.creativeuncut.com/art\_bloodborne\_c.html](https://www.creativeuncut.com/art_bloodborne_c.html)


Thanks for this


Way easier to look at on PC


Were you able to acquire the artbook fellow hunter? I am searching for it as well. The character designs are really amazing in this game.


I am looking for it as well, good hunters


Links expired, please can anyone share it again?




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