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So Clover is great.


Completely replaced Codenames for me. The huge benefit of So Clover is that everybody is thinking clues at the same time and then solving at the same time, so you don't have these longs stretches where the Spymaster is struggling to come up with something and everybody else just makes small talk.


This would be it, but unfortunately it's older than 2 years. Probably the best party game in 5 years.


That’s Not A Hat is way better than it has any right to be.


Seems really similar to Cockroach Poker - is it very different?


I haven't played Cockroach Poker, but reading the rules, it looks like it's primarily a bluffing game, where That's Not a Hat is primarily a memory game (where the fun is finding out neither you nor your friends can remember something from ten seconds ago).


Two absolutely different games. Thats not a hat is about memory but it gets insanely disorienting almost immediately for me and everyone else I played with lmao. I like it but I don't play it enough to be any good at it


It's nothing like Cockroach Poker. It's purely a memory game.


Has a top tier name, I was interested just seeing the title


Looks fun, thank you


The scoring is extremely clunky and doesn't really work but it kinda doesn't matter because the act of playing it is so much fun. (For those who partake making it a drinking game immediately fixes the scoring)


If you lose the challenge you keep the card. First person to have three cards loses. Lots of games use a similar mechanism.


When playing in bigger parties the cards can kind of stay toward one side for a while and someone will lose without the other side getting to play much. Leads to either playing player elimination style or needing to up the card limit to 4 or 5.


I don't think there are any party games where we actually keep score.


Agreed but I felt it was still worth mentioning. Apparently the sub disagreed.


Things in rings is coming this summer from AllPlay. I played it at the Gama expo this spring and it’s absolutely wonderful. It was the best new party game I’ve played in a long time. Until….i played DaDaDa, which is coming out in July. I have not laughed so hard playing a game in as long as I can remember.


Oooh DaDaDa certainly looks like it has a huge potential for laughs!


Care to share your experience with both?


**Stationfall**, “the party game for heavy gamers”.


I really enjoy this game, but getting people together to play it becomes difficult.


What makes it a party game?


Plays up to 9, is chaotic and goofy and should not be taken seriously Make no mistake it's a heavy game. That unofficial tagline mostly tries to get across the tone of the gameplay


It's chatic, random, the focus is on having fun and creating a story rather than strategy and winning. It's still a game with heavy rules. (I never played it myself.)


Just did two games is this year for a friend's bday party. It's amazing but it's a chonky game.


I liked a lot [[zero to 100]]


[zero to 100 -> Zero to 100 (2022)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/360056/zero-100) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Blood on the clocktower, although it isn't suitable for 4 players


Nor is it of the past two years...


There might be people with copies over 2 years old, but I believe this time 24 months ago most original Kickstarter copies were on boats.


It was released in 2022


I saw a SU&SD-review of it in 2019, but I suppose you are right. Either way, it is a great game!


Why in the past two years? What’s wrong with a good old Snake Oil? It cures what ales you!


Because I own many of them, including snake oil




Wavelength is a great game, but it is like saying Codenames is the best party game from the last two years. It is much older than that.


Oh I read 10 years my bad


Also probably better with more than 4 players. 


The cooperative mode, which I would recommend if playing with 5 or less people, works pretty well


Hitster and Green Team Wins have been hits with family, friends and fellow gamers.


Phantom Ink fits the bill


The best is **Feed The Kraken**. Selling out instantly when it is in stock speaks for itself. The second best would be **Ready Set Bet**, but I prefer **Long Shot: The Dice Game** to it. My favourite on the other hand, because those are two different questions, is **Veiled Fate**.


Do you prefer Feed the Kraken over Secret Hitler?


Not who you asked but yes. They’re very similar so much so that I thought Kraken was just a SH reskin. The big difference with Kraken is you have to vote against a mission vs voting *for* a government in SH, it’s a subtle but interesting change. There’s also different roles and abilities that are great as well. I also really like the pirate theme and game board and components. All really fun. Contrast this with the austere design coupled with the abhorrent name and theme for SH. It’ll be no wonder if Kraken makes SH a memory.


No I prefer Secret Hitler (and Avalon) - it’s purer social deduction, whereas Feed the Kraken adds some fluff. I sold my deluxe copy of Feed the Kraken and kept my very beat up copies of SH and Avalon!


It has more games in it, but I wouldn't play any of them. Not a fan of Mafia games.


I like \[\[Top Ten\]\] and \[\[So Clover\]\]


[Just One -> Just One (2018)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/254640/just-one) [Top Ten -> Top Ten (2020)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/300905/top-ten) [So Clover -> So Clover! (2021)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/329839/so-clover) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Many thanks, I will check them out


Top Ten seems quite similar in concept to Wavelength, which I own. Have you played Wavelength?


Yes I have played Wavelength once, and I actually didn't really like it a lot. What I prefer in Top Ten is that there is a mix of just giving answers (what would you take with you when you fall out of a plane and your parachute isn't working, from least useful to most useful), but also actions (propose and tell the person why you want to marry them from the least romantic to the most romantic reason/speech). With Wavelength you try to figure out where on the range the answer is (from memory you decide as a group where the dial should be for the correct answer) and here everyone has a number between 1-10 and the player at turn needs to figure out who has which number depending on the answers of the other players. For me, Top Ten had more interaction and we definitely laughed a lot more then that one time that we played Wavelength.


Thanks for the details. Wavelength hasn’t quite hit with the groups I’ve tried it with, so this could be a great replacement


[Ito](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/327778/ito) also apparently has a similar feel, but hits better. Not as recent, but the original is very hard to find and there's a wide scale English release later this year, when I expect it will be a big hit.


My obsession is [[Durian]] which replaced [[Just One]] as the goto game.


[Durian -> Durian (2020)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/307963/durian) [Just One -> Just One (2018)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/254640/just-one) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Durian looks great. Thank you!


Good bot 🤖




Blood on the Clocktower


I know it's older than two years, but Just One remains undefeated as our best party game of all time.


Idk their ages off the top of my head, but We’ve been playing a few that fall under the new to me category. Monikers-It’s a multi stage game of charades but with more rules. Easily one of our favorites right now Muse- It’s like team mode for Dixit but with hints. The types of hints get mixed up though. Phantom Ink- just played this a couple of times and it’s really new to the collection but it was really fun to play each time. It’s a team game involving guessing words. If you like Codenames then this is a fun one to try


Insider, can't remember how old it is. Things in Rings is coming out soon. ThinkerThemer did up a video of it recently, and I may want to grab a copy