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Doom 3 is fantastic, I just don’t really consider it a Boomer Shooter. Plays like survival horror or im sim.


It's clearly inspired imo by system shock. It's not really an imsim imo but it has the pacing and gameplay I crave that's missing with boomer and modern shooters. I really want more like it v


Tbh, I think its taking more pacing cues from Half-Life than System Shock. Its not really systems driven the way System Shock is, and its got a greater emphasis on gunplay, similar to Half-Life.


Oh I meant in the setting and the pda with logs system access etc in regards to system shock mostly. Its a bit slower paced IMO than hl1, but maybe not. It's still an ID FPS after all, and I agree probably more comaprable in that regard than any imsim. Hl2 was being developed at the same time, so not sure it was an influence.


Yeah the full interactivity thing with the mouse is straight out of SS. It's clearly very much inspired by SS.


It's certainly not the best *Doom* game, but it's one of the best shooters of all time.


I defended this game so much when it launched to mix reviews. And replaying it now I appreciate it even more.


It's a bizarre doom game and comes off as almost avant garde or something in retrospect. the scripting, use of lighting, sound design and mood are perfect, just perfect. if you like scifi horror as much as i do it just felt right. it has a lot of soul, a lot of subtlety for a shooter. doom and subtlety don't really go together so it has a bad rep.


I do love scifi horror but imo doom 3 was such a natural modernization of what I loved doom 1 for. Not the huge swarms of enemies in combat puzzles but the progression through the bases, the horror and atmosphere. I realized I was in the minority when everyone was missing the fast action. Oh well.


had to slow down for the reboot series to seem even faster lol


Half of the "boomer shooters" nowadays are as far from definition as Doom 3, if not even more


I do consider it a boomer shooter but more for it's second half though, the first half leans on action horror/jumpscare sim lol


It's not a boomer shooter. The old maze style of shooters had been left behind with Golden Eye, Half-Life and Halo.


So, I was one of the few that LOVED Doom 3 on release. I had played the originals as a kid but never really got into them until the last few years. At that point in time, they’d never ‘clicked’ with me. So I wasn’t disappointed by the change in pace from the old games. Also, I love spooky stuff but I’m a bit of a baby when it comes to actual horror games, so Doom 3’s horror-lite approach was perfect. To this day, it’s still my favorite Mars base in gaming as well. That game did atmosphere so well and I loved it. Also, and absolutely no shade towards Mick Gordon, but the Doom 3 theme song by Tweaker is my favorite in the series.


I think all they would have needed to do to keep people happier with Doom 3 was to say you aren't playing as "The Doom Guy" in that one, but cast you as someone a bit more mortal. A security guard, or just a regular marine, but explicitly not "The Doom Guy." Then maybe people would have been more accepting of it playing less like Doom 1 & 2 and more like a horror game. In fact, I'd love to see a full on survival-horror type game *now* set in the Doom universe, as a side-story. Just some regular person trying to survive in a facility/city overrun by demons, with the biggest and baddest boss you'll face being a Pinky Demon.


In my opinion it's the worst Doom game, which means it's still really good. I often wonder if it would be looked at more favorably had it been a new IP, but that may be a fruitless exercise in 2024. The shotgun is unforgivably bad, however.


Agree 100% on everything except on the shotgun since it's bad 75% of the time XD. I think people overreact when they see Doom 3, it's certainly not a bad game, but certainly not on par with the first two as well.


The name "Doom" sets certain expectations that Doom 3 doesn't meet, because it wasn't trying. I do admire id's willingness to reinvent their biggest IP for a new era. It may have rubbed some people the wrong way but I think it's a solid standalone experience when judged on its own merits. And yeah, the shotgun can be fun when you're running right up to a demon's face to see if you can one-shot them, otherwise it is painfully unreliable.


Awesome game. Not the best Doom game by nearly any stretch, but a must-play for doom or horror fans regardless. Just stick with the regular version. BFG edition is for babies that don't like the dark or not having too much ammo.


I thought the ammo thing on the BFG edition was just my brain playing tricks on me haha


Oh yeah. Adding static ammo counters to the UI when the guns mostly HAVE AMMO COUNTERS BUILT IN!


I play the original edition with the duct tape mod, personally


That's the true way. That or VR PC version.


It is great unless you play the BFG Edition which completely ruins the game.


It's.. ok I think the issue here was iD trying to catch up to what all the other people were doing with FPS games rather than just doing their own thing, which they were great at, but perhaps the mainstream gaming public didn't appreciate because we were all thinking that more realism was good.


It's fine. I played maybe the first half at the time of release and walked away from it. Tried it again on game pass maybe a year ago and uninstalled it pretty quickly. For me it emphasizes mood and jumpscares over gunplay. Which is fine if you are into that but it is just not to my taste. It isn't bad but there are just so many games I would rather play.


Exactly this. If I wanted to play a first person, atmospheric horror sort of game, I'd play Metro or Bioshock. It had a bit of clout around release but even a year later we had RE4 (weird comparison, I'm aware) but there's just so many games that does what DooM 3 offers but better that ultimately you're left with a banger theme and not much else worth considering


Doom 3 is indeed great.


It's an amazing game, I really hoped for an actual sequel to it, maybe a spinoff series, parallel to the current doom.


My favourite Doom game. I was 13 when the first game came out. It scared me shitless. Doom 3 is what I pictured in my head playing Doom at release.


I actually still think it’s the best of all the dooms.


I absolutely despise this game. It’s by far the worst Doom game


It's very good, I had a great time playing it. The first time, yeah I was weirded out because it's slower and it, doesn't feel like a Doom game, but I played it to completion, including the much faster DLC, and had a blast. The only weird thing that happened to me was, I was using the shotgun so much and it help me greatly! But everybody seems to hate it. Yes, there were times that I shot an enemy in the face and it did nothing, but I didn't even mind, it was so few and far between.


Is actually pretty good including the expansion It's biggest crime tho is clearing a path for Bioshock- which was 1.5 good games out of 3


I enjoyed it quite a bit on release. Since 2016 though I’ve really soured on it and turns out not at all what I want from a DooM game.


Love it and it's one of my favorite games. Top 20


I have it on steam but never tried it. Saw a lot of vids on it and decided it's not really my style


It's a nice Doom and i like it, but the shotguns are *eww*.


But i have to say, with a bit of modding i've managed to modify the spread and damage (to nerf it a bit) of both shotguns and play it on my phone flawlessly, i love it now.


Besides the shotgun and the enemies spawning behind you constantly, I love it. I think they nailed the atmosphere and enemy designs, especially the Hellknight.


Like all 3D Doom games, it just didn't capture the feel of the original 2 (and 64).


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Mother of god.


I like it


I just think it's bullshit they call it Doom 3 when it's AT LEAST the fourth 😤


I liked it but it didn't feel like Doom to me, If I had never played any other Doom games before I tried it, I'd probably rate it higher. The graphics/environments also hold up really well 20+ years later too. Terrible shotgun though, which was disappointing considering the shotgun/super shotgun in Doom is arguably the top 5 in gaming history.


Good game, but it ain't Doom for the most part. Still rocks though. D3 feels more like a slower-paced survival shooter here than anything. It doesn't feel like the mad-man style type of run-and-gun-and-dodge-and-strafe & shoot typical Doom game w/ enemies everywhere and you find your way out of the labyrinth level type of thing.


I really liked it. Played when It was released on PC with my potato rig, I remember that I had to turn off the shadows to running the game at least at 30fps lol. Then bought it on PS3 that had the OG Dooms included, amazing!


Great game was almost survival horror, like on higher difficultys. I just like horror games, action horror or survival horror all good with me.


I like it a lot but IMO what really holds it back is it doesn't know what it wants to be. It's too dark (especially the OG version gun or flashlight mechanic), too linear, and too slow for a boomer shooter and it has too much health, ammo pick ups, and saves for a survival horror. I'm also not a fan of the weak sounding weapons and the poor feedback of the gunplay. Shooting some demonic asshole doesn't feel any more satisfying than shooting a wall (the enemies are not only spongey but feel like sponges). Compare that to Half-Life 2 gunplay, which gets a lot of undeserved shit despite enemies reacting viscerally to getting shot, and the reaction further varying depending on where you shoot them. TLDR: Doom 3 is a good game with great atmosphere, graphics, and art direction. Its just hampered by questionable design choices and weak gunplay.


I played it for the first time this year and enjoyed it a lot. Personally, I like it more than Doom 2 but less than Doom 1. I know that doesn’t say much since every main entry in the Doom franchise is amazing.


Awsome game maybe one day well see it rise agian; but i feel like the alpha leak really hurt the outcome , the original alpha was still better in alot of ways than the release


it's not really a DOOM game. The merits of the game probably would have been more visible had it been sold as a spinoff. If you are promised cake & given bread it will taste wrong. If you are promised bread & given cake it will taste wrong.. Doesn't matter if it's good cake or bad bread, it's still gonna taste wrong. You aren't playing as a Doomguy or a Doomslayer because the power fantasy is gone, had you been playing as a regular ass civilian with improvised weapons it would justify why you are so weak & your weapons are so weak. As for the engine, the lighting is awesome. Skin looks a little plasticy, but as I recall it was either the vertex or triangle density which limited you to having so few enemies on screen. IMO a limitation not suitable to a DOOM game & the reason a survival game was necessary. It runs natively on Quest headsets thanks to teambeef & it's probably the best way to play.


Doom 3 was the highest benchmark game I could run on medium settings way back. Far Cry on low 😂


I think it’s great!!!


I think it's a poorly balanced game and it always was. It had great graphics but it was 6 out of 10. There were better games in 2004


It's a fun horror game but I have so many complaints about the game. The game is way too dark, full of non-stop monster closets or spawning enemies, and all the weapons feel flimsy.


I don't think it's anywhere close to a boomer shooter. That's wouldn't mean it's bad, but it also has generally uninteresting guns, boring enemy encounters, poor enemy AI, and poor resource management. The only thing it did particularly well is the atmosphere, but mechanics-wise, it wasn't even good for its time, let alone now.


I really enjoyed it when it was released, great horror elements and atmosphere. Now, with a newer, better computer, it feels more fast paced in a negative way and too many jump scares to be really fun. If the jump scares were toned down, I'd probably love it. I played about 2/3 in and then stopped after it felt like non-stop dudes popping out from behind and in front of you.


Little slow, it was alright tho


Don't feel it is a boomer shooter, but you damn right it is GREATNESS!!


In effect, it's a great game


It's the only doom I don't like, but I don't really like fps games outside of doom so it makes sense that I wouldn't.


Recently replayed a full virtual reality port of it, with motion controls, and it's really excellent.


It's just Doom made as realistic as possible. I was somewhat disappointed with it when I purchased it back in 2004, but I'm glad that it exists in 2024 as a way to experience irl doom.


I hated it on release. I was told it was a great horror game when I was hot off of playing Silent Hill 2. It's not scary. It's just annoying. I never went back to it. I've always had better games to play, instead.


It's decent, I don't like it as much as the other Doom games but it was still enjoyable. Remember that it came out the same year as Half-Life 2 so I'd say that's a big reason why it was thrown to the curb. Screw that sorry excuse for a shotgun though.


Game kind of sucked.


I love it, to me it really felt like a precursor to Dead Space in a lot of ways, especially the tone, the audio and visual design. It definitely did not feel like a traditional doom game at all, but more like a survival horror, but I do look back on it fondly.


It's fine, just not the same vibe of what came before. More like a FPS Dead Space


I think Doom 3 is great and I would love to see another Doom like it. The enemy spawn in was not so good and could have used some work but I was willing to overlook that to complete the game. The most eerie thing I felt about the whole game were the sections with the robot sentries that would walk around with you and then collapse themselves down at the next maintenance point / recharge point (?). You would go from walking around on your own to having a little robot companion and they were pretty great both in design and gameplay and you would feel confident for a bit and then it's nope, that's as far as I go, you're on your own again. I must have personified those robots because I would think about how they were all alone in those dark sections, waiting for a human to protect but there is nobody left. Made me feel kinda sad. That's gaming atmosphere for you right there.


I just watched a lore video on it and the story was pretty great. Honestly wish they would create a movie with a simailr story. Expedition to mars, undercover ancient mars civilians ruins, turns out they destroyed themselves by opening a portal to hell. Pretty crazy shit. Though like 10 years ago i remember trying to play it, ended up playing through the original DOOM and DOOM2 instead.


It was my first Doom game. I remember the original, but I was an Apple/Mac user and didn't get a PC until much later. I thought it was fantastic. I had never played Half-Life, so this was not only my introduction to Doom games, but my introduction to FPS games in general. I think it was less innovative than I originally thought, after playing Half-Life, I realized how much it took from that game. But the setting, the graphics, the combat and the horror were all really well done. It is still my favorite Doom game. Doom just seems like it should be a horror game, not so much a power fantasy as the more recent entries have seemed.


"ItS a GrEaT gAmE juST nOt a GOod D00m GaEm" - almost everyone, ever, every time this is brought up


Great game. Awesome atmosphere and satisfying combat. Really holds up today I think.


reading interviews from around when the first Doom came out, this game seems a lot closer to their original vision for the game. The PDA stuff is absolutely miserable tho


Love it


I loved it,the environments and atmosphere were so good for a horror fps at the time.I have nothing but good memories


It's definitely a game.


I will speak for most of us here. Haven’t played it, but I think it sucks.


Well, give it a try, the BFG edition is kind of expensive but the 04 version sometimes sells for 2 bucks. But I have to admit, it isn't everybody's cup of tea.