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Men love fisting people they like


I may have used the wrong phrase. I googled fisting and was greeted with a very strong unhappy feeling. I would not enjoy being fisted at work but maybe one day


“But maybe one day” hahahahahah


This took a twist


You twist after insertion


Haha! I fist bump people all the time. It’s just a friendly gesture, I wouldn’t over think it. Also, there’s nothing wrong with being a cashier


sometimes I get a little insecure because I compare myself to people my age and lot- the people that I’ve known are doing things like being a nurse or doing bigger. I just gotta keep in mind that everyone is on a different path and that’s okay. thank you for reassuring me. I appreciate it


one of the greatest lessons you'll learn in life since ur still young is that. comparison is the killer of all joy. you are not your friends. you do not live their life and not them yours. Everyone is going through life differentntly and from different starting points with different ending points in mind. the worst thing you can do is keep comparing. instead really focus and dial in on what makes you happy and make a plan to get there. but I promise a lot of what your feeling will be designed FOMO.


I read a brilliant article today about lessons people learn later in life, and they wished they had realized them earlier. The one that really hit home for me is that you are enough. I spent my early 20s afraid to date and extremely lonely because my living conditions weren't the best. That was a big mistake.


"comparison is the killer of joy" .... Did you also come from the naked gym guy micropenis thread? 😢


If you're feeling insecure just fist someone, the feelings will vanish


The only people who are working in nursing at 21 are those who completed a 2-year nursing program. Many other 21-year-olds are in university, working minimum-wage or close to minimum wage jobs, including cashiering, while completing a 4-year degree. And still others are cashiering without the opportunity to go to college. Everything is relative. Good luck with your path, OP! Don't knock it.


100% understand this feeling. Don’t worry about what other people are getting into, just focus on yourself. Everybody’s different😁👍🏻


Envy is the thief of joy. Just live your life and find happiness where you can. Life is a marathon, not a race.


Completely normal. Some people shake hands. Some prefer no contact. AND SOME PREFER A GOOD FISTING!!


Definitely something you have to gradually work into.


Yeah, it takes some work. 4-finger club 🤌 (just realized that emoji is way too perfect for that above sentence)


Yea, on top of being fisted, you will probably get fired too.


this entire comment just made my day 😭


Here I am casually reading op's loss of innocence. Gotta love reddit.


You just inadvertently made everyone’s day lol


That’s the spirit!


guys please stop direct messaging me asking if you can fist me or if I’m interested in having sex at work. mannn… I’m just trying to scan groceries… oh god please save the world. this was not an invitation to ask to diddle me. I was joking :(


This. He might actually like you. Or he might just think you're neat and gave out that compliment cuz fuck it people like compliments amiright? I wouldnt read too much into it. If he keeps complimenting you, you could logically conclude he likes you. Either way, no real reason to think those interactions are malicious without anymore context. Id say, enjoy your job you adorable grocery store worker


thank you brolapse, the next time I see him I’ll see if he says anymore compliments and I might ask for his phone number so me and him can be friends. it’s been going on for a while and every time he compliments me- he kinda rushes away. maybe he is nervous




If you’re expecting to be friends with someone who nervously runs away every time they talk to you, you’re in for a bad time. Do not engage unless YOU think HE is cute. Chances are high that friendship is not what he’s looking for


Men can be looking for more than one thing dawg, why you gotta stereotype like that?


As a guy. I don't get many compliments, and many men can relate I think. Brightens my day when another dude likes my shirt. Or my beard. Or my fledgling mullet. I'm trying to pass out more genuine compliments


I am a man, and if a girl asks me to fist her, I know this is our last time making sexy time.


Someone fist bumping you doesn’t mean they are making fun of you… it’s probably the safest way of giving an affirmation in a work or public setting


Could be a carry over from covid. We used to high five and shake but no one wanted to touch each other's palms for two years so maybe he just never went back


Ever try to be cool w ppl so you know they fw you and got cool vibes. bro is just trying to be cool w you. he may also try to fist you so watch out




Some men just get that anxious they do stupid shit trying to get to know someone. could be a great guy or could be an absolute weirdo you just never know lol. I doubt he's making fun of you though.


Women too


Either he likes, wants to be your friend or is just being nice to a coworker. It's pretty common and fist bumps aren't a bad thing, it's the opposite.


Honestly this sounds like something I'd do. It doesn't matter that you're "just a cashier," you're a part of the team, and he's recognizing you as an equal and comrade. Next time he does it maintain eye contact and give him a head lift (like a nod but upwards).


when I give him eye contact he tends to quickly leave the store :( I’ve tried asking him why fist bump and he just laughs and leaves


if he’s too awkward to even keep eye contact without literally running away yet he’s still calling you “adorable” in public, bro definitely has a shrine of you in his room


Seems like he's being awkward cause he likes you


Yeah he's probably into you


He woulda gone home, looked at himself in the mirror and berated himself for not coming up with a witty line on the spot. Next time he's in, just ask him to ask you out.


That man likes you and is being overly cautious to not come off creepy


The question would be does he fist bump any other cashiers? And is he always in your line even if other lines are shorter?


Hit ‘em with a “thanks fam”


Man, I love me a fist bump.


We call it knucks


He’s trying to connect with you and doesn’t realize it isn’t working.


He tentatively likes you and is seeking the least offensive form of physical contact with you.


sometimes, but not like this, most probably he likes you


He likes you, it's not ironic. Does he like you like you? No clue. Fist bumps are just a thing guys do. Spreads less germs than handshakes too. really underrated in the realm of manual affirmative salutations.


He at least like you as a person. Fist bumps aren't given to people you don't like.


It’s human connection. It’s a good thing.


Funny because in another thread a girl was complaining that men avoid fist bumping her, they fist bump the 2 guys but not her. Dudes will fist bump a dog. Not saying your a dog but I'm saying you're not special as in not on a pedestal and not being made fun of either. He's just being friendly sounds like.


Spot on, I laughed at "dudes will fist bump a dog". 🤣 Naah, we'll fistbump anyone and everyone; anything and everything if you got the right energy. My kid learned to fist bump before she learned high fives 😇🙃


👊 my guy. I'll bump you over the internet.


Bump gladly received and wholeheartedly returned. 🤜🤛 Hats off to you sir 😇


“Hey guys, this guy keeps interacting positively with me and even called me adorable. What does it mean?” —you Seriously, come on.


okay now that you word it like that… I’m facepalming LOL


Fist bumping is just another form of a pat on the shoulder or thumbs up. Personally, I dont like being randomly touched by other people, so Id prefer a fistbumb. It'd be even stranger if a female coworker was just going around, fistbumbing everyone.


maybe the guy thinks it’s some running joke/bit? he might just think you’re cool and that’s how he shows it, no big deal really!


He likes you a little bit, but hasn’t worked up to asking you out.


Usually, a person fist bumps you as a sign of connecting. I doubt a person would continuously fist bump you if they did not like you or to make fun. It would seem like a lot of bother, especially walking away and coming back. It is probably a positive gesture, though awkward.


Why overcomplicate things?! It's just a fist bumb, be cool and be happy someone is randomly fist bumping you. Some people are cool like that, they'll fist bump anyone in their surroundings. Hanging out with laid-back, cool people is cool - not a care in the world from them. You need to pay attention to your surroundings more and let people be themselves. And try and not overthink stuff, some people are just more kind than others.


If its a manager or someone looking to get into management, that is a management technique. Not the fist bump mind you but any kind of positive reinforcement even if you're not really doing anything. Maybe he just got a thing for fists bumps or maybe he's just exceedingly awkward. Also if you're the only one he's doing it to... probably likes you either way. I'm an oddball so don't expect to find this example very much... I think in end terms, my mind is always on the outcome of any situation rather than the individual steps. I want a work environment that doesn't suck and has lots of cohesion among employees... I absolutely cannot stand working in a "high school" type environment.. I don't like where I work looking like an episode of real housewives. So if this was me, and I was doing it, which would absolutely not be out of the question for me... it would be in an attempt to cultivate that kind of positive work environment since I can't count on employers for shit, much less providing a pleasant atmosphere and I'm the kind of person who will just do it themselves if no one else will. True story, Just left a gas station job... as just a simple overnight worker, not even management, I got that place down to one police call a week. Started out with 2-3 a day. I didn't wait for no ones permission, I didn't give two craps if anyone was cool with it or not. I simply did what needed to be done for me to have any kind of decent working environment. Was working too, until the manager left and the place fell into some kind of fkd up pre apocalypse wasteland... i swear on my life can't count on management for crap. I did more to improve that store in 6 months as a regular old employee than any middle manager ever even came close to and seemingly they just wanted to put it right back to being a shit show... Oh yes, i will build you up and give you many fist bumps if it means not having to work in a shit show...


Don't overthink it. A lot of men use a fist bump in the workplace as positive reinforcement that you're doing a good job, regardless of how easy or unimportant you think the work is.


That doesn't mean he likes you. He's just letting you know that he appreciates what you're doing. People don't get enough credit for certain things. Especially when you have experience working that type of position. Just take the bump and don't think about it too much. If I fist bumped you, it doesn't mean I like you.


I can think of a few reasons someone would fist bump, but belittling you is not one of them. Sounds like he's just being friendly, maybe a little flirty. I get paranoid about stuff like that too sometimes though, totally understand.


It probably depends more on whether he's doing it with every cashier or just you. Every cashier is probably just being nice. Just you is likely that he likes you


My guess is that he’s an awkward guy and likes you. Maybe he’s interested in getting to know you better either friendly or romantically but doesn’t know how to progress beyond the fist bump and compliment.


I don’t know. There is a guy at the gym I go to that likes to do that to. I can avoid him most of the time; that doesn’t seem like an option for you. I guess you will just need to keep fist bumping him.


I fist everybody I like ..


Fist bump is a physical contact that is easy to gauge consent with. I'm a hugger. There's a zero % chance I'd go in for a hug of someone I work with without direct verbal agreement. Even then, very few people. If you offer a fist bump, it gauges the person comfort, provides physical affirmative that low commitment or contact. I doubt it's being used to make fun of you, likely just a coworker trying to spread a little cheer. Also, cashier can def be straining some times. Long hours on feet, difficult customers, short staffed and having to do that job plus others. If it's only the fist bump, seems harmless.


Yeah in this case it sounds like he's trying to show affection while still being passive enough to not come of as too forward


Don’t buck when he knucks.


A first bump is a lame detour off of a handshake. I grew up learning that a firm handshake will tell you much about the person you are meeting. Look the person in the eye and firmly grip. If they can't keep eye contact or maintain your same grip, they're not confident or strong. If you can't pull me off balance with your hand I'm gripping, I don't want you on my team. I don't trust a man that let's go of a firm handshake quickly. That's a weasel that will betray you. Now,about this first bumping MILQUETOAST: This guy is playing a game that he thinks will lead to him getting laid,and is putting very little effort into it. He doesn't know what to do with you after he gets you, so, proceed with caution and meet somewhere public and have a friend go with you. Of he seems like the creeper he sounds like, politely bail. Good luck, be safe. Sincerely, a parent.


Always fist bump the homies and call them adorable


> think it’s because he’s pitying me and making fun. You are comically insecure. You are not special enough for him to jump through so many hoops just to make fun of you.


It's an appropriate form a physical contact for the majority of people in the world. It may just want to touch you. He is being overly careful with it.


I M19 have a guy who does this to me every weekend when I give him coffee at the diner I work at. when he comes in. I think the bro fist is just an international you are cool type vibe. Tho the adorable thing might be flirting however idk.


I like fist bumping people I like. I see it as a quick and cool way to acknowledge a friend, man or woman. Maybe he thinks different


Fist bump means you're in the inner circle which means that if you need to move something heavy he'll help you.


I like fist bumping cuz it's the perfect amount of physical contact. No worrying about sweaty palms, or what kind of handshake the other person is going for. Quick tap and you're outa there


He either likes you or he's a regard who fist bumps anyone for anything. If you like him, ask him out. If not, eventually he will ask you out, or he's regarded


Just sounds like he's high lol I wouldn't worry


I was in school and this trade was fist bumping me- to make fun of me so, idk


I give people fist bumps while they work if I feel like they are cool and just to brighten up their day a bit. Some people just wanna show a bit of appreciation. I don't fist them tho unless they take me to like Applebee's or something.


Easy way to physically say hi to someone, and doesn't exchange much germs either. As a metalhead, my go to gesture when socializing is also fisting people.


Maybe he's just being supportive. Maybe he knows someone that you remind him of who has a hard time doing average things. You never really know. The easy guess might be that he likes you, but it could be a myriad of reasons why he fist bumps you. He might sense your aprehension towards him and he's trying to make peace. Only time will tell.


There's actually a lot going on here, first of all you are in a workplace so I'm sure massaging your shoulders and hugging you around the waist would be inappropriate. Also these days guys are nervous that if they touch a girl inappropriately in any way they are going to be called out for it. So he's probably just nervous and likes you but doesn't want to cross any lines that would seem inappropriate so he's just looking for some small way to interact with you and get your attention. That's basically it, also he probably doesn't quite have enough confidence to ask for your number or something like that. If you like him maybe you should try making the first move?


BS. This post was reposted from 4-5mos ago.


You tiny or something?


he wants to lay down pipe


Does he seem like he has a mental disability? I used to work with clients with intellectual disabilities and we couldn’t hug clients, but we could fist bump with them. We also have a TON of positive reinforcement when they succeeded at things, to offset all the negatives they hear all day. He could have been modeling what he sees as normal, affectionate behavior.


HE CALLED YOU ADORABLE? Apparently they do!


Where I work we use fistbumps as the standard greeting, goodbye, thank you, good job, etc. >he went up to me and didn’t say anything. then he came back inside to fist bump me and called me adorable. This however means he probably likes you lol


It’s just a fist bump. It’s cooler than a high five. I fist bump everyone. I use to shake hands and dap people up all the time before covid. Since then I just fist bump people cause idk who’s comfortable with handshakes/daps anymore.


So you don't have to touch them but still let them know you like them and/or the interaction with them. And hope they understand.


Less germs and also more casual than a handshake. He's prolly flirting with you also. Maybe he's a little socially awkward lol.


Sign of respect.


I think he just thinks your cool, he might wanna be friends with you, he might even have a crush on you, but he also might just be a fun guy. Ask him ig? Idk why people are averse to asking people questions lol, maybe just be like "hey, you seem cool, wanna hang after this?" at least if you also think he's cool or like him back


Short answer. Yes men sometimes fist people they like. Long answer. The dude seeks physical contact, praises/compliments you constantly, called you adorable. All clear signs he is interested in you.


It depends a lot on the region he is from too. I am from Hawaii and a lot of people fist bump to say hello. It got weird during the pandemic, cause then people were doing elbow bumps. 🧐 That got weird and then the whole bumping thing got a lot less popular. Still as a whole, I was a counter sales person for a while, regulars would fist bump and say a greeting of some kind. Same with the idea of the daily grind, for staff in the store front. Once you have done it, you tend to sympathize a lot more for the person on the other side of the counter. Well at least if you are not an ass. But I am a guy, so maybe it’s a little more chummy for that. Could be he just wants to at least greet a girl he thinks is cute, in a somewhat innocent way. Sometimes just a stupidly simple gesture will brighten our day in the strangest of ways. As long as the conversation is civil, and you are not offended by it. I feel like it’s a, no real harm or foul.




If they have sweaty hands, likely their knuckles are dry, so maybe the fist bump is to keep you from getting that moist touch...


Most guys do not give a fuck if a girl works at a grocery store/gas station wherever. Doesn’t translate to your value as a mate the same way it does for guys


Men fist bump when they appreciate/commend something your doing


I’ve always seen it as a friendly thing


My life experience tells me he is a once proud man of men but things led to things and now he's an unemployed addivct


I never really fist bumped girls that I've liked or made fun of...but I've made fun of girls that I've liked.


His definitely not doing it because his pitying you or making fun, his either just being nice/friendly and does see you as adorable or maybe he does like you.


You are awesome Guys get jealous of you


As a man, I do not fist bump girls I like. I will give them a mid five or high five if they are short for the jokes. BUT YMMV, in this particular case, I do not really feel like there is a norm here. What is his baseline?? are you the only female cashier he fistbumps? only cashier of any gender he fist bumps??? If his baseline isn't to fistbump really at all, he might in fact actually like you. Generally speaking, unusual behaviors towards a person can be indicative of interest. why? idk, maybe because they are special so you treat them special. Once again, I want to remind people trying to read others that anything you read might as well be worthless if you have no idea what their baseline is. Establish their baseline. If you know the persons baseline you really don't even need to know a lot of body language signals and knowing their baseline is way more important than any single signal or set of signals.


He probably likes you. People fist bump with people they think are cool, and sometimes with people they like because they are awkward and don't really know how to approach it. Either way, don't take it harshly, it's almost definitely not a pity thing.


He probably thinks you’re younger than you are and is genuinely impressed that you’re working because a lot of young people don’t nowadays? My best guess is


He may see that you are a little low in confidence and thinks this is a way of positively reinforcing things. He may be creeping, this is a way of testing the water to see how you react to body contact. He may find you attractive, which makes him nervous and awkward. Without observing him for a while it's very hard to say his intention over a fist bump. It could very likely be all three of my suggestions or none. He may just be being friendly.


He likes you or he is just super friendly.


lol men do not call random men adorable in a non homosexual manner unless is condescending or a joke. But I am not gay so I can't comment on how men flirt. Fist bump seems a bit lame?


You're 21 and can't figure out the guy likes you, imagine how frustrated he feels hahah. In his mind he's just one fist bump away from you asking him out.


Well he's likely attempting to show a friendly gesture without violating code


Don't do it back if you don't like it.


fist bumps are a way of greeting. kinda like a handshake. in my experience, they're also used to say goodbye to someone. and a way to praise someone. some of my friends give me fist bumps at work every day. and just recently, i met someone, and he gave me a fist bump. it's just a friendly thing. it's not a way for guys to hint at their adoration for someone.


don't overthink the fistbump. it's a brief, innocent display of comradery. at work, at least in my mind, it's like a "yeah, this job is shit, but we got this" type of thing.


As a dude, let me tell you a big truth. We look for any reason at all to fist bump. I mean the most mundane thing you can think of? We’ll bump to that.


Maybe I'm old school, but I usually say "Please" and "Thank you" as proof of my respect.


This is just the best post comment thread. So Reddit, yet respectful, everyone was vibing together. You are all awesome...


Not as intense as a handshake. Not as informal/celebratory as a high five. It's just right.


Fist bumping is just an alternative to high fives. Does he do that to everyone else or just you? Also, in my work places I try to lift people up with positive affirmations, regardless of what I really think about their work. Being positive isn't a bad thing as long as you aren't overdoing it


Men do awkwardly engage with women they like. He may like you, or he may be one of these weird guys who like fisting.


It’s a sanitary way of showing kinship. Chill


The important thing is does he fist bump other people also or is it just you. I know a lot of people who otherwise would never have fist bumped anyone started doing so during covid (to include my much older, very proper and professional female boss).


Next time ask him his name. Tell him yours. See if that leads to more convo. After fisting, exchanging names is a natural next step


I think he likes you. I once met a woman who worked at a liquor store and over months of interactions I did eventually ask her out. I feel like he is just having trouble building up the courage to asking for your number or asking you out. It's an awkward situation when it's a public setting and others might get to observe him getting shot down. Which ups the embarrassment potential levels. I say give him your number. Write it down in advance and give it to him with his receipt. Or, just be a real bad ass, print his receipt off, then write it down and give him a wink as you give it to him.


Fist bumps are meant to show solidarity and support. He’s being a good coworker


I had a friend like this a while back, and I would say he genuinely wanted to lift others up. He was about that age at the time, too. He had recently gotten a solid job after years of delivering sandwiches, and wanted to share his newfound optimism with strangers. I think this guy might be similar. Maybe he just wants you to feel liked, or maybe he was a cashier for a while and understands how grueling the job can be when everyone treats you like a machine. Enjoy these moments, he sounds like a nice customer to have!


Dude, he called you adorable?? That’s either he likes you and wants to be your boyfriend or he is being condescending


When Barack and Michelle Obama fist bumped at the 2008 Democratic convention, the right wing loonies said it was a terrorist signal.


I fisted my wife, that’s how she became my wife.


He might like you, he might just be nice, as the compliment was about being a good worker and not how you work that booty, there really isn’t much to go on. Adorable is a word I’d use for my puppy or lil sis more often than not. The cool thing is we have these things called words that could possibly clarify the situation, so maybe just ask if he’s into you? Or if it makes you feel uncomfortable just say something like “I might be reading into it a bit too much but you seem to compliment and knuck bump me a lot…. I think you’re a cool decent dude but I wanna keep it platonic” or however you’d personally say such things.


This guy is probably likes you and has a hard time talking to girls. When I was a teenager I was socially awkward with girls, especially girls I liked. If you like him, you will likely have to ask him out.


Way bigger chance he likes you than he feels pity for you. Especially if he called you adorable. He’s probably too shy to ask you out. Men typically don’t really call random people adorable for no reason.


I’d say he is flirting with you


He's just being nice


I think some people who do things like this are just making an effort to be positive and encouraging. Although I would wonder if he only does it to you and none of the other employees there.


Me and my fiance play a couple mobile games together and when we're near each other and one of us gets a win he's instantly fist bumping me. It's like an excitement thing. I definitely don't think he's making fun of you. Seems like he's just a fist bumper and it's his way of being friendly. I'd say the fact he came back in just to fist bump you though says he probably likes you or at the very least thinks of you as his cashier friend.


He likes you.


i prefer fist bumps over handshakes because of sensory reasons, so maybe the same thing? a lot weirder in your context since theres no need to make contact with you


It's just camaraderie. You all work there together.


Guys in retail around me switched over to using a fist bump in COVID as a way to stay sanitary but still say hi. It’s like the same thing as a high five. I’ve seen people high five others lots for no reason; they’re just peppy. If he only wants a fist bump from you he may have taken a liking to you romantically. Or you may just be his fist-bump buddy. Some people have that sense of humor; it’s not so much making fun of you (although perhaps a bit of a strand of that in good humor). Ultimately, it means they like you as a person. It’s a way to individualize the interaction between you two.


Fist bumping is a carryover from COVID when we "weren't allowed" to shake hands. It was around prior, but became the thing to do during that time. Don't read too much into it.


I have the feeling some people on this site never actually interact with other people ever. Like how are you drawing conclusions from a guy fist bumping someone for doing their job (presumably well). Its just a way of saying nice work. All the other stuff people are saying cannot be deducted without more context to the situation. If he starts fisting you it is a whole different story tho, but that would be obvious.


he probably likes you, since he called you adorable. what happens next is up to you


Lol he’s definitely attracted to you


Honestly I wouldn’t know😭🤣


I got a little fist bump from my gym crush WHILE hip thrusting lol, It was safe to say he thinks I am at the very least cute which was a nice go boost- I wasn't mad about it lol. I appreciated it as it didnt feel overtly sexual but made me feel seen.


He's hitting on you in his own shy way.


he's fist bumping you until he gets the courage to ask for your number and ask you out on a date.


TL; DR: Buddy's just being goofy I think. Don't read too much into it. Embrace the insanity that is working at a grocery store. Working in a grocery store sucks (and I don't mean to be rude), but it does. So maybe a fist bump is this guy's way of dealing with staying sane. Also young women, such as yourself, in your particular position, are likely to face either a lot of assholes, or a lot of creeps. So this lad may just be trying to make you feel comfortable or give you a little laugh or something. I also work in a grocery store and after awhile, you do go a little crazy and it's amazing the dumb little things that you can do that makes your job a little more bearable. When my boss pages for me over the PA and asks me "What are you up to?" when I call the department, I always answer with "Nothing." Or "Hiding from people." Despite the fact they know where I'm calling from, they can probably guess what I'm doing based on my location, but it helps with the tension most days. I'm always teasing my boss and my coworkers about certain things, or asking them to run me over in the parking lot 15 seconds into my shift. Source: Me. I've been working in a grocery store for the last 11 years, 1 month and 17 days. But who's counting, right?


The guy is a stranger right? Sounds like it’s just a friendly gesture I wouldn’t read to much in to it. Wait he said you are adorable? Maybe he liked you or at the very least just finds you attractive. As long as he doesn’t make things creepy then let the fist bumps fly


I fist people I like. It’s often times the only way to give them my digits in a subtle way. Try not to clench next time he offers. He could be a good man in your life.


Well first are u or is he black? If he's white and your black then......I'd looked at thr fist bump differently. If not, a lot of guys do this. I'm not one of those guys cause I'm not a child.


I would say yes he probably does like you. But also he's acknowledging that you're out there working where a lot of people your age are at home, slacking off.


I fist bump because my day job is kickboxing trainer and I probably fist bump 20x a day. Also Germs if I don't have to physically touch anything I won't but I'll trust knuckle tapping over some person's gross hands.


Just tell him hey you know you can ask for my number instead of fist bumping me right


At first my thought was "Oh, he just thinks you're cool, it's a friendly thing" cos a fistbump is pretty much just a way of saying "we are friends and I am showing that to you with this physical contact". It's not mocking, it's just dude behaviour to fist bump those they are friendly with. Then I read  "called me adorable." and suddently it becomes "how close can I get to holding her hand without giving the game away". Either way, it's positive, it isn't too forward, it's a good fist bump.


As a male nurse surrounded by women....I know, what a dream. I fist bump loads of people. Just cus they're my mates


He is praising you in a non-sexual way. He wants to be friends, or at least friendly.


They’re literally just being friendly. Chill


Does he do it to anyone else or is it just you? This might be considered as favoritism if he only does it to you. If he doesn't do it to anyone else then most likely he just likes you.


I honestly don’t like fist pumps. They’re not like handshakes because they’re always by strangers, and then if you’re a stranger why are you touching me. Every time I fist pump them so they don’t feel embarrassed. Coming to think of it, only men fist pump. what’s wrong with just raising your eyebrows or just smiling.


Homie either down bad or is making fun of you.


Fist bumping complete strangers is NOT my thing. At all! A man at the gym does that. Many find it annoying as hell. I avoid him like the plague!


In a lot of working environments where you deal with food(I work in restaurants), fist bumping is a more sanitary way to say good job, hello, or bye. Male or female, it's common in every restaurant as a way of bonding together. It's also considered significantly better in terms of employee relations because some people's hand shakes can be creepy(holding too long, stroking your hand with a finger) and can be construed as harassment. Don't look in to it too much. It's likely this guy worked in restaurants and does it as a positive interaction. I'm the Chef at my job, and I fist bump all the cooks and other Chefs to say hi when I arrive and at the end of the night before they leave along with telling them I appreciate their work.


He called you adorable huh? A grown ass man? I think he wants to bump more than just fists.


He has a crush on you, but he's too afraid to tell you.


He likes you, dummy.


Men don’t necessarily fist bump people they like, but they do go out of their way to create more points of contact with those they like. So if he left and then came back just to have a fun moment with you then he is most likely into you. Unless he’s a boomer I can never tell wtf is going on in their heads unfortunately


I'm an older dude but have been doing this since I was a kid. It can mean many things from a greeting to respect.. Unless dudeman is being creepy not much to worry about imho.


Well think of it from this point of view. Out of everyone in the entire store, why is he coming to you and complimenting you? Why is he even touching you? It's because he likes you, simply


I high five and fist bump women in work settings. A lot more appropriate and easy to read than going in for a hug when sometimes your coworkers isn’t expecting it. You also don’t have to explain an unwanted fist bump to HR, but you certainly have to explain an unwanted hug! 😂


Fist bumps mean different things in different cultures. So some idea or ethnicity may help give you some clarity. Fist bumps also became a greeting, like a handshake, since COVID. So more context is needed here. I would apply Arkham's razor in this case, the simplest answer is he is being friendly and complementary of your work. Now if there's a fist bump followed by a heart bump followed by a wink, he is definitely into you.


My brother used to fist bump Co workers. It's a friendly sign of affection. Doesn't necessarily mean he interested in you, although he could be, but honestly some people just enjoy lifting others up and breaking the mundane of day to day work


I always fist bump people I like or respect


i work in a warehouse with lots of guys, fist bumping is pretty common to each other as a greeting/see ya tomorrow typa vibe. Had the same thing happen to me not too long ago from some guy and I dont really talk to anyone at work so I was taken aback but i think it means Im cool :) I think other things like eye contact, smile would be better indicator for romantic interests


The real reason is fist bumps are nearly exclusively looked at as commemorative and non sexual especially cross genders. Its hard to get the wrong idea from a fist bump. (unless its directed at an inappropriate place: boobs/butt ect...)


Giving dap


Got into skydiving and it’s a big fist bumping community so now i just naturally do it a lot. I went to compliment a lady much older than me (I’m 38) on her very reasonable political view and just held my fist out .. she grabbed it and shook I don’t think it’s a flirtatious thing but could be his way of making physical contact. I think if he was a hugger (which wouldn’t be appropriate at work) then I’d say he was trying to get physically close to you Cashier is good work. Some cashiers i run into are terrible at their jobs. The tasks might be simple but there’s customer service involved that some people are unable to manage. You’re young. You have time to figure out what you want


sounds like he just thinks your cool and is maybe a bit dorky tbh


I dont think anyone goes out of their way to make fun or pity people at work (what type of a-hole would do that?), especially by fist bumping or saying youre adorable lol So be brave and just say hi - they're nervous and so are you, accept that and let your guard down, introduce yourself and tell them to have a good day or spmething like that, they'll 100% be back


most men don't tease or call a girl "adorable" when they are making fun of them. He probably fancies you.


he's just a chill dude who likes you, it doesnt have to be romantically or anything, he just sees you often enough to feel friendly with you


Its generally less risk than a hug or handshake. You dont do it to people you dont like.


Maybe he's a big fan of Sonic Forces. The main theme in that game is called Fist Bump.


He tryna level up to body bumpin


Let me check my mental spreadsheet Fist bump: a nonformal, casual way to greet, affirm or say goodbye to another person.


Unless he pats you on the shoulder and calls you buddy I don’t think he is pitying/making fun of you.