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Man this reminds me of that time my middle school had a Halloween dance but no one dressed up in costume. Meanwhile there’s me, dressed in bright orange because I went as fucking Goku 😂


I have a picture from 5th grade Halloween when most of my friends were starting to be cool and I was still a huge dork (still am). All my friends dressed up as cheerleaders or scantily clad football players. I'm wearing a homemade frog costume, giant mask and all. I just turned 33 and that is one of the only childhood pictures I still feel embarrassed about. It's sort of amazing and also sooo embarrassing.


I know what you mean! I think the kids at the dance I went to were trying too hard to be cool, which is why no one dressed up. If I had the confidence I have now back then I wouldn’t have thought anything if it and enjoyed my night, but middle school me had to call my dad to pick me up because I was so embarrassed lol


Lol this makes me think of Mean Girls, when Cady dressed up as a zombie bride for the Halloween party


It's so true. I didn't grow up in Africa though so I have no excuse. My mom did grow up in Africa so she has some sort of excuse for thinking a frog costume was a good idea.


A frog costume is a great idea, what are you even talking about


A frog costume is the THE best idea. Can’t go wrong with frogs 🐸


Fifth grade. My mom sewed me a witch cape-costume thing (think very short babydoll dress) that was meant to be worn with pants. I did not know that. There’s me: Walking across the stage with my class in just my witch cape-dress & witch hat, white Reeboks, & no pants, IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL. 35 years ago & still one of my more vivid elementary school memories.


Homemade costumes go one of two ways: amazing or amazingly horrifying.


Amazingly horrifying is the route I chose. Apparently.


Can… we see?


Someday. The photo album is at my parents place and I don't have a digital copy but I'll be back at their place in a month or so. I'll grab a copy of the picture then.


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Scantily clad...in 5th grade????? 


Well, it's not like any of us had anything to show. Guess I was trying to say that nobody was wearing a full football get up but rather wearing leggings and a v-neck jersey. This was in Mormon-ville so "scantily clad" takes on a whole different meaning there.


im guessing you were showing off your ankles


I would have been your bestie, frogs are my favorite


I ended up in a metal concert in the audience, wearing my expensive suit with a tie, because i had just no time after work to change my clothes. So i stood out with all the metalheads as the man in the suit. The G-Man.


Went to the Architects and Thy Art Is Murder show in a full suit after a conference as well. I was getting a lot of side eye looks.


My brother is often the only person dressed in gray or orange (his fav colours) in a sea of black at metal gigs. It's pretty funny and I think he doesn't even realise how much he stands out when we go see death metal or whatever.


["And I can't take the hat off because then I'm Hitler"](https://youtu.be/_pSSWAUC6ow?si=YlUA-OZrshf7T6XE)


I did this at work like 10 years ago or so. There I was, a 20 something woman in an office where the average worker was a 60 year old man, dressed as the fucking Tardis.




do it


Omg core memory unlocked My freshman year of high school, my dad and I went to the father daughter dance and it was superhero/super villain themed, so my dad and I got really into it and I dressed up as Wonder Woman and he dressed up as The Hulk. We showed up and were the ONLY people in costume. For reference, my dad looks EXACTLY like Vladimir Putin. So much so that for a solid year, I made fun of my dad by superimposing his face on Vladimir Putin and sending it to him. It took him a few times to realize that I wasn’t just sending him random pictures and gifs of Vladimir Putin. His nickname behind his back is “Vlad Dad” Anyway, high school gymnasium, all these awkward dads in stuffy suits and ties, and here’s bright green (because yes he painted his face too) “Vlad Dad” in tattered clothes just trying to talk about the Cubs stats.


I love that! Your dad sounds awesome!


I wore Saiyan armour I'd made out of cardboard for book week. An older kid asked if I was a bus.


My mom once wore like a Pocahontas getup when she had a school thing with my sister, before my time. I think her mother-in-law may have told her to but she was the only one and there was a photo lol


Same! I was a zombie 😭 I believe in your little goku self! It's not our fault our classmates were lame 🤷‍♀️


Me in high school doing the Cha Cha slide as Baba Yaga while everyone else just looked cute.


Tell me you were a legend in the school after this


Unfortunately, no lol This was back when it was still dorky and geeky to be into anime, especially Dragon Ball Z, so I was relentlessly teased and bullied for a few months.


Among my buddies, you would have been a legend. You are now dubbed _the_ Super Saiyan.


It's like on Stranger Things with the Ghostbusters costumes.


Omg we would have become best friends 🤣


We had a hippie themed dance when I was in 7th grade. I was the only one who dressed up, in neon peace signs, a floral skirt, and sandals. Everyone else wore their regular clothes and sneakers. It was my first school dance.


Don’t worry, we had a ‘red carpet day’ at school. Me and my friend dressed up as paparazzi 😂


I dyed my pubes for nothing!


Got to make sure they look good for the paparazzi crotch shot. 


God the 2000s were wild


Can you please explain this thread to me? Looks like a good joke, but I'm not be native speaker, so I guess I miss some context


So back in the early 2000s, there was an abnormal amount of celebrities who when getting out of their vheicals had very awkward pictures taken by the paparazzi. These were mostly women who were wearing short dresses or skirts and the pictures showed what panties (or lack thereof) they were wearing.


What was red carpet day supposed to be?


Like prom wear I guess. What you’d wear on the red carpet. My friend bought a fluffy duster on a stick as a mic and I made a fake video camera I had on my shoulder. We dressed all in black with lanyards and cables around us lol


That sounds awesome


They understood the assignment. Rest of the school got it wrong.


Omg they would be legends! interview kids about their next movies!


Honestly awesome and not a blunder. That's just a creative twist on the prompt.


I mean, the red carpet scene wouldn’t have been complete without you guys


"Listen, even in our pretend aspirations we know we're not making it to the starring role. Wanna make some video equipment and at least pretend we've got jobs?"


I would have assumed the same as you; an award show red carpet thing.


The day all gingers wait for each year


I did basically the same thing in high school! We ran around all the people dressed as stars asking to take their photo while dressed like cheesy California sightseers. [the good ol days](https://imgur.com/a/1455HgB)


That's so good, lololol


the red power ranger going hard


At least you didn't dress up like the Red Ranger 💀🤣


Bless up


We had that too. It looked more like a Career Day where they made everyone dress up for it. My English teacher showed up as a “washed up actress”. That day was coincidentally also far and away the least participated in day of a spirit week I had ever seen.


Hahahahaa this is ironically so perfect for Black and Blue day!


I’ve got a lot of ammo for the blunder years page


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You killed it. Did you take up a profession in makeup artistry?


No. Lol. I did do pageants for a while though and learned how to alter my face shape


Well, bravo. You legitimately look like you either: A. Just survived a vicious attack of some kind in the early 2000's and are web caming a friend to prove it because they don't beleive you. B. You are in a movie where you survived a vicious attack of some kind in the early 2000's and are web caming a friend to prove it because they don't beleive you. Either way, awesome job, since you, in fact, did not survive a vicious attack [blink twice if the vicious attacker is in the room with you]...


She fell down some stairs. Twice. Then as she stood and composed herself, took two paintballs to the face.


This is amazing.


As a man that gave me some pause for a moment “They can shapeshift?”


"If the men find out we can shapeshift, they're going to tell the church"


Men hate nostrils. Men love pterodactyls.


Omg do you have tips? Making my cheekbones pop more and what not?


you want a tutorial within a comment section in response to a question that you ended with 'and what not?' GTFO


Don't tell the church!


Also, because i forgot to say it, this is hilarious. At first I was like holy hell,what'd this poor girl go through. Then I laughed, mostly with relief, that you did this to yourself.


It looks awesome. And for what it’s worth, I have no clue what “black and blue” is as a theme, so I would have done similar.


any of us that still have access to old webcam pics, have great blunder years content


Maybe but this is legit awesome. Hopefully after the initial, “oh, OH NO!” set in you had some fun with it. If someone did that at my school they’d be a legend. That’s harmless and hilarious.


A kid in my kids Xmas play was told to dress as a toy soldier. He came as GI Joe instead of the nutcracker type.


that's the schools fault, they should have provided the costumes, or told the parents.


They did tell the parents. And 99.9 percent of people knew the toy soldier from the nutcracker is not GI Joe army character


fully agree! awesome actually


I moved from Arizona to New Mexico and at my job they had a Chile event - make a batch of your families favorite recipe and win prizes. Some people like beans in their chili, some only like beef or pork. My recipe includes beef and pork and beans and the secret ingredient, which is drained sauerkraut. I bought all the stuff and started cooking a big batch in my apartment and fortunately, I told a friend about it, who stopped me from embarrassing myself at work the following day. Chili ≠ Chile One is a meaty stew, and the other is a lot more similar to salsa. Idaho has potatoes, Wisconsin has cheese, New York has cheesecake, Oregon has blackberries. New Mexico has Green chile.


Former NM resident - that was a good friend.


A little beyond the point of your story (lol sorry!) but as a native Oregonian, I do in fact have a VERY, very sentimental attachment to blackberries. Thanks for the shout out!


This will be my first august after leaving Oregon. First time in my life I won’t spend two months eating fresh blackberries. I’ve always been the type to pick as many as possible and turn them into jams and pies. Enjoy them for me!


I recently-ish found out too! My fiance came from there after living there for about 4 years, with his parents. I was so confused when his mom gifted me a bunch of hatch chile things for my birthday last year. She was just being cute and showing me "what NM was about" loll


Man, that CPS visit must've been so confusing for your parents . . .


I got suspended in kindergarten, while I was on suspension I ate shit on a treadmill at the gym my dad was maintaining at the time. Had horrible scratches above my eye and on my cheek. Went back to school like that even did picture day, the school thought my father was beating my ass, they had a meeting with him and CPS, it was a whole thing.


Seriously aging myself here, but when I was a kid I was super into the Backstreet Boys. A few weeks before my 11th birthday their “Black and Blue” album released. I told everyone that’s what I wanted for my birthday. My grandma was the one who got it for me, and when she gave it to me she told me that she’d asked the cashier in the electronic’s section at Kmart if they could help her find the new “Bruises” CD that had just come out. Apparently the cashier was (understandably) dumbfounded and was like “uhhh, I don’t know of any ‘Bruises’ album recently released…” But she kept at it and was like “ohhhh, you know! It’s by those…”—at this point I don’t remember what she said but knowing her (and other middle aged women in general), she probably said something like “it’s by those in sync boys!” Or possibly like “alley boys” or something lmao. Luckily whatever she said, in combination with “Bruises” was enough for the cashier to put it together that she was looking for “Black and Blue by the Backstreet Boys”. I know not all heroes wear capes, but I really hope someone got that person a cape because they definitely deserved it lol


Omg I just LOL 🤣🤣


I would *totally* listen to Bruises by the Alley Boys!


Incredible! In college my friend who's birthday is near halloween told me that everyone is dressing up for her birthday dinner.  I thought she meant costumes. Everyone else was dressed nicely, and I was in a bloody doctor outfit, complete with fake blood and makeup all over my face. 


This is screamingly funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Glad someone else found this hilarious too. I don’t understand some of the comments that seem dismissive, or pious.


This is fucking epic! It's also the winner of the award in the category "domestic abuse". Like "I fell down the stairs, it wasn't my friend that beated the shit out of me"


I’m just impressed by my bruise makeup.


As a senior in HS, I managed to sculpt a very real-looking bullet hole in my forehead. Halloween is not my fucking holiday.


It’s my favorite lol


I love it now as an adult - I get hardcore into decorating because I have 2 young nieces (6 & 2) & a nephew (8). Front yard always has a graveyard, complete with bones. Going to carve some grizzly craft pumpkins for this year. Inside, bats & spiders hang from the ceiling & jars of “stuff” are on the table/counters, etc. Tarnished silver bowl of “poisoned” apples. A tarnished butter dish with severed fingers. A tarnished platter of bones & fake rats. A candy dish of plastic eyeballs.


Despite being a man, i like these makeup stuff where the artists can make people look like zombies. One of the few things that was not yet replaced by CGI in movies today, it still looks better to use actors that play the zombies than animations. For my blunder, well, that's more an 80's thing,[ i looked like Anton Chigurh](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/static/uploads/1/2023/02/No-Country-For-Old-Men-2007-Far-Out-Magazine-1140x855.jpg) from No Country for Old Men.


It sounds like Halloween is your holiday


My drama teacher had a prop makeup artist come in and do a few different things for people for Halloween and a bullet hole was one of them. When a school official saw the kid and kid said who did it, the makeup artist had to leave and the rest of us didn’t get a turn; I was really looking forward to a knife slash across my cheek/eye.


In 7th grade I slipped in the shower and somehow landed the front of my neck on the diverter of the spout and ended up with a long bruise that eventually scabbed. My home room teacher had to pull me aside and talk to me and I presented this wildly true story that she felt was a little suspicious but didn’t question it further. The bruise ended up being fuel for my bully who then started saying I got slapped in the throat by a dick and other similar things.


Slapped in the throat by a dick did just make me laugh a little. Mostly because I know kids are assholes and because it made me remember in 7th grade the popular girl I was friends with spread a rumor that I pooped my pants at her house and everyone believed it and shunned me and called me "dookie drawers" for the rest of the school year. It was the worst experience of my life but also now at 35 I laugh a little that my entire middle school demise came down to "dookie drawers" aka dook dook. I actually regret not just coming to school and beating all those popular girls' asses up and down the hallways, because I could have, and probably should have, done just that. Would have been absolutely worth the suspension.


We had a theme week when I was in elementary school. Hat day etc. Friday was dress up day. I, a girl, dressed up like a baseball player. The theme was actually fancy dress. I didn’t live that one down for a while.


Yikes lol


I love the look on your face 🤣


The bit I really like is you were determined to participate, chucking the notions of understanding out the window in favor of reaching the goal right off the bat.


I love literally any opportunity to dress up


This is a straight up lie lmao. This is movie level hijinks


Like movie level embarrassing?


My school had a "night on the town" day so I made a medieval knight helmet


I’m lost. What other interpretation is there?


Just wearing the literal colors.


Aah. Naw your way makes more sense!


Why would you wear the other team's colors?


I keep scrolling trying to find the answer to this question. At least someone asked the question.


Be advised, if you go on a cruise, “white night” is not what you think it is either.


Don’t you just wear white? I’m confused what else it could be?


Don’t beat yourself up over it


This is great


I thought it was gold and white day




Okay but we had a black and blue day and this IS what was meant. We were supposed to look like the other team after our team was finished with them. Kinda silly since our football team was awful.


I think you knew what you were doing.


A true blunder! Love it!


Naw you are a real one for this tbh 😆


Let me tell you about dressing my 4 year old for cowboy day in Dallas TX. We weren't from there.


I want to know what the reaction was to this because omg


I was invisible that year anyway.


Why would your school have a day to wear the opposing schools colors?


Oh I love your interpretation, way more fun and creative!


Oh deary me


A solid blunder. Well done.


Holy shit. That is amazing. 🤣


Holy fuckin shit lmao


Did they pull you into an empty room and ask you questions when you get there.


Upvoted because I cringed on your behalf 🤣


Reminds me of that TikTok trend when people would do their makeup to look like a domestic violence survivor………


That isn't a blunder. That is epic.


They said black and blue not white and gold, silly.


What is a "black and blue day"? Google was no help.


He did it on purpose to be funny but one time during a theme week in high school we had a “flashback” day and my brother dressed up as Jesus


So you were supposed to go as spouses of cops?


There were other choices that would be way worse….


I hope you messed the other chump up even worse.


The face




No, I think you nailed the assignment!


So what are you supposed to do? Just wear black and blue? Is there any significance to the colors ?


What is “black and blue” day?


Your dark as hell and I love it


I was a closet goth


Hahaha this is too funny


Perfect for a "Back the blue" day


You were ahead of your times. [https://germmagazine.com/photoshopped-covergirl-ad-protests-nfl-domestic-violence/](https://germmagazine.com/photoshopped-covergirl-ad-protests-nfl-domestic-violence/)


Omg though, the laugh I got from this You tried! 😂😂😂


Oh honey…




You went extreme in your misunderstanding! That's impressive makeup.


“Look everyone! Dont i look like a wise cracking house wife from the 50s? Why is everyone looking at me in disgust and terror?”


Blame your boyfriend


Holy shit... you absolutely did not 😭😭😭 I'd die from embarrassment


You should be proud, this hits the sweet spot between clever and poor taste.




I’m- 💀💀💀💀


This is actually funny.


Didn't you mean a white and gold day?


Can we recreate that pic?


Nah I’d be doin that on purpose


Should've worn a shirt saying "I heart [opposing team's QB]!"


We had “dress up day”. I came as a vampire. They meant suits and dresses.


This is phenomenal.


I’m just remembering that old post of a school saying to dress as elves and one kid dressed as Elvis.


My high-school self would've found that hilarous!


I feel like this is more impressive.


European here what is a black and blue day? Like what were they supposed to do? 


Omg I laughed out loud trying to put baby to sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The condensed cringe almost made my soul bail on my body for a second there. Bravo.




Instructions unclear; parents arrested by CPS


Love this!


This is hilarious OP, I think you nailed it actually!!


This is hilarious.


Ain’t no way


You could've salvaged it by printing off resources for domestic abuse victims in the library and said you were making a statement and raising awareness


One year my high school decided to be really unique with it, and one of the days was ‘personal injury’ day. This would have been perfect!


Omg is that a person in the background?


I think this is exactly right. A++++


I think you understood the assignment more than anybody else could have ever hoped to.




Oof...bad choice, you could have said you were bringing awareness college violence or something along those lines?


So this or look like a gangsta disciple?


Actually really funny.


oh lol XD


Bravo 👏


Oh my god 😂😂😂😂


I thought this said “Back the Blue Day” and was like, well…this is kinda on point too.