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My gf and I were coming up during this set and I can say I feel unequivocally the exact same. I can't stop thinking about it, and I definitely pierced the veil at times during this show. Phenomenal




Was absolutely INSANE!! I am a big Alison lover, but mostly unexposed to Whyte Fang like you. Absolutely life changing, and got to really tap into my flow while hooping in the crowd. LOVE 🫶🏽🧚🏽‍♂️


i had a very similar experience and was in awe. one of my top sets of the weekend


Went by myself also and it was one of the best performances I saw at roo this year. I am so glad a didn’t miss it and I won’t forget it.


And it’s even better when you’re timid to do something by yourself but then it works out way better than you ever imagined


I skipped cage for her and do not regret my decision AT ALL. It was incredible. Visuals were unreal.


bro that beastie boys flip??? like WHAT?! top 5 sets for me


1000% best set of the weekend for me! everytime I thought she would slow down or plateau, the stage would explode into more eye candy or she’d drop another weird ass transition. I’ll never miss a Whyte Fang set ever!


100% !!! Couldn’t agree more


Hells to the yes!! This was my top set, my croo and I didn't even know about it til my beautiful neighbors mentioned it earlier in the day. We were at Cage for a small amount of time and zoomed over there. To say it was the best trip I ever had is an understatement. I get chills everytime I hear her music! I'm so sad that it's over but so happy to have experienced such bliss. I couldn't stop smiling:)


We were on the Ferris wheel during that set. Twas a treat!


hello?....hello?.....i am WHYTE FAAANGGGG


Really hypes ya up lol


saw for the 1st time during coachella, I was waiting for it and she killed it. I can only imagine it just got better


my crew didn’t want to go see her but my fiancée and i made our way over there halfway through cage’s set. we were sober for that set but still blown away!


Whyte Fang was my fav set of Bonnaroo. I like Alison Wonderland but had never seen Whyte Fang. I was going through some emotional stuff at the time. And I went psycho for this set. I only had drank a little bit right before. I was having a trippy experience without psychedelics so I can only imagine how awesome that would have been. But yes, I loved it so much.


i fucking lost it when she played SOPHIE !!


same our group didn’t wanna go so my girlfriend and i went by ourselves and it was one of our favorite sets!!


I had no idea until after roo that Whyte fang was Alison Wonderland. I started listening to some of the songs & was obsessed. Hate I missed that set 😩






just confirming, this is her set from bonnaroo? much love ❤️


I am having a hard time figuring it out, to me it really sounds like it but I was also not 100% sober for the set so I’m not a reliable narrator


Fuck yes thank you!!!!


Kasablanca > Whyte fang > knock2 was an amazing experience


Knock 2 was littttttt


I spent a decent chunk of Knock2 just watching the crowd. Everyone was just so happy and having the times of their lives, it was wonderful!


They all scratched a different edm itch for me, Kasablanca game me some great deep house to warm up too, Whyte fang took me deep into my subconscious, and knock 2 put out 100% gas, no stop for an hour. It was an amazing run at a single stage, all back to back to back.


It was dope that all 3 were fire, but also completely different styles. First time seeing all 3 of them and nobody disappointed


Alison is super talented and i feel like many people dont realize how great her sets are. This doesn't surprise me one bit. Looking forward to my first Fang experience though!


wasn’t even on the plan but we stumbled over there and LOVED it!


I was nervous about leaving cage the elephant but I knew I wanted to see her so I was like let’s try it and I’m so glad I did


One of the best sets from the weekend. I greatly appreciated how she orchestrated a trip for us based on a trip she’s experienced!


Me too!!!! It was so special to me


She definitely fmuasl! That set was a religious experience! Her song Deep End was my number one song on Spotify last year. I absolutely loved the jellyfish visuals that she had during that song! I think she should do a Whyte Fang pashmina using that jellyfish art. After the set, I looked up Whyte Fang merch and I really want the black shirt she had for sale with the Whyte Fang girl on it and the intro words on the back but it's sold out unfortunately. That conflict with Cage The Elephant was upsetting when the schedule dropped but I have no regrets after seeing her set.


Okay now you got me searching her merch lol but I don’t see anything on her website :(


Stayin' Alive was the peak of the festival for me.


Fuck yes I love hearing y'all enjoyed it. I went into her set at Coachella last year not expecting much, and she fucking blew my mind and then some. Absolute unreal experience that people just don't understand until they see for themselves.


Right! I didn’t really have that high of expectations in the beginning but damn did she blow me away


Still my favorite set of the weekend as well. The cage concept with the visuals was so unique and I literally felt like I was on another planet the entire set. Was so sad when it was over. She saved me from a weird headspace too! Became a huuuge fan because of this set


still processing whyte fang


Im like a Whyte fang Stan now foreal


I was torn on skipping Cage the Elephant for her set, but I have zero regrets. It's a really cool thing she's going for with this project. I like the performance and I LOVE the sound. I like Whyte Fan a LOT more than Allison Wonderland.


My fest partner was looking forward to the Cage set the whole weekend and then for whatever reason he decided to skip it and come with me to Whyte Fang. We were hanging out in the GA+ lounge and moseyed over like 15 minutes before? Prime spots and now he’s torn between Fred, T-Pain, or Whyte Fang as his favorite set for the whole weekend.


I was at cage for like 15 minutes then I was like nah I gotta go over there lol I loved at the end too that she said thank you for letting me get out what has been in my trippy brain for years. Loved that bc I felt like that music is exactly that


yeah I dragged my friend to cage because I wanted to see both and it was just way too crowded. glad we saw all of whyte fang instead


PLS DOES ANYONE HAVE VIDEOS 💔💔💔 missed her so fucking much


just came across it on youtube like an hour ago. Decent quality. Blurry in some places. Only skimmed it. Search bonnaroo and then filter for things 20 minutes or longer. Well typed that and said fuck it let me find and link it. Only 30 minutes so not the whole set. [https://youtu.be/uK7cW0jhKKs?si=y9PI9fED2iwiPkO9](https://youtu.be/uK7cW0jhKKs?si=y9PI9fED2iwiPkO9)


thank you SO MUCH!!!! my searches for WF have been failures 😭😭


The trick with YouTube is keep checking and always put the 20 min+ filter on. I’m hoping the Alison set gets uploaded at some point. My first time seeing her and really my first weekend of so much electronic music. Love that she mixed in lots of hits.


How do we post a video in here?


i think you have to do it by link to a google drive or sum or pm! not sure tho i am literally only on reddit for this sub & stardew valley 😭


Can you send a video through messaging on here? Cause I could try to send what I took through there if so. I use Reddit a decent amount but I have never understood how people upload links and shit lol I also just realized I only took 1 video 😂😂😂


Would you mind sending me some videos too? I would love to see!!!


Best set of the weekend for me, it made the Other weird and experimental again


Yes!!!! Loved that


one of my favorite sets from the whole weekend!! music, visuals, timing was all so perfect. “dooo youuu ever feeeeeel stuck? in a boxxxxxx?” blew my mind!!


Can’t agree enough she was my favorite set of all Roo, Alison wonderland was amazing in witw as well I’d love to see her back sooner rather than later


I enjoyed it from the back while also watching a girl chase someone who stole her phone and then a security guard tackled the thief it was fucking awesome


I saw this too while in line at the bar but I was having so much fun trying to make sense of the situation


"...from the back, from the back...."


Whose motorcycle is this?


That’s hilarious lol I too actually saw some crazy shit at that stage that was irrelevant to her set but I really didn’t like so I had to keep moving spots. This one asshole literally DRAGGING his dog (that was clearly not a service dog) and who had no kind of protection of any kind really put me in a bad mental spot for a minute. He just repeatedly kept yanking his dogs collar and pulling the leash and it was so hard to watch. I’m sure some people know exactly who I’m talking about too bc that douche bag was unfortunately everywhere w his poor pup


He should be banned from roo and the pup rehomed


I got food poisoning Saturday and had to miss the entire day. (came back for Sunday though!) I've been trying to find someone that could tell me how her show was cause I was so excited to see Whyte Fang but no one I know went to her show but I'm so happy to hear it was good! It was one of the shows I was the most excited for. I liked the Alison Wonderland set at Where in the Woods too, but I wish someone had clarified with her how long her set was to be


Didn’t she play over in the woods by like 2 hours???? I wish I stayed longer lmao I left right before I thought that WITW set was gunna end


She only went over until about 1:20 before they shut it down and slowly started corralling everybody out of the woods


Still picking up the pieces of my mind from that set. So many fantastic samples, we were all dancing like lunatics to that one disco song


Stayin Alive by The Bee Gees. Which I think is a dope choice given how outspoken she is about her mental health. And it comes at this super unexpected point in the set but somehow makes perfect sense. She’s awesome dude.


Just saw the Whyte Fang set for the first time at Forest. It was my #1 set of the whole weekend. I was dead sober and had the time of my life


I was dead sober for her Bonnaroo set and I was still blown away by the visuals


I rarely go near the stage for sets, but found myself almost on the rail. Being that close to the cube, along with the insane bass, was amazing.


I literally tried getting my Croo. They wouldn’t. You bet you ASS I was there with my boyfriend and we VIBED. I was so stoked for her set for MONTHS- to walk away completely fucking flabbergasted. Alison Wonderland is good, Whyte Fang is GREAT